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~Okibi Caballi~ Event Finished

Started by Ryuukokoro, September 30, 2013, 09:32:54 PM

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What's this? Something new? Indeed yes, a new aspect of the Okibi Caballi shop will be unveiled tonight! Please be patient while I set up, as there's a lot of typing to do, but in the meantime it might be beneficial to go talk to your Okibi and find out which one thinks they are the strongest. ;)


Okibi RPG Elements?

What's this mean exactly? Well I've always wanted to set up a simple set of stats for the Okibi shop, similar to what you see at the online gaming site PonyIsland. The Okibi Caballi will now have the ability to specialize in certain stats, which can be increased over time by completing certain tasks. (This is optional, not all Okibi will have stats, only if they are entered in a stat-based event.) Increased stats will give an Okibi an advantage in these various events. For example, during a race event an Okibi with a high Endurance stat will have an advantage, while the upcoming "Okibi Rumble" will be for Okibi with a high Constitution!

What are these stats exactly?

There are four main stats for the Okibi: Constitution (basic physical strength and bodily health), Endurance (mental and physical stamina for long events), Wisdom (for events that have a mental portion, like riddles), and Creativity (for art events and beauty pageants). Added complexities, like the ability to specialize in a certain job, may be added over time. But we're going to keep it simple for now.

What's the point in increasing my Okibi's stats?

High stats will not guarantee your Okibi will win any certain event, it will just give them a small advantage, like an extra point or an extra dice roll. The events will still be based mostly on random chance. Events will have fun prizes like premades, semi-customs, customs, out-of-turn breedings, etc. so your Okibi will be helping you win more Okibi!

What do I do when my Okibi has maxed out all their stats?

That won't be easy. ;) There's 6 'hoof points' in each of the 4 stats, so an Okibi with 6 points in Endurance is maxed out in Endurance. Hoof points are permanent, so if you increase a stat during an event it will remain after that event is over. But chances to increase stats do not happen extremely frequently.

Other questions? Feel free to ask! I'm still working out the kinks as I go but I think this will be fun. :3


Okibi Caballi Rumble!

The Okibi always have been and always will be a peace-loving race with very few conflicts, but that doesn't mean there aren't those who enjoy showing off some feats of strength in mock combat! ;3 This upcoming event will be open to all members of the Okibi nation, a sparring tournament for Okibi who wish to show off their strength in competitive matches.

Each person on Secundi can only enter one Okibi into this event, so choose wisely! The sign-up process will assign your Okibi one random stat, determined by dice roll. Also, before the tournament begins there will be a week-long period for sign-ups, during which your Okibi can complete a task to earn 1 hoof point in Constitution, to aid them when the tournament begins.

Step One: Sign-Up Your Okibi

The first step is to choose which Okibi will enter the tournament! This Okibi must belong to you, and must be named. This event cannot be entered without getting a stat bar added to your Okibi's pet page, which looks like so:

You have seven days to get your Okibi signed up for the tournament. Sign-ups end on Oct 7 at 23:59:59 Secundi time.

So to get your stat bar added to your Okibi, with one randomly generated stat as a gift to open our RPG events, post the following form in this thread:

Okibi name:
Link to Okibi:


Step Two: Earn A Hoof Point in 'Constitution'

This second step is optional. An Okibi can still enter the tournament without earning a hoof point in their Constitution stat, but this is the stat that will give your Okibi an added advantage in the Rumble. So how does your Okibi increase their Constitution stat?

Well just like in real life, it's not easy to increase your physical strength! It takes dedication, so your Okibi will have to prove they are working out and training for the tournament six days in a row before the tournament starts. I will be relying entirely on the Secundi clock to calculate this, so pay attention to the time stamps of your post! You must post the following statement here in this thread for six days in a row:

[Okibi name] is running laps!

So if you post for the first time when the time stamp says Sep 30, you can't post for a second time until the time stamp says Oct 1, then the third time you post must be Oct 2, etc. So don't delay in signing up, because if you wait until Oct 3 there won't be enough days left in the sign-up time for you to post 6 days in a row! (Of course you can still sign up in that time, your Okibi just can't get a hoof point in Constitution this time around.)

Step Three: Okibi Rumble Tournament Starts


Okibi Caballi Rumble

As the above roster sheet shows, we are having a tournament with three-player matches! Each match will have one winner, who will move on to the next round. The third round is the final, and will determine who wins the tournament.

So what do we win?

Just entering the tournament gave every Okibi a randomly generated Hoof Point, which will help them in future competitions. The three Okibi who make it to the final round will be our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. 2nd and 3rd will get to choose an Okibi from a pool of premades. 1st place wins a full custom Okibi! Any markings and any normal mutations (not Bred Mutations) are allowed.

How does my Okibi battle?

These battles are based on dice rolling. Do not move on to future rounds until I close the round and announce the winners of the current round. Right now Round 1 is going.

How to battle in each Round:
-Check the roster to see who your Okibi is battle against.
-Roll 1d10
-The Okibi who rolls highest is the winner of the round

How does my Okibi's Hoof Points come into play?

These battles are based on strength and health, so the Constitution stat influences and none of the others. If your Okibi has 1 or 2 Hoof Points in Constitution, you can add 1 or 2 points to your roll. So if you roll a 5 and your opponent rolls a 4, your Okibi will win if you have two Hoof Points in Constitution to add to your roll to bring you up to 6!

Other Notes:
-If there is a tie in any match, I will set up a tie breaker game.
-You apply your Hoof Points to every match, they can't be used up or removed.
-If a player doesn't roll in 3 days, I will send them a pm reminder. If they don't roll in another 2 days after that, I will roll for them because I don't want to hold up the whole game.
-Any questions? Just ask! :)


Midnight Phantom

If it is alright to post now o.o (wheee okibi I training XD ))

Username: Midnight Phantom
Okibi name: Dark Heart
Link to Okibi:

Dark Heart is running laps!

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




This is going to be fun. I'm not sure if I can keep up with the training but I'll try anyway. :D

Username: TheLeet
Okibi name: Digitalis
Link to Okibi:

Digitalis is running laps!


Owner of Gliders!


It was very hard choosing one.

Username: Kahlira
Okibi name: Dark Aria
Link to Okibi:

Dark Aria is running laps.


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed









Skype: ellen.rae.tyson










Hmm. Can i ask Why The First entry has two stars? Shall we post two times a Day or? :)


New day!

Melia Antiqua is running laps!

I love that her first stat is wisdom, by the way. Totally fits her character <3

Midnight Phantom

First entry has two because I posted on the 30th then on the 1st ^.^

Dark Heart is running laps!

Dark Heart:...o.o more okibi! ..>:3 ::picks up the pace::







Owner of Gliders!



Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 






Callie is running laps!

Midnight , On my comp both your entries says Oct 01 (: Thats why i asked.


Quote from: Pinkshadow on October 02, 2013, 10:55:44 AM

Midnight , On my comp both your entries says Oct 01 (: Thats why i asked.

o.0 That's very strange! I guess the timestamps show time based on the user's time zone! I didn't realize that. My computer shows Sep 30 and Oct 1 for MP's two entries.

Thank you for bringing that up, Pinkshadow. I'll need to keep this in mind for events that are relying on timestamps in the future, because we do have Secundi members who are in all different timezones and I want to make sure the events are fair. :)


The clock in the corner is always secundi time, but you can set your profile (as i've done) to display the time of posts in your own time zone.
Owner of Gliders!