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Masayo's | The Early Spring Festival

Started by Masayo, January 16, 2013, 10:55:46 AM

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Hello & Welcome
The Early Spring Festival

In this event we will introduce you to

The Masayo's

- Welcome
- Information
- Event 1
- Event 2
- Event 3
- Extra

- All Events are free to enter -

Credits to:
Leafy - For the art and templating :D
- And guestcolouring sometimes <3
Luv007 - For colouring & all her amazing help.
TheLeet - For her breeding idea(List based).



Masayo is Japanese and means "Elegant Generation"
The Masayos are an elegant crossing between Deer and Horse. When the crossing happened, something changed there colours, which caused The Masayos to become more fantasy coloured, rather than normal coloured. They can still be seen in normal colours, but the normal colours are not as normal.
The Masayos like to be social, and they usually don't like to be alone very long at the time. They like to live in places with many trees and some water. Forests are an ideal place to see these elegant creatures.

- History will follow later :)

This is the female and the male art.

Natural colours will be uncommon, as will stallions.
Stallions will be at a 1:2 ratio to mares.

They come with following options:
- Antlers
- Gazelle
- Moose
- Unicorn
- Reindeer
- Dragonfly
- Feathered
- Short
- Medium
- Long
- Short
- Medium
- Long
- Lion
- Leopard
- Giraffe
- Okapi
- Stripes
- Spots
- Paint
Custom Markings:
- Face (Blaze, star, stripe, snip & bald face)
- Legs (Coronet, Pastern, sock, stocking & faded)
- Special (Custom ordered, holiday themed & ect.)


Event 1
- Pick A Door

Start: Now
End: when all doors are taken (:

- Only one door per person (:

- There will be something behind every door.

1. Rosedawn
2. Wildfilly
3. PonyMama
4. Red_uni
5. Bunraku
6. Winged
7. YourLoveOnly
8. Jojo
9. Ryuukokoro
10. Ravvana

- Prices will be revealed shortly :)


Event 2:
- Picture Raffle

Start: Now
End: Midnight 31/01

- Only one entrance per person

- Depending on entrants i will choose 2 or 3 pictures i find the most beautiful and the they will recieve a Masayo inspired from their picture :)

Theme: Your favorite season

Rosedawn - Autumn
Wildfilly - Summer
Crystal - Autumn
Silvanon - Spring
Bunraku - Spring
Jojo - Winter
Ravvana - Autumn
Kadana - Autumn
SkySong - Winter
YLO - Spring
Country - Fall
Luv007 - Summer
Hiyoko - Spring


Event 3:
- Roll the Dice & get Lucky

Start: Now
End: Midnight 31/01

- Roll with: 1d20
- Max 5 Rolls per person.
- A Max of 2 Yellow Ginko's.

- Premades, Semi customs, Full customs & items

- Numbers: 1, 3, 6, 9 & 12: Two Breeding items, you can pick yourself
- Numbers: 2, 4, 8, 14, 16 & 18: Semi Customs
- Numbers: 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 & 19: Premades
- Numbers: 10, 15 & 20: Full Custom

- Done.

Still needing Something:
YourLoveOnly - 3x Full Custom
Red_uni - 1x Premade
Winged - 1x Full Custom
Sunchaser - 1x Semi Custom & 1x Full Custom
Toffeeca - 3x Premade
Jojo - 1x Full Custom
SkySong - 1x Full Custom
Luv007 - 2x Premade, 2x Two Breeding items & 1x Semi Custom

Red = Lacking Forms



Owner Folders:

Premade Claiming:
These are the premades;

Please use this form to claim;

I will add more along the way, but for now that's what to choose from, and i will go work on semi's now :)

Viewing the options:

Breeding Items:

Pink Ginko - Blue Ginko - Yellow Ginko
Green Pine - Orange Pine
Brown Oak - Red Oak - Rainbow Oak

QuoteSemi Custom:
Name :
Gender :
Owner :
Mane Pref :
Tail Pref :
3 Colours OR 1 setence :

QuoteFull Custom
Name :
Gender :
Owner :
Mane & Tail Type :
Body Color:
Mane Color:
Tail Color:
Eye Color :
Hooves Color :
Mutation :
Mutation Color :
Marking :
Marking Color:

ID :
Name :
Owner :

You can chat now :)


Picking door 8!

I'll be back for the other events :3 *rushes to work*




Door 7 please!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]



Dawww these are precious! ^_^

Door 9 please!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]


door 4 please!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]


Door 4 please!!

[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 13, 1, 13, 16, 7, total 50[/blockquote]


I love all of the seasons for different reasons but if I am honest with myself, Autumn has my heart.


I have put breeding items and forms up in the extra post :)

Also here is a certed example:


Holy crackers she is lovely and my picture is apparentl GIGANTIC. -is shamefaced-


Rosedawn - Could you please pick a new door, as red_uni picked door #4 just before you did? Thanks :)

ETA: Rose, also you have rolled 5d20 instead of 1d20? :)


all the numbers are there for a 5d20 instead of 1d20
13, 1, 13, 16, 7

very pretty certed example


Sure 1!!

And yeah that's what I did it just puts all my rolls into 1 place.


Quote from: PonyMama on January 16, 2013, 01:09:35 PM
all the numbers are there for a 5d20 instead of 1d20
13, 1, 13, 16, 7

very pretty certed example

Not totally sure on what you mean? :)

ETA : Ow okay i see what you mean :)


Can i please get door 6!

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4
Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13
Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7
Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12
Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


I mean in rolling 1d20 each roll shows individually
however the way Rose did it, it gives the final total of all 5 rolls, but in the middle it shows the individual rolls

Rolled 5d20 : 13, 1, 13, 16, 7, total 50
so those are the 5 1d20 rolls, piled into one roll


It means that those are my max 5 dice rolls all put into 1 list instead of doing each one individually. It rolled the d20 5 times, and gave you each of those 1-20 numbers in a list. So my rolls individually were 13, 1, 13, 16, and 7.


Haha! Wow, the dice liked to give me semi-customs this time around! Weeelll I will not disappoint them! XD

I agree with PM, that premade certed example is gorgeous! This art is beautiful.

Name : Tikaani
Gender : female
Owner : Ryuukokoro
Mane Pref : long hair
Tail Pref : long tail
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence : black, cyan, magenta

Name : Rontu
Gender : male
Owner : Ryuukokoro
Mane Pref : medium hair
Tail Pref : lion tail
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence : lavender, dark purple, pale pastel yellow

Name : Fuushu
Gender : female
Owner : Ryuukokoro
Mane Pref : long hair
Tail Pref : long tail
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence : "She was the living embodiment of Japanese elegance."

Name : Rontalasu'marin'larka
Gender : male
Owner : Ryuukokoro
Mane Pref : long hair
Tail Pref : long tail
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence : "For the nights have been so cold, but somehow I dream of fire..."


Thanks for the sweet comments guys :)
- Which remind me of going to post credits.

Also; Rose & PM - Thanks for explaining, didn't know you could do that xD


No problem

is there a place we can view the different options for these?  I do not want to fill out forms for full customs without knowing what stuff looks like


If door 2 is still open, Id like to grab it!


Picture Event


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 7, total 7[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 5d20 : 3, 17, 18, 5, 20, total 63[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 4, total 4[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]

[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20
Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12
Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1
Rolled 1d20 : 3, total 3
Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]


Semi Custom
Name: Serenade
Gender: Female
Owner: Wildfilly94
Mane Pref: Long
Tail Pref: Long
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence: Black, White, and Rainbow (I LOVE rainbow XD)

Also, I'd like one Yellow Ginko and 1 Green Pine please!


Ryuu, I have a corrected form, could you please add the missing in yours? :)

PM - Yes, Thank you for reminding me. I will get the link up shortly.

ETA: The link is now in the extra post :)

Will update rest in a few.


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 16, total 16[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]


Semi Custom
Name : Dizzy
Gender : Female
Owner : CrystalAngelNeko
3-5 Colours OR 1 setence : White, Purple, Orange, Neon Green, and Blue

And for the breeding items, 1 green pine, 1 orange pine, and one yellow Ginko ^.^


For event #2:

Autumn and all its pretty colors!


Quick question - for full customs, are we allowed to choose the mane/tail length?


I'm so glad that so many people are participating in this :)

Crystal - You need to pick 3 more items :) (They come in pair in this event xD)

Silv - Ofcourse you are, i will edit the form in just a second :)


oh, okay! Then just double my order and that should be fine x3


Wow, thank you for adding more options to the semi-custom form! ^^ I edited my forms.

Also, for my breeding items: 1 Green Pine and 1 Yellow Ginko ^_^


Yay, great prizes! I'd love one green pine and one yellow ginko.

Semi Custom:
Name : Sheltie
Gender : Female
Owner : Winged
Mane Pref : Medium
Tail Pref : Lion
3 Colours OR 1 setence : Black, Silver, Tan brown

Full Custom
Name : Becca
Gender :Female
Owner : Winged
Mane & Tail Type : Long hair
Body Color: FFFBA8
Mane Color: 9BC1E0 and 1B2228 mstripes
Tail Color: 9BC1E0 and 1B2228 mstripes
Eye Color : 0000D5
Hooves Color : Black or dark grey
Mutation : Antlers
Mutation Color : D2A060
Marking : belly, extending onto face. muzzle with blaze, the blaze should be thick at the top then get narrower and twist down her nose.
Marking Color: 9BC1E0 belly, black muzzle with smokey black blaze.
Owner of Gliders!


Semi Custom:
Name : (Not Sure Yet)
Gender : Female
Owner : Rosedawn
Mane Pref : Long
Tail Pref : Lion or long
3 Colours OR 1 setence : Gold, Sky Blue, White

And for my breeding Items I would like a Yellow Ginko and a Red Oak Leaf


Crystal & Winged - Please edit your semi forms to add in the additional info :)


Event #2:  I love spring with all the flowers in bloom!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 13, total 13[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 6, total 6[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 19, total 19[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 2, total 2[/blockquote]



Owner of Gliders!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 14, total 14[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 11, total 11[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Thanks guys :)

Pick a door Reveals:

Behind door number 1, Rosedawn finds this stunning stallion;

Door number 2 reveals a sweet mare for Wildfilly;

When door number 3 opens a mare walks out to greet PonyMama;

Out from door number 4 trots a new mare to go home with Red_uni;

A handsome stallion pushes up door number 5, to find a home with Bunraku;

From door number 6, a mare slowly walks out, towards Winged;

Out from door number 7, trots a stallion to YourLoveOnly;

Door number 8 reveals a little mare for Jojo;

When door number 9 is opened, Ryuukokoro see a mare comes out;

Behind door number 10, only a piece of paper is found. It's a Semi Custom form Ravvana can use whenever it is desired.

Enjoy, and remember naming them :)