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[Quinsta] November Breeding Season

Started by Silvanon, November 03, 2012, 12:38:40 PM

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If anyone finds themselves considering possibly using a MM Ticket (or a Paint Job ticket) on a foal from this season, please give me a heads-up as soon as possible, so I don't end up doing your foal before you have a chance to decide on the ticket use.  Also bonus ticket sales are open for the season.  Threads for both can be found in the Trading Forum.


If my leopard appy breeding had gone through I would definitely use a MM ticket...

Oooo idea! *runs to trading forum to look for leo appys*


I got the colors I wanted on both breedings, and they're my first! ^^ Thank you <3


8 breedings for Perlino and got a single Cremello but nothing succeed xD
- on the other land i was lucky with my Luestins beside gender on boy :b but thats selfish thought xD


I'm thinking of using a MM ticket on my leopard appy friesian, but I've got to find a good photo first.
Owner of Gliders!


I posted a link to where Super Starz approved my breeding with my mare in her thread, but it still didn't receive Admin Approval from you. Do I need to do anything else? I'd very much like for this breeding to go through, as it is one I should have gotten last season and she was too late to approve then so she said I would get it this time >_<


Ooh I got a Gen 3 for my project!!! *fistpumps*  And Florica threw (surprise!) another tobiano XD


Stupid gender! XD I got a chestnut frame overo mustang MARE! I'll probably claim her or my flaxen chestnut sabino foal to keep working toward that flaxen chestnut frame overo stallion.

I also have a ton of adorable minis I need to decide between... I'll need to scrounge some $$ for bonus tickets.


YLO - as requested, please PM me with with all details of the transaction.  Specifically I need proof that you fulfilled your end of the deal.


There was no end of a deal, she offered it for free. Does that mean I can't have it? I do have the PM from after last season stating how bad she felt about not getting online in time and that I could have a mare of my choosing for next season + a link to her breeding thread from this season that has my name marked with that mare.


Ah, yeah, I'm sorry but a freebie isn't the same as a deal where you paid and didn't get what you paid for.  If I have proof that you paid someone for a breeding and they didn't fulfill I'll step in, but I'm not comfortable taking it any further than that.  I'm sorry.  I hope she'll be more reliable for you next season.



I just have a small question about something? If we already claimed two foals that we bred ourselves, we can't claim free foals from anyone else unless we buy a bonus ticket for USD, correct?


Let's see - first, you're right that the only way it's possible for a person to claim more than two foals is by using bonus tickets.  If you don't have any, then yes you can purchase them from me for $10 each, up to a max of two tickets.

Now the other part - Bonus tickets can actually only be used on foals you bred yourself.  If you're wanting to also claim foals you traded someone else for, then you should use your regular claiming slots to claim those foals, and use the bonus tickets on the foals you bred yourself.  If you've already made some claims that need to be undone, send me a PM with details and I'll fix it in the database.


Nope nothing needs undone, thank you for the info ^^ I was just wondering mostly what exactly was what since I'm new to this, but I'm happy with what I have claimed so there's no need.


only one I might claim this season^^ all others were failed projects, and one messed up breeding LOL


Quote from: Daimas on November 15, 2012, 05:42:33 PM
only one I might claim this season^^ all others were failed projects, and one messed up breeding LOL

Your welcome to claim some of mine xD


Some of my breedings were just random breedings.... Breeders Choice.... so not that important to me...

But of all the others, only ONE weilded what I had wanted it to.

My breeding of my Appy Arabian to my Clydie girl produced:
5157. Grade M Bay Leopard Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)

As I am now striving for Appy into Clydie... so that there is stage one.

But my Pally into Clydie failed... again. It produced a Clydie, but it aint Pally. :'(
So yet another season wasted on that one. GAHHHHHH!

Pondering if I should keep one of my Breeders Choice critters....
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


I am so lost.... I got a trade from toffeeca, and I accepted the trade, but how do I claim the foal? He doesn't appear to be showing up anywhere
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Buy a normal claim ticket, then go to Use Agency Items, select Quinsta, select Normal Claim Ticket, then look for the foal id number in the dropdown box and select that.


Tried that, he's not showing up there.... O_o
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Laney - PM me details on the foal and I'll go check the system to find him.  My guess at this point is that you may have accidentally declined the trade instead of accepting, but I'd have to know which foal to check to be sure.


**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Silv; Daimas pmed you I think about this, but I'd like to point it out here, just incase.

One of the first breedings I had set up for the season was this one:
TB Daimas' Summer Stormchaser X Roos' The Black

Dai accepted, and as far as I know, so did Roo. (Sent her a pm to accept). Its no where in my list now, when before I swear it showed it was accepted by both usrs just before foal descriptions. Any idea what happened to this breeding? O.o I remember looking back the 14th to be sure everything was correct and accepted, and it was, and now its gone, and no foal from them is anywhere on my list. :(
It was one of the few breedings I was extrememly excited about, and from the looks of it, would have been the only one that worked out for me, but its somehow disappeared.


I'm kinda in zombie mode at the moment, so I'll save the complicated stuff for later today, but everyone rest assured I will get to handling the various problems/ticket sales/etc.

Wild - I looked into it last night and, though I can't tell who, either you, Dai or Roo clicked to cancel the breeding, probably accidentally, at some point before I gathered & ran breedings.  I'll need to confirm with Roo that it wasn't intentional and warranted on her part before proceeding with a fix.


Silv - once my bonus tickets arrive, could I have this guy switched from a normal claim to bonus ticket claim please?
5202. Grade M Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello) Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern, Bald Face (High strung and difficult to work with)

I claimed him before remembering about bonus ticket sales, and now I've found 2 foals from other people that I'd like to claim... so if it's not too much trouble, I'd like him switched to a bonus claim please.

Edit- or if it's easier for you, maybe just cancel the claim and I can then resubmit it as a bonus ticket claim.  Whichever's easiest for you.


Hmm... Thats so weird. :O Let me know what Roo says when you find out. Thank you! I hope this can be fixed soon <3


If we trade 10+ foals do we get two trade bonus tickets, or is one the max per season?


Bonus Ticket Rule Update

I originally had some concerns about bonus ticket use that caused me to put in place the rule that they could only be used to claim foals you bred yourself.  However, after several seasons and a good amount of time to see how they are used, I no longer have those concerns.  Therefore, I am removing the rule.  You may now use bonus tickets to claim any foal, regardless of whether you bred the foal or not.


In that case, please ignore my previous post :)


Oh yay!
Just paid for my bonus ticket, so yay, can claim my newly traded foalio with no issues! Sweet!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


This is awesome Sil! So often with adoptables when they add new rules it always makes things more complicated and/or more expensive, and thus a little more frustrating for the followers. It's so rare to see a new rule that gives us -more- options instead of less! I know everyone will be ecstatic about this.


This is definitely awesome, as this season was my first using a Bonus Ticket, and the whole thing was just confusing me.
But hooray, once my bonus ticket shows up, I can claim the blue dun 2nd gen Clydie <3 <3
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! ALL of my three claims have been processed and made.
My beauties from this season are the following:

5157. Grade M Bay Leopard Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
(Part 1 of an Appy into Clydie project)

5358. Clydesdale F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
(using MY stud, but bred by Ravvana)


5226. Quarter Horse M Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
(my first Quarter Horse)
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Mine have too!

My claims for this season:
5202. Grade M Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello) Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern, Bald Face (High strung and difficult to work with) - Gen 3 of my silver dun overo into Friesians project

5395. Friesian F Black, front right Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover) - mate for the above boy - hopefully we will be seeing silver dun overo Friesians next breeding season :D


5478. Mustang M Grey Roan, front right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and steady)

5493. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Roan Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover) - already have several winter themed names I'm tossing around for this girl :D


I've made my two claims, and i'll make another if i can get a bonus ticket!

5218. Luestin F Mouse Dun Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Stripe (Slow and lazy)

5437 Friesian F Black Leopard Appaloosa, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
This photo for a MM ticket, once Silv confirms she's okay.

ETA: Also considering a small paint job ticket on the Luestin...
Owner of Gliders!


Ooo another mouse dun Luestin! *hi5's Winged dreams* My boy loves throwing mouse dun, it seems lol. Yours and mine will look a lot alike! Except mine has roan and yours has splash lol.


Mine was a trade from Pink! I love mouse dun, and especially on Luestins i think. Hope the splash doesn't cover up all the dun markings xD
Owner of Gliders!


Got my claims in ^_^

5303. Mustang F Chestnut Roan Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Snip (Calm and steady)

5310. Mustang F Silver Dapple Bay Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

5248. Mustang F Brown Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)

5211. Throughbred F Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)

5208. Quarter Horse F Black, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)

Very excited to see everyones foals ^_^


I am excited to see my dun Clydie mare.
Thanks so much to Ravvana for letting me have her from her breedings!!! <3

And my first QH, a pally at that.
I wish I could afford the extra money for a magic marking ticket. So then I could get him painted like Mr. Ed. LOL

And step one of a new project. YAY for Clydie projects. LOL
Leopard Appy Clydie would be the shiznazz. Once I have a Palomino Clydie, it can be used in the project too. Maybe one day a Pally Leopard Appy Clydie will be a possibility <3 <3
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed

Kadana Sorano

I might have to try Ryu's boy next season and mimic that breeding.  I've pretty much stuck to BC breeds for Luestins so far though, so not sure..
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Claims end today! Everyone remember to check your claims have gone through, i know i'd forgotten to actually submit the claim for my traded one till now xD
Owner of Gliders!


Thank you for the reminder, winged! One of the people who claimed one of my Quin accepted the trade but didn't actually put in the claim yet. I'll send a pm, hope she reads it in time!


Quote from: Winged dreams on November 23, 2012, 07:48:02 AM
Claims end today! Everyone remember to check your claims have gone through, i know i'd forgotten to actually submit the claim for my traded one till now xD

I hope you have remembered to claim the gal :b


The Gavanian Quinsta Outreach Program: Adopting Quinsta Off-world since 2010.


Ooh they are gorgeous!  I especially love those flaxen roan QHs :)

Edit - and Lectral's dapple grey boy is YUMMY :)


Yeay, my first TB! :D <3
Everyone's quin are goregous so far!

*so excited for my other two girls*



Ooo... My boy is so pretty! Thanks so much Silv! So glad I claimed him!


Ooooo, my stud is lovely!  And I love the shade of chestnut on my mare!