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*FCFC* ...Now it's March - April Fools event!

Started by FCFC, February 28, 2013, 02:49:32 PM

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Rose has Puppies

*Skitters off to make kittens for Wildfilly.....Once I remember what female she wanted to use*
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


.:PM's Pick a Door Event:.

Rules posted on page 1


1. Rosedawn
2. CutieePiee
3. Country
4. hiyoko
5. Aralie
6. Kahlira
7. YLO
8. Wildfilly
9. Skysong
10. Kadana

.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


I'd like to use my tortie looking girl YLO made. :P

Door 8 please? :D




Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


My internet and photoshop are all slow
Photoshop crashed already once in the middle of colouring wild's litter
Even hubby's computer is being slow

will get pick a door updated but no more colouring from me right now



I'm not too sure what is going on, as I know my computer is working fine, but photoshop and internet are giving me issues
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Door six is still open? May I have it? Please?


3 Events from me are now open. ^^
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Okay all doors for my event are filled when my internet behaves I will tell you all a winner


Owner of Gliders!



Wild hun for the Silent auction you need to put the pretty baby up for bid so we can bid! <3


-headdesk- Thank you for reminding me! XD




Okay finally my computer is behaving so time to randomize pick a door list

Quote7. YLO
3. Country
1. Rosedawn
6. Kahlira
9. Skysong
4. hiyoko
5. Aralie
8. Wildfilly
2. CutieePiee
10. Kadana
Timestamp: 2013-03-06 15:32:16 UTC

So YLO wins the little Min Pin, but I do believe she was planning to gift so will keep it in this account for her to give away as she pleases
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}



O.O For me? I just came in to check the thread and I see my name! *hugs* Thank you <3


Deliverred to Bunraku :)
I knew who it was going to, but wanted YLO to say it since it was her gift, I was so excited when YLO's name was winner


I completely love her! X33 Really, thank you so much!


:D Glad you're happy! I know you've been really busy and missed a lot of the events so wanted to try and snag you a doggie ^^


Speaking of missing events, YLO, your missing out ont hat bullmastiff you loved so much!! D: Go look at the front page


I'm sad to see none for the bribes yet, I just don't collect any of those breeds so I don't want to offer! =( Because they should go be with whomever wants to give them a forever home.


Yeah, I'm thinking of mabye trying a different game for them if no one posts soon.


I know, I am not home yet, will participate then. Should be in like a couple hours.


I guess I'm a bit confused by the fake bribe events. Do you want like a written response, like a paragraph describing what we would give them? Or is it an RP where we describe 'ourselves' showing up at the adoption place trying to win them over? Or is it just a 'post-a-picture' type of event, like if we were to bribe one with a fancy cat bed, we'd post a picture of a bed?


Yeah i thought about entering them, but wasn't really sure what you're looking for and i'm hopeless at writing anyway.
Owner of Gliders!



ETA: Neo in Gryphion suit.


An example of what I'm looking for;

For the little princess, I would give you the biggest pink fluffy bed youve ever seen! I'd give you lots of buisuits, and only the best homeade food you could imagine, etcetcetc.

You may include pictures as well. ^^ No RP required though.


I'll be entering soon! Just been stuck doing barn chores and car stuff.




I got so shaky I couldn't click. =(


My internet froze! D: *glares at it* Congrats to whoever got it, not sure if the cutoff was at 03:00:00 or at the end of that minute, but I will stalk whoever gets this super gorgeous Bullmastiff! *so much want*


For the little princess... such a pretty little pit bull deserves a home where the pillows are soft and colorful, shades of pink and purple, and the toys are all clean and ready for you to pick from ♥ They're soft toys so to be gentle on your perfect teeth and so you can fall asleep with them without having pointy corners jab at you and ruin your wonderful beauty sleep.
And of course, I'm a cook at a very nice restaurant, so you can expect the best food to be delivered as dinner. What do you say to a medium rare ribeye with a side of steamy broccoli and creamy white chetter mashed potatoes? And if you have a sweet tooth going, I could always bring home a chewy sweet Blondie with a side of vanilla bean ice cream ~
But after all that... what I truly offer is a home for you to stay, with welcoming arms to warm you ♥


Pretty sure it was before =( stupid shaking. -wills self to stop freaking shaking-


For the lovely silent feline with the bi eyes, I shall offer her a delectable dish of cooked fish placed delicately before her to eat at her leasure, a spot in the sun to sleep on, and perhaps a shelf or two to climb when mischeif strikes her, but nothing breakable on them to knock off!


Since it was only 8 seconds late, I'm going to accept it. :P Congrats Rosedawn, you win the pretty bullmastiff! :) I'll put her in your account in a few minutes


Err, actually, just bid 5SG on her. XD
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


For the lovely little scottish fold, I would offer a houseful of cat toys to play with, tall cat trees to climb and curl up in, other kitties to play with, and a wonderfully fun automatic rotating laser toy.  It spins and the laser tracks over the walls, changing direction randomly, and giving lots of opportunity to chase and leap.  And the house itself is large and spacious, with plenty of room to run and hide!


For the boy kitty, I would offer a house full of comfy chairs and couches and a bed with lots of pillows, good for snuggling, and fuzzy blankets for him to knead with his little paws. More importantly, I would offer a warm lap and hands to give him lots of scritches and pets! He would have the pick of spots on the bed to snuggle up in at night, and lots of perches and windows to look out of in every room during the day.

Kadana Sorano

To the Blue Eyed Curly boy I offer a warm and loving home, soft beds and warm blankets, all the petting and cuddling he can stand. Fresh food and water will always be available, and a welcoming lap whenever he wants it.  Plenty of little furry mousie toys, scratching posts, and a nice fitting harness to keep him safe on walks outside in the park.  He'll have his own window so he can always perch on the ledge and watch the birds and squirrels, and not worry about what might be left sitting there to fall on him as he jumps up.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 





Question: Hey Wild do you know when our Hide n Seek babies are coming home?


That was run by YLO so only she will be able to answer that


That will be done later today, hopefully. I got back home really late last night and am not feeling well, but if not today then tomorrow (same with Kennel/Cattery beds being handed out and I also wanna set up other events during the weekend, maybe round #2 of Hide and Seek as well)


Lectral wins the Silent Auction with the lowest Unique bid of 3SG!
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}



I was just wondering if the Fake Bribe game was still open? I'd love to place an offer and open up my Furever home to one of these beautiful kitties but, I don't want to take away anyone else's game <3