[Sleeping Ocean] ~Mysterious Fathoms Below~ Male Options/Price Adjustment

Started by Bunraku, December 07, 2012, 08:18:10 PM

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Hairstyle-Cute Chinese Long-Rosedawn
Haircolor-Light Blue- Rosedawn
Eye Set- Set 2-Aralie
Eye Color-Dark Blue-YLO
Skin Color-Sunkissed (Slight Tan)-PM
Scale Color-White-PM
Mutation-Sharp Lionfish-Sunchaser109
Fin Color-Midnight Blue-Sunchaser109
Scale Pattern-Neon Tetra-YLO
Shirt Style-Sail-Rosedawn
Shirt Colors-Ice Blue & Silver-Rosedawn
Shirt Pattern-Icy Flames-Sunchaser109
Accessory 1-Waist Scarf-Saturnalia
Accessory 2-Artists Choice-Wild
Accessory Colors-Black & White-Kadana Sorano




Hairstyle-Cute Chinese Long-Rosedawn
Haircolor-Light Blue- Rosedawn
Eye Set- Set 2-Aralie
Eye Color-Dark Blue-YLO
Skin Color-Sunkissed (Slight Tan)-PM
Scale Color-White-PM
Mutation-Sharp Lionfish-Sunchaser109
Fin Color-Midnight Blue-Sunchaser109
Scale Pattern-Neon Tetra-YLO
Shirt Style-Sail-Rosedawn
Shirt Colors-Ice Blue & Silver-Rosedawn
Shirt Pattern-Icy Flames-Sunchaser109
Accessory 1-Waist Scarf-Saturnalia
Accessory 2-Artists Choice-Wild
Accessory Colors-Black & White-Kadana Sorano
Tattoos-Artists Choice-Wild

Okay I think thats it for this form! I'll try to get her colored up after I take a shower!

Midnight Phantom




Owner of Gliders!


Owner of Gliders!






Wow guys semi customs abound XD <3 Send along your forms those of you who have won. I'm going to try to get to a few of these today after I finish the franken girl.



Owner of Gliders!


Bun did you get my PM yesterday? I'm waiting for a reply to send you my forms ^^ (I sent the PM from the Pecora account by accident :-[)

And eee can't wait to see the pretty Franken!


Yes I got your PM YLO ^^ I just need to think about my reply and get things organized <3 Sorry about the wait :3


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]

Last try before I start to kick dice



That's okay, just wanted to make sure it was received ^^ I'll at least sent you semi forms then and we'll figure out the full customs once you have time to think it over and reply :)

And yay PM for beating the dice gods! XD


Okay YLO! <3 Thank you :3

And lol PM XD Finally beat those dice XD

I'm trying to think up a new thread game for you guys, but I'm not sure what to do XD I'd like to give out some items for breeding season in a game though. Any suggestions?


Hey Bun, since I can't get Soli an FCFC for Christmas (because I do not have enough spots <3) I'd like to gift her my semi custom. <3 She's a great friend and I know how much she enjoys humanoid adoptables.

Oh breeding items are awesome! What about a grid game where the items are hidden. YLO just did one for the panda shrimps and I think it went well.


Tsk Rose, you may have your Semi custom and I'll do another free one for Soli since you cant get her an FCFC. Tis the season for giving <3

That sounds like a good idea! Did YLO make the grid picture herself or did she find one online to use?


I wanted to post grid game, then read what Rose wrote XD Great minds think alike. Grid games are a fun and easy way to give out items! You can even toss in premades or semis or whatever if you wanna give away other things too ^^

I made mine myself, but I did use a backdrop that was free to use from a website. I added the grid to the image myself and also edited some Panda Shrimps into the background picture XD


I think that is what I shall do then! Thank you YLO <3 I'll go scower the internet for something fishy to use.



Like you I feel that the good karma of giving needs to go around <3


I look forward to it! This was mine:
Empty grid: http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l636/PandaShrimps/Shop/Events/HideandSeek.png
Grid that has been played on: http://i1127.photobucket.com/albums/l636/PandaShrimps/Shop/Events/WIPgrid-1.png
I had 27 prizes hiding in it, ranging from premades and various levels of customizeable pets (picking a category, semi customs and full customs) and I let people try once a day. About one in every 5 squares should have been a hit, but we had days without any hits at all XD Stubborn grid! :P


Kadana Sorano

The Captains Dice [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 8, total 8[/blockquote]
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


My apologies for taking so long on this franken girl! For some reason, the templates are not cooperating today and everything I color looks off to me XD





I think i posted my last Semi custom here, do i need to pm that one to you with this new one?


Okay my drawing skills are failing today. Would someone be willing to draw a sailors shirt for the male Siren? I would love to have that entered into the contest, Just for entering it for me I would be willing to pay SG.

http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfweeguGg51qdqcozo1_500.jpg With the Handkerchief.


Okay so I suck at details and making things pretty and visible.. XD But I tried. Here are my two designs. <3

A charm bracelet. Would be cool to get different kinds of charms, but the basic idea is here. I did a kitty, heart, music note, and an antique key. ^^

And then a simple dress. Would be nice if it looked classier than this, but the basic shape is what i aimed for. :P

Midnight Phantom



Oh yay! Winning roll!

Question this: Has anyone playing the dice roll for the free semi's not won yet? If so I'd love to gift to you =D

If I am allowed to gift that is.


Owner of Gliders!


Kadana Sorano

The Captains Dice [blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 







You are allowed to gift kah! ^^

I'll be working on trying to get more done today, and of course get that franken girl finished. Hopefully my templates like me today!

