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[Miniwyvs] Autumn Festivities... have come to an end!

Started by Saturnalia, November 14, 2012, 01:05:08 PM

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Autumn Festivities!

That's right! It's time for some fun fall-themed activities. Take a look around!

1. Loose Ends Flatsale
2. Eggy Flatsale
3. Autumn Treasure!
4. Reminders & Pickups

Owners folders can be found here:


Loose Ends Flatsale!

These guys were offered in previous flatsales, but never claimed.

All gone!


Eggy Flatsale!

Saturnalia has found a bunch of abandoned eggs off in the wilds! Perhaps you'd like to give one a home? They are estimated to hatch in about a week.

All gone!


Autumn Treasures

Saturn stands next to a huge, flat-topped rock. As you approach, you see that she's jotting down notes on a paper. Is that a Christmas tree doodled in the margin? Could she be planning a huge, month-long December event?! She notices you, and quickly stuffs the paper into her satchel. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Saturn smiles brightly as you approach. "Hello! We're having a treasure hunt." She gestures to the forest behind her. "It's simple-- you go in there, find me some neat things, and come back. And then, with the help of this--" she points to a little stonewear pot, full of honey-- "we see if we can summon you a wild Miniwyv!"

-5000sg per summoning
-You may summon as many as you want, but do not roll again until I've completed yours! (So, one unfinished slot at a time!)

Roll 3d20 dice: [*roll]3d20[*/roll]
(without the asterisks*)

You choose gender! Let me know which you'd prefer!

Your dice rolls will determine what you find in the forest, and those items will influence the Miniwyv that heeds the summons!

1. Bunraku (done!)
2. Winged Dreams (done!)
3. YourLoveOnly (done!)
4. Kahlira (done!)
5. YLO (done!)
6. Winged Dreams (done!)
7. Kahlira (done!)
8. YLO (done!)
9. Kahlira (done!)
10. Bunraku (done!)
11. Wildfilly (done!)
12. Bunraku (done!)
13. YLO (done!)
14. Winged Dreams (done!)
15. Wildfilly (done!)
16. YLO (done!)
17. YLO (done!)
18. Bunraku (done!)
19. Winged Dreams (done!)
20. YLO (done!)
21. Bunraku (done!)
22. Kahlira (done!)
23. Kahlira (done!)
24. YLO (done!)
25. YLO
26. Wild
27. Kah

Added more slots-- even if you've gotten one already, you're welcome to get another!

(More will be added as needed!)



Let me know names for any unnamed Miniwyvs of yours!

Breedings are in a near-constantly-open status, right over here:
There have been some updated rules on breeding, listed there.


Codename: Minty
Bought by Bunraku!


ID: 072
Bought by Winged Dreams!


ID: 073
Bought by Bunraku!


Dogwood, male
Summoned by Bunraku


Autumn Key, male
Summoned by Winged Dreams


Summoned by YourLoveOnly; need name & gender!


Dominic, male
Summoned by Kahlira


ID: 071
Bought by Kahlira


Codename: Snickers
Gender: Male

Bought by Kahlira!


Summoned by YourLoveOnly; need name & gender!


Milkweed, female
Summoned by Winged Dreams


Equinox, male
Summoned by Kahlira


Needs name & gender
Summoned by YLO


Rose, female
Summoned by Kahlira


Cranberry, male
Summoned by Bunraku


Pumpkin, male
Summoned by Wildfilly


Sassafras, female
Summoned by Bunraku


Needs name & gender
Summoned by YLO


Needs name & gender
Summoned by Winged Dreams


Selena, female
Summoned by Wildfilly


Riker, male
Summoned by YLO


?, ?
Summoned by YLO


?, ?
Summoned by Bunraku


?, ?
Summoned by Winged Dreams


Fiero, male
Summoned by YLO


Pumpkin, female
Summoned by Bunraku


?, ?
Summoned by Kahlira


ID: 070
Purchased by YLO


?, ?
Summoned by Kahlira


?, ?
Summoned by YLO


Codename: Musketeers
Gender: Male
Bought by Kahlira!


Bought by Wildfilly!


Summoned by YLO


Summoned by Wildfilly


Summoned by Kahlira


You may post!

Ug, though-- having issues with Photobucket stuff showing up as broken images! Very frustrating!


Codename: Minty please !

ID: 073 Please!

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 9, 13, 8, total 30[/blockquote]


ID: 072 please!

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 3, 14, 1, total 18[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


Marked down! I'll be back in a jiffy to take care of the autumn summonings! :D


Winged-- I got the payment for the summoning, but not the eggy :)

Also, because YLO inspired me, I'm jumping on the bandwagon:

Come see my chaotic, nonsensical way of doing things! haha.


Bunraku, I forgot to put in that you get to pick gender for these guys. So, let me know gender & name :)

On her treasure hunt in the forest, Bunraku has found a Bunch of Pine Needles, a Burgundy Dogwood Leaf, and a Yellow Birchwood Leaf!

Saturnalia puts the little pot of honey in the center of the flat stone, and arranges the items around it. It isn't long before a Miniwyv comes flitting up, drawn by the little treasures and the sweet treat!


He's lovely sat! ^_____^

I will call Minty Minty and make her female
I'll call my eggie Haru and make her female
And my summoned Wyve Dogwood and make him male ^^


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 8, 18, 5, total 31[/blockquote]


Oops! I actually just meant to choose gender for the summoned yellow one :) Though Minty was female anyway, and the eggy... we shall see! :D


Winged Dreams returns from the woods with a Brown Oak Leaf, a Sprig of Colorful Aspen Leaves, and an Acorn!

Saturnalia places the items near the honeypot, and waits... and a lovely natural Miniwyv flits up, wearing a gem and in a little swirl of leaves!


Owner of Gliders!


So glad you like him :D I had so much fun with those leaves! Yayyy pixel art!

And now for YLO... *shoos her into the woods to find some things*


YourLoveOnly went on a nature walk and collected a Yellow Birch Leaf, a Crysanthemum Flower, and a Yellow Gourd!

Saturnalia places everything just so upon the flat stone, and stands back. Sure enough, a little Miniwyv appears! This one's got ram horns and lovely, subtle striping.

Let me know name & gender! (And don't forget to send the monies ;) )


Saturnalia rolls herself some dice for funsies...
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 4, 19, 13, total 36[/blockquote]


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 9, 13, 11, total 33[/blockquote]


Quote from: Saturnalia on November 14, 2012, 02:33:54 PM
Oops! I actually just meant to choose gender for the summoned yellow one :) Though Minty was female anyway, and the eggy... we shall see! :D

Whopsie I misread! XD Thats okay though, Haru will work as a name for a male or a female ^^


Kahlira goes on an EPIC FOREST ADVENTURE! She finds a Bundle of Pine Needles, a Burgundy Dogwood Leaf, and an Orange Sassafrass Leaf!

After coating these things in a liberal dose of honey, Saturn and Kahlira wait until a Miniwyv shows up, and promptly gets itself all sticky in the honey... oops.


Everyone is welcome to summon another autumn Miniwyv, if they wish. More slots have been added!


Well yes please ^^ I love autumny colors :D Winged's is so gorgeous with the leaves!
And at this point I am incredibly unsurprised Bun took the flatsale pet and egg I like best.. She keeps getting stuff I love, same with my own Panda Shrimps adoptable XD -loves on Bun-

New summoning!
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 11, 11, 7, total 29[/blockquote]

Will name my other when migraine isn't trying to murder me. I can't sleep anymore so I am tyring to do something more useful, but it's super hard to focus XD


I'd love another summoning! Was so much fun xD
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 12, 8, 8, total 28[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


Yay! I'll do those now! :)

And in case anyone is feeling bored...



YourLoveOnly takes another delightful trek through the forest, and finds two lovely Orange Sassafras Leaves, and a Wild Turkey Feather!

Saturn places the items on the rock, and waits, and then a Miniwyv comes darting over! It appears to have a small tattoo of a sassafras leaf upon it, though Saturn isn't quite sure where a Miniwyv goes in the wild to get a tattoo... oh, well, no matter! :D


Winged Dreams takes one of the forest paths, and on her walk finds a Milkweed Seed Pod and two Yellow Birch Leaves!

With the use of some honey, these items help to summon a Miniwyv. It turns out to be a yellowy one, with subtle dappling and a little leaf tattoo!

Let me know name & gender :)


Still flatsales, eggies, & summoning slots available! :)


I'll take Snickers (Name Snickers) egg 071 and [blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 7, 16, 2, total 25[/blockquote]


Ah i love that dappled yellow! I'll go for Female and name is Milkweed :)
Owner of Gliders!


Kahlira, all yours!

I'll get that summoning done when I switch over to my other computer :)

and Winged Dreams, I'm glad you like her! :D


Kahlira goes on another forest adventure. Along the way, she finds a Wild Turkey Feather, a Crabapple, and a Red Maple Leaf!

These items are placed on the flat stone, along with the honey, and the waiting game begins. It takes a little longer than the others, but suddenly a bright red Miniwyv, showing bay markings and with barred wings, appears!


Updated pickups and added more slots. If you've already summoned, feel free to summon again :) (And feel free to drag new people into the thread, too! ;) )


That one is SO pretty @_@

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 11, 13, 10, total 34[/blockquote]

Will try to think of names, these stupid migraine attacks are killing me. I should name one headache just because that is the one thing on my mind xD


Yay! This one isn't as sticky!

Name: Equinox


YLO, working on yours now! :D

Kahlira, yay! :D Also, gender?


YourLoveOnly goes frolicking in the forest, with the sound of happy birdsong floating through the air. On her walk, she finds an Orange Sassafras Leaf, a Burgundy Dogwood Leaf, and a Corn Husk!

She and Saturn arrange the items on the rock, putting a dab of honey nearby to draw out a Miniwyv. This one must have been watching from the bushes, because it doesn't take long to come flitting out! And it has a cute little unicorn horn!



Umm.. Male XD

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 2, 2, 18, total 22[/blockquote]


I'll do another summoning <3

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 7, 19, 2, total 28[/blockquote]


Kahlira skips through the forest, humming a happy tune as she goes. On her way, she finds two Red Maple Leaves, and a Crysanthemum Flower.

Items are arranged, honey is applied, and waiting happens! Before too long, the rustle of tiny wings is heard, and a Miniwyv flits up, landing on the flat stone. Ooh, this one has stripes and a maple leaf tattoo!

Name & Gender, please! :)


Yay! I was wanting one with a leaf XD

Name: Rose
Gender: Female


On Bunraku's pleasant journey through the woods, the following items are found: a Wild Turkey Feather, a Beechnut, and a Red Maple Leaf!

Bunraku's items are placed on the stone with a dollop of honey. Saturn resists eating some of the honey. After a little while, a Miniwyv comes winging up, with mottled wings and a tobiano pattern!

Let me know name & gender!

Also, apparently the dice LOVES to give you outline 3...

And now, I must get ready for work!


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 11, 5, 18, total 34[/blockquote]


That's okay, because I love outline three XD <3

I would like to make him a boy and call him Cranberry please <3


yay! :D

Wildfilly, I'll take care of that summoning as soon as I'm back from work tonight! :D



Wildfilly94 goes on a trip through the forest, surrounded by the beauty of fall! The following items are collected along the way: an Orange Sassafrass Leaf, a Yellow Gourd, and  Crysanthemum Flower!

The items are placed upon the rock of summoning, with a little bit of honey to help lure in a new friend. Sure enough, an orange Miniwyv with ram horns and tiger stripes comes to visit!

Let me know name & gender! :)
(You also have another one to name!)

And remember, everyone, breedings are always open and rooms are available right here!


I'll name him Pumpkin. XD

and for the one YLO gifted me (Forgot about :O) I'll name her Pinecone
