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Re: Masayo - Join.Me Link, Page 6!

Started by Masayo, March 17, 2013, 02:45:28 PM

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He's uploaded! :) And I am running away for now, going to walk my dad's dog. ^_^


Aww thank you!

I'll let someone else answer the animal thing I think since I dunno what animal I would be if I were one. Never gave it much thought.


I think I would be a falcon. I adore the feeling of flying-- I love airplanes and rollercoasters for that reason. I would love to feel the sensation of diving from so, so high up in the air! :)


Oops. XD Learning slowly.

Kadana Sorano

Pega they are "free", because were not paying anything no, but they are in a prize "pool" so when you win a premade, you can look at the ones in the prize pool section and pick the one you want, instead of just being handed a random premade you might not like :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Your scroll is in your inventory, Saturn.

@Pega: Sorry! You have to win a premade to be aloud to pick from the pool, so if you want to claim that girl, or a full or semi scroll, stick around and answer a trivia question. :) They are really quite easy...just opinionated first-to-post questions and prompts. Well, mostly opinionated, anyway. ;)

Next question, for a full custom scroll:

Name one poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. You can tell us why you like the poem, but it is not required.



The scroll is in your inventory, Bun. :) I will continue this game when I get home.



^_^ Your welcome.

Next question, for a semi-custom scroll:

Name one book or series written by Andrea Cremer.


Nightshade series, just finished those. ^_^

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Hehe I know. :P

Next question, for a full custom scroll:

If you were going to be stranded on an island, and you had a warning, what are the 5 items that you would bring with you and why? You can only choose 5 items.


If I can answer again........
My Polar Bear Webkinz to snuggle with, a dictionary because i hate rereading any other type of book, a distillation device to get fresh water so I wont dehydrate, a blanket to keep me warm, and a picture of my family so I'll always have them with me. ^_^

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Ooo! Ooo! This seems like fun.

If you were going to be stranded on an island, and you had a warning, what are the 5 items that you would bring with you and why?

My husband-- does he count? Because he would keep me company. If not, a blanket... because I will need SOMETHING to snuggle with.
My Scriptures-- I'm gonna need help from God to survive on a deserted island! o.o
A notebook or journal to write in
A never-sharpen pencil (I've seen them, I swear!) Because... look above. :D
A single pan... because I don't really know how to cook without it.


Congrats, Rosewood! Your scroll is in your inventory. Sorry, Pega...these are first-to-post questions. Butter luck next time! :)

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I knew it was, I was just having fun responding, too. :)


Hehe okay, then. Well this game is going to go pretty slow because at the moment the only time I am able to get on is during lunch period at school. So I also will not be able to color for a couple more days.

Next question, for a semi-custom scroll:

What is your favorite soda and why?

Mine is Dr. Pepper because it tastes so awesome! :D I am a dark soda kind of girl. ;)

Also, I will be coloring more premades whenever I get to get back on. The pool is running low. ^_^


I love Fanta Grape <3 Cause' its fanta. Even if I can't drink it any more XD


Lol congrats, Bun! Your scroll is in your inventory. ;)

Next question, for another semi-custom scroll:

Fill in the blank: The best thing about my life right now is __________.


The best thing about my life right now is that I can always count on my friends!


Congrats, Pega! :D Your scroll is in your inventory. The semi form can be found on the agency page or in the raffle post on page 1 of this thread. You can either PM it to this account or post it in the thread. And it does not have to be redeemed right now--you can keep it for as long as you like. ;) Feel free to ask questions if you have any!

Next question, for a full custom scroll (yes you can win twice in a row, for those of you wondering that haven't guessed yet):

Describe a special feeling you had this week. For example, maybe you made a new friend and now you two are closer than ever, or maybe you won something that you worked really hard for. Don't know how well I explained that, but ok. Lol ;)

Kadana Sorano

Special Feeling.. still learning to drive, and almost getting into an accident on the highway, my first "close call" leaving me with especially shredded nerves.

You didn't say it had to be a GOOD special feeling heh

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



>.< Your scroll is in your inventory.

Next question,for a semi scroll:

If you could go anywhere, where would it be and why?


Greece. I would love to see a place with so much fascinating ancient history! I love the mythology, and to see the ruins and such associated with that would really be fantastic.

Also, I'd just want to see the country itself, sample the food, the whole nine yards!


If I could go anywhere... it would be to Egypt.  I've always wanted to see the Valley of the Kings, the temple of Isis that was at Philae and had to be moved due to the Aswan Dam, the Pyramids of Giza, and the Sphinx.  Among many many other things.


Congrats, Saturn. Your scroll is in your inventory.

Those were both really good answers, guys! If I could go anywhere, I would go back home. I miss being able to look around me and not see any other houses but mine. And we had so many great animals. :) If I could go back for even a day, I would gladly do so.

Next question, for a full custom scroll:

I have to unnamed Masayo sitting in my pets page. Help me name them. This is NOT a first to post question. I will take the best answer for the female and the best answer for the male. This means that there will be TWO prizes, not just one. Keep in mind that these two are meant to be mates!


I have sweets on the brain so....

Cinnamon Sugar

Dark Chocolate



Okay...this is the last chance to enter your vote! In five minutes, I will choose winners. :)




Alrighty! I think I'll use Bun's names, and I already have a girl named Angel, so Country gets the second scroll and Bun gets the first. So congrats, Bun and Country! :D

Ok, I'm giving this game a break for awhile so I can concentrate on breedings and such...hoping to have a surprise for you all soon that some will like and some won't. xD But don't fret! This game will be opened back soon. ^_^


Raven and Mikhail Dubrinsky.

Greatest love story XD


Yay! ^^ I'm glad you liked the names <3

Kadana Sorano

Quote from: Kahlira on April 12, 2013, 08:08:42 PM
Raven and Mikhail Dubrinsky.

Greatest love story XD

*licks a Kah* Not my fav couple from the series, but yay carpathians!

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



^_^ Mine neither but I do like his name XD A lot.

Not my favorite book either. My favorite book is still Dark Desire. Best story in there to me.

Favorite couple... Maybe Manilito and Mary Ann (Cuz she knocked him on his bum!) Orrr Natalya and Vikirnoff. She's just hilarious XD


Sorry about missing the raffle last Sunday, guys! This coming Sunday, there will be 6 winners instead of 3...

Doing premades and might work on some stuff for a new set of lines that I'm getting:

ETA: Done!


Doing Kadana's unique marking custom and MAYBE a live franken or two...


Okies! So...Saturn gave me the idea to make a ghost Masayo, and I did! He came out great, so I decided to make a shadow one, too. I am going to put them each up in their own separate raffles. Info is below. Prepare for the two most epic Masayo ever colored by me...

Ghost: Raffle tickets are 6000 SG. Only one ticket per person. List will be randomized exactly one hour from now.

- Kah
- Country
- Saturn
- Bun
- SweetCaroline
- Kadana

Shadow: Raffle tickets are 6000 SG. Only one ticket per person. List will be randomized exactly one hour from now.

- Kah
- Country
- Saturn
- Bun
- SweetCaroline
- Kadana


Kah wants one of each! Is gifting of tickets allowed?


Ummm...I'll go with yes but the person can still only have one of if you gift they can't buy any themselves.


Cool beans XD

I'll buy for country and Saturn. I don't know if either of them will be on in time. XD





Aww, thank you Kah! I just got back from class XD


I didn't know if you'd make it back in time XD


You always look out for me XD *Hugs*


Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 

