Gryphions: Welcoming our new Additions! -- Wildfilly and Country pick ups

Started by Gryphions, April 04, 2013, 03:17:00 PM

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also- GUYS LOOK WHAT I MADE!!! This is the 'rough draft' of my 'fish in a fish' bowl. It'll be a fishbowl that looks like a fish.

It'll need to be like 3 times this size to fit a fish in it (without torturing it)


Lineart edits? Ohh!Big chibi eyes!

Orrrr Uhh.. I dunno xD Fluffier tails?

Pretty fish bowl XD



*Waves hand around* Sparkly gauntlets X3

ETA: NEO THAT IS SO COOl. Beyond cool, how on earth did you do that?


I'm in a glassblowing class this semester. I'm really awful at it. But... hahaa. I can't fit it in next semester, but maybe someday I'll do it again!


O___O You have my respect, I've always wondered how to work in glass


Ok! Bunraku and PonyMama's kittens are here!
I put both of them in a random user's account, Bunraku, but you guys are expected to agree on who gets what one. I figured it would be easier if I could just give both of them to one person, so then only one transaction would need to be made. If this doesn't go smoothly, let me know. I'll just do it manually next time.


O____O If PM Is in agreement to me keeping him, I am IN LOVE with the male, but I absolutely adore both! You're a genius Neo


Haha that eyepatch is cool! Also I love the blue 'version' of Dzio's trademark pink skull. ^.^


Glad the edits are going over well :)
Since I'm hoping to do something edited on all of these breedings, it might take a while longer (especially since... exams soon)


(just going to do a little vent) That's ok, roommate and friend, it's not like I wanted any food from the place you are ordering from. You just asked the girl who randomly walked in if she wanted anything, but when I had already said I wanted to get hushpuppies before you called the place, you just ignore it after.
Thanks. Awesome.
(end of vent)

EDIT: This is why I've been depressed the past few days. My friends have completely started to ignore me. And avoid me. And not include me.

I'm just going to sit alone and be sad now.


*Throws rabid iguanas at you're room mate* I can't stand it when people do that, especially if you need to be cheered up, and they don't even bother to notice that its THEY'RE fault you feel miserable :/ and honestly ignoring you like that for no reason is absolutely tiresome =.=


This is my very first Secundi post! :D

Hi everyone! I hate jumping in in the middle of threads by these are too awesome to just ignore. >>


You should totally order something from their fave place tomorrow and don't ask if roomie wants any XD

SPO!!!!!!! *tackleclings* Welcome!




*neebles* I has vouchers, you could has Gryphion eventually XD


>.> their food just got here. I'm just going to pretend this doesn't bother me. I don't know if I should address this or not. I'm probably overthinking everything.


Thanks Neo! :D

I would be mad too. But I am a food hound and anyone I live with should know that. >>


Orrr you could mention Hey! Did they forget my hush puppies I asked you to order for me?


I got it! Grab their food and lick it while staring at them. Set it down and say "That's for the hush puppies!" and just walk away.


they didn't give my roommate her drink. She just yelled 'I wasn't looking forward  to it or anything!'
ASDFJKLASDF ok. Ok. I'm going to ignore this and just color gryphions. Yeah. Pretty gryphions. *breathes*



Kind of like my HUSH PUPPIES??

I would slap them. -.- This is why I just live with my boyfriend. XD


>.> Wish I had a boyfriend. Lols. Ok, Imma say something I haven't told anyone. A few days ago I went on craigslist and found a boy in my area who goes to my university. I've been texting him a bunch. I am so embarassed. But... he seems nice. And pretty sure he's not going to kill me. Or anything. But yeah... I'm being pretty cautious. I'm not really thinking this will go anywhere. But I'm maybe going to make a new friend.

Anyway, for anyone who is thinking about doing that... it's really awkward. Don't do it. Craigslist is not a dating site.


Poor Neo, you are always welcome and wanted here *Hugs*

annnnddd for SPO!

By the way...when does the raffle end? Or did I just overlook it >.>


...for SPO? What is for SPO? Did I miss something? D:


Its a raffle entry, first page, the white, black and red gryph, if you post your user name in red you get a ticket, you can post every two hours to gift someone else a ticket, thats the only way you can get more tickets. You may only claim one for yourself ^-^...I have gone on a gifting spree XD

ETA: in order to gift to someone else you have to post who its for and pic of something red XD


raffle ends on wednesday, a week from when it was posted. Should have put that in first post. Ooops.

SPO, on front page is a raffle. Every 2 hours you can post a picture of something red and gift a ticket to a friend.



That does suck Neo, but after many years of different roommates and different living situations, one of the most important things I learned is that if you depend on others to think of you and your wishes when they're doing stuff, you're going to be upset and disappointed all the time. Yeah it sucks that they didn't ask you if you wanted anything when they ordered food, but you can't assume and expect people to think of you. If you do, it's just going to anger and upset you when it doesn't happen. And I can tell by your post that you're pretty upset by the situation.

You just feel so much better and more in control of yourself if you stop measuring your happiness on whether or not someone else included you. Because chances are, you're going to be disappointed every time they don't. And that's just no way to live. Take it from someone who had to learn that the haaard way. Not only that, but this kind of upset feeling can fester and build up each time you get upset, until you explode at your roommates at some point. That's just never a good scene.



I busted a blood vessel in it a few min ago....its making my whole hand hurt now D:



Ryuu, I really do need to stop basing my happiness on what others do and think.
I guess I've just been kinda... feeling like I have no friends. And they were my only friends here really. And they are being jerks.

Lately they don't like to include me. But I'm in the room. And I said I wanted hushpuppies. And they heard me. They acknoledged me. And then ignored me after that.


That happened to me as well Neo. I started doing different things and found different friends. :)


Yeah. I've been getting involved in the church here, so I've met people. But no one likes to hang out with me. Meeehhhh

Ok. Whatever. I've been getting depressed a lot. I have mild depression. Poop. GRYPHIONS MAKE ME HAPPY. YES


*nods in agreement with SPO* Been there too. It does suck. >.< When I get upset because people don't include me, I try to think of something to do by myself that makes me happy. It helps when I take my happiness into my own hands and tell myself that -I- can make myself happy and that others' actions shouldn't affect me. Doesn't always work, but sometimes it helps. ^^;

Edit: Glad that you have the Gryphions to make you happy, Neo! ^^ That is definitely awesome.


Have you tried talking to them about it? I had a few friends in school, but for the most part I just kept to myself...I was always that girl with a book XD


I like to keep to myself as well. Talking to them is probably your best bet.

Kadana Sorano

I want a necklace, with a snowflake hanging from it :D

I dunno how for the boys, but I want a pinecone for the normal girls, cupped in their paw there (wants that for Wynter).

Some ivy vines, strawberry vines, climbing flowers etc growing up to twine around the feet and legs.

Some bracelets for the ankles.

Some bracers (to follow the battle claw theme).

For SweetCaroline!

*hugs Neo* Your roommates/friends are asshats huni, I'm so sorry.  Your fish is awesome, I used to love watching the glass blower when I was a kid, he made such tiny perfect pretty things!  Your fish could totally sit on a shelf right beside his stuff.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




>.> I'm pretty sure some sort of contest ended this weekend. I'll be judging that soon. Yeah. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.


I adore the male too and need more males (8 females and only 2 males)
plus blue and black

Bun we may need to chat it out
Not that I do not like the girl of course, but the skull and crossbones


I promise I'll get things wrapped up this weekend guys. Sorry about that.


I totally missed you're post PM! My apologies <3 I'll send the guy over to you ^__^ Perhaps I can snag a breeding from him sometime!


for sure Bun
I feel bad, if they had have both been males I would have gladly accepted the other one, but seriously need boys


No worries <3 I  have a habbit of hoarding males with every adoptable, and she's just as beautiful as him, plus I love that cute little bow ^__^


I do love the cute little lineart edits on those two. ^_^ Can't wait to see the other breedings!