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TheStable: Birthday Fun!

Started by Ravvana, February 01, 2010, 12:14:22 AM

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awww Coke looks so manly in his pink items :D Thank you Rav <3


I was so tempted to give you a discount for having the guts to deck a stallion out in pink XD I believe he's the first ;)


wow really? I use the pink for my favorite horses, to show their 'top' class is showmanship :)


Ooh, that's actually really smart! I just deck all my horses out in green XD All my equipment for Colby, my RL first horse, was green, so I guess it has some sentimental value to me :)


That's actually why I wanted the burgundy for mine - my Aidan's stuff is all burgundy; looks very nice with his coloring


well that's smart too cause it keeps your horses all with the same color :)


All my girls are pink and al my boys purple.


Huh, come to think of it, a lot of the equipment we had for our horse was blue, and that's what I picked for my Stable horses *lol*


I would like to name my boy Wildcat please.  Love all the dun factor. :D


Goddesss I wanna steal your male O.o

And my girl is so pretty <3
I suppose she's grey appy blanket?
I love Ravvaloosas, I'm hoarding them =3
Name: Come In Closer


Name : Amarito
Owner : Pinkshadow

He is truely amazing Ravv




This silver dapple tobiano boy and black overo boy are looking for new homes. They are very good friends, but it seems that, rather than stay together, they would rather go home with two human friends.

If you want a chance to win one of these boys for yourself and one for your friend, just fill out this form:

Your Name:
Friend's Name:
What makes your friend a good friend?
What makes you a good friend?

This event will end Feb 13, 2010 at 22:00.


Rav, would it be okay if I entered 2 other people? :) or do I have to enter me and a friend if I want to enter? xD


Your Name: Ryuukokoro
Friend's Name: Taruia
What makes your friend a good friend? She works hard all day long making this place fun!
What makes you a good friend? I encourage her to shanghi me into my fair share of helping out with the work load. XD


Your Name: hiyoko
Friend's Name: SplitX
What makes your friend a good friend?: She always helps me, whether it's giving me her opionion or I helping me figure something out. She's also really funny, nice and one of the first people I started talking to when I joined PI in the fall of '08.^^
What makes you a good friend?: I like to think I'm a good listener and I don't judge others. I also try to be as helpful as I can be and not hurt anyone's feelings.

Kadana Sorano

Your Name: Kadana Sorano
Friend's Name: BabyKittenCandy
What makes your friend a good friend? I met her on PI.  She messaged me one day, having read a comment I made in a kennel thread.  She thought I was depressed, and messaged me offering me the chance to talk to someone who wouldn't judge or grow frustrated with lack of understanding.  I wasn't actually depressed at the time, but.. we added each other as yahoo contacts, and have been chatting ever since.  And the fact that I DO suffer from depression.. it means quite a lot to me to know that there is someone I can count on to always be supportive to me when I need it.  And there have been times when I needed it.. and she's been right there.  It's really hard for most people to understand what I need when my depression hits, especially since there usually is no reason for it, they either grow frustrated and distant, which hurts rather a lot and certainly isn't helpful, or they try to "cheer me up" which never works, and only serves to make my depression worse somehow.  But BKC has always somehow understood just what I need.  Someone to listen when I need to vent, or just be there, it helps a lot to just now I'm not sitting here alone sometimes.  She's really great, and I love her to pieces.
What makes you a good friend? I honestly do not know.  Maybe it's the low self esteem talking, but I do often wonder why some of my friends remain my friends.. or ever became my friends to begin with.  That said, I do my best to be a good friend.  To listen when my friends need to vent, to offer comfort when they need some love.. To offer honesty, even when it isn't what they want to hear.  It is not, I think, my place to say if I am a good friend or not.  It is them that would know the answer to that.  I can but do my best, to be the best friend I can, and hope they know how much I love them.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Quote from: red_uni387 on February 12, 2010, 10:05:54 PM
Rav, would it be okay if I entered 2 other people? :) or do I have to enter me and a friend if I want to enter? xD

Sure, if you'd prefer :) Or you could just gift your horse if you win.


Your Name: PonyMama
Friend's Name: CutieePiee
What makes your friend a good friend? She has been there for me when I needed to talk and when I seemed to be upset or cranky she alwasy seems to know and ask me how I am doing.
What makes you a good friend?  I give great hugs.  Wanna see *Huggles*  I don't really know, as only someone who knows me could answer that, but I have been told I am a good listener, and help when people need help.  So yeah


Your Name: sera
Friend's Name: kasatsu
What makes your friend a good friend?  Oh, gads, where to even begin?  She saved me from insanity when my husband was deployed, she's always there to listen to my rants, and, the latest, she basically unpacked my entire house when i was so preggers i could barely move.  i can count on my Ku-chan friend to watch my back and listen to me gripe and help with the areas i'm terrible at.  She is one of my best friends, one of the best i've had in my entire life, which is saying a lot. <3  i adore my excellent friend. ^^
What makes you a good friend? i'm a good listener, and good at giving objective advice.  i can be very practical when needed, so if you need to do something (or not do it) i can help keep you on track.  ^^


I have friends here, I think xD
I just dunno who to enter O.o

Kadana Sorano

That was a problem for me as well YLO.  I feel odd entering these sorts of things, because I have more then one friend lol  So who to pick?  *admits sometimes she winds up rolling a die to see who gets chosen*   :-[
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Your Name: Pinkshadow
Friend's Name: YourLoveOnly
What makes your friend a good friend? Because shes a lovely girl, their always help me if i need it, talk with me and give me info i i missed some :D
What makes you a good friend? i think because i like to talk and chat and like to help if i can :)


Your Name: IvySpring
Friend's Name: Goddess
What makes your friend a good friend? She's been so friendly to me ever since I started up on Secundi- even when I was a newbie that didn't have any idea what was going on, she was there to answer questions and help me get started, just lending a friendly hand whenever I needed help :]
What makes you a good friend? Ahh, I have no earthly idea- I'd like to think that people can feel comfortable enough with me to ask for help when they need it, and I think that people know even if I can't answer their question or necessarily be 100 percent acurate all the time, I'm there for people when they need to talk, or just have somebody to listen to them when they're having an off day :]

Venus and Zephyr


Your Name: Silvanon
Friend's Name: Garney
What makes your friend a good friend?  She really cares about people and wants everyone to be happy.  She has the drive and ambition to make wonderful things happen for the community, and she's let me have a part in that.
What makes you a good friend?  I try really hard to be helpful and supportive.


The boys have decided to go home with Kadana and BabyKittenCandy. Kadana, you can post the name for your first choice of the two, and then poke BKC over to post her name for the second.

Thanks for the entries, everyone! <3

I am leaving on a week-long vacation tomorrow. This is an annual trip, and last year I took all my Stable stuff with me, which ended with me working solidly through my "vacation." I do not want that to happen again, so I am going to put TheStable on a one week hiatus. All work will be taken care of upon my return. Thanks!


Congrats Kadana and BKC! ^^

Oo, have a great trip Ravvana! Don't worry, all the horsies will enjoy a week off from running around and breeding and getting tack put on them. XD

Kadana Sorano

ohh  Thank you!

I would like the silver dapple tobiano? (the  first boy?) please.  And I'd like to name him Tobi.

I'll post item equips for him in the other thread (I think that's where they go).

Have fun on your vacation!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Stunning boys! Thankyou Kadana *huggles* and Rav ofc for the event!

So, please call the Black Overo 'Raindancer' :)

Thanks so much and hope you have a fab trip!




Event #4: Bribes

This mare is looking for a forever home. She used to be a show jumping horse, but after her career ended, she ended up in a bad situation. Luckily, she found her way to us, and she is now ready to go home with an eligible adopter.

To convince her that you are her dream owner, you'll need to be pretty persuasive and bribe her a bit. Now, your bribe can include intangible things like "a loving home" or tangible things like "a diamond-studded halter." Or both. It's all up to you.


Event #5: Art

This lady is pretty vain, and she loves looking at herself. She is tired of using the big mirror in the barn, so is now desiring someone to paint her portrait.

Entries will be entered into to decide who will take the mare home. So don't be discouraged if you are not the most distinguished artist of them all ;)

You may use any medium you so choose.


Event #6: Writing

This stallion can't seem to remember his past :( So, why not rewrite it for him?

Please write a minimum of 3 paragraphs about this stallion's history. It can be anything: an internationally-acclaimed barrel racer, a wild horse, a pasture ornament... it's all in your hands.

Entries will be graded based on originality, writing style, and grammar.


Event #7: Auction

He likes shiny things. Like Secunds.

Minimum bid: 5k
Minimum increment: 1k
No snipe guard.


END DATE FOR ALL EVENTS: March 1, 2010 at 0:00

Please post all entries/bids in this thread.

Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



wow that first light mare is gorgeous :D wish she was a draftie lol
is it alright if I enter a friend? don't think it'd be right to enter and gift if I win, cause then she wouldn't be coming home with me and I'd have lied to her

yay cute draftie mare! *gets drawing* must we add color? I ruin my pics with color XD

yes I love writing~!

and 150k on auction please <3


Will have to think of a good bribe.

ok hwo do foals grow?  I know probably stupid question but I am curious?  Still reading through website and learning things but sometimes easiest when asked


PM, you post the foal's pic with a name in an active thread after 2 weeks and rav will grow your foal :) but has to be 2 weeks, no less


Quote from: red_uni387 on February 22, 2010, 07:16:52 PM
wow that first light mare is gorgeous :D wish she was a draftie lol
is it alright if I enter a friend? don't think it'd be right to enter and gift if I win, cause then she wouldn't be coming home with me and I'd have lied to her

yay cute draftie mare! *gets drawing* must we add color? I ruin my pics with color XD

yes I love writing~!

and 150k on auction please <3

1) Sure, I have no problem with you entering a friend :)
2) Black & white is just as acceptable as color.

Post the foal's image and new name in the 2010 thread; you must wait 2 weeks after birth to do this, though.


yay! :D though if I enter a bribe for someone, are they allowed to enter one for themselves still? if not I'll wait 'til closer to the end :]


ok thanks guys.  I am in no hurry of course as I love the baby image
I think I may have figured out a pretty horse for my tag..... hopefully

Kadana Sorano

Event #4: Bribes

I offer you a warm and loving home on a large ranch, miles and miles of fields to run in, and acres of forest to explore.  A warm barn and roomy stable to rest in at night, with all the fresh straw and oats you need, fresh grown carrots and apples for treats, and all the lov and attention you want.  There are a few others here as well, should you desire company, but not too many just yet, so you could easily help decide who else we get to fill out our home.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Quote from: red_uni387 on February 22, 2010, 07:20:48 PM
yay! :D though if I enter a bribe for someone, are they allowed to enter one for themselves still? if not I'll wait 'til closer to the end :]

Haha, good question. I'll go ahead and say that every person can only have one bribe go forward for the mare to judge. So it would be better to wait until close to the end and enter someone who hasn't entered yet.


Event #6: Writing

Once upon a time there was a stallion named Mushroom.  Mushroom was named for his color, blue roan, which reminded his owner of the greyish fungus.  Despite looking like one, Mushroom did not like mushrooms.  He liked apples.

Mushroom liked all sorts of apples: big ones, little ones, fresh crisp ones, green ones stolen off the trees before they were ready, even slightly past their best fallen on the ground ones.  If it was an apple, Mushroom liked it.  Mushroom couldn't imagine there'd be anything about any apple that he wouldn't like.  This was because Mushroom's imagination was rather limited.

One day Mushroom found a very large barrel of newly picked apples that his owner had forgotten to seal up properly.  When he nosed at it, the lid came right off.  Mushroom was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so without hesitation he began to eat.  The first apple was delicious.  The second was heavenly.  The third was positively mouthwatering.  The twentieth was so savory he had to eat it despite feeling full.  Upon eating his forty-third apple, he felt to the ground.

He awoke some time later with no memories in his head, and a taste in his mouth that, despite being sweet, was somehow disagreeable.


Entry #5: Art

I'm actually quite proud, even though the appy is terrible and it's not exactly a horsie xD


Event #4: Bribes

I would love to have your beautiful self come home with me.  I can offer a lovely large farm nestled in the hills of Wisconsin, with a creek on the property that runs through the large pasture.  You would have a large box stall, very soft bedding, and plenty of fresh hay and oats.  You could even have a turn-out stall, so you could go in and out whenever you wanted.  And there aren't many other horses here yet, so we would love to have you enlarge our herd and you would get lots of personal attention from the humans!



Kadana Sorano

Event #6: Writing

Your name is Thunder, and your birth as it were was rather different.  You see.. well, let's just go back to the beginning..

There once was a little girl.  She had an active imagination and a love of horses.  This girl, she wanted a horse of her own so very badly.  But her family well, they didn't think it was wise.  See, this little girl didn't have the use of her legs; and her family didn't see any way she could ride a horse, without using her legs.  The little girl though, she was determined.  And she never gave up her dream.  She read all the horse books, followed all the races, she could tell you anything you wanted to know about horses. 

Over time, her folks grew agitated as her grades in school dropped.  They decided to take away all her horse books and games.  The little girl grew very depressed, she started losing weight, and sleeping more and more.  Winter came, bringing stinging cold and icy storms, and people got sick.  The little girl took ill with a fever, and was bedridden for some time.  Everyone else got better, but she just lingered in her sick bed

Her parents worried and fretted, and the doctors shrugged and couldn't fathom why she didn't get better.  But her brother, he sat with her and read to her.  He snuck horse stories in and read them, brought her stuffed horses and ponies whenever he could slip them past his parents.  One day on his way home from school, he stopped in the toy store looking for yet another gift for his sister.  He searched and searched, but couldn't find anything he hadn't already given her.  It was growing late, and he knew he needed to get home, so he finally gave up and headed that way, dragging his feet and scuffing his shoes he wasn't too thrilled to go home empty handed.

Half way between town and the farm, he came upon an old man on the side of the road.  The man's car had got a flat, and he was trying to change it, but he was so old and frail, and it just wasn't going well.  Brother wasn't in a hurry to get home anyway, and so he stopped and offered to help.  While he changed the tire, the old man got him to talking.  He told him about his sister, and how sick she was.  he told him how the doctors couldn't seem to help, and he told him all about her love of horses.

When he finished changing the tire, the man pulled a small cloth bundle out of the car and handed it to the boy.  "You give thet to yer sister now" the man said "and you listen well, and tell her this.."  Where upon the old man told the boy a story, and made him repeat it back until he had it memorized.  "you tell her thet, every day now, don't forget!"

Thanking the man, the boy tucked the cloth under his arm and trudged on home.  Late that night, when his folks had gone to bed, he slipped into his sisters room and unwrapped the cloth bundle.  nestled inside was an exquisite carving of a horse.  Now, the boy didn't know a thing about horses, but even to him it was a thing of beauty.  It was a dark steely gray in color, with lighter spots all over, but not splotchy, more blended.. a rich dark black mane and tail, a brilliant white blaze on his face and shiny white socks.. the boy stared in awe at the craftsmanship.  Slowly, he lay the little carving on his sisters chest, and placed her hand over it, watching her fingers curl instinctively around it he took a deep breath and began the story..

"Once upon a time, in a land far away..  there was a beautiful horse named Thunder.  He was a wild horse, running free, with an unbroken spirit.  Many a man tried to tame him, to have him for their own, but he would have none of it.  He was smart, thunder was, and played them all a merry chase.  He wasn't afraid of humans see, just wise enough to know the danger they posed. 

He would taunt them, coming close to their camps and villages, letting them see him, then running away again.  He was fast, and there wasn't a single horse that could keep up with him.  Everyone knew he was coming (or going) by the sound of his feet drumming the ground.  It sounded, many said, like thunder.  And hence he was named.

There was a girl in one of those villages, and she loved to watch thunder run.  She cheered him on whenever he fled from those trying to capture him.  And when the unthinkable happened, and Thunder was finally caught, she slipped through the village at night and set him back free.  Ever after, Thunder remembered her.  The single human he trusted.. the pure heart, residing in a young girl. 

The day came, when he would pay her back her kindness.  There was a fire in her village, and she was trapped in the barn as everything burned around her.  There were too many fires, and not enough people to put them out.  It was too long before anyone realized where she was, by then it wasn't safe to go in after her.  With the villagers looking on, and mourning her death already, it seemed hope was gone.  But then a sound came, the sound of thunder.  Harsh and loud, just like with a violent storm.  It was a clear day, not a cloud in the sky.. but suddenly it was getting darker fast, black clouds boiling in from over the mountains.. and down below, under the clouds, ran Thunder.  He ran so fast, and was so light on his feet, that people will later swear he flew!  He ran in at the head of the storm, leading it one could say, and ran straight through the village, right up and into the flaming barn.

The village folk stared in disbelief as rain poured down over them, stared open mouthed as with a loud crack of thunder the barn collapsed.  Dust and flaming debris flew up in a thick cloud, obscuring the vision but.. on the other side of the barn, if you looked hard enough, you could just make out the shape of a dark horse running, with a wisp of a girl clinging to his back.

Now, the villagers were a superstitious lot, so a lot of stories were made of Thunder and his wild ride through the flames.  Whether he saved the girl (and inadvertently perhaps, the town) we may never know.  But the villagers believe he did.  So the story goes, and is passed down, and the belief lives. 

It is said, that every so often, Thunder will return.  When he hears the call of another girl, with a pure heart, he will come back.  And to this day, the villagers still take a small portion of their crops out to the base of that mountain, in thanks for the magical horse, who pulled rain for the sky, and led the storm to them, not only rescuing the girl, but putting out fires that would have lay waste to the entire village.

So when a storm blows in, and the thunder cracks, don't fear it.  Instead, think of Thunder, running wild and free out there, and know he is there watching and waiting, for his time to come again."

Finishing the story, the boy reached out to remove the little carving from his sisters hand lest his parents find it and take it.  But touching it, he was surprised at how warm it felt.  Her hand was so cold, but the carving was warm.. frowning, he tugged at the horse, but her hand tightened around it, and he couldn't pry her fingers off.  Shaking his head at his own foolishness, he went on to bed.

When he went back that night, the carving was gone.  His parents swore no knowledge of it, and what could he do?  But he returned night after night, and told her the story.  Storms came, one after another they hit the town and its outlying farms.  More and more the nights were filled with the crack of thunder, and the flash of lightning.  Day by day, the girl grew stronger.  hurricanes hit the coast, and the power went out all over.  It was a "dark" time with no electricity, and even the days dark with no sign of the sun.

One night, as the storms raged.. the little girl vanished.  She was there, then she wasn't.  No one could figure out what happened, there was no sign of a break in, nothing.  Only the brother, watching from his bedroom window, suspected what happened.  With a mixture of relief and dread, he listened and watched, as a dark shadow galloped away into the night, carrying a small, girl shaped shadow on its back. 

The storm chased them as they left, the skies cleared, repairs were begin.. but the girl was never found.  At night sometimes, off in the distance, if he listens really hard, he can hear thunder rumbling.  He gives a sad smile and thinks of his sister, finally free to be who she wants, out there with her magical friend.

And so.. now you know who you are, and how you were "born" and came to be.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



250K auction!

*must work on art when I get the time*


darn already out for the auction XD
