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TheStable: Birthday Fun!

Started by Ravvana, February 01, 2010, 12:14:22 AM

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Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



300K on auction. Will work on other events later. ^^


Event 4

I would like very much to offer you the love and support of me and my Stallion Raindancer should you choose to come home with us. With no other mares with us at the moment you would be a first and as such cherished. You would be able to run free in our pastures filled with soft sweet grass and drink from out freshwater stream and lake. At night, you can sleep under the stars or in a nice snug stable. Brushings are free, as are hugs and are given out in large measures, not to mention carrots and apple cares too. I am confident you could be happy with us if you care to try?


Lots of nice entries so far, everyone :D About 4 days to go!


Event 4

I offer you a loving home on the luscious pastures of my farm-- miles to roam, plentiful grass to munch on, and a freshwater stream to quench your thirst. Since I have no other horses, my complete devotion is yours. You would have your very own cozy stable, filled with fresh hay and treats like shiny red apples, or green ones if you'd prefer. I'd brush you everyday and even put pretty ribbons in your mane. I assure you, your life would be fit for a princess!


Event #6: Writing

A fallen leaf swirled to the ground, gliding gently until the thundering hoofbeats of a horse galloped through. Behind him was a predator, one so fierce it had never been confronted. The horse, a dappled grey with eyes wide with terror, suddenly remembered his wings. They opened quickly, and the stallion soared into the sky, away from that horrid beast.

On and on he flew, never realizing the beast could not fly, that he was safe. Finally hunger won out and he landed without knowing exactly where he was. He stared at the hostile environment, so different from where he had fled from. Instinct told him to leave, and to leave immediantly, but he could not ignore the knawing pain in his stomach. Approaching a nearly withered apple tree, the stallion took a hard apple and ate it rather fast, not wanting the bitter taste to remain in his mouth.

Suddenly a jolt of pain shocked his very core! Nothing he had experienced before had ever caused so much hurt. He could not see what was happening to him, even though he could feel it. Then....nothing. The stallion had fainted. He awoke a day later, not feeling any different. Remembering he was not home, he fluttered his wings, or attempted to. They were GONE! A pegasus no longer, the stallion could not return home, and was doomed to live on that island until someone or something rescued him.

(yeah it's not that good, but I tried lol)


huh thought I posted an auction bid lol

310k please <3


Uhm. . . i was word-y on Event 6.  ^^;;;; Sorry.  ^^;;;

Event 4:

Hawkings Crest has miles of rolling, open pastures, plenty of friends in the way of the Naa, some Kennel dogs, and a few other horses, all of who would love to make friends with this lovely, little mare.  We're still growing, so some day she can even have her pick of local studs! ^.~

Event 6:

Nestled deep in the hills that led to the Rocky Mountains, a picturesque valley hides its very existence through the heavy forests that cover the rolling landscape.  A waterfall pours down from the mountains, tumbling the boulders at its base but quickly settling into a swift-flowing, but generally gentle river for the valley's inhabitants until it falls off the far side into another and more dramatic waterfall leading into the great unknown.   

Living idyllically, a large herd of horses spends their days grazing and bickering good-naturedly among themselves.  They have always been content here; there are a few dangers, but, standing together, they have always managed to best them. 

Taigyou was born in this life; he lived each day carelessly, impudently.  He teased the mares, chased the colts, eyed the role of lead stallion with a disdainful snort.  Too much responsibility for this carefree boy with a wild air.  He didn't want to lead; he wanted to frolic and dance.

The day that changed his life dawned inconspicuously.  The world was as it had ever been; spring was in the air, the mares were showing the new life quickening within them, and the few foals were already pressing their stamina in play.  The snow was melting away, giving their river a burst in speed and strength and a lovely chill that could freeze the brain if drunk too quickly. 

Taigyou cantered to the river, tail flagged and head held high, watching as two of the foals awkwardly splayed their legs to test the temperature.  He couldn't tell if it was an accident or on purpose, but the bay overbalanced suddenly as his equally young friend snapped desperately for the black tail.  The bay tumbled into the icy cold water, letting out a high-pitched whinny of terror as his head dunked under once, twice.

The stallion didn't hesitate, throwing himself into the water swiftly and cutting downstream and across to cut off the colt's path down the swollen river.  Fear threatens his slowly chilling limbs as the colt continues to scream out his fear.  But the stallion managed to—somehow—get downstream of the foal and relief rushed through him as the bay bumped into his side and Taigyou could force his path closer, closer to the shore. 

They were almost there, almost to safety when one of the mare's shrilled a warning.  Taigyou's eyes rolled white as he caught sight of the large tree limb barreling down the river towards them; it must have come from the mountains and, even now, its speed seemed only to increase.  In desperation, Taigyou got the foal in front of him, dipping his head into the water and lunging forward and tossing his head at the same time, flinging the colt away from him and closer to the shoreline as the multitude of branches slammed into his side.  They closed upon him like a cage, tumbling him under the waves for long, heart-stopping moments, then tossed him partially back out, too entwined to get free.  The horse, still captured, fought desperately to break the water-logged branches, but though they had give, they didn't move enough for him to get out.  They swept downriver, faster and faster, and Taigyou watched in fear as the other waterfall loomed closer and closer until whoosh!  He was swept over the side and down with the tumbling waves. 

He would not know for several hours that the very branches that had caused his downfall would also save him from death; breaking his fall just enough that he could wash ashore with bruises and cuts, but no injury more serious than that.  But when he did wake, he was far from home and there was no way to return.  Taigyou was removed from his world, but it was at a cost that he could never regret.


Event #4: Bribes
(decided she was too pretty and would give in and try for her lol)

We at Spring Star Stables await a queen so noble and beautiful no one shall doubt her position. I believe you to be that queen, long awaited since the beginning of our stable. The finest stall and food stay unused, ready to be graced with your presence. Eternal love and care shall be yours as well, with you being the only light breed horse. You shall also have the chance to pick your own mate, from scores of handsome male studs waiting for their forever home as well. :)




All four events will end at the next 0:00 mark :) 13.5 hours to go.


Wolfs Fang

Event # 5: Art

Sorry for the roughness, but it would prolly look worse if I tried to color/shade it on MS paint.



Event #5: Art

So rushed and so not good but wanted to enter at least one event

Wolfs Fang

Event # 4: Bribes

Hello, paint mare. I really don't know your name as of yet, so I'll call you that for now. Paint, if you come to live at my stables, I'm sure that you will be happy there.
But I'll be honest with you. I can't give you the finest oats, the best stable, or a diamond-studded halter. I can't, because I don't have any of those things. I have a small pasture, and fairly decent stalls, and a pond, and no horses as of yet. So I don't really have much. But there is one thing I can offer you- A home. A home where you will be treasured, where you be cared for, where you can live. It may not be much, but it's all I have to offer.


Event 5

I seriously suck at art on the pc and my scanner is a pain, so no laughing ^^



I neeeeed sleep, so here we go.

1 million SG on auction

*crosses fingers no one will try to outbid it*
Ravv, seriously, he's worth it. ^^
So I won't be very surprised if someone outbids me.


Event #5 - Art

Little pixel pony =3

I ran out of patience to do a nice background, it's 1 AM now.
I hope it's okay I used lineart I already had. The lineart was drawn by myself and I colored it for this event.



Event 5

I wasn't in an artistic mood.. at all. MS Paint. >.>




Events are now closed!

Red wins the draft stalion for 1 million + 10k. Please send the SG to this account, and give me a name for your new boy :)

I'll judge the other three events tomorrow.


*dies of happiness*

Name: Milky Way

and stable name shall be Dapple <3


Event #4:
The paint mare has decided that what she wants more than material goods are lots of attention and love. With her heart set on becoming someone's first horse, she ultimately decided that Wolfs Fang would offer her just the home she most desired.


Event #5:
There were 7 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

4.Wolfs Fang
Timestamp: 2010-03-02 00:28:52 UTC


Event #6:
At the mere mention of apples, the stallion's mouth started to water... so perhaps Silvanon's interpretation of his past was indeed reality?

In all seriousness, Silvanon's story was selected because it was original and actually made me laugh out loud a few times. Such as: "Mushroom couldn't imagine there'd be anything about any apple that he wouldn't like.  This was because Mushroom's imagination was rather limited." In addition, it clearly times back in to Silvanon's stable, as its motto is, "Our horses like fruit. A lot. And trees."


Wolfs Fang and CutieePiee, let me know what you'd like to name your new horses. Silvanon, I am naming your boy Mushroom to fit the story, unless you have a strong preference for another name.

Pick-a-door will be coming later tonight! It will be the final event of our birthday celebration :)


Fangy squeed loudly lol

Congrats to all the winners!! <3

and *stalks for pick a door*


Gz All!!

I really have to sleep soon saddly, so will prolly miss the doors


Oooo, pick-a-door!  I would love to add someone new to my stable, or items, or anything really XD

*stalks for pick-a-door*


yush I needs a bigger army too xD


Pick-a-Door: Image Version!

Post the Door # and correct image (non-hotlinked) to claim. Event ends when all doors are claimed. One door per person, no gifting doors.

1. Ryuukokoro
2. Lectral
3. Kasatsu
4. Wolfs Fang
5. Sera
6. red_uni387
7. hiyoko
8. CutieePiee
9. PonyMama
10. Dunkel.Prinzessin204


Wolfs Fang







Don't know if I have to say but Door 9
Rearing horse



Eeeeeehehehehe, that is a cute kitten!


It amuses the snot out of me. xD;


XD I watched Pan's Labyrinth yesterday, and 'amuses the snot out of me' reminded me of the frog's insides oozing out lol






Wheee just Door 3 left!!

Edit: XD I post too slow!


All full :) *goes to sort out prizes*

Announcement: Wolfs Fang has decided not to take the paint mare home, so the mare has decided to take up CutieePiee's offer of lots of attention and pretty ribbons :) Cutiee, please post a name for her and the draft mare when you have a chance.


wow congrats on the double win Cutiee! :D