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[Miniwyvs] Autumn Festivities... have come to an end!

Started by Saturnalia, November 14, 2012, 01:05:08 PM

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 [blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 16, 19, 7, total 42[/blockquote]

Love me some autumn wyves <3


*steals Bun's last one* Why do I keep getting the outline I am trying not to get? XD
I'll make my first one male and name him Ray (like ray of sunshine, because I am oh so unoriginal) and am considering maybe trading or gifting the other two, I'm attempting to hoard only Miniwyvs in the other two poses :O


YLO, silly dice! Sorrieees! Blame this guy , that's what I roll to determine outline...

And yay Bun! Also, I'm going to add more slots, because I am having fun with these. And also alter the rules, so that there's no limit, but one at a time. :) wooo!


Mean dice are mean!

Moooreee summoning <3
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 13, 4, 2, total 19[/blockquote]


Bunraku tries out a new path through the forest, this time! Along the way, she finds a Crabapple, A Beechnut, and a Wild Turkey Feather!

By the power of these items combined, with honey for extra sweetness, she manages to summon a lovely Miniwyv showing an overo pattern, bay markings, and with bi-colored wings!

(And with a different outline, this time!)


See, Bun always gets pretties I want! -hoards this one and Bun's previous one and Kah's pretty one too-  ;D


Ooh i love Bun's!
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 11, 1, 8, total 20[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


YourLoveOnly skips merrily through the forest, pausing to pick up a few items! These end up being a Burgundy Dogwood Leaf, a Pinecone, and a Red Maple Leaf!

The items, with the honey, quickly attract the notice of a Miniwyv. It flits in happily, and lands on YourLoveOnly's head. Awww!

Also, that's #91... keep up these summonings, and we'll be hitting a super-special 100 soon! WOOO! (Now to think how to give that one away...)

Also, between this and the holiday stuff I have planned for next month, I hope you guys are ready to acquire a million Miniwyvs each, hah! ;)


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 3, 1, 14, total 18[/blockquote]
I need to stalk more. >.>


YAY. Pose I love and red and yaaaay I am so happy. Need to think of a perfect name!

Mooooreee :D
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 16, 12, 20, total 48[/blockquote]


WingedDreams dashes off into the trees to find some more items! Peering around, she sees an Orange Sassafrass Leaf, an Acorn, and a Yellow Birch Leaf!

She brings them back, and they are arranged on the flat rock. Saturn spoons out some honey, then peers into the little bowl. "Need more honey!" she mumbles happily, and then steps back. A Miniwyv soon flies up. It has, somewhere along the way, been adorned with a little tail-bangle, from which an acorn charm dangles.

I was going to give up my computer to the boyfriend, so that he could try out Star Wars Old Republic, but you guys are keeping me too busy :D <3


That's because we love you <3 I am doing joinme for your Panda Shrimp babies in second, so tell your boyfriend he's out of luck XD



And he's a smart man... he just started installing it on the laptop in the meanwhile, haha ;) I think he guessed this might take a while...


Aw cute wee acorn charm! Now to think up a name...
Owner of Gliders!


Wildfilly has a very nice walk through the woods. The weather is perfect! Along the way, a few things are acquired: a Brown Oak Leaf, an Acorn, and a Sprig of Aspen Leaves.

At first, Saturn is nowhere to be seen, but then comes running up, with a few new jars of honey in her hands. "Didn't expect to use so much!" She opens one of the jars, taking a moment to consult the label-- it says 'Clover Honey'-- and then puts some next to Wildfilly's items. Moments later, a Miniwyv flits up! This one has a collar-- Saturn just assumes that some nature spirit must have put it on-- and a swirl of leaves around it.

(Wildfilly & Winged Dreams, what's with you guys managing to roll for both jewelry and leafies? lol!)


O_O I like this one!!

Name her Selena


Leafies are gorgeous! And i really love that one :D
Owner of Gliders!


I WANT LEAFIES TOO D: -bribes dice gods-


Yay I gots a pretty X3 I shall name this one Sassafras and make it female <3


YourLoveOnly heads for the forest and searches and searches, trying to find some items! She ends up with a Crabapple, a Milkweed Seed Pod, and a little Wild Pumpkin!

YLO and Saturn have barely even finished setting up the items and the honey before a Miniwyv flies up. It seems like these little guys have gotten smart, and are all hiding in bushes nearby, just waiting to be summoned!
This one has a rhino horn, lovely dappling, and bay markings!

I'm so glad you guys are liking these; I have a lot of fun doing them! :D


What a handsome boy! Will name him Riker. He screams boy to me.

Mooore :D
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 6, 13, 8, total 27[/blockquote]


I like nothing more to see an artist having fun with what they are creating <3

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 6, 8, 5, total 19[/blockquote]


YourLoveOnly is getting to know this forest quite well! There are always new things to see and find, though. This time around, the trip yields a Green and Yellow Speckled Gourd, a Burgundy Dogwood Leaf, and a Yellow Birch Leaf.

The items have barely been placed on the stone when a Miniwyv darts out of a nearby bush, beelining for the dollop of honey. It slurps some up, and then turns to look at the items, and winds itself around the gourd happily.


Bunraku goes on a merry jaunt through the trees, pausing here and there to admire the scenery. Little birds flit around, preparing for winter. Along the path, Bun finds a Green and Yellow Speckled Gourd, a Yellow Birch Leaf, and a solid Yellow Gourd.

The items are arranged on the flat stone, with the obligatory honey. It makes for a very nice autumnal tableau, with the two gourds and the pretty leaf... a Miniwyv seems to agree, appearing to land next to one of the gourds and investigate the honey.

Alrighty, going to give up my computer for now and take a break! I'll be on the laptop, I can't can't color up wyvs over there, but I'll be around :)


That one is so cute too! I think I'll go with girlie and name her Zonne.


I'll try for another xD
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 12, 11, 9, total 32[/blockquote]
Owner of Gliders!


Oh right I forgot to go for a new one XD

[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 17, 19, 7, total 43[/blockquote]


*O* I love that one, so sparkly <3 I shall make it a he and call him Miru


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 10, 7, 20, total 37[/blockquote] <3


[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 1, 8, 9, total 18[/blockquote]

Cuz all the cool kids are doin it.  8)


Yay! :D

My computer has been temporarily claimed in the name of Star Wars, and, uhm, I may have also made a character on the laptop, haha. But I'll get these done when the boyfriend decides to log off ;)


Winged Dreams finds another forest path to try, and takes a pleasant walk along it. She sees a very chattery squirrel, and also manages to find a Milkweed Seed Pod, an Orange Sassafras Leaf, and a bundle of Pine Needles.

The objects are placed around a bit of honey, arranged just so. The dappled, natural-colored Miniwyv that appears seems a little timid at first, but soon relaxes and enjoys the offering.


YourLoveOnly seeks out new items on her jaunt through the woods. Peering around carefully rewards her with a very neat-looking Mushroom, a Beechnut, and a Wild Turkey Feather.

After the found items are placed upon the summoning rock with the honey, there's a brief pause. And then, with a loud rustle of leaves, a very bright, antlered Miniwyv comes shooting out of a nearby bush.


Bunraku finds a lesser-used deer path to follow, and discovers a whole new set of sights in the forest, including a little clearing with plush grass to sit upon. In addition, Bunraku picks up a Corn Husk, a Wild Turkey Feather, and a small Wild Pumpkin.

As before, the items are placed, and it doesn't take very long for a Miniwyv to come flitting out of the nearby bushes. Yep, the Miniwyvs are definitely waiting and watching for these offerings!
This one is colorful, with a unicorn horn and rhino horn, in addition to some multi-colored wings.

(And we have officially hit 100! I have a special girl to give away; just need to think of how!)


Kahlira goes a-walkin' through the woods again. Sunlight filters through the remaining leaves on the trees, dappling the path with light and shadow. Kahlira manages to find an Acorn, a Yellow Birch Leaf, and a bundle of Pine Needles.

The Miniwyv that comes to inspect the items, along with the honey, is a pretty, bright yellow with tan accents. Hanging from its tail is a little chunk of amethyst.


I love her red belly X3 I shall make this one a female and call her Pumpkin <3


Mine is lovely! And i adore YLO's antlers!
Owner of Gliders!


I do think Pumpkin is officially the most popular Miniwyv name now :D

Glad you guys like them! Winged, just templated the antlers on that outline this morning! :)



[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 5, 11, 16, total 32[/blockquote]


Kahlira goes on a romp through the forest. Along the way, she finds a few things. They happen to be a Yellow Gourd, an Orange Sassafras Leaf, and a Crabapple.

The items are placed in a semicircle around a blob of honey, and Saturn and Kahlira spend a few short moments waiting before a Miniwyv comes flitting out of the shrubbery.

The slots up now will be the last for summoning! And stay tuned; 100th Miniwyv Contest coming soon!


100th Miniwyv Contest!

All done!


Owner of Gliders!






Also love my last one! Name Fiero and a boy please. Also egg 070 if I may ^^

And a summoning!
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 4, 14, 6, total 24[/blockquote]


Unfortunately, A2 is also a miss!

Eggy is all yours, YLO, and I'll do the summoning now! :)


YourLoveOnly's trip through the woods brings her to a calm little stream. What a pretty place to sit and watch the water! Along the way, she finds a Pinecone, a Sprig of Aspen Leaves, and a Green and Yellow Speckled Gourd!

Honey and items are set out to lure in a Miniwyv. The little flying creature that arrives moments later has some bright spots, and a little whirlwind of leaves around it!


LEAFIES <3 Finally :D And such a pretty natural one! Will think on name/gender.

YLO can have another? :O
[blockquote]Rolled 3d20 : 6, 13, 2, total 21[/blockquote]