~Sleeping Ocean~ Agency Celebration & Valentine Events Thread~

Started by Sleeping Ocean, February 05, 2013, 07:54:47 PM

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The Matchmaker
Siren Name: Vay
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/Saturnalia/51VayPNG_zps0cc43308.png
You're Siren's Story: Vay is not your typical gentle, delicate mermaid soul.
After all, some of those myths about mermaids have teeth-- the creatures were just as well-known for being dangerous, dragging sailors under the waves and such, as for being lovely and charming.
Vay isn't quite that brutal, perhaps, but she doesn't particularly care to suffer fools, either. And, well, some of her hobbies aren't as... peaceful... as macrame or baking or singing to the moon.
"After all," she has been heard to say, "why should the human pirates have all the fun and go home with all of the treasure?"
And, indeed, some pirate ships have found themselves taking in water, and scampering for the shallows, their holds a little bit lighter thanks to Vay.
She wouldn't show her hidden hoard of stolen loot to just any mate, of course. But nor is she going to sit around, sighing dramatically and waiting for a companion to sweep her off her feet. Oh, no. If Vay finds a mate, they will need to be just as capable and eager for adventure on the high seas as she is.


Melt My Heart~SB please?

OhmyGoodness! She's amazing <3

Editing since I foorgot to bold.


Th Matchmaker
Siren Name: Adora
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/Rosedawn/75Event4_zps3ddcb8df.png
You're Siren's Story:

Adora was called such because all who knew her adored her. Her father and sisters were all incredibly close, she had many amazing friends who made her days beautiful and bright. Adora was most well known for her rose garden, which she had somehow managed to cultivate under the sleeping ocean, breeding them with other deep sea flowers to help the normally land loving plants thrive under water.

Adora was not an adventorous soul but oh how she DREAMED of adventures. Of sea witches and brave merman knights who saved the sirens of the sleeping ocean from terrible dangers. She devoured these stories, and often one can hear her in her garden, singing sailor's songs of lasses and far off places and the men striving to find their lost loves.

A romantic to her very core Adora dreams of a mate with eyes deep and dark and blue as the depth of the sea. He would be brave and strong and sharp where she was soft and delicate. Her other half. A thorn to her rose. 


May I change my song? I know that's weird but I had a flash of inspiration for a song that really meant a lot to me (forgotten about until today actually wow that's so sad) but if not that's ok. <3 <3

Sleeping Ocean


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Flying Dreams
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Wo0FXJ0OM
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: Secret of NIMH was a very favorite movie of mine growing up. I must have watched it a million times, so much that I actually wore out the VHS tape. For some reason this song popped into my head today and I knew I had to change my song. I used to go to sleep listening to it.

Dream by night
Wish by day
Love begins this way
Loving starts
When open hearts
Touch and stay....

And love it seems
Made flying dreams
To bring you home to me

It always reminds me that even when we're all far away that something as simple as dreaming can, for a brief while, bring someone home. It's important to hang on to things like that.

Siren Gender: Whatever inspires you



215k on Rainbow Wave

Do we have to send payment as we are bidding, or is it only the winner that has to at the end of the auction?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 










Kah will send money tomorrow if you could inbox me your paypal? Kah is about to crash. Long day at work was kind of boring. And I'm about to fall on my nose. At least I'm fairly certain I wn Melt My heart?

Sleeping Ocean

And we have Silvanon for a winner of Rainbow Rave!

Kah, You have won her ^^ I shall contact you with my details, and paying tomorrow is fine <3


I just want to let everyone know not to panic if you don't see flat sale or auction mermaids on you're account yet-I'm not importing until I finish the nameless certs, but they will appear in your owners folders on photobucket ^^


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Radios in Heaven
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzqegGgfk2c
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
Your time has already come and I don't know why
The last thing that I had heard
You were doing just fine
It seems like just yesterday
I was laughing with you
Playing games at Grandma's house
Well you taught me well, didn't you?
I hope I'm just like you

Siren Gender: male
I've always found this song absolutely beautiful ever since I first heard it. Within a year I lost both my grandfathers, the first people I've ever lost. One of them had been ill for a long time and he has suffered for quite a long time, but the other grandpa passed really suddenly. He was the one I was closest too in my family, someone who always seemed so happy to see me, found anything I had to say interesting and I always felt so loved and welcome. He and grandma were also so very much in love still, after all those years, it was touching to see. We shared a love of music, he had been part of a choir for a really long time and so was I as a child and the elderly choir and the kid's choir used to perform together. It's always been something that connected us. This song helped me grief and deal with the loss and also cherish all the memories I have of him, so it really means a lot.

The Matchmaker
Siren Name: Meridith
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/YourLoveOnly/38MeridithPNG_zpse8ed1add.png
You're Siren's Story: Meridith is a romantic girl, hoping for a special boy to sweep her off her feet.. err fins. She feels attracted to boys that look natural, like herself, nothing too flashy but lovely browns, reds, blacks etc. Especially boys with a more exotic heritage like a lovely tan Spanish or Indian skintone for example capture her attention. But even more important than that is that he will treat her right and loves to spend time with her, someone who will put her first and make her feel cherished.


Wow, I forgot to chevk the end time for that auction. bummer. :/ I seriously need to stalk better next tine.

Congrats kah and silv. :)




I'll close those events and announce winners on the 22nd ^^ I apologize for not putting my end time up!

Kah- Paypal is giving me problems logging in, so I'll have you pay when I finally get back into my account =.=;; it apparently thinks I'm unauthorised to log in to my own account, probably because I've never logged in on this laptop before >>;;;


Okie doke XD I probably should add my new card anyways.


OH! I was so sick I hadn't even noticed the events closed.

-Waits anxiously- <3 <3


I haven't forgotten about this thread guys! I have a boatload of semi-customs from the first thread to get uploaded, plus I'm making the prizes for this event and the males for the shell custom event, but don't worry, I AM getting things done ! I've just been a bit busy between real life and CDA breeding season/commissions I'm finishing for people on here, plus line edited Siren X.= Its all getting done, a bit at a time ^^

Kadana Sorano

Poor Bun, you came to our little community and we pounced and drowned you in work!  Too late to flee now, you shall be assimilated, there's no escape! *evil laugh*
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*snickers* But I enjoy the work no matter how much of it I have, so I'm not trying to escape, bwahaha! XD


*hugs a Bun* Take your time dear!

On a more sad note, apparently my tablet has been damaged in the move. It doesn't show any damage, but it won't work anymore :( Not sure if it's something inside the actual tablet or the wiring/cord, but it won't turn on. Am trying to borrow a friend's to finish up that way overdue entry.


*hugs a YLO* Thanks hon!

Take you're time, hopefully I'll be able to start templating everything for the costume contest this month, and there's LOTS to template, so no rush at all. ^^ What exactly is the tablet doing when you plug it in? It could be that there's something wrong with the computer's USB or its just not detecting the tablet if it has no visible damage. My tablet's chord is actually damaged so I have to fiddle it at times to make it work, dose it look bent or dose it make contact again when you fiddle with the chord at the base of the plug-in at either end? It could also be that the chord itself received some internal damage.

You can tell I'm used to my stuff breaking, lol >>;;


It's not the USB, I plug my iPod and the USB with all my art files into the same port (heck, I tried all devices in 3 ports, they all work XD), just not the tablet. It just doesn't register, I tried reinstalling the software, but the software is working too, it is just not recognizing the tablet. It didn't work on my parents brandnew laptop either so I am afraid it's the tablet :( It just does nothing, there is a light on the tablet that should go on when connected but it doesn't and when I try drawing it doesn't work either (I had hope for a sec that it was just the light not working anymore XD). So yep, I am afraid internal damage somewhere.
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


I hope its just the chord and not the tablet itself, then at least it would be more easily replaceable D:


I dunno, the chord is attached to the tablet, it's not a chord you plug into the tablet on one side and the computer on the other. So I have no idea how to replace just the chord, think I will just get a new tablet. I barely use my tablet anyway, since I mainly color using my mouse, it's only for drawing from scratch which I do not do often so I am not in a rush :)
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


Looking forward to sirens and roleplay! Thought I'd bump this for you.


My apologies for the painfully long wait on the results of these contests, I'm hoping to have an update for you all within the next few days and hand out the prizes for the contests, among working on the remainder of the long overdue customs I owe. I haven't forgotten you! I've just overwhealmed myself a bit with the amount of things I've taken on in my eagerness to color for many different adoptables.


No worries Bun, you've done a lot of good work for various adoptables, i completely understand the wait :)
Owner of Gliders!


Winners Of The Matchmaker Contest!
(My apologies for taking so long with these. Things in my personal life keep cropping up, but I am still trying to get things done! I'll try to get the winners of the song contest posted tomorrow. I have picked three winners from each catagory instead of just one to make up for my negligence with this thread ^^)

From the dias of assembly, hopeful eyes turn towards the throne amongst the crumbling marble pillars and shadows of grandeur that had once been a part of human civilization-now used by the Siren as a meeting place between a ruler and his people. But the throne is empty-the guards in their places as they attend their posts daily, the nobles muttering in concern. The Prince has been away many days, nigh a month since he had made a promise to aide the loneliness of his people, and hope is growing dim that he will return with each passing day.

Yet hope, it seems, is not lost. Out of the dim reflections cast by the sunlight seeping through the deep water, a shadow emerges, followed by three other shapes. Heads lift towards the vision, growing closer, drifting slowly with the tide. Soon shadow takes shape- mermen, four of them, their supple forms gliding through the water with a lazy grace, using the oceans own natural flow to conserve energy as they ride the current. Shape soon becomes color-the tell tale cobalt streaks of blue on the princes tail marking him for who he undoubtedly was, the sailfin along his back catching the light. For a moment he is haloed against the shafts of sunlight glittering around him, the three other forms falling in behind him, drawing stares, for they are new to the Prince's kingdom.

"Forgive my long absence." The prince offers his people a tired smile, inclining his head towards them as the amathyst eyes glitter softly "But my search took me far past our waters. I hope, however, that those of you I was able to find a companion for, will find happiness."

With a subtle nod, he directs each male towards his intended love:

As a young male Siren moves towards Amber, he blushes faintly and smiles, fidgeting restlessly as he tries his best to look dignified. It seems hard, however, to look dignified when ones natural inclination is to swim in circles around his new companion, or to leap out and hug her like a puppy that's more than delighted to have a new owner. His bright colors burn against the white of his scales and startling black markings, but for all that he is beautiful he seems to have a mind more set on having fun than taking anyone or anything too seriously. Finally, bored with trying to look dignified, he decides to swim circles around himself instead...looking for all the world like a dog chasing its own tail.

Kadana Sorano
In sharp contrast to the previous male, the next merman the Prince gestures forwards is almost somber in appearance. His dark eyes-indeed the color of chocolate, give Luna a long, unreadable look as he swims in place before her. He had been young, then, so long ago. Young, impulsive, foolish-certainly older than the thin whisp of moonlight that had reached for him in his desperation to escape the net, but not so old that he had lost the hope that the girl who had tried to save him was real and not simply a flicker of moonlight and shadow. His scarred hide tells the story-faint now are the markings of the net upon his skin, but not so faint that they can't be seen, marking the otherwise flawless flesh of his torsoe, even his face. His tail is ashen indeed, its color muted but glittering silver-fine in what little light there is to see by. Another scar on his flesh, in the shape of a dragon, tells another story indeed...of those who had captured him, of time spent far, far away in unknown waters...yet he still remembers the girl before him, and he wonders, can she heal the scars?

The next male to approach, needs no urging to do so, coming forwards towards Akimai with unconcealed curiosity. His burning golden eyes, for all their intensity, seem kind as he swims a slow, graceful circle around her. The fluid motions of his body make his scales gleam, onyx touched with gold, the faintest hint of red. He is like the dragon tattoed on his chest- flaring fins all gleaming ferocity, beautiful to look upon, foreign of skin and tilt of eye. He halts his curious examination of his new companion, offering her a smile that melts away the seriousness of his nature, the dragon-like danger of his appearance. But home indeed he was-having come from the same distant waters that had brought Akimai to the Sleeping Ocean, off the coast of an island who's avatar was the red sun which never sets, even when night hangs over the land, eternally rising. He extends a hand towards her in offering, as though, in thought and in mind they might find home together.


Kah OMG I adore your boy O_O They are all quite pretty!


I think I'm in love! He is amazing! The perfect mate for my little Amber, oh yes =D Colors are amazing too on him.

Amber thinks the game of chase the fin seems awesome so she starts to chase his xD


Lol Kah XD Somehow I could see the two of them chasing each other around all day. I love me some carefree mer-people <3


Me too XD They may be fun to RP with come later times.


Hopefully I can hold an RP with prizes at some point ^^ I love watching people make characters of the things I color, it really gives them a feeling of purpose.


I'm not too much interested in prizes when my muse is upon me. I just like making up stories. And them two mayy be responsible for a lot.

And man, at some point, they may have a friend if I ever get a custom. ohh! Except her name isn't normal >.>


You're just like me XD I love to RP. I could go on forever with it regardless of weather I win a prize or not.

Name not normal? I can surely make exceptions to the naming ruels for characters ^^


Sweet XD She has one form right now. My little lady Mushromp. Not normal XD

I could see her as Amber's best friend.