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The Untamed - Breeding Season -Update on pup limit-

Started by Mutt, February 23, 2013, 09:03:58 PM

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So this is the Untamed's first true breeding season, here's how things are going to work this season (might be changing the rules a bit for later breeding seasons depending on how this goes, see how I can handle it) In future I'd like to hold a breeding season every couple of months so we'll see how we go :)


One breeding per season per person (not per account), this is subject to change for later breeding seasons but with up to 6 pups per litter and this being the first breeding season I don't want to be too overwhelmed.

You can keep 3 puppies/kittens per season  (also subject to change) You can now keep 4 pups

You are welcome to trade pups/kittens.

Puppies or kittens not claimed will still be grown and may be given out in events later on.

Females can breed once per season, males twice.

Breedings can be submitted up until the end of the month (normally these will be open for the first two weeks of the month but this month is a little irregular) once the Secundi timer ticks over to March 1st breedings will no longer be accepted.

Colouring of puppies/kittens will then begin immediately, at present the puppy/kitten images will remain all on the same image and they will only be uploaded to Secundi once they grow this is likely to change in future once they have a new lineart (tablet problems are currently preventing me from drawing new linearts)

Breeding two merle canines can result in double merle offspring, a double merle Untamed will always have only merle offspring, but double merle pups will also be randomized for blindness and deafness The Untamed is a wild animal adoptable as such a blind or deaf pup will not survive into adulthood and you will not be able to grow said pup.

Den sites are 'rented' fees are below, there is no fee for claiming later on, the den site renting fee is the one and only fee for breeding season. Fees should be sent to Mutt. Sorry if they're a little steep I'm very concerned about having a ton of Untamed to colour and getting them all done in an orderly fashion.

Small: (1-3 young) 5k
Large: (4-6 young) 15k


Breeding forum,

Den site: Large/Small
Mother: (page Link)
Mother's owner:
Father: (page link)
Father's owner:

Forum for giving permission for someone else to use your Untamed in a breeding,
Untamed: (page link)
Permission given to:

Let me know if I've forgotten anything guys, I'm running on very little sleep so I'm sure I managed to miss something important XD


Note: Because I forgot to post this in our last thread, our naming item isn't ready for use yet so if you have an Untamed named 'Name me' you can place the desired name in the agency description and give me a poke, I'll edit their names in for you.


Owner of Gliders!


Quick question about the claiming of the three: Is it three from your own litter or three total cubs or kittens kept?


Are Shera and Ceph both merle? ^^;;  I'm sorry I'm terrible at the names of dog coats and I don't want to accidently end up with blind/deaf puppies!



Winged - oops sorry, I'll fix that immediately I knew I was bound to forget something while importing.

Kahlira- three total, for now anyway I'd like to allow more later (as well as remove the one breeding rule) but I'm concerned I would end up colouring a lot more pups + adults.

Bunraku- Nope, Shera is merle and Ceph is silver sable so their pups would be fine.


Den site: Large
Mother's owner:Sunchaser109
Father's owner:Sunchaser109

Yes those watching I will be having babies that will find other homes :-p

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*goes to hunt for pretties to breed with* I do find the max. of 3 total a bit confusing, say if everyone did large breedings (so 4 to 6 pups) and can only keep 3 pups (their own or swapped in a trade for unrelated ones) it seems like there would be quite a few leftover pups? I do see that they will be used in events, but if all pups born will grow up anyway I don't understand why we can keep so few? It doesn't really seem to influence the amount of pups born, but maybe I am misunderstanding? I keep failing to stalk these but really want to so I'll admit it's likely I've missed some info here and there :P I hope I can find pretties to borrow, usually I can offer a baby in return as stud/RB fee but I understand people would also want to keep babies from their own breeding and maybe trade some too so I will see if I can find something else that works as payment ^^



Well I was hoping it might encourage a few less large den breedings but it's probably not going to be the case, I guess what could be done is limit the amount of breedings like The Kennel used to do (with beds not always being available but being able to keep 3 pups per litter) but it does look like there will be a lot of unclaimed pups.

So, if anyone has any suggestions about how I should change breeding season I'm definitely open to suggestions :) Oh also you guys can edit your breeding right up until March 1st so if the rules change you can adjust your plans.

You should have no difficulty finding Untamed to borrow, there's a few threads in breeding trades and my Untamed and Okami's are almost always up for free breed (though I think my wolf Jehdda is reserved ) :)


Personally I'd do a large breeding indeed, so that there's spare pups if the owner(s) of borrowed parents want one and also so I have enough to chose from. I like a variety of colors and patterns in my pets, so a larger litter increases the chances of getting 3 pups to keep that are largely different from one another :) And everyone always loves more breedings XD You could limit the amount of large dens maybe, or do a vast increase in price for them. Like Wildfilly has a breeding item for CDA for the basic (smaller) litter size that's 20K so everyone can afford to breed and an item to guarantee a large litter that is like 200K, so that people who really want those extra babies can still get them but have to pay the price for the extra work. It seems to be working well from what she told me, the first season when the price was lower a ton more people used them.


If there were a medium option I'd have probably went with that instead. A guarantee of at least two pups. Rather then the 1-3 for the small den. ((Maybe a 2-4 for the medium would have been working for me?)) I dunno. But I'm ok with the large though. Means I can give Winged a babu from the breeding. And keep one for myself and give the rest away.


So can we keep 3 pups TOTAL, or just 3 pups from our own litter?


This question has been asked earlier on the page Wild, it's 3 total.


Aww thats a bummer. -Runs off to change breed fees-


Breeding forum

Den site: Large
Mother's owner: hiyoko
Father's owner: hiyoko

The father's name is in the pet description.^^


Permission given to: YLO

Please let me know if I need to post this elsewhere.


Owner of Gliders!


Sorry about my absence I've been very sick and spent yesterday and most of today lying on my living room floor.

Again sorry about the limit guys I'm still looking into ways of changing the way breeding season works so hopefully next season you'll be able to keep more pups (or maybe I'll change it before pups are born) :) Keep the suggestions coming.

Country- nope posting permission here is just fine :)


Is there an item we need to breed? Just wanna make sure before I run off asking to borrow someone's gal!


Owner of Gliders!





BabyKittenCandy- Nope no items required you do need to 'rent' a den site though.




Alright March 1st breeding requests will no longer be accepted. I'm going to start colouring litters I'll be colouring the adults at the same time so litters may be a bit slow in arriving but there will be less of a wait on growing.

*cracks knuckles* Here we go. I'll upload puppy images as I complete them so if you're waiting on pups you might want to check back every so often.



Okami is going to help with breeding season :) So things should start moving quicker even though adults are being done at the same time, here's the first litter for Kahlira, I've forgotten the photobucket login so this is uploaded from a different photobucket to the usual Untamed stuff,

Pup 1: (sleeping) female, blue merle, white and tan.
Pup 2: (panting, laying down) male, blue merle + tan with minimal white
Pup 3: (panting standing up) male, black tri-colour.
Pup 4: (sitting on rock) male, blue merle, white and tan.
Pup 5: (lying down) Black tri colour.

This will be all for the next few hours most likely I'm on baby bird sitting duty again whilst Okami is out.


:O Jealous, those are scuh pretty babies!



Alright got some more adult images coloured, just have to wait until Okami gets the juvenile images done and I'll be posting more litters :) Sorry about the wait, we've had some dramas with our fledgling budgies >.>

Have a photo of Little Sparrow while you're waiting.... he's partially to blame XD Mostly to blame he's had me worried.

Also Bobcats will have... puppy images so don't be surprised when there are spotty and stripey pups everywhere XD There's a lot.



Still colouring litters, adult images anyway, might have to do away with the puppy images altogether in order to get these out in a timely manner though. Let me know what you guys think but it would definitely be easier and a lot faster.

Adult images coloured for those curious,
26 of 46


Whatever works for you with the bob cats im good with :)


If it's a lot easier for you then i wouldn't mind getting rid of baby images.
Owner of Gliders!


I agree, whatever is easier for you.


I'm glad you guys would be okay with that, Okami seems to have changed her mind about colouring the pups/kittens so it's a lot easier for me this way, I'll probably start uploading adult images to Secundi tonight.

Taking a break for now so far - 32 of 46 Untamed are coloured.

EDIT: Uploaded all the coloured litters.


I'm okay with it too! Yay for litters being delivered! ^^


I love all of mine, so it's going to be hard to part with


love them! and just so you know my females of the litter are marked males >.>


I love mine! Is the rule still 3 babies per person total kept for the whole season?
Owner of Gliders!


Sunchaser- Oops I'll fix that now I was half asleep when I was uploading them and male is the default gender when uploading XD

For this season I was thinking to let you guys have an extra pup until I decide what I want to do with the breeding season so

You may keep 4 pups instead of the original 3 If that would have changed your breeding plans (ie you used a small den and would have used a large) and at the end of breeding and trading you still have less than 4 pups drop me a message (let me know your preference of species) I'll be breeding a pair of Untamed and giving pups away.


That's excelent, thanks! Gives me a bit more flexibility in my choices :)
Owner of Gliders!


I have seen my litter! And I have squeed =D Thank you!

Pup 3 will be going to Winged <3

I'm most likely keeping the rest XD


Glad you like them, there's some real cute foxies this season X3

And I've now coloured and uploaded :46 of 46 Untamed. Whew. I'll probably be colouring an extra litter later as stated in my above post for people who received very few puppies and would have changed to a large den had they known they could keep 4. Sorry about that guys I thought I had this whole breeding season worked out but I was not organised very well at all.

Edit: Oh let me know if you spot any mistakes, most likely your females will be listed as males I've had to correct several already but I may have missed some :)