[Sleeping Ocean] ~Mysterious Fathoms Below~ Male Options/Price Adjustment

Started by Bunraku, December 07, 2012, 08:18:10 PM

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I am glad you liek her YLO! ^____^

Saturnailia also has a semi-custom up! <3


Eee, she's super perfect! She was loosely based off of my character from back when I played Pirates of the Burning Sea :D


I'm gald you like her! X3 And I've never heard of that game, is it an MMO?


Yeah, it is, though I think at this point it's sort of dead. Sony just sold it back to the company that originally made it, or something like that, and I guess they're going to try to reboot it. For now, I just stick with free-to-play Everquest II :D


Thats a shame, it looked interesting D: I used to play POTC online, so I rather like pirate games XD







O__o People have been replying to this thread and I did not notice, my apologies.

YLO, what end date is most convenient for you?


Errm.. Good question. Not this week D: I've been very ill, behind on opening the Xmas Blub and Panda Shrimps things and my parents are dragging me away for the weekend again. Which is lovely, but not so convenient when you're overexhausted and running behind on things XD


No problem, I'm sick too so I understand, I can extend it until next week? :D


That'd be neat. I am not home for most of Friday/Saturday/Sunday and am ill now and don't expend to feel better tomorrow. I think everyone has been too busy during the holidays and now seem to be paying the price.. I know that defenitely goes for me >_<


*now that she has tablet she will be entering as well*


Yesss, I also plan to enter! I fail at being punctual lately... =\


Go ahead and enter guys, everyone is welcome to do so <3


I just wanted to let everyone know that this thread isn't dead! I am still working on semi-customs and do want to play a game to distribute breeding items and have some more flat sales. I haven't forgotten, no worries! ^^


No worries Bun I think everyone understands getting a little boigged down. <3 <3 <3


Take your time Bun. <3 Everyone has times where they get full of RL stuff and all that.
Plus, I know my customs will take time, since they are unique :P


Thank you for understanding guys <33 Sometimes tough IRL stuff keeps me from being at my creative best, and I want these to be the best quality they possibly can be. They are in progress though, especially yours wild ^^


*nods* I agree, life always comes first (*glares at her own poor health and thus as a result still unfinished Christmas things*) and pretties are always worth waiting for! <3


Feel better YLO <3

Kah, Kadana, and Winged all have semi-customs up!


Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Owner of Gliders!



So, I buckled down and made myself get the male options up today. Everything that is currently available for the male template is now on display in the thread in the notary office. Many hair styles you see under the male catagory are also available under the female catagory..why? Because they were actually origionally designed for the males and I just plopped them on the female template as well because I thought they would look good XD

Male eyesets have cat eye options, and just as a note, this WILL become available for the females as well, as will a cat eye option for set 3 of the male eyes. There is actually even another male eye set I don't have listed yet because they need adjusting and fixing. Anything marked "Currently Unavailable" Is because the template needs adustment.

Also, my final decisions on custom pricing have been made and changed in the thread. It is a drastic change, but I felt it was very nessicary. These templates are very time consuming to color, they took months to develop prior to introducing them to secundi, and I feel I was severely short changing myself with my origional listings after working with them on actual custom orders a bit more. I do not feel that my pricing is bad, as I tried to keep it within the price range of other adoptables of the same caliber. A full custom shouldn't exceed 700k unless it involves line art edits, custom ordered hair, or other such items that I'd need to template from scratch, in which case an additional charge would be made.

Many people stated they wouldn't mind it if I adjusted my prices after the launch of the adoptable, so I am hoping that you will all understand my decision on the matter. I have not changed my prices out of greed, I have changed them because of the hours of work involved in coloring the templates, and because I came to the realization after having more experience with other adoptables and seeing their shops, that my pricing was too low and rather unrealistic for the amount of work I am doing on the Siren.

That being said, for those concerned about not having enough SG to obtain a full custom, I am not heartless. I will always have free events and games were customs are handed out such as the ones in this thread, it will not be impossible to get a full custom, especially for a non-owner. I have no desire to limit the adoptable to only those who can affoard it, I simply have better judgement now as to what the actual value of the SG is, and a better understanding of how much work it actually takes to produce a custom.

ETA: I forgot to mention that it also gives me a better baseline for USD Pricing.

Thank you for reading this gigantic block of text, and as I said before, I hope you will understand my decision on the matter.


That's completely understandable, Bun. :) I believe everyone appreciates your work and would be happy to pay more. I know that I am. <3
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I think thats very fair. You work very hard on your adootable and you deserve to be paid well for.it  I have no problem paying more, especially with my own customs, because they are so complicated.

Kadana Sorano

*hugs* prices seem fine, and the quality of the work you do is more then worth it :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



*hugs* Thanks Kadana ^^

And thank you everyone for understanding, honetsly. After all, adoptables are about the people who follow them, not just the owner.


Those prices seem fine for the quality of the art and i know how much work you put into these! You deserve to get a fair price :)
Owner of Gliders!


If anyone is around later on, Sunny will be doing some games for us with some pre-made Siren she has colored! ^^ So watch this thread because she has quite a few beauties to give away <3

And for those of you who do not yet know, Sunny is now a helper and colorist for Sleeping Ocean ^^


Just so I get get stuff set up for you guys, so you can see what main game we will be playing.

We are going to play the SHELL GAME! Here is how it works.

When the time comes I will be posting 3 shell images. In order you get to choose which shell you wish to search under. For under the correct shell a Sleeping Ocean hides. Once you have chosen, a roll of the dice will choose where they are hiding. If the dice choose your number you get to take them home!

This will be done in rounds for how many I can find. Since the game will be later, you know now the rules but you can also sign up :) Game should take place about 16:00 Secundi time.

To sign up for round 1 Post your name in bold please :)

If you have any questions please let me know.



Do we have to be there when it starts or can we come play later? 16.00 secundi time is too late for me, I'll probably be sleeping :(


Kadana Sorano

Kadana Sorano

Providing I haven't passed back out or lost net again lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I will be doing more then just one game YLO I will probably do a something for those that can't be on at the time but there will be no rush in signing up for it.


I am going to make dinner now so if we don't start right at the time it will be around there :)



I still have no idea what is supposed to happen.. If it is turn based or what not. If it starts at 16.00 I can stay up a bit late, but if it would take until 17.00 or so before I can actually play that really becomes too late. *does not understand what game will be like* Oh well I guess I will catch another one otherwise, but I had hoped to join this one.


Owner of Gliders!


It will start in 2 minutes I willl post a list shortly of those signing up for the first round.

The game is simple. When it is our turn you pick a shell color.
I then roll a dice to see which shell the sleeping ocean is hiding under.
If you guessed right you go home with a sleeping ocean.