~Sleeping Ocean~ Agency Celebration & Valentine Events Thread~

Started by Sleeping Ocean, February 05, 2013, 07:54:47 PM

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Sleeping Ocean

My name it is Maria, a merchant's daughter fair,
And I have left my parents and three thousand pounds a year,
Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be
Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea,

While up aloft, in storm, from me his absence mourn,
And firmly pray, arrive the day, he home will safe return.
My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.

The waters are calm today, but that's nothing when you've been stranded on unfamilliar shores for weeks on end, with nothing to console you but the lonely calls of the Siren at sea, echoing the loneliness in your own heart. What day is it? What week? How long has it been since you're ship was swallowed by the turbulent waves? You can hardly even tell what time it is because your watch has been ruined by the salt water, yet you still wear it around your wrist, its cracked face and stilled hands a reminder of the civilization you have left behind.

You have only one companion in this strange place-yet he remains distant, just uncertain of what to make of you as you are of him. He either cannot, or will not help you leave this island. All that is certain is that he is the one who pulled you coughing and gagging from the all consuming waves, nearly beaching himself in the process of saving your life.

A Siren. Who would have thought one would save your life, when his kind are known for taking delight in drowning sailors?

He is sitting on a rocky outcropping before you, the long curve of his spine and tail facing you as he looks out towards the sea. The immense sail-fin running along his back catches the sunset, the webbing between the spines turning the purple and black a bloody shade of red. Spines tipped in sharp points, undoubtedly poisonus. He is dangerous, far more so than a fish or a shark because he has the intelligence of a human. Yet, so far, he has made no move to harm you.

The distant call of the Siren at sea echoes to him on the wind, stirring long black hair. His eyes close, dimming the faint glow of amathyst eyes. For a few moments, a pained expression seemes to flicker across his features before it is gone completely.

Who is he?

"They sing because they are lonely." His voice is soft, unlike a humans, but human in its warmth and expression. He turns to you, eyes unreadable in the half light. " Do you know what time of year it is? I believe your human culture soon celebrates the bonds of love by granting favors to each other."

You swallow, uncertainty becoming terror as your eyes widen "It's already February? I've been here two months...?"

He dose not seem to aknowledge your distress other than with a faint nod that makes some of the long, wild hair fall into his eyes. "Am I right?"

You pause for a moment, brain scrabbling to absorb his meaning as he peirces you with that amathyst stare "Uhh...Yeah... how do you...know about that?"

"We know a lot more about you're kind than you'd probably care to hear." A faint smile tugs at his lips, and you cant tell if he's mocking you, pitying you, or merely finds the knowledge amusing. "But we too have a celebration such as this. Normally, we would sing to our lovers to bring them to us."

You look out towards the ocean, taking a step forwards as the salt-scented wind clings to your ragged hair. You push an errant strand behind your ear, listening to the singing that sounds more like a wail. "But they sound...so sad."

He gives you a long look for a moment, as though considering your words. He seems to find them strange, as if he did not expect them to leave your lips with such genuine concern "That is because they are."

"Why?" You take a step towards him, only halting your steps when you notice the involutairy way the spines running along his back tremble at your approach, as if he were a wild animal that dose not appreciate your close proximity.

"Humans." He speaks the word flatly, without emotion, but the look in his eyes is both sad and threatening all at once.

You do not get a chance to ask him what he meant before he dissappears into the water in a torrent of foam, the waves swallowing his dark shape as though he had never been there to begin with, before growing still once more.

Sleeping Ocean


1. Introduction
2. You are Here (Announcements, Index, Credits)
3. To do list of dhoom
4. Flatsale & Customs Information

First of all, my apologies for heading the thread with such a long story! Its something I plan to do, and enjoy in each thread, connecting them through a continuing story. Sleeping Ocean was planned as a more interactive RP adoptable from the beginning, and though I had planned to launch it that way, I never had the time to fully engage anyone in the story of the adoptable. Hopefully by means of this thread I will begin to unveil its background and gain a little interest in the main characters of the adoptable who will make their appearances more frequently from now on.

That being said, I now want to give everyone my thanks! I am more than pleased to announce that Sleeping Ocean has reached agency status, which means future plans for expansion and improvement. All owed customs from the old thread and trades I have made will be completed despite this new thread and its events, along with updates on importing status. Before importing begins, I will be making new, smaller, ownerless certs for the Siren to be displayed on when they are uploaded, to preserve the appearance of fin transparency and to keep the mood of the adoptable. There will be multiple types of cert as time progresses, so you will be able to choose your background from several options.

Also, I am pleased to announce as a thank you for your support, that everything from the costume design contest is going to be templated! That means each of you who entered the contest are winners, and will receive a full custom wearing your design, the first of the newly templated clothing to be released. Please understand, however than these will take considerable time to template, and I may be contacting each of you personally if alteration of your design is nessicary to make it work with the template, especially in the case of headgear.

New species and mutations will also be making an appearance soon, along with some event-only items in this thread!

Thank you everyone!


Adoptable, Artwork by Bunraku
Coloring by Bunraku & Sunchaser

Sleeping Ocean

To Do List

Sleeping Ocean


1 Siren per person unless 24 hours has passed
Payment for your claim must be received within 48 hours
1 Claim per post
To claim, please use the codename of the Siren you are selecting
Do not post claims until the flat sale says "OPEN"

Auction Rules
1. You may bid on and win both auctions.
2. Please post the codename and color of the siren you are bidding on.
3. Payments must be made within 48 hours.
4. Paypal only for USD transactions. Please contact me after the auction for payment details.

SG Auction-Over
Rainbow Rave

Starting Bid:100k SG
BIN: None
Current High Bid: Won By Silvanon 680k
Auction Ends 20:00 Secundi Time 2/18/2013

USD Autction-Over
Melt My Heart

Starting Bid:$5 USD
BIN: None
Current High Bid:Won by Kah-$5
Auction Ends 20:00 Secundi Time 2/18/2013


Customs Forms & Mutations
All Mutations and options for customs can be found in this thread, along with customs forms: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8208.0

Sleeping Ocean

Games & Contests

The Sirens Song
For the Siren, music is an expression of emotion deeper than simple words or thought, a way to allow one to glimpse into into the soul of the singer, or to reach out towards the heart of another. If you were to find the right song, would it touch the heart of a Siren enough that it would answer a humans call? We will see.

For this contest, I will ask you to post a link to a song that has deep meaning for you. The winner will receive a Siren in their choice of gender colored based on the song they chose.

Please post entries in bold and purple!

The Sirens Song
Song Title:
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
Siren Gender:


The Matchmaker
Do you possess a lonely siren in need of a companion? Now is his or her chance to find a friend or lover to pass the time with. Using the form below, write about you're lonely Siren and what they are looking for in a companion, from looks to personality. The winner will receive a siren based on their description. Be creative! Don't just post a description of a custom, please try to create a short story behind why you're siren is seeking a friend or lover, and what special meaning the appearance/personality of the one they seek might have.

Please post entries in bold and teal!

Th Matchmaker
Siren Name:
Link to Siren:
You're Siren's Story:


*clings* :DDD

QuoteAlso, I am pleased to announce as a thank you for your support, that everything from the costume design contest is going to be templated! That means each of you who entered the contest are winners, and will receive a full custom wearing your design, the first of the newly templated clothing to be released. Please understand, however than these will take considerable time to template, and I may be contacting each of you personally if alteration of your design is nessicary to make it work with the template, especially in the case of headgear.

I did a few different designs on each gender. Do I get one of each gender with my designs or I pick one of my designs, or what? I'm fine with whatever the answer is, just wanna clarify so I can plan ahead of time XD

Sleeping Ocean

Good question Wild, I'd like to do one of each gender, but I want to be fair to those that only entered one design and hadn't considered that particular aspect when I decided to reward everyone with customs. I'll have to consider what to add on to their reward if they only had one entry.

Kadana Sorano

Quote from: Sleeping Ocean on February 05, 2013, 07:55:20 PMAlso, I am pleased to announce as a thank you for your support, that everything from the costume design contest is going to be templated! That means each of you who entered the contest are winners, and will receive a full custom wearing your design, the first of the newly templated clothing to be released. Please understand, however than these will take considerable time to template, and I may be contacting each of you personally if alteration of your design is nessicary to make it work with the template, especially in the case of headgear.

That is indeed awesome!  My Custom goes to Sunchaser please, and please do refer any questions regarding outfit adjustments etc to her,as she is more familiar with the uniform then I am, and it was done for her anyway :)

Congrats on agency status, I'm so glad you decided to apply!

And.. that Siren.. he sounds so sexy and lonely, I just wanna snuggle him and make him smile lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




I'm sorry I never entered that contest; life has been doing its best to sweep me into the deepest undertoe =\

Excited for these, though :)


Its okay Sat, it won't be the last by far, so no worries <3


Aww mine was halfway done since you told me to work on my entry :-\
But congrats on Agency status :D


I was expecting you to still submit it anyway despite this thread YLO since I knew you were working on it and gave you an invitation to do so.

ETA: In other words hon you're still allowed to submit it and I'll do a custom for you ^^



The Sirens Song
Song Title: Better Dig Two
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIdCo_QAz_E
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: There are several sections that hint to this, but this one in particular; "I took your name when I took those vows
I meant 'em back then and I mean 'em right now", this is the kind of love and loyalty I hope to find one day.
Siren Gender: Female


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself)
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eTytNgcYOk
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
I can see the pain behind your eyes
It's been there for quite a while
I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile
I would like to show you what true love can really do

I choose this section because I was once in a huge hole. I hated myself, and tried to commit suicide. I just felt like no one was there at my most vulnerable moments. I struggled from 7th grade to the middle of my 10th grade year. My last relationship was full of hurt. I loved the guy, and he constantly pointed out my flaws and made me feel worse about myself. Soon after he left me, I found Tim. My life has completely changed through this relationship, though even though its been 3 years, I STILL feel pain from my past, and believe sme of the things I was told that were horrible. Tim helps me see the love he has for me, and shows me how beautiful I am in his eyes. I wouldn;t trade this for the world. He's my angel.
Siren Gender: You choose. I'd love a female because the song is to her, but the man singing it is amazing and perfect for what he's saying in the lyrics as well. I just can't choose.


It was so hard to choose a song!

The Sirens Song
Song Title: Blackheart
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BaILZDLFMo
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: No lyrics, but particular sections of the song have a really lovely feel to me, they make me feel really free and make me think of the mountains and wild places. So instead of lyrics i'll give a time, 0:59- 2:05. It's a song that never fails to pick me up if i'm feeling down, and also gives me a sense of longing for some of the beautiful mountains we have here in Scotland.
Let me know if that's not okay and i'll chose another song, there are several that do have lyrics that have meaning for me. While this does technically have lyrics, to me the words aren't clear so it's the general music of the song that means something to me.
Siren Gender: Male

The Matchmaker
Siren Name: Green & Blacks
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/Winged%20Dreams/56GreenBlacksPNG_zps7c991e11.png
You're Siren's Story: Green & Blacks is very shy and gentle, and loves to be social. She always loves to help others, epecially children and would like to find a perfect siren who is exactly like her. She often feels lonely, and wants to meet someone who will fix this.
Owner of Gliders!



*peeks into thread*  I missed these somehow; they look quite interesting!  *goes to investigate previous threads*


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Don't Take The Girl
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-TXBniRz1g
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: Probably in the third verse.
Take the very breath you gave me
Take the heart from my chest
I'll gladly take her place if you'll let me
Make this my last request
Take me out of this world
God, please don't take the girl

Siren Gender: I think either would be awesome.

Th Matchmaker
Siren Name: Amber
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/Kahlira/23Amber_zps44c1ac34.png
You're Siren's Story: A long time ago, or maybe it was just yesterday, time is different to Amber, you see.. But anyways, she was swimming along, just minding her own business when out of the deep, she saw... Something!" What was it? " she wondered to no-one in particular. She swam a but closer and saw two dolphins together, and blowing tiny little bubbles out of their blowholes. The bubbles were in an odd shape! And the two seemed to be deeply in tune with each other! Why, they were even swimming the same path. She swam a bit closer to the couple. " What are you doing? " she asked, her voice coming out a bit softly. The dolphins chittered a reply. What it was, oh Amber understood completely. It was love! They were a couple, just like her mum and dad. She clapped happily. Oh! She would like to experience that too. Amber is a bit of an airhead. Looks don't matter at all to her. Though she does like to play with hair. And though she is very bright in color, she's a bit behind in the smartness category. Her potential mate, she would like for him to be.. Someone to have fun with. Maybe someday start a pretty group of babies. Oh! She loves babies! To play with and such. It was such fun being one. She swam along happily thinking of what else her mate should have... She couldn't think of anything besides hair, since hair is fun. " It would be fun if he was bright like me! " she giggled at that thought!



*grins* It's actually my second choice. I had forgotten that Garth doesn't let his songs be on youtube.


Which one of his were you thinking?

*ponders possibilities for song also* >.>


Learning to live again.

The whole... Debbie just whispered you're doing fine. And I wish I felt the same. She's asked me to dance, now her hand's in mine. Oh my God I've forgotten her name. But I'm gonna smile my best smile. Gonna laugh like it's going out of style, look into her eyes and pray that she don't see... This learning to live again is killing me.

Kadana Sorano

The Matchmaker
Siren Name: Luna
Link to Siren: http://s1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/Kadana%20Sorano/?action=view&current=55Luna_zpsd9041bb8.png
You're Siren's Story:

Luna swam through the moonlit waters slowly, her mind wandering.  She's always been a loner, quiet and reserved, hanging back from gatherings.  But that doesn't mean she isn't lonely, no, her imagination is fertile, and she often imagines meeting someone for her own.  But lately, her musings have had more substance, more detail.  More and more she is seeing the same male in her mind.  Rich sandalwood bangs hanging down over eyes of the deepest chocolate.. oh yes, Luna knows well what chocolate is.  That sticky sweet treat pilfered from the belly of that old sunken ship.  She wasn't supposed to be there of course, but that never seemed to stop her.  But Ashe.. Why oh WHY is she thinking about him again?  After all these years, she thought she'd put that behind her.  But here he was again, swimming through her thoughts.  With a deep sigh she pulls herself out of the sea to rest upon a moon drenched rock, giving in to the past as the memory sweeps over her.


She was so young then, just a little girl really, when she wandered  off on her own.  She wasn't supposed to, but she was just so bored and wanted to be alone for a while.  She'd been swimming for hours, just enjoying her quiet freedom, when she saw him.  The moon rode high in the sky that night, it's light bright, cutting through the surface of the sea to illuminate clearly the siren before her.  He was so handsome, her breath caught in her throat.  She swam closer and was horrified to see him caught in a net.  Glancing up towards the surface she could see the belly of a ship hovering overhead, like some great waiting beast.  She wasn't supposed to go near ships.. but then she wasn't supposed to go off alone either.

Looking back to the male she reached out and folded her fingers through the strands of the net and tried tugging it away from him.  But the net was thick, and rough, and she was no where near strong enough.  Still she tried, he tried, but nothing either of them did was any use.  When a loud roar reverberated through the water, he became frantic, jerking and thrashing about until the heavy net cut into him, shredding his shirt and flesh alike.  In horror she watched as the ship began to move, towing the net and it's precious cargo along with it.  There was nothing more she could do, she was too little, too weak to free him, and too small and slow to keep up with the ship.  By the time she made it back to get help, the ship had completely vanished.  No one would believe her, she was just a little girl after all, swimming out where she didn't belong and had gotten scared, her mind playing tricks on her.  After all, no one knows anyone fitting the description of the Siren male she supposedly saw.


Heaving another sigh she grasps the chain around her neck and cups the scale hanging from it gently in her hand.  For a while she was obsessed with searching for him, sneaking away whenever she could.  But the only thing she ever found was this scale, ripped from his beautiful tail in his frantic struggle with the net.  She named him Ashe in her mind, for the soft Ashen color of his scales.  She used to day dream about finding him.  Which was silly of course, he was too old for her, but she was young, with her first crush.  Too bad her first crush was probably dead somewhere.  Shaking her long hair out behind her back she looked down at the ash grey scale in her hand and rubbed her thumb lightly over it, marveling anew at the still perfect luster of the surface.  Nine years today since she found it, found him, and still it's as warm and vibrant as he was then.  Closing her fingers briefly over the scale before dropping it, to once again hang over her heart, she utters a soft curse "Blast it Ashe!  It's been years since I thought of you like this, why are you haunting me now?!"
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



The Sirens Song
Song Title: Sound the Bugle
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSWz3owGZ0I
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
Then from on high, somewhere in the distance There's a voice that calls,
"Remember who you are... if you lose yourself,
Your courage soon will follow,
So be strong tonight... remember who you are"

Siren Gender: Male


The Sirens Song
Song Title: 咲き誇る華のように -Neo Visualizm-
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBxTYwvFyH4
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
Kakkou mo JANRU mo kankei nee n namon nuijae yo NANTENE
BUCHI kowase yo joushiki no bouhatei soro soro hi o tsukemoasho doukasen
Hurry hurry but, Don't worry shippai shitemo ii sa konna fuu ni
yatta MON kachi da ze Just do it nondo demo so zassou no you ni

English is something along the lines of this:
Looks and genre don't matter Wouldn't it be nice if you would just take those off
Break it down, the seawall of common sense Come on, let's light the fuse!
Hurry hurry but, don't worry; It's ok even if you fail like this
The winners are the ones who do stuff Just do it no matter how many times it takes, like weeds

Siren Gender: Male preferred, but female is fine as well

Finding one specific spot in the lyrics for that song is hard for me, but that is one of my favorite parts. If anyone is interested in the rest of the lyrics, you can find both romaji and english here.

The Matchmaker
Siren Name: Akimai
Link to Siren: http://i1291.photobucket.com/albums/b543/SleepingOcean/Owners%20Folders/SkySong/30Akimai_zps9acfbdae.png
You're Siren's Story:
Akimai didn't have a last name. To some, that was unimportant, but to the girl, it was very important. A name meant so many things. The right one could get you anywhere. Everywhere. But no name could, for all intents and purposes, mean no where. That is, that's how things were in her home waters. Here, it was all the more frightening. Her foreign name brought her ill will and attention she didn't want. With no one here to talk to her, to be there for her, to relate to her, Akimai felt incredibly like... Well, a fish out of water.

Allowing herself to drift into a waking dream, the brunette sighed. Visions of long silky hair and kind eyes filtered through her head. Perhaps onyx black and molten gold scales would brush against her crimson, intricate patterns woven in both flowing fin and shimmering scale. Idly Akimai wondered if he would have a dragon like she did. After a moment, she decided as long as he was understanding and kind, then it didn't matter what he looked like. She just wanted home.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I said i would enter everyone that rolled for the girl in the last thread into a raffle. Here is my list. If you do not see your name but know you played at least once in the game let me know!


Those that are going for the ice girl I still need a color guess from Winged and Rosedawn


Red, Blue or Yellow Please choose soon you 2 :)


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Missing You
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfC4Ji21ha4
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: This song touches me SO much, and i always cry when i listen to it. It reminds me firstly of my granddad, that i didn't get to say goodbye too. I was the last person to see him alive on christmas eve, and he died between christmas and new year. When i got told after new years, he was already buried. My whole weekend and a LONG time after was ruined. He was an important person in my life, and i spent much time feeling guilty not saying goodbye, untill one day that i desided to go to his grave and say goodbye. So i bought flowers, used 4 hours on transpost to sit 2-3 hours crying at his grave, but today when i listen to this song, i remember all the great memories i have with him. But this song also remind me of my first dog Mickey, who died of sickness 4 years ago. He was my best friend in life, and no dog can ever replace him.
Siren Gender: Female


Owner of Gliders!


The Sirens Song
Song Title: Transatlanticism
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNqQC7R_Me4
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
Most people were overjoyed, they took their boats
I thought it less like a lake, and more like a moat
The rhythm of my footsteps crossing flatlands to your door has been silenced forever more
The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row, it seems farther than ever before
Oh, no
I need you so much closer

While the time in my life where this song really applied has passed, it still makes me sad, and makes me think of what once was, and, a little bit, what could have been.

Siren Gender: Male


I'm way excited for the announcement on the design contest, thank you! :)

The Sirens Song
Song Title: I Hope You Dance
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmBSGlXqC4Q
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning: "Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens ... and when you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance!"

I really like the hope embodied in this song, it says to me that even when life knocks you down, you'll still have chances to dance.  You just gotta take them. :)

Siren Gender: Female


Silv, I just have to say...I'd forgotten that song for so long. I heard it once when I was about 17 on a commercial, and it reminds me so much of the things I really should remember when things get hard. It makes me think of my mom, especially, because she's the kind of woman who has always wished these kind of things for me. It seems weird, but I just want to thank you for posting that song and bringing it back to the forefront of my memory.



silv thats one of my favorite songs its actually on my Ipod :-p


I'd like to announce the release of the first event only items. I needed a break from customs and commissions and decided to template a completely new set of clothing and jewelry to celebrate my agency status, inspired by the photos of gowns in a beautiful floral flyer my mother brought home to me the other day because it reminded her of my Siren.

(Please note this particular girl is not being given away...I got attached >>)

The Greek Gown, includes a sash with a bow, and a scarf that trails over the arms. To compliment it, a garland of peonies and stephanotis trail over the shoulder. All of these items are templated separately and can be recombined to create different looks.

For Valentines Day, a Grecian/Egyptian inspired belt, choker, and arm bands with heart jewels complete the look, along with a circlet bearing a teardrop gem. These are accompanied by a rose hair ornament, and a rose in the hand.

These are event only items, but will still be available in the future through flatsales, bribes, and other events.

A further announcement-you will be seeing a flood of semi-customs and trade/bribe customs coming in as I fight the demons of procrastination and real life to complete them. Check the old Sleeping Ocean thread to see them as they are posted!




Your work continues to amaze. <3 I look forward to seeing these new things!!
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Tarakona Ormr

Sunchaser posts in Teal
SPO posts in Navy


Pan: Behave yourself Astrial.



*grins* you know he doesn't like to do that :-p

awesome job bun! I can't wait to play with the files ;-p


I've created a monster. XD

Thank yoooou <33 I need to show them to you at some point because there's a different templating trick I did on the dress to make it partially transparent and I want to show you how to color it to get the effect





The Sirens Song
Song Title: No Place That Far
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F9LCu5PJU4
One section of lyrics that has particular special meaning:
If I had to run
If I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers
Just to climb a thousand walls
Always know that I would find a way
To get to where you are
There's no place that far

Siren Gender: Male

One of the very first country songs I ever listened to, and it took me forever to find it again!  Then I was randomly poking through youtube tonight, after a friend linked another song, and this one popped up!  I always loved this song, even before I met my husband, but it is so very true to how I feel now.  I am very glad I was able to find it again!