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[Miniwyvs] Winter Festival!

Started by Saturnalia, November 30, 2012, 11:12:39 PM

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[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 18, total 18[/blockquote]

*rolls around in pretty festival Wyvs*


Angels, my favorite! *O* <3

I shall call him Gabriel <3


So, um... I just realized that I skipped one of the Moon Room's Breedings. Kahlira's Amber and Wildfilly's Dirk seem to have been hiding out under some pillows where I did not notice them.

...that will be done asap! Oops! Sorry, guys!




108 (Bunraku's Venias) x 36 (Leafy's Moonstone)

054 (Kahlira's Mr. Musketeer) x 171 (Bunraku's Poinsettia)



054 (Mr. Musketeer) x 171 (Bunraku's Poinsettia)

Your other breeding will be done ASAP! Sorry about that!


Keilin Alyr!

175 (Keilin's Frost) x 019 (WD's Becca)



108 (Bunraku's Venias) x 36 (Leafy's Moonstone)



103 (YLO's Farron) x 93 (Wild's Selena)

Your other breeding will be done ASAP! Sorries!

Raffle Egg:

054 (Kahlira's Mr. Musketeer) x 171 (Bunraku's Poinsettia)



103 (YLO's Farron) x 93 (Wild's Selena)

80 (Autumn Key) x 42 (YLO's Mildred)


Winged Dreams!

175 (Keilin's Frost) x 019 (WD's Becca)

80 (Autumn Key) x 42 (YLO's Mildred)


A note!
I just want to emphasize that everything here was randomly done. I rolled dice to see who bred with who, and then dice are always used to determine which genetics pass on, and whether the accessories pass on or not. And then dice determined who got which egg.
You guys are always welcome to swap things around if you aren't super thrilled with your result and can find an agreeable trade with someone else! :) (Just let me know to change ownerships if need be!)

Also, I'm musing on ideas for future Moon Room breedings. They'll probably allow for eggs to be picked, instead of randomly assigned. I'm thinking that maybe it will be more open, too-- like, you could pick an egg that came from a breeding that didn't involve either of your two wyvs. Everyone would have a chance to pick one eggy before the second round of picks started, or something like that. Thoughts?


Ooooh accessoiries! I do probably need some different color in my herd.. And I feel bad for hoarding all the accessoiries XD So I would be willing to swap mine for another Wyv. Wild and Winged have first chance at that because the babies are from their Wyvs, if they don't wish to trade I'll look at other trading offers.

Edit: Winged wants to trade her boy from our litter for my boy!



I love mine! I shall name them Soulstream and Origami!


Confirming that i agree to the trade.
The two from mine and Keilin's litter are lovely! Especially Keilin's with the lovely antlers :D
Owner of Gliders!


Yay! Such a pretty baby XD And from the moment I saw her, I knew that Amber was a sneaky demon. lol!

Name him... Mr. Poinsettia.

And for today:
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 12, total 12[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

I've forgotten to roll the past few days, but some lovely Wyvs have been in this calender!
Owner of Gliders!

Keilin Alyr

Oh wow, look at the pretties! Venias and Moonstone's babies are quite lovely. And I love the antlers on my baby, they make him look very distinguished. I'll have to think of a name for him. =)

Advent Calendar
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 9, total 9[/blockquote]

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Bun would i be able to borrow Venias for a breeding? I love those babies of his from here :)
Owner of Gliders!


Of course Winged! Isn't he a beauty? He's the son of my first miniwyve <3 His dad and him seem to make a habbit of throwing beautiful children


Thanks! He has a lovely pattern :D You're welcome to borrow one of mine, just let me know.
Owner of Gliders!


Thank you! ^^ I'd love a breeding with Duff or this male I can't decide which because I love them both XD


Tricky decision xD Just post the breeding in the thread when you decide :) I've decided to go for using my Pumpkin.
Owner of Gliders!


Yesterday's Advent Calendar winner was YourLoveOnly! She comes up onto the stage and opens Door #22. Wow, almost Christmas! Inside, there is a female Miniwyv. And oooh, she seems to have a wing mutation... instead of normal dragon wings, they look like holly leaves!

Feel free to roll for today, everyone!


Also, Kronos has been deciding where he would like to go. It wasn't an easy decision, as both Bunraku & Keilin provided tempting descriptions.

Kronos looks at Keilin. Your realm sounds very nice, and quite similar to my homeland, he says telepathically, and gives her a little bow of his head. However, I think I would like to go somewhere a bit different for a while, and see some new sights.  So I think I will go and see Bunraku's land.

Congrats, Bun! Kronos is going home with you. :)


Yaaaaay Kronos! X3 <3 Thank you sat!

Advent Calendar
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]


*wanders in thread trying to get organized* Alrighty, let's go!

I have three I'd like to gift.. To Bun:

To Keilin:

To PM:

Their photobucket titles didn't have a note with their gender so I'm not 100% sure about that.

Aaand names.





And I may be trading this one:

Wildfilly can offer first if she wants since she owns one of the parents.


Awee thank you YLO! *hugs* ^__^ I'll name him/her Hollyberry


Owner of Gliders!


Yesterday's Advent winner was Bunraku! Step on up to the stage!
Inside of Door #23 is a very colorful female Wyv, who looks rather decorated!


Owner of Gliders!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 17, total 17[/blockquote]




For the other raffle egg:

Anyone involved in the Moon Room breeding is eligible. All you need to do is post what your favorite holiday food is :) In a few days, I'll announce who wins (via random draw from entrants).


Hmm, that is very hard. I love many foods XD I'll settle for posting anything involving salmon, because I don't think I've ever had a bad tasing salmon dish and it's something that's always included in either the starter, the main or a random snack during our Christmas celebrations.

Keilin Alyr

Oh, thank you, YLO! I'd like to name him/her Cinnamon. They remind me of my holiday candle. =3

And this boy I'd like to name Comet. Such a pretty 'wyv. <3

Advent Calendar
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 10, total 10[/blockquote]

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


The last egg.. My favorite holiday food is.. Well I make it on holidays because it's kind of a hassle to make and time  consuming and I want to eat the bacon. But it's my grandma's recipe for German Potato Salad. But it's so good! If it weren't sucha  special treat and takes so much time to cook, I'd make it constantly. I dunno if this counts XD But if it's true holiday stuff, Uh.... Reindeer cookies. Pretty much sugar cookies with white icing and red noses and chocolate covered pretzel antlers.



Favourite holiday food... Hmm that's a tricky one because the food that comes to mind is venison (we had that for tea tonight) but that's not a holiday food so i'll go for Trifle! We have one for pudding on christmas day each year.
Owner of Gliders!


I think my favorite holiday food is my Dad's Christmas Loafs, its a recipe thats rather unusual but its been passed on through our family for many years, and I've honestly never seen it in any other family! It involves egg salad, tuna, jam, cream cheese, all neatly arranged in a loaf of bread and iced with the cream chees to make it pretty. Its hard to describe XD But I love it <3


Looks like the Advent Calender winner for Christmas Eve was YourLoveOnly! She is invited up onto the stage to open Door #24.

Well, wouldn't you know! It's Mrs. Claus, in miniwyv form!



Bunraku's present from PonyMama starts shaking and rattling. Upon opening, Bunraku finds that she has been gifted with a Megapack: 1 custom, 1 breeding ticket, 1 egg and 1 adult!




Bunraku also opens her present from Wildfilly. It's another multipack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg and 1 adult!




Country198606 also has a box that has begun to rattle inside, gifted by PonyMama. Country opens it to find a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg and 1 adult.




Country's second box, from Wildfilly, also gets opened! It's another Megapack: 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.




Kahlira feels her present from PonyMama begin to vibrate ever-so-slightly, and tears the wrapping off. It's a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.




Kahlira's other box, from Wildfilly, also gets opened up. Another Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



More will open during the day tomorrow! :)


Eee yay look at my lovelies! I love them and my eggies <3 When/how are the custom forms redeemable and what do we fill out? ^^

I shall name my female Atrata and my male Granat <3 Thank you so much you guys! ^__^


Customs forms are redeemable whenever you'd like (though I will say that I'm a wee bit behind at the current moment!)

I'll update one of the first posts with the forms, but here it is for easy access:


Colors: Pick up to 3!
Pattern: Pick ONE of the following:
-Normal marked (belly a different color)
-"Bay" (nose and tail a different color)
Wings: Dragon or Feathered
Horns: None, straight, curved or unicorn



Wings: Dragon or Feathered
Horns: (Straight back, none, curly ram, unicorn, rhino, anything you can think of!)
Spines: (Examples- extra tail spines, spines all the way or partially down the back, etc)
Accessories/Tattoos, if any:


My favorite food as of right now (Made today, so holiday.. right?XD)
Is Cashew BRittle. Its peanut brittle with cashews instead. Its SOO good,  I already had about 10 pieces todayy. :3 We made it from scratch too

Keilin Alyr

Ooh, I hope there's still a roll for today. =3

Advent Calendar
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 5, total 5[/blockquote]

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I love my Mrs. Claus <3 I'll name her that too!

And I am still sending out gifts to people, am just running behind due to feeling sick :( Fortunately the gifting is not closed yet XD


I'll leave gifting up until December 31 for anyone that wants last minute stuff :) I'll be opening more presents soon, too!


I actually want to buy some presents for people in this thread as well, so I'm glad its still open because I forgot to nab some for everyone!


The Advent Calendar rolls will continue until January 1! So keep rollin', everyone! :)

As for yesterday's roll, it was won by the lone roller, Keilin Alyr! Keilin steps on up to the stage and opens a particularly ornate door for Day #25. Inside, it's a Santa Claus wyv! Aww! Isn't he cute...


Advent Calendar
[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 20, total 20[/blockquote]

Yay more chances at miniwyves for my miniwyve addiction! XD


[blockquote]Rolled 1d20 : 15, total 15[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


Bun, that's an auto-win! Prize will have to wait until I'm home from work, though! :)




Keilin Alyr's present from PonyMama jiggles slightly. Keilin pulls off the festive paper, finding a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding ticket, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Keilin turns her attention to her other present, clad in red paper and from Wildfilly. Inside, she finds another Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Leafy opens her present, gifted by Wildfilly. Inside, there is a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding ticket, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Luv007 removes the festive wrappings from her present. The tag notes that it's from Wildfilly. Inside is  a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



PonyMama picks up the first of her presents, from Wildfilly. Inside, there is a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



PonyMama's other gift is from Keilin Alyr. Once the paper has been pulled off, it's revealed to be a Box of Three!

(all are male)


TheLeet's first gift, wrapped in silvery paper, is from Wildfilly. It contains A Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding ticket, 1 egg, 1 adult.


(TheLeet's second present will open in a bit!)


Wildfilly's first gift, from PonyMama shakes around until she gets a firm grasp on it. Tearing the paper off, she discovers a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Wildfilly picks up the second gift, which comes from Keilin Alyr. Inside, a Box of Three is found!



Willow neatly removes the wrappings from her gift from Wildfilly. Inside, there is a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Winged is the next to open a gift! This one is from PonyMama, and inside there is a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



Winged has another present, this one from Wildfilly. The starry paper reveals another Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



YourLoveOnly picks up the green present from PonyMama, and gently unwraps it. Inside is a Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.



YLO opens her next present, from Wildfilly. The paper peels back to reveal another Megapack! 1 custom, 1 breeding, 1 egg, 1 adult.


YLO's other present will open shortly :)

Enjoy & let me know names, guys!


Lovely! Especially the famel :D I'll name her Storme and the male Potent.
Owner of Gliders!


Ooooh neat! I'll name my first Wyv Pastel and the second Wyv Silva. And neat eggs too!

Question about the breeding vouchers, are they to be used when turning in a room to get it free of charge? Or do we use them for a male x female breeding out of the breeding thread without having to claim a room?