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~Little Hooves~ Foals and Games! (Foals are GROWN!)

Started by Little Hooves, February 27, 2013, 08:45:55 AM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d10 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

Little Hooves

Very sorry about the delay, guys! Got a lot more hw than I anticipated and didn't have time to tally up points until now ^^'

These are my calculated totals,

Country: 116
Wildfilly: 45
Rosedawn: 18
Saturnalia: 52
Bunraku: 18
skysnolimit: 26

so first place is Country, second place is Saturnalia, and third place is Wildfilly :) I'll be PMing you guys about prizes~

and there will be another long running game set up in a few minutes; just need to type it out <3 hopefully I'll have time to run a few shorter running games soon, but with AP tests coming up I do need to study :/
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black




*Pokes cute babies*

I want a dream Little Hoove! :D My dream horse is named Summer. Even though she is a sassy diva, she is a fantastic horse. When you get her with the herd she likes to pretend she is top dog, nipping and kicking. But once she is caught and tied up, she is all snuggles and sweetness. Summer is a Quarter horse x Warmblood registered buckskin. She is a national youth champion in both the American and International buckskin associations. She is a lovely dark brown with a black mane and tail. You can see hints of her previous light color on her flanks, rump, and nose where a much lighter brown is evident. As she sheds her fluffy winter coat, pretty dapples show up all over her rump and sides. She is a short little horse at only 14.3 but is very sweet. She has a short cut mane but a very thick and long tail.

Summer is my real horse and I love her oodles. <3

Little Hooves

SPO is the winner of the dream horse contest, if that wasn't obvious :P And since she was the only entrant, she gets a bonus prize of a full custom male LH as a mate for Summer~

There are two more events added; pick a door and a couple auctions :)

And don't forget to get your foal names PMed to this account!

Edit: Also are you guys okay with premade prizes or is there more interest in semi/full customs? I've been sticking to mostly premades since I've been studying for my AP tests, but with my last one on monday I will have more time to color
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Door 2 with PURPLE! Please ^-^

SB for both Buckskin and Palomino

Sleeping Ocean

Door 10 with pink! :D

ETA: This is Bunraku on her agency account >>;;;;


Owner of Gliders!




Door 8 please, with orange!!!

I love premades, personally :P  They're all beautiful and such a surprise, and the more the merrier!  Breeding for me is custom enough XD;;






Door 6 with grey

5k on buckskin
2k on palomino


Little Hooves

doors updated; there's only 2 left :) Rosedawn, Bunraku claimed door 10 before you, so please pick another <3

High Bids:
Buckskin - 5k - SPO
Palomino  2k - SPO

skysnolimit, thank you for your answer! if you'd like, you can pick an untitled premade from this folder (excluding the auction ones) to take home~
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Door 5 Green

I misunderstood lol.


**SQUEE** Does that include the blue roan?  I'm a sucker for fantasy and I don't have any yet!

The black snowflake appy girl was definitely a close runner up.

I'm not against customs and semis, of course, but for me the instant gratification of seeing many new pretties beats pondering for a long time over what would look best in my herd ^^;  I  also think that customs pack more punch when they're rare.

Thank you Holly!!!

Little Hooves

No worries, Rose! Got you marked for door 5~

It does include the blue roan, skysnolimit :) Just let me know what you'd like to name her! And you're welcome <3
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black



I'd like to name her Escaflowne, please :)  Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with the series by that name, but to me it just fits her so well!  I hope the experts agree XD

7k on the Buckskin!



Owner of Gliders!


10k on the buckskin
10k on the palomino


Hey, just getting back in to the swing of things here. Could I pick door 9 grey? I hope I understood everything correctly. :)

Little Hooves

whoo finally all those doors got picked :D

gonna be working on prizes later tonight after I eat dinner, hoping some of the pick a door winners will be online to send in forms and such ^^

so without further ado, here's what as hiding behind those doors!

1. Semi Custom - Saturnalia
2. Full Custom - Country
3. Premade (Click!)- PonyMama
4. Full Custom - CutieePiee
5. Premade (Click!) - Rosedawn
6. Premade (Click!) - SPO
7. Semi Custom - Winged
8. Semi Custom - skysnolimit
9. Semi Custom - Spiderfly
10. Semi Custom - Bunraku

If you won a semi custom or full custom, please fill out the corresponding form and post it in this thread :)

Base Coat: (bay/brown/black/chestnut)
Desired Coat Modifiers: (up to 2)

Base Coat:
Eye Color:
Coat Modifiers:
Feet Markings:
Face Markings:
Ref Pics?

In addition, the auction winners are:

Buckskin - Country (8k)
Palomino - Winged (5k)

Please post what you'd like the name them and send the SG to this account; thanks!
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black



Name: Ravensong
Gender: Female
Owner: Saturnalia
Base Coat: Black
Desired Coat Modifiers: Tobiano, Roan


Name: Cherries and Cream
Gender: Female
Owner: skysnolimit
Base Coat: chestnut
Desired Coat Modifiers: dun, sabino overo

Also.................. maybe flaxen if you don't mind adding it XD;;;;;;;;

Soooooo good!


I'd like to call him Dakota please ^-^

Name: Silver Lining
Gender: Male
Owner: Country
Base Coat: Grey
Eye Color: Brown
Coat Modifiers: Silver dapple, blanket appy
Feet Markings: One sock, three stockings
Face Markings: Blaze
Ref Pics? No


Thank you so much!!

Name: Drake
Gender: Male
Owner: Spiderfly
Base Coat: Black
Desired Coat Modifiers: roan, tobiano

Little Hooves

sorry it's been so silent recently; i've been on vacation! i'll be posting the pickups for the forms that have been posted so far tomorrow since today is movie day for me XD

also I believe its nearing the next rotation for agency applications again, which is super exciting :D I really want these guys to become an agency lol
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Gah! She is gorgeous! Can I name her Nokota please?


I love my boy....and I think I want to name him Inkwell >.> with his blanket appy and the way his tobiano looks he sorta reminds me an inkwell that spilled over. And he's so beautiful for it.

Little Hooves

hope you guys like your customs :)

Ravensong (Saturnalia)

Cherries and Cream (skysnolimit)

Sorry no flaxen; semi customs are limited to 2 suggestions :(

Silver Lining (Country)

Not even sure if silver dapple shows on grey but I tried >__>

Drake (Spiderfly)

And the 3 premades have been added to both your guys' owner folders on PB and to the LH directory in the Notary Office thread!

I'm really sorry I keep calling out people in the thread title, but I don't have voucher items and have a real problem with leaving things unfinished so I don't like setting up new games without getting everyone their prize from the previous one <333

ALSO! Are you guys okay with how semi customs are at the moment, or would it be better to change it so that you guys can suggest more than 2 modifiers and I pick from what you have listed?

And another question; do you guys want another game or would you prefer I open a round of customs/mimics?
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black


Name: Genesis
Gender: Male
Owner: Bunraku
Base Coat: Chestnut (the redder the better)
Desired Coat Modifiers: Roan, Frame Overo

I hope I did this right O.O;

Little Hooves

gah are my text blocks confusing? >___< I should probably log onto this account more often, but there's hardly ever anyone else online when I am and I can't do quick games x__x

but you did it right, Bunraku ^^ hope you like your boy~
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black



Also, I'd totally be up for either games or customs... I just want moooooar Little Hooves! :D


I'd just like to say how AWESOME those customs look! Great job coloring :)

Little Hooves

very glad you guys like them! <3 seeing such wonderful comments is my motivation to continue improving :D

and I just realized how old this thread actually is XD so after I get those last few forms there will be a new thread for games and customs

The only issue is the foals. I'm missing about 10 adult images, so I need to go through and find which ones are missing and get them before adults can be uploaded. And I haven't gotten names for most of them so I'm not really sure if it's even worth uploading them yet. Especially since agency applications should be open again soon and I'm really hoping these guys will be able to get to agency status and I'll just have to re-upload them again if that happens x____x
Wildfilly94|Manager/Runner posts in Purple
Holly|Full-time Colorist posts in Teal
hiyoko|Part-time Colorist posts in Green
Super Starz|Owner posts in Black



Name: Isabel
Gender: Female
Owner: Winged
Base Coat: brown
Desired Coat Modifiers: Cream, roan

And i'll name the palomino girl Fairy.
Owner of Gliders!


I've been trying to trade off some of my foals, but its not working well or I'd have them named already. D:

If any adult images are missing from foals I did, let me know. I *should* have uploaded all of them, but may have missed some. SS could have some hiding too. Or SKysong or Luv... >.>