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{Garden Noms} Halloween 2013 - Ghost Hunt!

Started by TheLeet, October 14, 2013, 07:53:11 AM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 27, total 27[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 24, total 24[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 30, total 30[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 29, total 29[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


o.0 Am i seeing things, or did i roll a 13? XD

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson



Oooo red ghost! Congrats!!

My fave so far is the blue ghost, but then I am partial to blue. ;)


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Next and last location! This one isn't actually around anymore but we're going there anyway because it was so wonderfully eerie looking :)

The Borley Rectory

Borley Rectory was a Victorian mansion that gained fame as "the most haunted house in England". Built in 1862 to house the rector of Borley Church and his family, it was badly damaged by fire in 1939 and demolished in 1944.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d31 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]




0_0 The last one!!! Omg! Eee my luck is with me today!

Also last night a person on the MLP forum from Canada said they would pick up a rare pony for me that isn't in Maine, so I think I've used up my luck for the week. ^.^


Wow Ryuu, that is very lucky! :o

You get a little green ghostie ^_^

I was thinking about maybe doing a bonus round for one more ghost Nom but have it be you guys posting cool locations rather than dice games. Is it ok if I do that or should I keep them limited to 6 rather than 7? Input please. :)


I like the number 7 :P I'm fine with 7 and the event sounds fun. I already got one and I wouldn't be upset if there's another one out there. Spread the love <3


I think 7 would be awesome! I'd love to see more special Noms out there! ^^


Ok then! I've updated the first post with instructions. The bonus round starts now. ^_^


The Flying Dutchman

QuoteThough it sounds like a name a clipper ship might have, the Flying Dutchman is a colloquial contraction of a Dutch warship, or "man of war" in archaic terms. The story goes, a Dutch East India Company ship rounding the treacherous Cape of Good Hope encountered a severe sudden storm. Rather than head for safe harbor, the captain swore he would maintain his heading until Judgment Day, if necessary. The ship vanished into the storm, never to be seen again... or was it?
Many have claimed to see the Flying Dutchman, including the future King George V of England while aboard a Royal Navy ship off the coast of Australia in 1881. In describing the unexpected apparition, the young prince noted "A strange red light as of a phantom ship all aglow, in the midst of which light the mast, spars and sails of a brig 200 yards distant stood out in strong relief." Seeing the Flying Dutchman is not a good thing: according to sailor's folklore, the appearance of the legendary clipper is an omen of impending doom.


The Winchester Mystery House

QuoteSarah was the heiress to the Winchester Rifle fortune. She originally lived in New Haven and prior to moving to California lost both her only child Annie and then her husband John. Deeply grieving, she turned to a medium for solace and information. The medium told her that her husband was present and that there was a curse on the family which took his life and their daughter's because of the many people who died from the Winchester gun. He then told her that the only way to prevent her own death was to move west and build a house for the spirits. But there was a catch to this plan. Ịf she stopped working on the house, the curse would take her life. So Sarah did exactly that. She left her home in New Haven and headed to California (under ghost guidance) where she bought a large parcel of land and started construction on her Victorian home. While she lived in the ever growing behemoth, she continued her séances to her husband and other spirits. She had a bell tower added and would ring it to summon the spirits at night, and ring it again to dismiss them. It was said that she built a séance room in the middle of the house and would enter it alone to conduct her communications.

The mental stability of Sarah was in question because of the very odd design of the house. Doors were joined to windows, numerous staircases with 13 steps each that often led no where but the ceiling, doors opened to brick walls, double-layered skylights, double-back hallways, doors that dropped off to the landscaping below, upside-down stair posts and so on. Sarah claimed that these oddities were to confuse the bad spirits that had used the Winchester gun to kill. No one ever figured out her fascination with 13; the steps totaling 13, the 13th bathroom having 13 windows, 13 drain holes in the kitchen sink, most windows had 13 panes of glass, there were 13 cupolas in the greenhouse, the walls had 13 panes and the list goes on.


Stull Cemetery

QuoteRumors exist stating that Stull Cemetery is one of the 7 gateways to Hell. While the old church is now demolished, many attempt to sneak in at night for a peek at the unsavory goings-on. But be warned, the police patrol heavily, especially on Halloween and the spring equinox. The place is supposed to be so unholy, in fact, that some claim Pope John Paul II refused to allow his plane to fly over eastern Kansas, on his way to an appearance in Colorado. The validity of this last claim is up for debate, but none can deny that legends or not, Stull Cemetery is a terrifying place to be.
Quote from:


Culcreuch Castle
QuoteSet below the Fintry Hills, Culcreuch now a hotel has the largest colony of bats in the UK living in the roof.  The Chinese Bird Room, within the old part of the castle, has hand-painted Chinese Wallpaper dating from 1723 and is believed to be the only surviving example of this period in Scotland.  Culcreuch is reputed to have several ghosts, among these are the ghostly sounds of Harp Music coming from the Chinese Bird Room and the Lairds Hall.  There is said to be an apparition of a severed animal head which flies around the battlements and the manifestation of a cold grey mass which has height and proportions of a human being.  In 2005 the Ghost Club investigated Culcreuch and it was felt that there is a force, which seems to enjoy upsetting certain electrical items.  On the night of the investigation a number of items of equipment failed at different intervals.
Owner of Gliders!


Aokigahara - Suicide Forest

QuoteLegend has it that in ancient times families would abandon people in the forest during periods of famine when there was not enough food to go around. By sacrificing family members to the forest, there would be less mouths to feed and therefore enough food for the rest of the family. Those abandoned in the forest would die long, horrible, drawn out deaths due to starvation. Because of that, Aokigahara is also said to be haunted by the souls of these abandoned people.

Located at the base of Mt. Fuji, Aokigahara is perhaps the most infamous forest in all of Japan. Also known as the Sea of Trees, Suicide Forest, and Japan's Demon Forest, Aokigahara has been home to over 500 confirmed suicides since the 1950s. Called "the perfect place to die," Aokigahara is the world's second most popular place for suicide (the Golden Gate Bridge being the first).


Going with a classic:

Bran Castle aka: Dracula's Castle

QuoteDracula's Playground can be found in a creepy and remote corner of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania. Bran Castle sits high upon craggy peaks within Transylvania, bringing vampires to mind. But there is no historic proof that Vlad the Impaler resided in Dracula's Castle during his reign of terror. Dracula impaled thousands at a time, sometimes making their agonizing torture go on for months until death would claim his victims. Castle Bran is renowned for its infamous claim to haunted fame. Tourists are welcomed to find out. The little chapel, or grotto, in the bottom right adds an extra creepy element. As requested in Queen Marie's will, after her death, her heart was placed in a gold casket and buried in Balcic, later moved to this grotto by Bran Castle.

Not too sure I can even list enough of the history for this place, there's so darn much. >>;

Inside this castle (things I've personally read about it):

Vlad's wife was killed in the middle of the night, as were his twins, right outside the castle walls was a forest of stakes where he would impale people and dine among the corpses, the innermost tower was where Vlad was imprisoned during his last years.


QuoteAn Historical Place, Rich With History...
Waverly Hills Sanatorium sits on land that was originally purchased by Major Thomas H. Hays in 1883. Major Hays was in need of a school for his daughters to attend, so he started a one room school house that was located on Pages Lane. He hired a woman named Lizzie Lee Harris to teach at the school. Her love for the tiny school in addition to her fondness for Scott's "Waverley Novels", prompted her to name the little school house, "Waverley School." Major Hays liked the name, and chose to name his property "Waverley Hill." The Board of Tuberculosis Hospital kept the name after purchasing the land and opening the Sanatorium.

Originally, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was a two-story frame building, with a hipped roof and half timbering. Construction on this building began in 1908, and opened for business on July 26, 1910. The building was designed to safely accommodate 40-50 tuberculosis patients. At the time, tuberculosis was a very serious disease. People who were afflicted with tuberculosis were isolated from the general public and placed in an area where they could rest, stay calm, and have plenty of fresh air. Sanatoriums were built on high hills surrounded by peaceful woods to create a serene atmosphere to help the patients recover.

Tuberculosis was becoming an epidemic in Valley Station, Pleasure Ridge Park, and other parts of Jefferson County in Kentucky. The little TB clinic was filled with more than 140 people, and it was obvious that a much larger hospital was needed to treat those afflicted with the condition.

The massive, collegiate, gothic style Sanatorium that you see in the 1926 photo (left), remains standing on Waverly Hill, today. It could accommodate at least 400 patients and was considered one of the most modern and well equipped facilities at the time. Construction of this Sanatorium began in March 1924 and opened for business on October 17, 1926. The facility served as a tuberculosis hospital until 1961, when the discovery of an antibiotic that successfully treated and cured TB rendered the facility obsolete. It was closed down and quarantined, then renovated. In 1962, the building reopened as WoodHaven Medical Services, a geriatric facility. WoodHaven Medical was closed by the state in 1980.

Waverly Hills has been popularized on paranormal television as being one of the "most haunted" hospitals in the eastern United States. The sanatorium was featured on ABC/FOX Family Channel's Scariest Places On Earth, VH1's Celebrity Paranormal Project, Syfy's Ghost Hunters, Zone Reality's Creepy, the British show Most Haunted, Paranormal Challenge, and Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel.

An episode of the Sci-Fi Channel television show Ghost Hunters featured the cast's investigation of Waverly Hills, including a local myth about the death of a nurse by murder or suicide in Room 502. Legend says the nurse found out she was pregnant by the owner of the sanatorium without being married and had contracted tuberculosis, so she hanged herself with a light bulb wire outside the room she was in at the time.

Some urban legends claim that 63,000 deaths occurred at the Sanatorium. According to Assistant Medical Director Dr. J. Frank W. Stewart, the highest number of deaths in a single year at Waverly Hills was 152. Stewart wrote that the worst time for deaths was at the end of the Second World War when troops were returning from overseas with very advanced tuberculosis cases. Some independent researchers suggest that since 162 people died at Waverly Hills in 1945, the highest total number of deaths possible over 50 years was approximately 8,212.

This, I don't get from any website, this is something which happened to my brother when he was a security guard up there. He said he and his buddy were doing their patrol, when they heard a noise behind them. They both turned fast, flashed their flashlight, and nothing was there. Another time, he was outside, when he heard an explosion from the rooftop. He looked up and saw two massive dogs jumping from the roof.

On one of those shows I watched once, they talked about the "kid ghost" who likes to play ball. There's so many ghost stories associated with this place.

The place itself.

The "death chute". Originally, it was made to bring supplies from the train below to the hospital, but during the height of the TB epidemic, they used this to slide bodies to the waiting train cars.

The rooftop playground (then and now)

Is this the nurse from 502? Who knows.

Oh man, I could go on and on about this place!


Greyfriars Kirkyard

I went on a ghost tour here when I was in Edinburgh for study abroad. I think it is a good pick for a spooky nom event because:
a) It is home to the Mackenzie Poltergeist, who is rather terrifying
b) It is home to (the ghost of) an adorable and fluffy dog, Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby:

Greyfriar Kirkyard:

(I took the above photos.)

And here's the Wikipedia blurb on Mackenzie:

"Since 1999, when a homeless person broke into Mackenzie's stone coffin for the night, Greyfriars Churchyard has been the epicentre of an escalation of unexplained events linked to the ghost of Mackenzie; known colloquially as the Mackenzie Poltergeist. The Mackenzie Poltergeist has been called the most well-documented paranormal phenomenon in the world. Even before 1999, there had been reports of unusual disturbances in the graveyard. Between 1990 and 2006 there were 350 reported attacks and 170 reports of people collapsing. Visitors reported being cut, bruised, bitten, scratched and most commonly blacking out. Some complained later of bruises, scratches and gouge-marks on their bodies. Most attacks and feelings of unease occurred in MacKenzie's Black Mausoleum and the Covenantors Prison. In 2000, an exorcist, Colin Grant was summoned to the graveyard to perform an exorcism ceremony; he was said to have picked up "evil forces" and claimed that the forces were too overpowering and feared that they could kill him. A few weeks later, he died suddenly of a heart attack. Edinburgh City Council closed off that part of the cemetery until an Edinburgh-based historian and author, Jan Andrew Henderson, persuaded the council to allow controlled visits to that part of the churchyard and in turn this developed into a nocturnal guided tour, which became a local attraction. Greyfriars Churchyard and, in particular, MacKenzie's Poltergeist, have been featured on paranormal TV programmes, including Fox's Scariest Places on Earth, and ITV's Extreme Ghost Stories."

And on Bobby:

"The graveyard is associated with Greyfriars Bobby, the loyal dog who guarded his master's grave. Bobby's headstone at the entrance to the Kirkyard, erected by the Dog Aid Society in 1981, marks his actual burial place in an unconsecrated patch of the Kirkyard - a peculiarity which has led to many misunderstandings and fictions about his burial. The dog's statue is opposite the graveyard's gate, at the junction of George IV Bridge and Candlemaker Row. The grave of Edinburgh police officer John Gray, where the dog famously slept for 13 years, lies on the eastern path, some 30m north of the entrance. The stone is modern, the grave originally being unmarked."

And a photo from the internet that is actually bright:

(note- edited for size correction)


Oops, does anyone know how to resize photos smaller?


I'll be posting after work tonight or tomorrow morning if it's still up! :o I need me a friend for my lonely boy xD


1886 Crescent Hotel

Perhaps the most popular haunted Arkansas destination is the legendary Crescent Hotel, constructed in 1886. The long history of the hotel is represented through the ghosts that still inhabit its halls and walls. Not only do tourists learn about secret underground passages, they also receive a special treat of visiting the basement room that was once the morgue. It still contains an old autopsy table. That room was part of perhaps the strangest chapter in the Crescent's history from 1937-39, when Norman Baker of Iowa bought the hotel and converted it into his third cancer facility, naming it the Baker Hospital of Eureka Springs.

Thus, the only ghost stories told by the guides are those with experiential evidence that have also been checked. The guides have also had numerous experiences of their own within the walls of the historic Crescent Hotel.

Probably the most well-known ghost of the Crescent is Michael, a stonecutter who helped build the hotel. He fell to his death at the location of Room 218, now the most requested room in the hotel. He's said to have been a good-looking man who often got in trouble for flirting with the ladies. The tour guides suspect that he could have been flirting when he fell to his death. Michael is still known for turning his attention and tricks to women guests.

Dr. John Freemont Ellis is another "long-time" guest of the hotel. He was hotel physician during the Victorian Era. Dressed in top hat and fine clothing, he is sometimes seen on the staircase from the second floor to the lobby. It has been reported the smoke from Ellis' tobacco pipe is sometimes smelled near the elevator.

According to reports, late one evening a woman was videotaping her husband sitting in the lobby of the hotel. Replaying the tape, the couple noticed a blur. Slowing it down, frame by frame, the blur turned out to be "a proper Victorian man in a tall top hat" walking through the lobby in front of the couch where the husband was sitting. The ghostly apparition on the tape is presumed to be Dr. Ellis.

Michael and Dr. Ellis are just a few of the Arkansas urban legends to whet the appetite. Some of the others include one of a disappearing pool of blood, the morgue ghost who hangs out by the old autopsy table, two nurses completing their duties, a young girl who visits the hotel's public bathrooms and a couple of guests that took a ghost home with them.

Other stories of strange happenings include those from bartenders who worked at the hotel. What is now the New Moon Spa in the hotel was once a bar. Before that it was the hotel bowling alley. Former bartenders tell stories of glasses and bottles of whiskey rising from shelves and crashing to the floor.

Said to be America's most haunted hotel...definitely one of the most popular places to visit in Arkansas...I want to go, and one day I will, but there is such a long waiting list for that particular room and of course thats the room I want to stay in XD Also a bit pricey on their rooms....which sucks XD


Rose Hall (of course rose must go for Rose Manor!)

You might not think that Jamaica would be the site of an infamous haunted house, but Rose Hall in Montego Bay is exactly that. This huge house is inhabited by the ghost of voodoo priestess's daughter, Annie Palmer, who reportedly causes bloodstains to appear and disappear randomly. She was murdered in her bed after an 11-year reign of death, torture and nymphomania.

Annie murdered three husbands and a succession of slave lovers by poisoning, strangulation and witchcraft, before forcing other slaves to carry bodies through a tunnel to be buried on a beach. According to legend, it is not just the tormented Annie who roams the house, but also ghosts of the slave babies she sacrificed in rituals. Reports have it that her male victims have actually been not only heard but also captured on camera. Not a pleasant place to spend the night.

Annie Palmer is known as the "White Witch of Rose Hall"


Crystal got mine! Winchester Mystery House is my favorite haunted location. I've seen so many interesting photos of the place! Like the stairs that just go up into the ceiling, and the doors that open onto brick walls, plus a shot from a helicopter above the house to show how it looks like 15 different houses all stuck together... so fascinating!

QuoteOops, does anyone know how to resize photos smaller?

Just do this when you're posting the pic, without the stars of course:

[*img width=400]link[/img*]




Sallie House
Atchison, Kansas

By Stephen Wagner, Guide
The Sallie House in Atchison, Kansas quickly earned a national reputation as one of the most haunted places in the U.S. -- almost certainly the most haunted in the state of Kansas. The rather simple-looking painted brick house at 508 N. Second Street, built between 1867 and 1871, gives no indication from the street of its spooky reputation, but the many experiences of those who lived there are have subsequently investigated the place testify as to its ghostly vibes -- mostly of the negative kind.

The house was brought to national attention when Debra and Tony Pickman lived there from 1992 to 1994 and had many distrubing encounters, including physical attacks on Tony, which were documented by the Sightings television show. It's called the Sallie house because the daughter of some previous tenents had an imaginary friend named Sallie, and she is beleived to be one of the spirits haunting the house. When Tony Pickman drew a picture of the ghost Sallie he had seen, the daughter identified it as her friend, Sallie. (Coincidentally -- or not -- people who owned the house in the 1940s had a daughter named Sallie, although she did not die in the house or at a young age.)


The Pickmans experience much phenomena, including:

Wall-hung pictures turned upside-down
Strangely melted candles and burnt finger marks
Multiple photo anomalies
Tony had an actual sighting of Sallie on Halloween morning, 1993
While napping, Tony heard of woman's voice say, "Here's your remote," as the TV remote control was placed on his chest by unseen hands
During the first Sightings taping, Tony received three bloody scratches on his arm
One night Tony dreamed that he was being pulled out of bed by his wrist by a little girl. Upon waking he found burn marks on his wrist that were much like the fingerprints of a small child.
The Kansas Parnaormal Group has extensively researched and investigated the Sallie House over the years and may be primarily responsible for labeling the haunting as "probably demonic" because of the many violent incidents.

The house continues to be a focal point for investigations by ghost hunting groups from all over the country, who report strange activity, EVP, and other phenomena. On Friday the 13th, 2012, a 72-hour investigation was broadcast live on the internet, the replay of which you can find http://here.

Was so hard to find an interesting one that hasn't been done already!


Congrats BKC ^^ and all other winners of course ;)


Eliza Battle

Launched in Indiana in 1852, the Eliza Battle was a luxury wooden hulled paddle steamer regularly entertaining Presidents and VIPs. Disaster struck on a cold night in February 1858, when the steamer navigated the Tombigbee. A fire started on cotton bales on the main deck and soon spread out of control. The strong winds helped the fire spread quickly over the upper deck. Out of control, the Eliza Battle drifted downstream, coming to rest at Kemp's Landing. Men died in efforts to save their loved ones and women died in their efforts to save their children, though, fortunately, there were few aboard the ill fated final trip of the Eliza Battle. Of the estimated 100 people on board, 26 souls were lost, mainly attributed to death by exposure. The ship sank in 28ft of water, and its wreck remains to this day.

During the spring floods, late at night during the full moon, it is said the riverboat can be seen rising out of the water and floating up the river with music playing and fires burning on the deck, sometimes only the outline of the steamer is sighted. The fire is so bright a name plate bearing the name Eliza Battle can be seen on the side of the vessel. Local fisherman believe that sighting the Eliza Battle is a sign of an impending disaster and ill omens to ships still plying the Tombigbee River.

Image from:


Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon England.

The castle lands were originally given by William the Conqueror to Ralph de Pomeroy. It was a reward for unfailing support and loyalty. The castle can still be seen standing on the grounds until today. Henry de Pomeroy ordered the castle built and by the time of his death in 1305, it was nearly completed.
The castle remained in the hands of the Pomeroys until the 1540's. Sir Edward Seymour then acquired the castle with the help of his influential family.  Sir Edward Seymour was the brother of Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VIII. He made numerous changes to the castle but it was not long before he made a lot of enemies as the Lord Protector. He was then removed from power by the Earl of Warwick, imprisoned and executed.
The castle remained in the hands of the Seymours until 1688, when it was finally abandoned. The once well-kept castle then started to deteriorate. A good number of the rooms were uninhabitable. The English Heritage took over in 1977 in an effort to save the castle from complete ruin. In a continual effort to restore the castle, restoration work still goes on.

The castle is said to be the abode of various spectres. A number of ghostly phenomena and ghostly sightings have been reported in the castle. Some of the most reported apparitions in the castle are that of the Blue Lady and the White Lady.
The White Lady is the restless soul of Margaret Pomeroy. She haunts the dungeons of St. Margaret's Tower and has been seen waving to visitors. She was held captive in the castle dungeons by her own sister, Eleanor, because of jealousy and starved to death in the dungeons.
The Blue Lady lures people into various parts of the castle and gets them lost. People believe that she is the ghost of the daughter of one of the Norman castle lords. She was raped by her father and became pregnant with his baby. Her father strangled the child in one of the rooms of the castle. Other tales say that it was she who strangled the child. She has become the death portent of the Seymours.
People have witnessed strange lights in the castle. Voices have been heard and cold spots in the castle have been reported too. There are also the apparitions of a lady wearing a gray dress and a Cavalier, as well as ghostly shadows.


I enjoy reading about other haunted places. This was fun! Thank you, Leet!

Kadana Sorano


Teach's Hole

Teach's Hole is named after a man named Edward Teach, but he is better known throughout history as Blackbeard the Pirate. In North Carolina's Outer Banks, a cove on Ocracoke Island is known as Teach's Hole because it is the supposed site of Blackbeard's execution at sea. The legend says that when Blackbeard was finally caught he was beheaded; his head hung from a ship's bowsprit, and his body was thrown overboard. Witnesses recall his head continued to scream after the beheading and his headless body swam around the boar before it died. Since that day in 1718 there have been many reports of a headless body swimming in the cove and also reports of a headless Blackbeard walking the beaches of the cove with a lantern looking for his head. Okracoke Island is only reachable by ferry and is best traveled to via the Hatteras Ferry. Longer ferry crossing come from Swan Quarter and the Cedar Island Ferry.

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
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My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Alcatraz in California is considered to be not only one of the most haunted prisons in America, but also one of the scariest places on Earth in its entirety! There are even traces of actual proof that spirits reside in this prison. Many have what they claim to be ghost videos, while others have strange sounds retrieved from digital audio recorders that sound like voice. Then, of course, there are what many claim are ghost pictures. This haunted prison has often been called "Hellcatraz" by various inmates, and it seems to hold a piece of hell for these inmates - even in the afterlife!

This prison opened its doors for the first time in the year of 1934. It was considered to be a "Federal Prison" on what is commonly called "Alcatraz Island". The Federal Government felt as if this was an ideal location for military operations initially, and then considered it to be ideal for inmates that were serving sentences for serious crimes. Various people ranging from the Indians, to captured soldiers from other countries, and even leading Mobsters served time and even died while under the lock and key of Alcatraz.

Throughout the history of this prison, several have claimed that it is haunted. There are great deals of individuals who believe that the area is actually a portal to the world of spirits. While many died here, and often felt as if this was the only escape, the spiritual activity seems to indicate that their spirits are bound to Alcatraz forever. Individuals who have researched the structure have documented some very strange and spooky sensations and experiences, ranging from full body shadows to floating lights that seem to be quite intrusive.

One of the most interesting accounts of hauntings in the depths of Alcatraz is what is believed to be a poltergeist, or a demonic haunting in which several have referred to as "The Thing". It is said that no one person is immune from this haunting. It is described as a spirit that is not only honing extreme anger, but as a spirit that is completely evil. Witnesses claim that this evil presence has immensely terrifying glowing eyes that appear to see right through the souls of a person!

In addition to this, there is a strong, negative energy that flows throughout the building and even onto the island grounds. Several have heard noises that sound like that of many men pleading and crying for help, as if they are being completely tortured and are desperate for relief. In addition to this, chains can be heard dragging along the floor and even falling abruptly out of nowhere - despite the fact that there is no reasonable explanation for this sound. In addition to this, the ghostly lighthouse often appears, shining its light - which is odd, considering the lighthouse no longer stands. This is why this haunted prison in America is considered to be one of the scariest places on Earth today!


There are quite a bit of hauntings at Kent State, this is just one of them.  You can read about more of them and see more pictures at this link

QuoteKent State University - Kent, Ohio

The black day that put Kent on the map has its own wide assortment of attendant legends. As a major event in the history of organized protest, the Vietnam War, and the Nixon presidency, it has been pored over and dissected for three and a half decades. Credible studies--most notably William Gordon's Four Dead in Ohio--have shown pretty conclusively that the soldiers opened fire on the crowd in unison, in response to an order of some sort, though it's not clear who gave the order. Two eyewitnesses on campus (coincidentally, both former Marines who saw action in Vietnam) testified that they observed a "fire" hand signal given by one of the officers, but identification was never possible because most of the men had removed their nametags.

A memorial event is held on campus every May 4 in honor of the four victims: Allison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, and Bill Schroeder. Nine others were hit but not killed. Two of those killed weren't even participating in the protest, but were simply on their way to class. See May 4, for more information about the Kent State events each May.

The college hasn't always been eager to commemorate the student shootings. In 1977 they began a project to build a gymnasium on parts of campus where key events related to May 4 occurred, prompting more than 200 protestors to occupy a tent city on the spot. They held out for two years, but the gymnasium was eventually built. Now there's a plaque and a small memorial on Daffodil Hill.

Also present on campus is the creepiest memorial you're likely to see anywhere outside the Holocaust Museum: four blocked-off grave-shaped plots in and around the parking lot at Prentice Hall, where the crowd was when it took the Guardsmen's bullets. Each one represents the exact spot where one of the slain students fell.

A single, ghostly light has remained lit at the head of each plot since they were put here in 1999. It's said that the students haunt their respective plots, reenacting that violent day in 1970 when they lost their lives. Their ghosts were frequently encountered in the commons area of Stopher Hall (see above), where their bodies were taken right after the incident and kept for several hours. And finally, each one of them may haunt the dorm room or apartment where they lived; this story is persistent and has been described in conjunction with a number of different campus housing units, but no one seems sure exactly where any of them lived. Even the Kent Stater had trouble tracking down this information.

Bullet holes from the May 4 massacre still pockmark walls and sculpture near Prentice Hall. Whether or not the four students murdered that day haunt the campus, their presence will always be an integral part of Kent State.

And a news article in The Guardian in May 2011



I got chills from reading this!


Few would argue that Gettysburg Battlefield is one of the most haunted places in the U.S. As the site of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War, nearly 8,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were killed and tens of thousands more were injured there on July 3, 1863. There have been numerous sightings of ghost soldiers, sounds of battle, recorded EVP and even video.

Visitors to the park have reported seeing and even talking to these phantoms from the past only to have them mysteriously vanish.
Screams and moans, the sounds of gun and cannon fire -- all echoes from the horrific battle are occasionally heard and even recorded.
One of the most compelling ghost videos ever recorded was shot at Triangular Field by Tom Underwood in 2001.
Ghost encounters are also common in the period buildings surrounding the battlefield, including the Farnsworth House Inn and at Gettysburg College. The experiences continue up to the present day, and the area is well worth a visit, not only for its haunted reputation but also for its historical significance.


Alright, this is closed now. I've already read through most of the entries but I have to finish reading through the other ones and then I will have a very difficult time deciding. >.<
I'll hopefully manage to make up my mind in the next hour or so, though. :)


It has been decided! :D

Ghosty will be moving to Greyfriars Kirkyard because he'd really like to meet that fluffy little dog. Congratulations, Ravvana! You are very brave to have gone on a ghost tour there - I think I would have been too scared >.>

Thanks to everyone who participated. I very much enjoyed reading through all your entries. :)

edit: and here's your little ghost ^^


WHEE you have many my horrible stressy week so much better! Halloween is my favorite holiday so my ghostie will be extra special to me :)





I have the loveliest Nom ever! :) Yellow is so bright and cheery <3