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[Elenaria] Let's Sing Together~

Started by Elenaria, February 01, 2014, 04:43:29 PM

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[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 8, 4, total 12[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 9, 7, total 16[/blockquote]


My Favorite Things

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 20, 17, total 37[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 14, 19, total 33[/blockquote]


My Favorite Things

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 8, 2, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 23, 19, total 42[/blockquote]


My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 2, 8, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 21, 8, total 29[/blockquote]


My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 22, 13, total 35[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 15, 12, total 27[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 19, 1, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 14, 24, total 38[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 16, 4, total 20[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 4, 16, total 20[/blockquote]


My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 10, 6, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 11, 7, total 18[/blockquote]
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Sarah Badr

My Favourite Things

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 14, 14, total 28[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 14, 12, total 26[/blockquote]


Dawn, you should win just for that roll. I don't know how it could get better than that on the irony levels.

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 23, 6, total 29[/blockquote][blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 11, 2, total 13[/blockquote]
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Undecided Now

Saevia stands at the edge of the orchard with a small frown tugging at her lips.  She glances around and gives a small, hesitant smile.  "I think someone is hiding out in the trees," she says, gesturing towards the orchard.  "Do you think you might be able to take a look?"  She smiles again.  "Oh, but let's not chance getting lost!  We'll only send one person in at a time.  Please make sure you come back within an hour so we can guarantee you're not lost, too!"

What can this be? It's like a pick a door, but, not everyone can go all at once!!! =-0  We've numbered the trees you can search behind.  You may only choose one tree.  Only one person may choose during each Secundi hour.  =-0 There are ten trees to choose from.

To enter, please verify that no one has yet posted in that hour!  If it's clear, post the following form!

[color=orange][b]Undecided Now[/b]
Tree [Insert the number!][/color]


  • Lectral
  • Cutiee
  • Dawnstar
  • toffeeca
  • Kadana
  • Ember
  • YLO
  • BKC
  • Sunchaser
  • Wildfilly
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers



Another excuse for me to stay up way later than I wanted.. XD


Undecided Now
Tree 10!

My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 1, 3, total 4[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 6, 6, total 12[/blockquote]


This is a nice new spin on the typical event! I'd wait for the next one, but I think I've about hit my limit for staying up. Just passed 0200 here.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



My Favourite Things

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 22, 2, total 24[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 6, 7, total 13[/blockquote]



Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Undecided Now
Tree 7!

My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 9, 16, total 25[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 18, 1, total 19[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 12, 9, total 21[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 8, 4, total 12[/blockquote]




[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 19, 7, total 26[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 25, 7, total 32[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 16, 7, total 23[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 4, 19, total 23[/blockquote]



Undecided Now
Tree 4!

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 22, 20, total 42[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 17, 6, total 23[/blockquote]




My Favorite Things
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 9, 15, total 24[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 16, 3, total 19[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 4, 16, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 3, 7, total 10[/blockquote]

Panda Shrimps

[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 9, 25, total 34[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 2d25 : 5, 15, total 20[/blockquote]


Panda Shrimps

I just screamed SO LOUD. Eeeeeeee!!! I cannot believe I got it :D :D
(This is YLO hiding in Panda Shrimps account, in case that wasn't obvious :P)


Grats YLO XD



This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d25 : 25, 8, total 33
This dice roll has been tampered with!
Rolled 2d25 : 13, 9, total 22

edit: once again, didn't scroll far enough LOL
congrats YLO!


Congrats YLO!  What a stubborn Elenaria that was. ^^


Quote from: toffeeca on February 14, 2014, 09:09:53 AM

Undecided Now
Tree 4!

Didn't I get the 4th tree during the 9 o'clock hour?


Congrats YLO!  I shall be stalking you...Just so you know.  xD

Sorry, didn't notice you and Sunny posted the same tree at the same time.  :p


I didn't look behind any other trees, Sunny beat me to number 9. Unless we are only allowed to try for a single tree?


Nope, i just missed it, even after checking three times. xD;;;  i think i need to eat something. <3  You're good, toffeeca!
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Undecided Now


There's definitely movement flitting around out there, a hint of white, a glance of a creamy toned leg.  As each person searches, there's signs that something has passed by, but is that from whoever Saevia saw or just proof that a number of Elenaria live here?

It's Lectral who finds her, a Demon mare trying to sneak some apples.  Caught, she drops her head and guiltily follows Lectral back to Saevia.  The elven woman simply laughs, gives her an apple, and sends them on their way.  Now that she's back, Puzzlebox grabs LEctral's sleeve and happily tugs her back towards the festivities!
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers



Congrats Lectral!  And congrats YLO!


Who Dat Girl

Along the lake front, a rush of bodies shimmer in the cool evening area.  There's every color conceivable there, in the form of mares dancing and playing together.  But their ears are tilted towards the festivities, towards the stallions seen at the cottage.  These wild mares seem to have their eye caught on the domesticated studs!  Still, there's enough competition among the mares, that it seems as though they are fighting each other as much as trying to entice a stallion nearby.  Perhaps one of the adopted studs can sneak one of the mares away before the others notice!

This is a breeding event! =-0  Enter one Elenaria stallion, either your own (or someone else's, with permission), and that stallion will sing a duet with a wild mare.  The person who enters the stallion will win the foal. 

  • You may only enter one Elenaria stallion into this event.
  • Entered Elenaria may be of any breed.
  • Entered Elenaria must be old enough to breed. [1 month old by the contest closing date]
  • Elenaria must not have won any other OOS breeding event.
  • Fantasy status stallions may not be entered.
  • Any color type may be entered, but there is no guarantee of that color passing. [So fantasy colors may not pass.]
  • Only one song will be sung.
  • Only one foal will occur for this event.
  • Elenaria must be named to be eligible.
  • Borrowed Elenaria must have their owner's permission posted before the end date.
  • This event will end February 21st at 2000 [8pm], Secundi time.

To enter, post the following form!

[color=plum]Who Dat Girl[/color]
[b]Name:[/b] [Name of Elenaria]
[b]URL:[/b] [URL of Elenaria]
[b]Owner:[/b] [Owner's Name]
[b]Tactics:[/b] [How will your stud entice the mare away? PG only, please!]

If you grant permission to someone else, please just post so in thread. [Please note, i prefer specific permissions, rather than blanket, if at all possible. ^^;;]

Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Who Dat Girl
Name: Fonz
Owner: Country
Tactics: Despite his tough exterior, he is quite the Casanova. He knows how to wine and dine his lady friends. He loves to take them on long walks through the woods and along the beaches, he knows where the lushest clover patches are and the sweetest apples hide. According to him they are at the very top of the tallest apple trees, which he reaches with the greatest of ease with his massive scarlet wings.

He is musically inclined as well, taping out wonderful rhythms on fallen logs and the ground. He can convince any mare to move to the beat. He is definitely a catch for any mare around!

Kadana Sorano

Who Dat Girl
Name: Borealis
Owner: Kadana Sorano
Tactics: He'll sidle over, sticking to the perefery of the tree's, dancing in and out of them to let the sun glint off of his pearlescent wings, flutter them teasingly at her, then dart back into the cover of the forest.  Dancing in and out of the tree's, his glistening hooves kicking up in the air as if to say "come dance with me, it'll be fun!".  he'll continue to dart in and out of the forest teasing her playfully, concentrating all of his attentions on her, never once letting his gaze stray to another.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Who Dat Girl
Name: Nimilir
Owner: SkySong
Tactics: Why, be his normal charming self! (Read: stand there awkwardly in the shadow of the trees with the occasional nervous prance or sidestep.) Perhaps one of the mares will take pity on the stallion and break the ice for him. It appears the colorful coat is mostly just for show until the Demon gets over his apparent shyness.

(I found the PG only warning really funny for some reason. While it would be hilarious if someone gave reason for this warning, I have the impression that that particular warning isn't quite necessary for this community.)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Who Dat Girl
Name: Cloudy Night
Owner: Sera
Tactics: Being the mysterious stallion that he is, Cloudy Night is likely to stand off to the side until a very special mare catches his attention. Once he's picked his companion of the evening, he'll quietly approach her and introduce himself, drawing her out of the crowd of other mares to talk. He's sure to entice her away to a spot few others would notice - quiet, empty save the two of them, and peaceful in that beautiful sort of way. He's a gentleman, though certainly vague with talk of himself. All the more mystery to encourage the mare to pick him out of curiosity!

Thanks Sera! <3