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Pet Info: Kori Irok a Gidget

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Pet Info: Kori Irok a Gidget

Kori Irok
Pet Info
Owner: SeaCrest
Name: Kori Irok
System ID: 101526
Agency ID: None
Gender: O
Age: Adult
Breed: Gidget
Species: Gidget
Generation: Bred
Agency: Gidgets
Inbreeding: 41.4413 %
Date Added: Mar. 21, 2010
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Agency Info F
Description Kindly given by Goddess, custom offspring. Limited line.
Kori is a beautiful Gidget, with vibrant markings. However, she battles a disease that has crippled her, and she is prevented from being as active as she wishes she could be. She is meditative, and enjoys greatly helping others who are less privileged.
In tribute to Kori Brown, a 10-year old who battles her own blood disease as well as fighting for a cure for leukemia.

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