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[Miniwyvs] Dyeing Easter 'Wyvs! (PICKUPS! )

Started by Saturnalia, March 17, 2013, 03:15:58 PM

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Saturn has set up shop in a big meadow. While some areas are still cold and snowy, here it is sunny and pleasantly warm. Flowers dot the vibrant grass, like colorful sprinkles on green cake.

In a tent behind Saturn, Miniwyvs swoop and flutter. But they aren't the typical colorful beauties that Saturn tends to bring... rather, these are all white.

"Hello!" Saturn welcomes you. "As you can see, we've found something interesting!" She gestures to the colorless 'wyvs. "A colony of white Miniwyvs has been discovered. Apparently, they are unrelated, but gathered together after leaving their old colonies. The reason was quite simple-- they were sad because they weren't colorful like the others."

Some of the 'wyvs peer at you curiously from behind where Saturn stands.

"They want, so badly, to be colorful! So, we have come up with a solution. A team of sciengicians-- that is, scientist magicians-- has figured out a way to harmlessly imbue the 'wyvs with colors! We don't quite know what the effect will be when they breed, but it could potentially be quite interesting."

"So, if you'd like, pick out a 'wyv, and, much like an easter egg, dunk him or her in some colors!"

The 'wyvs look positively excited about this prospect.



Event 1: Dying Easter 'Wyvs

Cost: First is free!
After that, they are 5,000sg each!

Please only submit one form at a time-- you may submit another when I've finished your first if there are still white miniwyvs available.

Here's how it works:

You pick the colors you want to dunk your Miniwyv in. The length of time the Wyv spends in each color, however, is uncontrollable and random-- it can be difficult to coax them out of the buckets!

Keep in mind that some colors may not blend so well. If you want to dunk your 'wyv in every color, you're more likely to end up with a brown wyv than with a rainbow one!

It may also be difficult to control which body parts end up in the dye. You might, for instance, dunk your 'wyv in red, but he stubbornly keeps his tail sticking out. Then, when you dunk him in yellow, he puts his tail in-- so it will be yellow. The rest of him will be orange, since the yellow and red mix, but his head, which he refuses to submerge in the yellow dye, stays red. You never quite know precisely what you'll get!

You will also roll a dye to see if there are any added effects. These could be glitter, mottling, striped bands, dots, or other such things!

1. YLO- #316
2. Rosedawn- #318
3. Winged- #317
4. Bun- #319
5. Bun- #323
6. YLO- #322
7. Rosedawn- #315
8. Bun- #321
9. YLO- #327
10. Country- #325
11. Bun- #326
12. EquineGoddess101- #324
13. Kahlira- #320
14. YLO- #341
15. Kahlira- #343
16. Wild- #345
17. Bun-342
18. kah-344

To claim a slot, you must be the first to claim a 'wyv with an appropriately filled out form. If someone else claims the wyv before you, do not edit your post-- just post another form with an available miniwyv.

Available Miniwyvs:

No more!

Miniwyv #:
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): (In order of how you want to dunk the wyv!)
Dice: [*roll]1d10[*/roll] (without the *)



Event 2: Egg Dying!

What would Easter be without dying easter eggs? Except that, in this case, you'll be decorating Miniwyv eggs.

There is evidence to suggest that the Miniwyvs, when they hatch, will mimic the colors and markings on the eggs! Genders, however, are randomly determined.

In plain-speak, this is a Color-Your-Own!

You can either decorate them in Paint or similar, in which case I'll put on the shading and such, or you can use the .psd file.

Eggs will hatch in about a week!

First is free!
After that, the cost is 10k per egg.

Paint File!
PSD File!

Just post your eggies in the thread, and send SG to this account if you're doing more than one!


Pickups/'Done' List:

Will hatch around 3/25

Will hatch around 3/25




YLO, your 'wyv was flipping and flopping around in those vats. Didn't want to totally submerge himself in either color, but managed to cover all of himself with one or the other!


Rosedawn, your boy had a fine time in the blue and green, though only stuck his head into the red. He also ended up with some nice mottling effects!


Winged, your girl didn't want to spend much time in the green, and only dipped her head in the red for a moment! She managed to get a nice, dark blue on her wings, though!


Bun, your boy apparently wasn't much of a yellow fan, and didn't spend too much time in there... but rather liked the other colors!


Bun, this 'wyv is very careful not to get his face, fins or wings in any of the dye. You realize why when, after the dyeing process, he flits over to the craft table and covers those in glitter!


YLO, during the dyeing process, your new 'wyv flits over to the craft table and tugs on some waxed fabric strips. In telepathic images, she shows you how she wants you to tie them around her to keep the dye from getting on certain areas. In this manner, she ends up with some neat zig-zag patterns!


Rosedawn, your lovely girl, before getting into the dye, insisted upon tying some strips of waxed linen to herself to keep the dye off in a banded pattern. Then, she spent some time with her tail in the pink dye, and a little less time with all of her in the purple.


Bun, your girl spends a moderate amount of time in the pink dye. She then expresses how she would like you to tie waxed cloth around her to make designs, and proceeds to wallow in the red dye for a pretty long period of time, until you finally manage to coax her out.


YLO, your newest girl dunks the entirety of herself in the green for a little while. Then, she flits out, turns over, and dunks her wings in the blue. Finally, she lets her tail rest in red, but not for long... and then she goes and flings part of it into some glitter.


Country, your new girl flits happily into the purple and submerges her body for a brief period of time. Then, with wild abandon, she flings all of herself into the pink! Lastly, she sticks her wings back into the purple. She flits over to the craft table after that, and selects a tiny Easter egg charm, which you help fasten around her tail.


sweet merciful glitter gods.
He had no self control.





First event is up! :) Also, will hopefully be finishing up breedings tonight, too!


Miniwyv #: 316
Name: choose afterward
Color(s): red, purple, blue
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Actually I just checked my herd and I have quite a bunch of reds, is it too late to rehome the red and go with just purple and blue? I can repost if needed. And if it's not allowed that is fine too, any Wyv is awesome! <3


Miniwyv #: 318
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Blue, Yellow, Green
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on March 17, 2013, 03:29:51 PM
Actually I just checked my herd and I have quite a bunch of reds, is it too late to rehome the red and go with just purple and blue? I can repost if needed. And if it's not allowed that is fine too, any Wyv is awesome! <3

I don't know what you mean by 'rehome' the red, but I can just go with purple and blue :) Took a quick shower, so I haven't started on these yet anyway!


Was meant to say remove, stupid iPod did autocorrect on it :P I'd like just purple and blue then. I love red, but I need more variety!



Miniwyv #: 317
Name: Chirp (may change afterwards)
Color(s): Red, Blue, Yellow, Green
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]

Sounds fun!
Owner of Gliders!


Yay! Will start working on these once this online meeting I'm in is over... I'm not good enough to do toooo much multitasking, hah :)


Miniwyv #: 319
Color(s): Yellow, Pink, Purple, Blue
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

So awesome O_O


Pickups posted! Will do more/open it up for more per person after dinner and stuff!


My wyv has an awesome color :D Also I totally want to be around for multiples opening, this is really addictive, but it is midnight here and have no clue how long that will be xD


This is a really awesome concept honestly Sat <3 I love mine! I'll call him Ezri


:D I really love fun, unique concepts where it's also sort of a surprise for me about what they'll end up looking like! (But without the specificity of customs, lol!)

I'll put a few more up now, and then it's back to cleaning and PAX-prep, whee...

Edit:  More added, though please note that there are still some restrictions, and only the first is free! :)


Miniwyv #: 323
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Yellow, Blue, Green
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


I'll get right on that, Bun!

Also... Event 2 is posted! A color-your-own for eggies!


Miniwyv #: 322
Name: choose afterwards
Color(s): blue green yellow
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]


*Clings* Thank you sat! <3 Honestly loving this event


Bun might want to check Pickups... and also lock up her craft supplies. ;)



I think Glam is a more than appropriate name <33333


Ehehe, Glam is quite appropriate! :D wheeee glitter!

YLO has another new friend, too!


Miniwyv #: 315
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Pink and Purple
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]


Are we allowed to buy more than one dip dye wyve? <3



Yay! X3

Miniwyv #: 321
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Pink, Red
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]


This is such an awesome event <3 *orders another*
I used to have an event with Jaeman Prophecy where you could throw colored orbs at your pet to have them get those colors, but this is more fun XD
Will think of names when my brain cooperates and feels less fried :P

Miniwyv #: 327
Name: choose afterwards
Color(s): green blue red
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


Miniwyv #: 325
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Purple, pink, purple
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]





My first one will be named Walli and the second one Machiavelli.
*continues coloring eggies* This is addictive, did you know that? *colors more*


Miniwyv #: 326
Name: (of Miniwyv. Or choose afterwards!)
Color(s): Yellow, Blue, Purple
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]


I has 3 eggies ^-^ I may do more later...I don't want to overwork you XD


I.. did.. errm.. 10 *blushes* It was addictive!

Also, I am not sure if it's really clearly visible, but eggie #4 has a cream base, not a white one. *goes to send SG* :D


Fun event! She'll stick with that name. And i'll get another :)

Miniwyv #: 327
Name: Tara
Color(s): Green, blue, red
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


Winged, there isn't currently a 327 available. Did you mean one of the others?

Also, I'll be adding the CYO eggs to their post in a pickup section as I get the adult versions completed. :)

But now... errands to run. So much to do before Wednesday night!


I just noticed that, must have looked at the ones available while you were updating. The two left don't suit my idea, i'll wait and see if you add more :)
Owner of Gliders!


327 was removed hours ago, I claimed him this morning and I know that one wasn't there anymore when Bun posted her claim. Maybe you had the thread open from earlier today and didn't refresh? But I bet there will be more!


I definately opened the thread within the last hour because i remember my internet was closed down while i was away today. And i definately saw her. But could be a cookie problem or something, no worries.
Owner of Gliders!



In any case, I'll be getting more up soon, Winged, so no worries :) Just had to run out on errands and stuffs.


I apologize for the delay in completing more of these. It will, unfortunately, last until next week when I get home from PAX. Wanted to do some today, but cookie baking for charity is taking up every moment, haha.



Miniwyv #: 324
Name: Choose Afterwards
Color(s): Orange, Red, Yellow
Dice: [blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]