2 Luestin foals, plus tons of free Mustangs & more (Minis, Morgans, QHs, Fjord)

Started by Ravvana, August 24, 2013, 01:48:06 AM

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Since I always get a lot of interest in my frame Mustangs, please note that I have quite a few available for free this season :)

NOTES: Free foals are only free if you intend to keep the claimed foal (no claiming for someone else). If you want to claim a free foal for someone else, you'll need to make an offer. For trade foals, I am most interested in Feli and adult Quinsta, but try me!


Ravvana. #550207 x #555567 :: 8593. Luestin M Bay Roan, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Bald Face (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

Ravvana. #539184 x -- :: 8848. Luestin F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

FREE - Clyde
Ravvana. #343395 x #561343 :: 8536. Clydesdale M Silver Dapple Brown, front right Sock, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

FREE - Minis
Ravvana. #529194 x -- :: 8539. Miniature Horse M Black, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Stripe (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #529315 x -- :: 8540. Miniature Horse M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #550189 x -- :: 8541. Miniature Horse M Grey, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #550120 x -- :: 8542. Miniature Horse M Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #553831 x -- :: 8543. Miniature Horse M Dun Palomino, front right Coronet, back right Stocking, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

Ravvana. #555476 x -- :: 8544. Miniature Horse F Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #557200 x -- :: 8545. Miniature Horse M Black Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

Ravvana. #558677 x -- :: 8546. Miniature Horse M Bay Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #562038 x -- :: 8547. Miniature Horse M Black, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

FREE - Mustangs

Ravvana. #528952 x #553273 :: 8549. Mustang F Black, back right Stocking, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #550272 x #562012 :: 8551. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #550278 x #562012 :: 8552. Mustang F Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #550275 x #562012 :: 8553. Mustang F Bay, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #552404 x #553273 :: 8554. Mustang F Bay, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #515291 x #562012 :: 8557. Mustang F Chestnut Frame Overo, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Stocking, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #553270 x #562012 :: 8558. Mustang F Bay Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

Ravvana. #553276 x #562012 :: 8560. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut Roan Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #554057 x #553273 :: 8563. Mustang F Black Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #554238 x #562012 :: 8564. Mustang M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #555351 x #553273 :: 8565. Mustang M Bay Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana. #555265 x #562012 :: 8567. Mustang F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #557198 x #562012 :: 8568. Mustang M Flaxen Palomino Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #557203 x #557201 :: 8569. Mustang F Black, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Bald Face (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

Ravvana. #558798 x #553273 :: 8571. Mustang F Bay Roan Sabino Overo, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana. #561049 x #553273 :: 8572. Mustang F Bay Roan, front left Sock, back right Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana. #558800 x #553273 :: 8573. Mustang M Brown, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Slow and lazy)

Ravvana. #561052 x #553273 :: 8574. Mustang M Black, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #561054 x #553273 :: 8575. Mustang F Black, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Ravvana. #561053 x #553273 :: 8576. Mustang M Buckskin, front left Sock, back right Coronet, Bald Face (Slow and stubborn)

Ravvana. #562022 x #553273 :: 8577. Mustang M Brown Roan, front left Stocking, Bald Face (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #562017 x #553273 :: 8578. Mustang M Black Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #552400 x #557201 :: 8594. Mustang M Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)

Ravvana. #550124 x #553273 :: 8550. Mustang F Brown Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #553275 x #562012 :: 8559. Mustang M Black Roan Frame Overo, front right Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana. #552461 x #562012 :: 8556. Mustang F Palomino Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #557204 x #553273 :: 8570. Mustang F Brown Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

FREE - Morgans

Ravvana. #557432 x #561017 :: 8548. Morgan F Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Ravvana. #558698 x -- :: 8585. Morgan M Black, front left Pastern, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #557416 x -- :: 8586. Morgan F Black, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #553643 x #562012 :: 8561. Mustang M Palomino Frame Overo, front right Sock, back right Fetlock, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

FREE – Quarter Horses

Ravvana. #554239 x #557220 :: 8587. Quarter Horse F Yellow Dun, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (High strung and difficult to work with)

Ravvana. #556847 x #557220 :: 8588. Quarter Horse M Yellow Dun, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Snip (Calm and steady)

Ravvana. #553730 x #557220 :: 8589. Quarter Horse M Dun Palomino, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

Ravvana. #559673 x #557220 :: 8590. Quarter Horse M Flaxen Red Dun, front left Pastern, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

Ravvana. #553918 x #557220 :: 8591. Quarter Horse F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)

FREE - Fjord

Ravvana. #551174 x #553278 :: 8592. Fjord M Dun Sooty Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)

Deciding still... feel free to offer

Ravvana. #552465 x #562012 :: 8555. Mustang F Buckskin Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)


Ravvana. #555268 x #553273 :: 8566. Mustang M Black Roan Frame Overo, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)

Ravvana. #553636 x #553273 :: 8562. Mustang M Brown Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)


May I have this one?

Ravvana. #553275 x #562012 :: 8559. Mustang M Black Roan Frame Overo, front right Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)


May I have this one?

Ravvana. #555265 x #562012 :: 8567. Mustang F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)


Of course :) I'll trade those both over when I'm on my laptop tonight.




Yes, spring! And to the three of you who have requested foals: they've been traded over now. Can't wait to see them grown :)

Wildfilly: Sure, I can hold them for a day for you. I love seeing my Mustang foals grown up (especially TJ babies!), so I hope you end up taking them <3 Can you please just let me know your decision by tomorrow so I can let someone else have a shot at them if you decide against them?



Quote from: springacres on August 25, 2013, 12:10:46 AM
Thanks for feeding my dun obsession! XD

I was soo tempted to claim that blue dun QH girl myself... I need to talk myself into a few bonus tickets so I don't have to make all these hard choices!




Actually, can you hold the black frame girl instead of the chestnut? (8563)
I will let you know for sure here soon. I'm just trying to see if anyone else will open up their foals for free xD



Just wanted to express my interest in 8550 <3 Gonna keep an eye on here to see if she becomes available again in time for me to get a claim in (busy week ahead so claiming early) ^^


Any interest in 8570, YLO? She's my other brown tobiano girl; just took her off my deciding list. If not, I'll PM you once wild decides.


Hopefully YLO is interested in your other tobiano girl, because I am pretty dead set on the two you have saved for me. The only reason I'm not claiming them for sure yet is because Mutt has a luestin that would really help my project, so I'm waiting to see if she'll reply to me before I give you the go-ahead to send the mustangs to me. ^^


I'm looking for bald face mustang ladies with a white pattern (frame/sabino/tobiano/snowflake/blanket, no splash or leopard), so sadly she won't work. Thanks for offering though! I have fallen in love with the bald face + white pattern combo on female Mustang lines quite some time ago so I'm really hoping to finally add one or two to my herd this season :) I've spotted a black sabino mare with bald face elsewhere, so I'm eyeing her as an alternative (or maybe claim both if the Luestin I'm trying to snag falls through and yours opens back up). And if all else fails I can always claim a Mini or Fjord I bred myself, can never have too many of those breeds XD


Quote from: Wildfilly94 on August 25, 2013, 01:49:52 PM
Hopefully YLO is interested in your other tobiano girl, because I am pretty dead set on the two you have saved for me. The only reason I'm not claiming them for sure yet is because Mutt has a luestin that would really help my project, so I'm waiting to see if she'll reply to me before I give you the go-ahead to send the mustangs to me. ^^

No interest for you in 8570 as your brown tobi girl? I think I still had her set aside for me when you first posted, so not sure if you saw her. I did not know bald faces on mustangs were liked do much! I'm a star and snip (combo) lover myself <3


Sadly, same deal as YLO. Haha, I adore the bald faces too much to let go. <3
If Mutt doesn't reply by the end of the night, I'll let you know to go ahead and send the girls to me.


It's nearing midnight for me and I wanna settle my claims today as I'm afraid I'll forget to claim in time otherwise. I'm not home the next 2 nights and after that I have people staying over for 3 days :P I'll go for toff's Mustang lady instead and hope Wild claims this girl so I can stalk for a RB xD



All foals to this point should have been traded over. Let me know if they didn't go through (not dire how much my phone can be trusted).