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Little Hooves Agency fun

Started by Little Hooves, January 06, 2014, 08:11:16 PM

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Little Hooves

Hey everyone, its been awhile since I've run a thread, but hopefully it will be fun.

I haven't really been around since I started teaching. So I will only be able to really check on the thread later in the day during the week. But I'm open to any games people list, frankens, etc. I have a few premades colored so I have some to give away and I'm up for coloring.

Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black

Little Hooves



This lady is rather plain, but she loves colorful cats.
Bribe: post pics of cats or adoptables and then I will randomize the names.
Ending time: 1/10/14

Roll 1d50 and match my number [blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 36, total 36[/blockquote]
Ending Time: whenever my number is matched

Lady in the Clouds

This little lady always has her head up in the clouds, can anyone get her attention?
Ending time: 1/10/14

Name Me

This girl wants a name, not just any name a special name.
Best name gets her.
Ending time: 1/10/14

Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black

Little Hooves

First I will start with 5 and then go from there
1. toffeeca- semi
2. Bunraku- full custom

Click on the link for the forms.

Prices: after I finish just pay what you think is fair.

Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black

Little Hooves

Just in case one of the others want to play.
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black

Little Hooves

Hi guys! Holly here :) I'm really sorry for disappearing again D: My new year's resolution is to work on my time management, and that includes making time for these guys, so hopefully events will be a more regular thing <3

One thing I want to say is that importing sucks. It doesn't take that much time to edit out the cert and trim the images, but uploading them, especially since you have to look up system IDs for adults, just makes me want to cry T___T All I have left are the foals from breeding season, but there are 83 that all need parents added so I'll be working through them rather slowly >__>

In addition, I have a to-do list that still needs to be done!
-YLO premade
-four corner prizes (Wild - semi custom; SPO - full custom)
-photo raffle prizes
-Country/YLO - Foal 1/Adult 1/Foal 2/Adult 2 - need you guys to decide who you want :)

So once I finish all of this, which will hopefully be before the thread ends, I'll set up a small event of my own~
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Oooh, this is exciting!  I haven't managed to be around for any Little Hooves events, and I'm eager to see what happens in this one.  :)


Welcome back Hiyoko! It has definitely been a while since I've seen you around. ^^ *snugs*

Little Hooves

hope you guys have fun with hiyoko's events :D i edited in a little update about my owed stuff, but importing is a bigger priority to me since those darned foals have been in limbo for so long >__>

*runs back into the shadows of PS*
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Holly if ou need any help, please let me know. ^^ I work rather fast with importing, and its generally relaxing for me, so I'm more than willing to help out if need be


Ooh! This is exciting. :) Pay what you think is fair things make me anxious though so does anyone have a base line-ish?


Do you need a form for my Four Corners custom still?

Importing...was not my favorite part of becoming an agency. But! I didn't have near as many Patchies and you do LH so more power to you lovey. Sending you lots of ambition!

Little Hooves

No real base line really, I haven't colored since the other day so I'm a little Not to mention I'm not as good as a colorist as the

Also, there are some games up. Anyone around to play a franken?

Hi Wildfilly! ;D
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


I hope its ok to grab a slot now? I need my first Little Hooves

~Semi- Custom~
Name: Felicity
Gender: Female
Owner: toffeeca
Body colour: Blood bay
Mane/Tail colour: Black
Eye colour: Brown
Tack colour (If any): None
Saddlepad colour: None
1 marking: Tobiano
Colorist: hiyoko


Colorful kitty!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]

Hey you! Take a look at this! :D

When I am distracted cute boys usually bring my head back to earth. So its a cute stallion! :D
And a sexy Wolverinefor luck. ;D

I would name the last girl Marbles. Cause she is covered in spots!

Little Hooves

Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Lady in the clouds

Rosedawn approaches singing softly and holding out a nice sugar cube.
There is a castle on a cloud,
I like to go there in my sleep,
Aren't any floors for me to sweep,
Not in my castle on a cloud.

There is a lady all in white,
Holds me and sings a lullaby,
She's nice to see and she's soft to touch,
She says "Cosette, I love you very much."

I know a place where no one's lost,
I know a place where no one cries,
Crying at all is not allowed,
Not in my castle on a cloud.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 27, total 27[/blockquote]


Oh also. All that muscle is real. Just thought I should point that out. ;D


~Full Custom~
Name: Honor
Gender: Male
Owner: Bunraku
Body colour: Black
Mane/Tail colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Tack colour (If any): Black
Saddlepad colour: Midnight blue
Body pattern:
Leg markings: Stockings
Face Markings: Blad face
Other info/Image:  Can you make him look as close to this as possible?


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 40, total 40[/blockquote]

And if it is agreeable with YLO, I'd like to have the first foal...


I like the Rose wrote a really sweet poem to catch her eye and I used man meat. XD

Or Rose sand Castle on a Cloud. Same thing. >>


Rose, I love that song so, so much, honestly. It always brings me to tears.


I got the new Les Mis movie for Christmas and watched it with my mom after I got my tonsils out. That little lady has real talent.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 47, total 47[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]

Castle on a Cloud was the first song I ever sang in regional music competitions, and I won first place.  I was 11, and I was thrilled!  xD


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 28, total 28[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 47, total 47[/blockquote]


Colourful kitty:

[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 45, total 45[/blockquote]

Well, since she's already in the clouds, might as well get her attention there! :P

And for the need-to-be-named:
I would name her Medeina after the Lithuanian goddess of forests, trees, and animals because her colouring makes me think of nature.

Little Hooves

If you have rolled already, you can roll again for a chance to win the male.

Anyone around for pick a door?

1. skysnolimit
2. Wildfilly94- Paid
3. DawnStar7
4. Rosedawn
5. PonyMama- paid
6. Ember- paid
7. SPO-paid
8. Saturnalia- paid
9. Country- paid
10. Bunraku- paid

The price for a door is 5k and every door is a winner. One door per person and the doors will be revealed when all have been picked.
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


7 please!

Where do we send the 5k? :3

Little Hooves

To this account and label it as door #what you picked.
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black



[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]

Door 6 please? :)


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]



[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 33, total 33[/blockquote]




[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 43, total 43[/blockquote]


Holly--GREAT work importing!  Small wonder you've been MIA :3  I love seeing all my Little Hooves all happy together <3 <3 <3

Door 1, please!


Door 3 please!  This is so exciting!



[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]


Door 4!!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 28, total 28[/blockquote]


*By the way thanks for the comments on Castle on a Cloud. I LOVE Les Mis and thought a girl in the clouds MUST want a Castle.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 35, total 35[/blockquote]

Little Hooves

Here are the prizes. i will put the items in your inventory in the morning and post pre mades. feel free to post customs anytime.

1 marking potion
2 premade
3 marking potion
4 semi custom
5 fantasy potion
6 semi custom
7 pre made
8 fantasy potion
9 fantasy potion
10 marking potion
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Name: Big Red
Gender: Male
Owner: Ember
Body colour: Chestnut (reddish end of the spectrum?)
Mane/Tail colour: Black
Eye colour: Blue
Tack colour (If any): None
Saddlepad colour: N/A
1 marking: Dun
Colorist: Hiyoko?

Little Hooves

I need payment from skysnolimit, DawnStar7 and Rosedawn for their doors. Sorry for not being around too much yesterday, but there was drama and too much going on.

Since no one has rolled 36 for the LH, you can try every 2 hours.

I'm going to put items in the inventories of those I have the sg from.



Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


[blockquote]Rolled 1d50 : 25, total 25[/blockquote]