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~Air~Fish~ Spawning!

Started by Garney, January 31, 2010, 05:02:22 PM

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Nooo, leopards are spots- oops gave that one away XD

Skipped way down the line to the last spawning, hurr

958 AA gg
XX ss DD tt gg ll rr dd XX tt zz rr XX BB ff dd rr
XX ss DD tt gg ll rr dd XX tt zz rr XX BB ff dd rr

This one is a fun genetic mess, that'll be amusing for games later XD


Owner of Gliders!


No worries , sweet Garney ..
- I'm in no hurry ;b





seriously?...well then again a stopped clock is right twice a day



950 CC gg
Xx Ss Dd TT gg ll Rr dd xx tt zz rr Xx bb ff dd rr
xx ss dd tt gg ll rr dd xx tt zz rr XX bb ff dd Rr

951 CC gg
XX Ss Dd Tt gg ll Rr dd xx tt zz rr Xx bb ff dd rr
xx ss dd tt gg ll rr dd xx tt zz rr XX bb ff dd rr

I can never make my eggs the same size anymore XD fayul!

These two display a rather interesting fin blend.

950 - XX bb ff dd Rr
951 - XX bb ff dd rr

XX = visible blend

a basic location for each of these, one win per person
bb = blood blend - spring
ff = flame blend - toffeeca
dd = deco - whimsy
rr = rainbow blend - ravvana

and a seeing bauble to the person who can tell me how these fraternal twins are different from this genetic code, separate from the other guessing


bb- blend

ff- flame blend

dd- double blend

rr- blood bend


rr: rainbow blend
dd: double blend
bb: bicolor blend



You each got one right, that's all ya need XD




What's the d then? What could possibly~ blend that starts with 'd' XD


and... one has rainbow fins, one does not?  (if I can guess the differences)


Keilin Alyr

Definitely double blend. =)

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


whimsy gotted it!

and spring is close, but... not quite *holds bauble over head out of reach*


one carries tiger stripes, and the other shows?


One has rainbow scales one has rainbow fins???


I think we're all confused as to the instructions =3

These two display a rather interesting fin blend.

950 - XX bb ff dd Rr
951 - XX bb ff dd rr

not the entire code, I posted those so their owner could see them, only the green part is the game.


Or one has rainbow fins and the other is a rainbow fin carrier
(if I can guess again)


I know nothing about genetics so it took me a moment to understand that I was very very wrong the first time sorry


Umm one has a dominant rainbow genne one has a recessive.


One shows rainbow fins and one does not?


one has rainbow the other has a unique blend?


Okay I'm getting confused by all these responses, some of which are half right XD;

and some of which may be technically right and could possibly be argued

but no, no real answer I'm looking for, bauble is mine XD


the first is rainbow blend carrier
the second is No rainbow blend


first one has part rainbow, other has a unique blend? xD


I know nothing about codes so I am guessing completely and that's not helping you, sorry Garney, I wanna try and figure it out though

Ok the first is
Visible Blend, with no blood, flame, or deco, but is a rainbow carrier

the second is
Visible blend, no blood, flame, deco or rainbow


Yay PM gave me the answer I wanted! \o/

One last massive guessing bit as these next fish are all hybrids and going to kick my booty.

XX ss dd tt gg ll rr dd

This is the code for SPOTS, the biggest code on the fish.

XX - spots (aka speckles)
Xx - mild spotting/mottling
xx - no spots

ss = single splotch - ravvana
dd = dual splotch - PonyMama
tt = triple splotch - toffeeca
gg = giraffe - Keilin
ll = leopard - red
rr = ?
dd = deco spots - whimsy

Seven possible basic spawning locations up for grabs, one per person!]




and yay for giving the correctness.  That was hard for me to look at and figure out, but I might be understanding a little more

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



tt= triple

ETA: Whoops, only one per person XD



Just two left

you guys have really caught on to my madness XD



So sad that I think I know the last one and was only allowed one


ss = single splotch?

rr = rainbow?


Yep yep!


now someone can cheat off Rav *cough*


I coudl so guess and then say I was guessing for Ryuu ? XD


Can I even though I won one before?

rr = rainbow?



Aww, cute eggies <3 *snuggles them*
And yay I have another breeding to plot now *plot plot plot*


Eee! My eggus are here :'D
*luffs on Garney*


Yay, I got an egg, too :D
Thanks, Garney ^^


Owner of Gliders!


Couple tweaks to how the locations effect the s-genes.

Not sure if I can explain it properly, but I'm going to try.

Let's say your fishes have XX Tt <- tiger stripes and Xx Tt <- carrier tiger stripes

Basic punnett square laws apply
.   T      t   
T  1, 2  3, 4 
t  5, 6  7, 8 

To determine genetics, I roll an 8 sided die.
1 and 2 and you get TT - full tiger stripes
3 and 4, 5 and 6 you get Tt - carrier stripes
7 and 8 you get tt - no stripes =(

A heavenly spawn location with a +3 offset does this

.   T      t   
T  1 - 5  6, 7 
t   8      .     

If you don't get it, trust me, it works XD;


Basically better location just increases the numbers that will give you a visible gene.. Got it 8D