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Can I just rant a bit?

Started by Wildfilly94, March 26, 2013, 07:33:36 PM

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I hate a nice trip, but I'm too lazy and tired to post much about it. Florida is pretty and I'm moving to Panama City when I get my associates degree here in Missouri. Yeay.

SO tired. Had 6-8 inches of snow yesterday and the college wouldnt cll off so I just didnt go. We were sliding almost 180 degrees just getting down the road soooo not risking our lives. (Bf and I). We only had one class anyway since the others cancelled. Slept and finally home from a looonnnggg time of being gone and I see abut 6 spots of cat puke in my beautiful new carpet. Its all dried so I'm not sure if the stains will come out now or not. I'll kill the cats if they don't. Poor baby Symon still has his lip virus. It just doesn't wanna go away. Already owe my mom $10 for his meds, and me may need more. Got a TON of litterbox cleaning to do since my mom didn't touch mine.
Gotta pass Math with a B or better and Chem with a C or better to get into the OTA program and have 6 weeks to do it, plus help the bf pass. I have a B in math and an A in chem currently... Tim has a D in both. Ohh joy.
Gotta take a class this summer (Anatomy and Physiology 1) and pass with a C or better, should have enough money for that one thanks to a Missouri grant. Gotta get $45 dollars for a HESI test I have to pass with C's or better to get into the OTA program, which should be covered by my Missouri Grant, if the stupid class doesn't cost too much over my Pell Grant. Also have to get $150 for a background check, fingerprints, etc for the application into the program, which i'm going to have to get a loan for from someone to get.
Gotta sign Tim and I up for Summer AND Fall classes tomorrow and make sure everythings in line for the OTA program which starts next Spring.

Then there's RP's I'm waiting on replies for on AAA, and I think I have 2 FCFC litters to color, if the person sends the USD for them or not, then 1 CDA litter, and Gremlin importings and I THINK I'm done. ;-;

Ohh and then now that I'm home, my body is giving me a NASTY case of some sickness. Probably just blockage from not being able to.. erm.. go potty with whole 8 days in Florida. My body hates me. D:

So tired.


o.o i lub you? and good luck *nods*


Cookies to anyone that reads the whole thing. XD Lotsa text, I didn't realise that.

Ilu too Sunny! Haha.


*noms on a cookie* did you at least have fun in florida? cause you said Hate a nice trip lol


*hugs* Is there any way you can just take a day off and completely relax? Sickness + stress isn't a good combination at all :( School is obviously important, but forcing yourself to do work (especially when sick) is just gonna kill your motivation. Though Tim kinda needs more motivation. Getting a D in 2 classes kinda just seems like he isn't trying :/ Are you guys taking the same classes? I know it helps me a lot when I explain material to others, so if you can tutor him it would probably help you out too

But first you really should get some rest so you can get better <3


Lol, yes I had a good time. I love florida, not hate. xD

Yes, he tries harder than me. He has some issue with tests I think. He studies hinself to death and still fails. He knows everything until he sees the paper infront of him. We are in all the same classes except english, which is hos only good grade. No tests in there. But yeah I dont know how hes failing so bad at tests when he studies so much. Ive never studied because I fail when I do. lol.

I wish I could take a break from eveything, bit thats what Florida was supposed to be for. Then as soon as O came back, it all crashed again. And now I have to add to it by getting a job again. D:

red_uni387 it's just text anxiety? Maybe it's the way he's studying? I'm like you and don't really study, but when I try to cram study my mind always ends up blanking when I look at the test paper. Or maybe he's studying too much? My choir teacher mentioned several times that the mind can only take so much information at once, so studying for more than an hour at a time isn't good. Really hope he can get his grades up!


Wildfilly, I would also like to offer some insight on the not-doing-well-on-tests. I have some personal experience as my fiance has a similar issue - she will study every night for a week leading up to the test - gets 100s on her homework and As & Bs on the quizzes and then fails the test. She is looking into stress/anxiety-related learning disabilities. It requires some testing and a few DRs appointments. Unfortunately, this isn't the first class that this has happened to her in and it is just getting so frustrating. In other words, she is willing to do anything. This particular class is the last one before she can apply to the Master's Program and she needs at least a B to qualify for the program. The weight of the tests (which she does worse on), outweighs the quizzes & homework together =(

I hope things start to improve for both of you. *hugs*