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{Patchwork} We're Alive and Thankful For It! WINNERS POSTED!

Started by SPO, November 07, 2013, 01:14:45 PM

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Where We Came From
By Rosedawn
There once lived a toy maker and his daughter, on the outskirts of a very small little town. The children loved visiting the toy maker because every toy that he made he made especially for that person. He always said that the most worthwhile thing to build was something that brought countless hours of joy. I remember my father telling me so when I was very small. I watched in awe of him as he stitched together this small little stuffed mouse, just for me, and placed it in my waiting arms. "And this one is special made for you, Little Mouse," he laughed, and the whole room rattled and laughed along with him, "And so long as you take good care of it, it will take good care of you."

But as time passed things changed. Instead of buying the special handmade pieces from the toymaker, children wanted the shiny new toys from the city. Everyone wanted to leave the small village behind, with its small old ways and go off on grand adventures far away. We left behind such things like stuffed animals and wooden swords and skipped towards the glow of the city like moths to a flame. Slowly but surely the little toy shop became little more than a memory, even to me. When I spoke with my father he would tell me how much he missed the laughter.

My father grew gravely ill shortly after that, and I rushed home to be by his side. He told me he had something very special waiting for me in the toy shop.

The place was covered in dust and grime from years of neglect. Buttons and ribbons and stuffing lay strewn on every table. I had no idea what he wanted me to find until I saw it, sitting on his favorite stool, my own little mouse. He'd patched the holes and cleaned the cloth from years and years of love and play, and even stitched up the place where one of my classmates had ripped it open, but he'd left the needle hanging. I picked up my old friend, feeling myself smile for the first time in days. Beneath was a little note, Take care of it, Little Mouse, and it will take care of you.

There was a single stitch left to tie off. Quickly I sewed up my old friend, tying the last knot and cutting it free. "Now you take care of the shop my little meece, while I go take care of Papa."

The next morning I returned to the shop, determined to clean it up to be sold in order to pay for my papa's medicine. When I entered the sounds of something scurrying caught my attention and I hurried to find the source. Following the sound to the work table, what I saw I could scarcely believe. My little meece (for how could I mistake it?) was actually MOVING. It was scurrying around, cleaning the shop!

When it saw me tiny squeaks and chittering erupted from inside. It rushed over, bouncing around until I picked it up. In its hands was a needle. It left that in my palm and hopped down to a pile of fabric and thread and buttons, cheeping all the while. "Do you want me to make you a friend?"

We have dozens now, and every time I tie that last knot they turn their heads and look at me with such love. A love I know I have to share. It's exactly what my father wanted.

Meece Front

Meece Side

Snoodle Left

Snoodle Right

Tuttle Sassy

Tuttle Thinker

Giraffle Laying

Giraffle Standing

Lelaphant Standing

Lelaphant Sitting

Owner's Folders


Gah! I'm dying! So busy with school. I have it all planed out so I can graduate early. Meanwhile between classes, some legal trouble, and my extracurriculars I am just going crazy. But we are living and combining Thanksgiving and Halloween into one fantastic event!

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

-Can be traded at any time as long as permissions has been obtained in advance from myself. I reserve the right to say no trading.
-Can be traded or sold for SG, other adoptables, or USD
-Be nice to each other
-Whining will not be tolerated

All events end November 14th at 13:45


All games ended!


All games ended


All games ended


Bunraku's Dracula

Rosedawn's Bacchus

Bun's Tallow

Saturnalia's Wumbles

Wild's Scruffy

Wild's Lillibelle

Saturnalia's Totem

skysnolimits' Candycakes

Rosedawn's Chorus

Rosedawn's Unnamed Ungendered

skysnolimit's Jane

DawnStar7's Unnamed Ungendered

Arty's Unnamed Ungendered



I'm thankful for mental health days and my husband who loves Elephants!!



I am thankful for the fuzzy kitty sitting on me, refusing to let me move, but keeping me all toasty warm!



I am thankful for my dad, who has always been kind to me <3


Helping Others - 5

Hopefully I did that right? :D



I Am Thankful For Flatsales

I am Thankful for my eyes so I can see all the beautiful adoptables you all have created.

codename: Mulberry



Helping Others
I guess #4

He reminds me of Spiderman!

Yum Yum
Pumpkin Cheescake! *stomach growl*

Will work on the costume event later. :)


All the Flatsale Patchies have been claimed. I will be updating entries right now.

Saturn, Rose, and Bun please let me know names for your new Patchies and I will post pick ups. :)

Sleeping Ocean

I liked the name he had on him so I'll keep it! ^^

ETA: This is bunraku


I am getting hungry seeing al these pictures >>


My little Elephant is going to be named Bacchus cause he reminds me of red wine hehe.


SPO: ...I entered Guess the Patchie, as well ;)


You did but you guessed incorrectly so you didn't get an entry! Sorry River!



Helping Others
Swatch 5

Guess the Patchie
PM'd to you!

Yum Yum
Pillsbury Crescent Rolls!  We make them filled with semisweet chocolate chips.  They are so good.  The ones in this picture are stuffed with cinnamon ^.^  Reeeally making me miss home right now.  Too bad I won't be back for Thanksgiving!

A Boysenberry!

Great games, SPO!


Entries updated and flatsale pickups posted! :D


Hey SPO, you skipped my entries.  :(  I posted before skysnolimit.


Sorry about that Dawn. Got them entered on there. :)


My Helping Others entry didn't seem to get added in, alas!

Also, whee! I shall name my snail Wumbles, and it shall be a male. :)




SPO - would it help if I changed my pick to Patch 1, so that there isn't an empty space and then three people for patch 5?  ^^;

If so, then I will do that; if not, then I'll just stick with 5.



He reminds me of a tropical fish.  xD


SPO since there are 3 winners for the candy caper would it be a good idea to go ahead and let art pick which little thief she wishes to take home.




Skys - Nope 5 is fine. I will just see what random chooses.
Rose - I will make an announcement on that when I announce winners.

Winners in just a few minutes.


Winners posted! Please post names and owners and I will post a link to your new Patchie.



Need names and genders for the rest of the winners still!!



Scruffy - male for the rat
Lillibelle - female for the lelephant



Since Arty has not checked back Rose you can pick your Patchie now



Chorus is all yours!! Go ahead and post names for him an everyone else. :)

Skysnolimit you may pick your patchie now!

