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[Quinsta] November Breeding Season

Started by Silvanon, November 03, 2012, 12:38:40 PM

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Please note:  Foals immediately traded to someone else besides the original claimer are not able to count toward bonus tickets.   If you're not sure who the original claimer is you can check the sales history.

Foal-Trading Bonus Form
Your name:
Foal 1 URL:
Foal 1 original claimer:
Foal 2 URL:
Foal 2 original claimer:
Foal 3 URL:
Foal 3 original claimer:
Foal 4 URL:
Foal 4 original claimer:
Foal 5 URL:
Foal 5 original claimer:

Stud Bonus Form
Your name:
Stud name:
Stud URL:
Foal 1 URL:
Foal 1 original claimer:
Foal 2 URL:
Foal 2 original claimer:
Foal 3 URL:
Foal 3 original claimer:
Foal 4 URL:
Foal 4 original claimer:
Foal 5 URL:
Foal 5 original claimer:

Oops form
Your name:
Quin URL:
Describe the problem:




Bonus Ticket Rule Update

I originally had some concerns about bonus ticket use that caused me to put in place the rule that they could only be used to claim foals you bred yourself.  However, after several seasons and a good amount of time to see how they are used, I no longer have those concerns.  Therefore, I am removing the rule.  You may now use bonus tickets to claim any foal, regardless of whether you bred the foal or not.


Ethendil stands up and announces, "We hope you are all have a wonderful breeding season.  Foal listings have been posted.  You now have until the end of November 23rd to get your foal claims in!"


The portal opens and Ethendil comes through.  In short order the Horsemaster has set up the familiar table and chairs, with several computers.

Once everything is in place, Ethendil announces, "Welcome to the November 2012 Quinsta Breeding Season!  You may submit your breeding requests any time from now through the end of November 14th.  If you need assistance with how to submit your requests, please refer to the explanatory poster."  He gestures towards a display with instructions.

Poster with explanation of how to submit breeding requests:


**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


EEE!!! *rolls around in thread*

How exciting!



Heeeeeeeeeeeere Clydey stally, Clydie stally, Clydie stally..... I neeeeeeeeeeed you!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Kah has Drake XD CG has something too. Something pretty boy! =O


I have two purdy new boys ^-^ You are more than welcome to use them!



awesome :D
- have already started plotting :D


Only just started plotting? Quin never leave my mind.


Lol, I started plotting at the end of the last season XD It got even worse when my bribes were accepted...I have too many schemes!


I have plotted, submitted, prayed to God this is the final episode of the Pally project. lol
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


would be nice if it came an overo paly clyde :P
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed

Kadana Sorano

Silv when I go to View Agency Breedings all the breedings from last season are still there.
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




I like that we can still see them.  It's nice. 


Yes!  I agree with Luv  :D  I feel like all my foals still exist somewhere <3



 5 days to go til breedings close, so I hope everybody gets their requests in and everybody accepts what they need to accept!!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


I got bored and submitted breeders choice tickets with my remaining mares, just to see what comes of it.
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


I have done breedings with all my mini's :D


**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Just so people waiting on me know, I'll try to approve requests / submit my own breedings tonight at the latest!


I submitted all of my requests! :D Silv, the new inbreeding predictor is a lifesaver. Thank you!


<.< Bad Ryuu is bad. Forgot to submit my bonus ticket form at the end of last season. I don't want to bump a two-month old thread, hopefully it's not too late if I post here? I think usually the tickets get delivered after breeding closes and before claiming starts.

Foal-Trading Bonus Form
Your name: Ryuukokoro
Foal 1 URL:
Foal 1 original claimer: Aralie
Foal 2 URL:
Foal 2 original claimer: PonyMama
Foal 3 URL:
Foal 3 original claimer: MidnightPhantom
Foal 4 URL:
Foal 4 original claimer: Leafy
Foal 5 URL:
Foal 5 original claimer: Kadana


Paging Spixy! Please don't forget you have an RB with my thoroughbred mare this season. I wouldn't want you to miss it.  :-X


Got in a few requests today, still trying to make up my mind on one or two matches though x)


*Pokes Kah*

I sent in a request for your beautiful Fjord Stud :b


I accepted XD Unless ya sent in another one.


I think I submitted everything I had plans for, but if I forgot to put in a request with a mare of yours please let me know asap <3


Super Starz hasn't been online in a while, but I am marked as reserved for this season by her in this thread:
So hopefully that counts even if she's not around to hit the approval button?


I am just anxious, anxious, anxious to see foal descriptions. I think I will DIE if my breedings end up with ALL of them working out... specially when I can only keep TWO of them!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Silv, if someone hasn't been on Secundi in a while, but we had a breeding with their quin set up already, can we show you proof to get the breeding approved? Or do we have to have the person come on Secundi and accept?


It's certainly preferable that the person accept it themselves, but if they don't and you have good proof of the agreement, send me a PM with the details.


I will say (this is much depending on special RB's like Luestins and some that are special to me) but if i did a RB trade with someone (RB for RB) and i missed the breeding season due to personal issues / RL, i would feel abit strange that someone else had approved breedings for my pets.

And honestly, there are SO many quin on secundi, that i don't see why ppl need that or want to do that. Yes you had a deal, but it could just get extended to the next breeding season :)


If I were the one who didn't get to accept breedings after an agreement was made, I would feel horrible becasue some people Really count on certian breedings at certian times for projects and such. I would be happy Silv accepted them, sense a deal is a deal. I don't see why you'd feel weird if you made a trade, and you got your end but the other person is stuck without an RB they traded for.
If I were the one who didn't get the RB because the person didn't accept it and Silv wasn't able to accept it for me, I'd be really upset after trading a valuable quin RB for an RB I didn't get. I know if some of my mustang RBs weren't accepted, I'd be extremely upset, because I could have used my own mares I traded for instead. If Silv didn't accept it because someone didn't like it, I'd be really hurt by that, since a Deal is a Deal, and that RB could be something I needed THIS SEASON, instead of another.

Just my opinions. This happened to me last season and I was extremely grateful for Silv to help me out, sense a deal was made and should be honored, whether the person was there or not. <3


I don't see why a breeding shouldn't be approved if an RB trade had been made previously. With clear proof, it should be approved. Even if you are absent, for the upcoming season, a deal made beforehand should be honored. It's only fair.


I think that if there can be clear proof that the deal was made then it should be accepted, it's the fairest way to do it. I know if i'd made a trade and wasn't able to keep my end of it i'd be happy for Silv to step in. Besides, they aren't loosing out in any way becasue of Silv accepting the breed.
Owner of Gliders!


Ya know, if I made a deal with someone (First Quin I can thnk of) and let someone use my Amredel for 100 SG. And then I fall deathly ill and can't come on for like two weeks that ends with the day after forms are due, I wouldn't mind in the least that Silv has accepted the breed. Bah, it would be horrible to be that sick. But I had made  a promise. and I couldn't keep it, I would feel more horrid if the breed hadn't been made while I was on my deathbed.

An extreme example, yes. But I don't mind.


Quote from: Wildfilly94 on November 14, 2012, 10:13:27 AM
If I were the one who didn't get to accept breedings after an agreement was made, I would feel horrible becasue some people Really count on certian breedings at certian times for projects and such. I would be happy Silv accepted them, sense a deal is a deal. I don't see why you'd feel weird if you made a trade, and you got your end but the other person is stuck without an RB they traded for.
If I were the one who didn't get the RB because the person didn't accept it and Silv wasn't able to accept it for me, I'd be really upset after trading a valuable quin RB for an RB I didn't get. I know if some of my mustang RBs weren't accepted, I'd be extremely upset, because I could have used my own mares I traded for instead. If Silv didn't accept it because someone didn't like it, I'd be really hurt by that, since a Deal is a Deal, and that RB could be something I needed THIS SEASON, instead of another.

Just my opinions. This happened to me last season and I was extremely grateful for Silv to help me out, sense a deal was made and should be honored, whether the person was there or not. <3

In the example i set up, i didn't say one got part of the deal and the other didn't.
- It was meant as, if i had made an trade with RB for RB and i didn't log on the entire breeding season, for whatever reason i would feel weird about someone else being able to approve trades for me, when i'm not here.

I think i feel that way because, first of all one part of the trade wouldn't have held up, as i was absent and therefore didn't receive , but most of all, i would be disappointed in the person, as he/she would in my eyes, seem more interested in getting a breeding, instead of wondering why i went off in so long a period. Maybe that's wrong, or maybe it's because i care easily for people, even though i only write with them online, but i would feel abit weird with that.


In a case where the absent person did not receive their part of the trade I wouldn't approve the other party's request.  I'd only approve the request for someone if I receive proof that the absent person did indeed receive their payment, and had then not shown up to fulfill their end of the bargain.


And now its the 15th, breedings are closed, I eagerly await the arrival of foalio descriptions! :D
Can't wait to see what the dice has rolled for everybody this season! Hope everybody got at least some of what they planned for!
**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


**The Comprehensive List of Quinsta Colour Breeding Projects** - please come post and help make a guide to all Quinsta breeding projects on Secundi! :D
Quinsta- visual guide to males and females of each breed


Trying not to bite my nails with anticipation. XD


469 valid breedings went through this season.  Here are the results.

country198606   #553822    x    #553721    -    5150. Grade F Sooty Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
country198606   #553920    x    #554225    -    5151. Grade M Bay, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Kahlira   #553681    x    --    -    5152. Luestin M Fleabitten Grey, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)
Kahlira   #528588    x    #553829    -    5153. Grade F Chestnut Roan Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
country198606   #409676    x    #306075    -    5154. Clydesdale M Brown, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
country198606   #554226    x    #306075    -    5155. Clydesdale M Bay, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
LaneyAngel   #547388    x    #553661    -    5156. Grade F Black, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
LaneyAngel   #505396    x    #553487    -    5157. Grade M Bay Leopard Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
LaneyAngel   #550111    x    #554225    -    5158. Clydesdale M Chestnut, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
SkySong   #553586    x    --    -    5159. Luestin M Black, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Irregular Blaze (High strung and difficult to work with)
LaneyAngel   #550183    x    #554228    -    5160. Grade M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, front left Coronet (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Rosewood   #514666    x    #514851    -    5161. Gypsy Vanner M Dun Cremello Blanket Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Rosewood   #551200    x    #551182    -    5162. Grade M Red Dun Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
skysnolimit   #553482    x    #553565    -    5163. Grade F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
skysnolimit   #551132    x    #551209    -    5164. Grade F Yellow Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
skysnolimit   #553558    x    #553923    -    5165. Grade F Yellow Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
skysnolimit   #529283    x    #551205    -    5166. Grade M Black, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
hiyoko   #550109    x    #551183    -    5167. Friesian F Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, back right Coronet, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Kahlira   #550160    x    #553268    -    5168. Fjord M Yellow Dun, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Kahlira   #528818    x    #554228    -    5169. Gypsy Vanner F Blue Dun (Gruello) Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Kahlira   #539180    x    #517551    -    5170. Gypsy Vanner F Black, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Kahlira   #522411    x    #517551    -    5171. Gypsy Vanner M Black Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Bald Face (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Kahlira   #505681    x    #517551    -    5172. Gypsy Vanner M Black Frame Overo, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Saturnalia   #553919    x    #553169    -    5173. Throughbred F Chestnut, front right Pastern, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Saturnalia   #553574    x    #553582    -    5174. Gypsy Vanner F Smokey Cream Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Coronet, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Kahlira   #550187    x    #553119    -    5175. Gypsy Vanner F Palomino, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Kahlira   #460452    x    --    -    5176. Friesian F Black, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
Kahlira   #550030    x    #553923    -    5177. Andalusian F Bay, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Rosewood   #553642    x    #554065    -    5178. Mustang F Black, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Kahlira   #553885    x    #554244    -    5179. Miniature Horse M Black Roan Sabino Overo, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Scullisto   #514673    x    #553579    -    5180. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Black, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Scullisto   #528798    x    #553278    -    5181. Grade M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Scullisto   #486183    x    #553278    -    5182. Grade M Silver Dapple Mouse Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Calm and steady)
Pinkshadow   #553626    x    #552396    -    5183. Miniature Horse M Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #545861    x    #552396    -    5184. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Bay Roan, front right Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Pinkshadow   #552393    x    #552396    -    5185. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Bay, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #553627    x    #552396    -    5186. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Brown Roan, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #552391    x    #553830    -    5187. Miniature Horse M Bay Roan, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #554052    x    #550075    -    5188. Miniature Horse F Flaxen Cremello, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #553621    x    #545868    -    5189. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #529170    x    #545868    -    5190. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Stocking, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
BabyKittenCandy   #553257    x    #514737    -    5191. Grade F Silver Dapple Dun Sooty Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Roo   #553583    x    --    -    5192. Luestin M Bay Splash Overo, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Daimas   #553716    x    --    -    5193. Quarter Horse F Chestnut, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Bald Face (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Daimas   #553315    x    #554054    -    5194. Grade F Chestnut Roan, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Pastern (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553590    x    #554243    -    5195. Miniature Horse F Brown, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553125    x    #553373    -    5196. Mustang F Flaxen Palomino, front left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553639    x    --    -    5197. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut Roan Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Wildfilly94   #554059    x    #554243    -    5198. Miniature Horse M Brown, front right Sock, front left Sock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553589    x    #529321    -    5199. Miniature Horse M Black, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
PonyMama   #529286    x    #552396    -    5200. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Buckskin Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
Wildfilly94   #553635    x    --    -    5201. Mustang F Bay Blanket Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Stripe (Calm and steady)
springacres   #553554    x    #553258    -    5202. Grade M Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello) Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern, Bald Face (High strung and difficult to work with)
Daimas   #550147    x    #553664    -    5203. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553643    x    --    -    5204. Mustang F Buckskin, front right Sock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553831    x    #529321    -    5205. Miniature Horse M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back left Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
PonyMama   #553623    x    #552396    -    5206. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back left Fetlock, Irregular Blaze (High strung and difficult to work with)
Wildfilly94   #552461    x    --    -    5207. Mustang F Brown, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star (Calm and steady)
Aralie   #553918    x    --    -    5208. Quarter Horse F Black, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Aralie   #554239    x    --    -    5209. Quarter Horse F Chestnut, front left Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Aralie   #554240    x    --    -    5210. Throughbred F Brown, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Aralie   #553657    x    --    -    5211. Throughbred F Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
BabyKittenCandy   #553823    x    #553882    -    5212. Quarter Horse M Sooty Buckskin, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
BabyKittenCandy   #554237    x    #553834    -    5213. Quarter Horse M Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Bald Face (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Aralie   #553275    x    #515287    -    5214. Mustang M Black Sabino Overo, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Aralie   #554223    x    #552469    -    5215. Mustang F Silver Dapple Bay, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
hiyoko   #516253    x    #553483    -    5216. Andalusian M Fleabitten Grey, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #539184    x    #553680    -    5217. Luestin M Bay Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #550206    x    #553678    -    5218. Luestin F Mouse Dun Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Wildfilly94   #553833    x    --    -    5219. Mustang M Silver Dapple Brown, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Blaze (Calm and steady)
skysnolimit   #553555    x    #553924    -    5220. Grade F Red Dun Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Aralie   #552387    x    #548364    -    5221. Miniature Horse M Brown Roan Snowflake Appaloosa, back left Coronet, Bald Face (Slow and lazy)
Aralie   #553372    x    #515288    -    5222. Mustang M Buckskin, front left Stocking, back left Pastern, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #528623    x    #551207    -    5223. Grade M Fleabitten Grey Blanket Appaloosa, front left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #537108    x    #551207    -    5224. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan, front left Stocking, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #550393    x    #551207    -    5225. Grade M Fleabitten Grey, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Snip (Calm and steady)
toffeeca   #553730    x    #553882    -    5226. Quarter Horse M Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
toffeeca   #552383    x    --    -    5227. Luestin F Chestnut Roan, front right Sock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Slow and lazy)
toffeeca   #517552    x    #551207    -    5228. Grade M Fleabitten Grey, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #550072    x    #554339    -    5229. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Brown, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553140    x    --    -    5230. Mustang F Bay, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #529314    x    --    -    5231. Mustang F Black, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Stocking, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
toffeeca   #550031    x    #551207    -    5232. Grade M Fleabitten Grey Roan Leopard Appaloosa Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Kahlira   #509350    x    #554334    -    5233. Shetland Pony F Palomino Roan Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
Kahlira   #550089    x    #553829    -    5234. Grade F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
Kahlira   #554227    x    #553829    -    5235. Quarter Horse M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
toffeeca   #553826    x    #509348    -    5236. Grade M Black Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back left Fetlock, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Lectral   #343398    x    --    -    5237. Clydesdale F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
skysnolimit   #551139    x    #537822    -    5238. Arabian M Sooty Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
skysnolimit   #553549    x    #553680    -    5239. Grade F Black, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
skysnolimit   #553254    x    #550049    -    5240. Grade F Red Dun, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Slow and lazy)
skysnolimit   #554129    x    #550049    -    5241. Grade F Grey Sabino Overo, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
skysnolimit   #539703    x    #550049    -    5242. Grade M Chestnut Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
skysnolimit   #528496    x    --    -    5243. Andalusian M Grey, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
toffeeca   #550205    x    #551207    -    5244. Grade F Grey Roan, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Roo   #553917    x    --    -    5245. Quarter Horse M Brown, front right Pastern, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
toffeeca   #552403    x    #554062    -    5246. Mustang F Smokey Black Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Lectral   #553270    x    --    -    5247. Mustang M Black, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star (Calm and steady)
Aralie   #552465    x    #552468    -    5248. Mustang F Brown Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Aralie   #552401    x    #528955    -    5249. Mustang F Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
PonyMama   #552388    x    #552396    -    5250. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Roan, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, Star and Snip (Slow and lazy)
PonyMama   #553255    x    #553537    -    5251. Fjord F Yellow Dun, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Coronet (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Aralie   #553728    x    --    -    5252. Quarter Horse M Chestnut Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Nighthenge   #553551    x    #554230    -    5253. Grade M Flaxen Chestnut Frame Overo, front right Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Nighthenge   #553548    x    #519970    -    5254. Grade M Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
Pinkshadow   #553078    x    #554241    -    5255. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Smokey Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, back right Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Pinkshadow   #550211    x    #554241    -    5256. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Black, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
Pinkshadow   #554235    x    #548362    -    5257. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Yellow Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #553146    x    #548362    -    5258. Miniature Horse F Mouse Dun, front left Coronet (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #550212    x    #550210    -    5259. Miniature Horse F Bay Roan, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
Pinkshadow   #554236    x    #550210    -    5260. Miniature Horse M Black Roan, front right Sock, back right Coronet, Faint Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #554234    x    #550075    -    5261. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Buckskin Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Bald Face (Slow and lazy)
Pinkshadow   #529174    x    #554233    -    5262. Miniature Horse F Brown Blanket Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
LaneyAngel   #551178    x    --    -    5263. Fjord F Mouse Dun, front right Stocking, front left Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
LaneyAngel   #519974    x    --    -    5264. Mustang M Chestnut, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
LaneyAngel   #516261    x    --    -    5265. Andalusian F Fleabitten Grey, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
country198606   #553497    x    --    -    5266. Clydesdale M Yellow Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Silvanon   #301208    x    --    -    5267. Arabian F Flaxen Chestnut, front right Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Wildfilly94   #553824    x    #553926    -    5268. Throughbred F Flaxen Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Spixy   #343375    x    --    -    5269. Arabian M Flaxen Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back left Stocking, Star (Slow and lazy)
Spixy   #550176    x    --    -    5270. Fjord M Yellow Dun, front right Coronet, back right Stocking, Star and Snip (Slow and lazy)
Spixy   #550194    x    --    -    5271. Arabian F Yellow Dun, front left Fetlock, back left Sock, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Spixy   #551135    x    --    -    5272. Arabian M Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Spixy   #551175    x    --    -    5273. Fjord M Dun Smokey Black, front right Sock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Snip (Calm and steady)
Spixy   #486117    x    --    -    5274. Arabian M Silver Dapple Bay, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Snip (Slow and lazy)
Spixy   #514633    x    --    -    5275. Arabian F Dun Palomino, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Slow and lazy)
Spixy   #553724    x    --    -    5276. Quarter Horse M Mouse Dun, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Rosedawn   #553832    x    --    -    5277. Fjord F Red Dun, front right Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
red_uni387   #553075    x    #128629    -    5278. Grade F Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #553575    x    #128629    -    5279. Gypsy Vanner F Brown Roan, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
red_uni387   #343387    x    #528947    -    5280. Gypsy Vanner F Bay Blanket Appaloosa, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #514665    x    #528947    -    5281. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Brown Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
red_uni387   #528829    x    #513089    -    5282. Gypsy Vanner M Sooty Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #551220    x    #513089    -    5283. Gypsy Vanner M Blue Dun (Gruello) Snowflake Appaloosa, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
red_uni387   #486179    x    #550070    -    5284. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello) Roan, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and lazy)
red_uni387   #551224    x    #550070    -    5285. Gypsy Vanner F Blue Dun (Gruello) Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
CutieePiee   #515296    x    #553881    -    5286. Mustang M Bay Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
CutieePiee   #550077    x    #515289    -    5287. Mustang F Mouse Dun, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
CutieePiee   #529140    x    #554241    -    5288. Miniature Horse M Smokey Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #517555    x    #553076    -    5289. Mustang M Buckskin Roan Tobiano, front right Fetlock, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #553729    x    #554231    -    5290. Quarter Horse F Flaxen Chestnut Roan, front left Pastern, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
CutieePiee   #553170    x    #553160    -    5291. Throughbred M Bay, front right Pastern, back right Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #550136    x    #519973    -    5292. Mustang M Chestnut Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)
Saturnalia   #554479    x    #553829    -    5293. Quarter Horse F Grey Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (High strung and difficult to work with)
Mutt   #553271    x    #548366    -    5294. Mustang M Bay, back left Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ravvana   #514855    x    #552480    -    5295. Shetland Pony M Sooty Buckskin Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ravvana   #528966    x    #550127    -    5296. Shetland Pony M Palomino Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Ravvana   #514857    x    #550127    -    5297. Shetland Pony F Blue Dun (Gruello) Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #513746    x    #552480    -    5298. Shetland Pony F Blue Dun (Gruello) Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ravvana   #507386    x    #550127    -    5299. Shetland Pony F Yellow Dun Tobiano Frame Overo, front left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #554238    x    #522421    -    5300. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #554057    x    #522421    -    5301. Mustang F Chestnut Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #553636    x    #548366    -    5302. Mustang F Bay, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #553276    x    #522421    -    5303. Mustang F Chestnut Roan Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Snip (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #515291    x    #522421    -    5304. Mustang M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ravvana   #552404    x    #550277    -    5305. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Stocking, back right Fetlock, Snip (Slow and lazy)
Ravvana   #550275    x    #548366    -    5306. Mustang F Bay Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #550278    x    #522421    -    5307. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #550272    x    --    -    5308. Mustang M Chestnut, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #550124    x    #522421    -    5309. Mustang F Chestnut, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #528952    x    #548366    -    5310. Mustang F Silver Dapple Bay Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #515181    x    #522421    -    5311. Mustang M Palomino Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #554053    x    #522421    -    5312. Mustang M Chestnut, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #553126    x    #522421    -    5313. Mustang F Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #515290    x    #522421    -    5314. Mustang M Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #550230    x    #548366    -    5315. Mustang M Bay, front right Coronet, back left Coronet, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #553128    x    #522421    -    5316. Mustang M Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #515294    x    #522421    -    5317. Mustang F Flaxen Chestnut Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Ravvana   #547391    x    #522421    -    5318. Mustang F Chestnut Splash Overo, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, Bald Face (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #550199    x    #548366    -    5319. Mustang M Bay, front left Coronet, Bald Face (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #516263    x    #529320    -    5320. Andalusian M Fleabitten Grey, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #554336    x    #522421    -    5321. Mustang F Chestnut, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Nighthenge   #553158    x    --    -    5322. Throughbred M Bay, front right Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #553628    x    --    -    5323. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Tobiano, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ravvana   #128635    x    --    -    5324. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #409681    x    #509347    -    5325. Gypsy Vanner M Red Dun, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #301189    x    #509347    -    5326. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Palomino, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ravvana   #337662    x    #509347    -    5327. Gypsy Vanner M Silver Dapple Brown Splash Overo, front right Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #337663    x    #509347    -    5328. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Black Tobiano, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #486178    x    #509347    -    5329. Gypsy Vanner F Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #505776    x    #509347    -    5330. Gypsy Vanner M Red Dun Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #514779    x    #509347    -    5331. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #514788    x    --    -    5332. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Sooty Buckskin Tobiano, front right Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Pastern (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #528795    x    #509347    -    5333. Gypsy Vanner M Smokey Black Roan Tobiano, front left Sock, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #528803    x    #509347    -    5334. Gypsy Vanner F Red Dun Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ravvana   #539178    x    #509347    -    5335. Gypsy Vanner F Bay Roan Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #539700    x    #509347    -    5336. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ravvana   #505688    x    #509347    -    5337. Gypsy Vanner M Palomino, front right Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ravvana   #514670    x    #509347    -    5338. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Palomino Roan, front left Sock, back left Coronet, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ravvana   #550284    x    #509347    -    5339. Gypsy Vanner F Black, front right Coronet, back right Pastern, Star and Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #551216    x    #509347    -    5340. Gypsy Vanner M Brown Roan, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #551963    x    --    -    5341. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Star (Slow and lazy)
Ravvana   #413115    x    --    -    5342. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #260974    x    #537824    -    5343. Arabian M Bay, front right Pastern, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Slow and lazy)
Ravvana   #301195    x    #537824    -    5344. Arabian M Chestnut Tobiano, front right Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Stocking, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #337642    x    #537824    -    5345. Arabian F Brown Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #505241    x    #551077    -    5346. Arabian M Bay Leopard Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ravvana   #514637    x    #537824    -    5347. Arabian F Fleabitten Grey, front right Pastern, back right Sock, back left Sock, Star (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #514638    x    --    -    5348. Arabian F Silver Dapple Smokey Cream, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, Lip Marking (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #550097    x    --    -    5349. Arabian F Mouse Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #343395    x    #528580    -    5350. Clydesdale F Flaxen Chestnut Roan, front left Coronet, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #460429    x    #551184    -    5351. Friesian M Black, front left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #553251    x    #550210    -    5352. Miniature Horse F Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #529194    x    #550210    -    5353. Miniature Horse F Bay Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, back right Pastern, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #550189    x    #550210    -    5354. Miniature Horse F Fleabitten Grey Roan Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #550120    x    #550210    -    5355. Miniature Horse F Bay Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)
Ravvana   #553886    x    #548366    -    5356. Mustang F Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #550214    x    #522421    -    5357. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ravvana   #306070    x    #550219    -    5358. Clydesdale F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #553736    x    #553882    -    5359. Quarter Horse F Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ravvana   #553884    x    #553829    -    5360. Quarter Horse F Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #553269    x    #553268    -    5361. Fjord F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Ravvana   #553827    x    #553268    -    5362. Fjord M Dun Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #553143    x    #553268    -    5363. Fjord F Dun Palomino, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #550182    x    #553268    -    5364. Fjord F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Faint Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ravvana   #553629    x    #529175    -    5365. Miniature Horse M Smokey Black Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ravvana   #552389    x    #529175    -    5366. Miniature Horse M Brown Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #553145    x    #529175    -    5367. Miniature Horse F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ravvana   #550151    x    #529175    -    5368. Miniature Horse F Black Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
BabyKittenCandy   #554337    x    #553663    -    5369. Throughbred M Brown, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #460423    x    #553564    -    5370. Grade F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553262    x    #553564    -    5371. Grade F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553263    x    #553564    -    5372. Grade F Black, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553264    x    --    -    5373. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Bay, front right Pastern, back left Coronet, Blaze (Slow and lazy)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553266    x    --    -    5374. Mustang M Black, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Faint Star (Slow and stubborn)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553267    x    --    -    5375. Mustang M Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and steady)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553731    x    --    -    5376. Quarter Horse M Buckskin, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553889    x    --    -    5377. Quarter Horse F Flaxen Chestnut Roan, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553890    x    --    -    5378. Throughbred M Fleabitten Grey, front left Pastern, back left Sock, Faint Star (Slow and lazy)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553891    x    --    -    5379. Throughbred F Palomino, front right Coronet, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553892    x    --    -    5380. Throughbred M Bay, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #534920    x    #514660    -    5381. Grade M Black, front right Sock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553130    x    --    -    5382. Fjord F Dun Palomino, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Dunkel.Prinzessin204   #553074    x    --    -    5383. Fjord M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back left Pastern, Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Ryuukokoro   #553532    x    #553566    -    5384. Grade M Dun Buckskin, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #551198    x    #553678    -    5385. Grade F Dun Sooty Buckskin, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #551199    x    #553678    -    5386. Grade F Dun Sooty Buckskin, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #551189    x    #553923    -    5387. Grade M Bay, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #550207    x    #553678    -    5388. Luestin F Mouse Dun Roan, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #550079    x    #553653    -    5389. Mustang F Black, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Bald Face (Slow and lazy)
springacres   #552399    x    #554242    -    5390. Mustang F Black Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and lazy)
springacres   #552400    x    #554242    -    5391. Mustang M Smokey Black Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Slow and stubborn)
toffeeca   #516270    x    #551207    -    5392. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
toffeeca   #537109    x    #551207    -    5393. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
toffeeca   #553557    x    #551184    -    5394. Grade F Black, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
toffeeca   #460437    x    #551184    -    5395. Friesian F Black, front right Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Mutt   #553638    x    #553281    -    5396. Mustang M Buckskin Roan Tobiano, back right Stocking, back left Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Mutt   #515299    x    #553280    -    5397. Mustang F Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back right Sock, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Mutt   #553173    x    #553926    -    5398. Throughbred F Sooty Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Sock, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)
red_uni387   #509346    x    #128631    -    5399. Gypsy Vanner F Mouse Dun, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Kadana Sorano   #551176    x    --    -    5400. Fjord F Mouse Dun, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Kadana Sorano   #553584    x    --    -    5401. Luestin M Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Sock, back left Stocking, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #551180    x    #553566    -    5402. Grade F Yellow Dun Roan Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back left Pastern (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Riverwind   #550110    x    #460445    -    5403. Grade F Black, front left Coronet, back right Coronet (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Riverwind   #553734    x    --    -    5404. Quarter Horse F White (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
SweetCaroline   #553737    x    --    -    5405. Quarter Horse M Flaxen Chestnut, front right Fetlock, back right Stocking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
SweetCaroline   #553683    x    --    -    5406. Luestin F Fleabitten Grey Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
Conroy   #515301    x    --    -    5407. Mustang F Black, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Conroy   #529173    x    --    -    5408. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Brown, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
sera   #551196    x    #552384    -    5409. Grade M Palomino, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #462417    x    #551207    -    5410. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
toffeeca   #514794    x    #551207    -    5411. Grade M Fleabitten Grey Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front left Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
toffeeca   #514786    x    #551207    -    5412. Grade F Grey Roan, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
toffeeca   #514669    x    #551207    -    5413. Grade M Grey, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #301186    x    #551207    -    5414. Grade F Grey, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Slow and lazy)
toffeeca   #514853    x    #551207    -    5415. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
toffeeca   #552475    x    #551207    -    5416. Grade M Fleabitten Grey Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
toffeeca   #538114    x    #551207    -    5417. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
toffeeca   #538113    x    #551207    -    5418. Grade M Fleabitten Grey Leopard Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #486150    x    #551207    -    5419. Grade F Fleabitten Grey Roan, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
toffeeca   #301207    x    --    -    5420. Gypsy Vanner F Black Tobiano, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
toffeeca   #528828    x    --    -    5421. Gypsy Vanner F Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
toffeeca   #131653    x    --    -    5422. Arabian F Mouse Dun, front right Sock, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
toffeeca   #405907    x    --    -    5423. Arabian F Fleabitten Grey, front right Coronet, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and lazy)
toffeeca   #505245    x    --    -    5424. Arabian F Palomino, front right Sock, front left Stocking, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
toffeeca   #509351    x    --    -    5425. Shetland Pony M Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
toffeeca   #306072    x    --    -    5426. Clydesdale F Bay Frame Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Pastern, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
toffeeca   #336831    x    --    -    5427. Clydesdale M Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
toffeeca   #553077    x    --    -    5428. Fjord M Yellow Dun, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #553165    x    #553663    -    5429. Throughbred F White (High strung and difficult to work with)
Pinkshadow   #554335    x    #553534    -    5430. Fjord M Dun Smokey Black, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #551177    x    #553828    -    5431. Fjord M Yellow Dun, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Pinkshadow   #553272    x    #553534    -    5432. Fjord M Dun Smokey Black, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Mutt   #553682    x    #553680    -    5433. Luestin F Black Snowflake Appaloosa Tobiano, front left Coronet, back left Sock, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Winged dreams   #553530    x    #553278    -    5434. Fjord M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Winged dreams   #551174    x    #553534    -    5435. Fjord M Mouse Dun, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Winged dreams   #554060    x    #553534    -    5436. Fjord M Dun Smokey Black, front left Stocking, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Winged dreams   #449100    x    #551184    -    5437. Friesian F Black Leopard Appaloosa, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Winged dreams   #460416    x    #551183    -    5438. Friesian F Black, front right Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
TheLeet   #550175    x    #551210    -    5439. Grade M Dun Palomino, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
TheLeet   #550177    x    #551210    -    5440. Grade M Silver Dapple Mouse Dun Tobiano, front left Sock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
TheLeet   #306065    x    #522412    -    5441. Clydesdale F Silver Dapple Bay, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
TheLeet   #336742    x    #522412    -    5442. Clydesdale M Bay Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
TheLeet   #551141    x    #522412    -    5443. Clydesdale M Silver Dapple Brown, front right Sock, front left Sock, Bald Face (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #505404    x    #522412    -    5444. Clydesdale F Silver Dapple Black, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
TheLeet   #509353    x    --    -    5445. Shetland Pony F Sooty Buckskin Roan, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
TheLeet   #522420    x    --    -    5446. Shetland Pony F Brown Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #507413    x    --    -    5447. Shetland Pony M Mouse Dun, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #547416    x    --    -    5448. Shetland Pony F Brown Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet (Calm and steady)
TheLeet   #550088    x    --    -    5449. Shetland Pony M Bay, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
TheLeet   #486131    x    #513089    -    5450. Grade F Silver Dapple Bay Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
TheLeet   #343396    x    #513089    -    5451. Grade M Silver Dapple Bay Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Coronet, back left Coronet (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #537829    x    #513089    -    5452. Grade M Silver Dapple Brown Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #505407    x    #513089    -    5453. Grade M Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
TheLeet   #528507    x    #513089    -    5454. Grade F Silver Dapple Brown Blanket Appaloosa, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Aralie   #553133    x    #529323    -    5455. Miniature Horse M Bay, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Calm and sweet, a mover)
PonyMama   #545863    x    #552396    -    5456. Miniature Horse F Buckskin Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
PonyMama   #550150    x    #552394    -    5457. Miniature Horse M Black, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
PonyMama   #529193    x    #529175    -    5458. Miniature Horse M Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
PonyMama   #550229    x    #529175    -    5459. Miniature Horse M Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and lazy)
Bunraku   #336744    x    #551077    -    5460. Arabian F Black, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
PonyMama   #553625    x    #552396    -    5461. Miniature Horse F Silver Dapple Buckskin, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Bunraku   #529192    x    #552394    -    5462. Miniature Horse F Black Blanket Appaloosa, front right Coronet, back right Sock, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Aralie   #539705    x    #528904    -    5463. Gypsy Vanner F Black Roan, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Nighthenge   #553727    x    #554231    -    5464. Quarter Horse F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, back left Stocking, Lip Marking (Calm and steady)
Nighthenge   #554232    x    #554231    -    5465. Quarter Horse F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Lectral   #553735    x    #554549    -    5466. Quarter Horse M Grey, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #553124    x    #553566    -    5467. Grade M Red Dun Roan Tobiano, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #553279    x    #551184    -    5468. Friesian M Black Roan, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ryuukokoro   #132172    x    #528907    -    5469. Gypsy Vanner M Black Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ryuukokoro   #553577    x    #553119    -    5470. Gypsy Vanner F Sooty Buckskin Blanket Appaloosa, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Sock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #343404    x    #514837    -    5471. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Faint Star (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ryuukokoro   #528826    x    #337668    -    5472. Gypsy Vanner F Chestnut Roan, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (High strung and difficult to work with)
Ryuukokoro   #413119    x    #553119    -    5473. Gypsy Vanner M Cremello Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #505685    x    #528907    -    5474. Gypsy Vanner M Fleabitten Grey Roan Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #539704    x    --    -    5475. Gypsy Vanner M Black Leopard Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Sock, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Aralie   #553175    x    --    -    5476. Throughbred M Chestnut, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Aralie   #553641    x    --    -    5477. Mustang M Chestnut, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Aralie   #553127    x    --    -    5478. Mustang M Grey Roan, front right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and steady)
Aralie   #552464    x    --    -    5479. Mustang M Chestnut Blanket Appaloosa, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Aralie   #550153    x    --    -    5480. Mustang F Bay, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Aralie   #550152    x    --    -    5481. Mustang M Black, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and steady)
Aralie   #552402    x    --    -    5482. Mustang F Bay Roan, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Aralie   #519975    x    --    -    5483. Mustang F Bay, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back left Coronet, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Aralie   #550288    x    --    -    5484. Shetland Pony F Silver Dapple Mouse Dun, front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Aralie   #547414    x    --    -    5485. Shetland Pony M Black Roan Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Aralie   #539187    x    --    -    5486. Gypsy Vanner M Black Roan Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Aralie   #528825    x    --    -    5487. Gypsy Vanner F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, back right Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Aralie   #514662    x    --    -    5488. Gypsy Vanner M Black Tobiano, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
springacres   #553176    x    --    -    5489. Throughbred F Brown, front left Pastern, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
springacres   #486166    x    #553606    -    5490. Gypsy Vanner F Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #128294    x    #505262    -    5491. Arabian M Brown Sabino Overo, front right Stocking, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
springacres   #260980    x    #553606    -    5492. Gypsy Vanner M Black Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
springacres   #553587    x    #554241    -    5493. Miniature Horse F Smokey Black Roan Snowflake Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #505239    x    #537824    -    5494. Arabian M Palomino Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
springacres   #553161    x    #553835    -    5495. Throughbred M Brown, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #306068    x    --    -    5496. Clydesdale M Black Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
toffeeca   #516267    x    #551207    -    5497. Grade M Grey Roan, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #460414    x    #551183    -    5498. Friesian F Black, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #552476    x    #507416    -    5499. Shetland Pony F Chestnut, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #509354    x    #507414    -    5500. Shetland Pony F Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, back right Fetlock (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #514784    x    #505785    -    5501. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #261575    x    #408568    -    5502. Arabian F Flaxen Chestnut, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Coronet, Bald Face (Calm and sweet, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #550179    x    #550171    -    5503. Fjord F Red Dun, front right Coronet, back left Pastern, Snip (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #551181    x    #550171    -    5504. Fjord F Red Dun, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #529191    x    #548362    -    5505. Miniature Horse M Mouse Dun, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #554338    x    #553533    -    5506. Fjord M Dun Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Blaze (Prone to s
The Gavanian Quinsta Outreach Program: Adopting Quinsta Off-world since 2010.


... and since that post got cut off, here's the rest of the results

YourLoveOnly   #554338    x    #553533    -    5506. Fjord M Dun Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #553921    x    #554065    -    5507. Mustang F Black, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #514676    x    #528970    -    5508. Shetland Pony M Silver Dapple Sooty Buckskin Frame Overo, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #550121    x    --    -    5509. Miniature Horse M Brown Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Irregular Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Mutt   #514854    x    --    -    5510. Shetland Pony F Flaxen Chestnut Roan, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Mutt   #505682    x    --    -    5511. Gypsy Vanner M Silver Dapple Black, front right Fetlock, front left Stocking, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Mutt   #514780    x    --    -    5512. Gypsy Vanner F Red Dun Roan Blanket Appaloosa, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Mutt   #539181    x    --    -    5513. Gypsy Vanner F Black Tobiano, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back left Pastern (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Mutt   #505244    x    --    -    5514. Arabian F Yellow Dun, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Mutt   #518273    x    --    -    5515. Gypsy Vanner F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Mutt   #486137    x    --    -    5516. Friesian M Black, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Mutt   #460447    x    --    -    5517. Friesian F Black, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)
Mutt   #343400    x    --    -    5518. Clydesdale F Bay, front right Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #529176    x    #548362    -    5519. Miniature Horse F Mouse Dun Sabino Overo, front left Fetlock, back left Coronet, Snip (Calm and steady)
Mutt   #550036    x    --    -    5520. Clydesdale M Flaxen Chestnut, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Interrupted Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Mutt   #408539    x    --    -    5521. Arabian M Chestnut, back right Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and steady)
Mutt   #260970    x    --    -    5522. Arabian F Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Slow and lazy)
Mutt   #337687    x    --    -    5523. Arabian F Grey, front right Coronet, back right Fetlock, Blaze (Slow and lazy)
Ryuukokoro   #515295    x    #553076    -    5524. Mustang F Bay, front left Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #522422    x    --    -    5525. Mustang F Palomino, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #553637    x    --    -    5526. Mustang F Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Ryuukokoro   #553316    x    #514837    -    5527. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut Roan Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
CutieePiee   #519976    x    #554062    -    5528. Mustang M Silver Dapple Black, front right Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
CutieePiee   #550285    x    #554339    -    5529. Miniature Horse M Flaxen Chestnut Splash Overo, back right Pastern, Lip Marking (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #553531    x    --    -    5530. Fjord F Mouse Dun, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
CutieePiee   #554333    x    --    -    5531. Fjord M Yellow Dun, back right Stocking, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #553277    x    #552394    -    5532. Miniature Horse M Yellow Dun, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #514671    x    --    -    5533. Gypsy Vanner M Dun Palomino, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Snip (High strung and difficult to work with)
CutieePiee   #528830    x    --    -    5534. Gypsy Vanner M Smokey Black, front right Sock, front left Stocking, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
CutieePiee   #550054    x    --    -    5535. Gypsy Vanner F Chestnut Splash Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Star (Slow and stubborn)
CutieePiee   #551213    x    --    -    5536. Gypsy Vanner M Bay Leopard Appaloosa, front right Stocking, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Blaze (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
CutieePiee   #460415    x    --    -    5537. Friesian F Black, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #514790    x    #460439    -    5538. Grade M Black Sabino Overo, front left Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (High strung and difficult to work with)
Keilin Alyr   #462418    x    #550184    -    5539. Arabian M Chestnut, front right Pastern, back right Stocking, back left Fetlock (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #513090    x    #529319    -    5540. Shetland Pony F Red Dun Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #528706    x    #505255    -    5541. Grade F Dun Palomino, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #529313    x    #529319    -    5542. Shetland Pony M Red Dun, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #550201    x    #447205    -    5543. Grade F Silver Dapple Black, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #553148    x    #447205    -    5544. Grade F Bay Roan, front right Coronet, back right Sock, back left Pastern, Faint Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #514677    x    #550231    -    5545. Shetland Pony M Chestnut, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, Faint Star (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #522419    x    #550231    -    5546. Shetland Pony F Black, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, back left Coronet (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #413120    x    #517551    -    5547. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Buckskin Roan, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #343389    x    #517551    -    5548. Gypsy Vanner M Silver Dapple Black, front left Pastern, back right Sock, Bald Face (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #337661    x    #553580    -    5549. Gypsy Vanner F Silver Dapple Blue Dun (Gruello), front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #486174    x    #517551    -    5550. Gypsy Vanner F Grey Sabino Overo, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Coronet (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #522418    x    #550127    -    5551. Shetland Pony F Red Dun Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Pastern, Snip (Slow and lazy)
Keilin Alyr   #528964    x    #550127    -    5552. Shetland Pony M Silver Dapple Smokey Black Tobiano Sabino Overo, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Star (Calm and steady)
Keilin Alyr   #553142    x    #304510    -    5553. Clydesdale M Buckskin, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
Luv007   #551190    x    --    -    5554. Grade M Bay Frame Overo, front right Stocking, front left Sock, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Luv007   #550125    x    #548366    -    5555. Mustang F Palomino, back right Sock, Blaze (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #529318    x    #553580    -    5556. Grade M Silver Dapple Smokey Black Snowflake Appaloosa Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Stocking (Calm and steady)
Luv007   #550274    x    #550210    -    5557. Miniature Horse M Silver Dapple Bay Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Luv007   #552386    x    --    -    5558. Miniature Horse F Brown Roan Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back left Pastern (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Luv007   #552390    x    #550210    -    5559. Miniature Horse M Fleabitten Grey Roan, front right Stocking, front left Stocking, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Star (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #306060    x    #518271    -    5560. Clydesdale M Brown, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #306071    x    #519970    -    5561. Clydesdale M Silver Dapple Black, front right Sock, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #336781    x    #519970    -    5562. Clydesdale F Silver Dapple Brown Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, back right Sock, back left Sock, Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #522414    x    #518271    -    5563. Clydesdale F Flaxen Chestnut, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #550101    x    #519970    -    5564. Clydesdale M Black Splash Overo, front right Coronet, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Keilin Alyr   #550280    x    #518271    -    5565. Clydesdale M Brown, front right Pastern, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
Keilin Alyr   #553138    x    #553280    -    5566. Mustang M Chestnut Leopard Appaloosa, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #551193    x    #460439    -    5567. Grade F Blue Dun (Gruello) Roan, front right Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
red_uni387   #486165    x    #128631    -    5568. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut, front right Sock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)
red_uni387   #553131    x    #128631    -    5569. Gypsy Vanner M Brown Roan, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Blaze (Slow and stubborn)
red_uni387   #132173    x    --    -    5570. Gypsy Vanner M Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
red_uni387   #324632    x    --    -    5571. Gypsy Vanner M Black Tobiano Splash Overo, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
red_uni387   #413112    x    --    -    5572. Gypsy Vanner F Black, back right Fetlock, Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #343384    x    --    -    5573. Gypsy Vanner F Flaxen Red Dun, front right Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Snip (Calm and steady)
red_uni387   #486173    x    --    -    5574. Gypsy Vanner M Silver Dapple Sooty Buckskin, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
red_uni387   #553883    x    --    -    5575. Gypsy Vanner M Black Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Fetlock, back right Coronet, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Slow and lazy)
red_uni387   #553529    x    --    -    5576. Fjord M Dun Palomino, front right Fetlock, front left Sock, back right Pastern, back left Stocking, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
red_uni387   #460438    x    --    -    5577. Friesian M Black, back right Coronet, Star and Snip (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
red_uni387   #460424    x    --    -    5578. Friesian F Black, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
springacres   #554058    x    #553881    -    5579. Mustang F Chestnut, front left Pastern, back right Fetlock, Faint Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
springacres   #514655    x    #486142    -    5580. Grade M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Fetlock, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Pastern (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
springacres   #528581    x    #505483    -    5581. Grade M Silver Dapple Black, front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, Lip Marking (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Spixy   #553177    x    --    -    5582. Throughbred F Grey, front right Coronet, back right Pastern, Star and Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
zarzamora   #460418    x    #553569    -    5583. Grade F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Coronet, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
zarzamora   #553585    x    --    -    5584. Luestin M Chestnut Tobiano, front right Pastern, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Stocking, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Daimas   #553253    x    --    -    5585. Gypsy Vanner F Flaxen Chestnut Tobiano, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back left Coronet, Star (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Daimas   #551214    x    --    -    5586. Gypsy Vanner M Black Roan Tobiano, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Fetlock, Interrupted Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Daimas   #539701    x    #554549    -    5587. Grade F Red Dun, front right Sock, back right Sock, back left Sock, Interrupted Stripe (Prone to shying and nervousness, not a mover)
Daimas   #539708    x    #554549    -    5588. Grade F Black, front right Fetlock, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #553630    x    #529171    -    5589. Miniature Horse M Blue Dun (Gruello), front left Fetlock, back right Stocking, Snip (Slow and stubborn)
Winged dreams   #552460    x    --    -    5590. Mustang F Grey Roan, front right Sock, front left Stocking, back right Fetlock, back left Coronet, Star and Stripe (Calm and steady)
Winged dreams   #553640    x    #552468    -    5591. Mustang M Dun Sooty Buckskin, front right Pastern, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Faint Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Winged dreams   #550056    x    #554228    -    5592. Gypsy Vanner M Dun Smokey Black Leopard Appaloosa, front left Pastern, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Winged dreams   #550094    x    --    -    5593. Andalusian M Black, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Coronet, Irregular Blaze (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Winged dreams   #528820    x    --    -    5594. Gypsy Vanner F Palomino, back right Pastern, back left Sock, Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Winged dreams   #553572    x    --    -    5595. Gypsy Vanner F Chestnut Roan Leopard Appaloosa, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Sock, back left Coronet (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Winged dreams   #553570    x    --    -    5596. Gypsy Vanner M Brown Splash Overo, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Sock, Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Winged dreams   #551201    x    #553678    -    5597. Grade F Yellow Dun, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Winged dreams   #553162    x    #553169    -    5598. Throughbred F Palomino, front right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Winged dreams   #550390    x    --    -    5599. Arabian M Flaxen Palomino, front left Pastern, back left Pastern, Star (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Winged dreams   #413118    x    #528908    -    5600. Gypsy Vanner M Chestnut Roan Blanket Appaloosa Tobiano, front left Stocking, back right Coronet, back left Sock, Star and Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
Winged dreams   #505777    x    --    -    5601. Gypsy Vanner M Bay Blanket Appaloosa, front right Sock, front left Coronet, back right Stocking, back left Sock, Star (Slow and stubborn)
Winged dreams   #537110    x    --    -    5602. Andalusian M Grey, front right Stocking, front left Coronet, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Stripe (Slow and stubborn)
Winged dreams   #554548    x    --    -    5603. Andalusian M Black, front right Sock, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Stripe (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
zarzamora   #550108    x    #553569    -    5604. Grade M Blue Dun (Gruello) Sabino Overo, front right Coronet, front left Coronet, Lip Marking (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
zarzamora   #460427    x    #553569    -    5605. Grade M Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, front left Coronet, Interrupted Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
zarzamora   #460436    x    #553569    -    5606. Grade F Bay, front left Pastern, Snip (Generally willing, but rather excitable, a mover)
zarzamora   #460455    x    #553569    -    5607. Grade F Bay, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Faint Star (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Kahlira   #550195    x    --    -    5608. Arabian M Flaxen Chestnut, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Lip Marking (Calm and sweet, not a mover)
Kahlira   #337685    x    --    -    5609. Arabian M Buckskin, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Coronet, back left Fetlock, Irregular Blaze (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Kahlira   #486113    x    --    -    5610. Arabian F Flaxen Dun Palomino, front right Pastern, front left Pastern, back right Pastern, back left Fetlock, Star and Stripe (Calm and sweet, a mover)
Kahlira   #486151    x    #128293    -    5611. Grade M Silver Dapple Black, front right Sock, back right Pastern, back left Pastern, Irregular Blaze (Generally willing, but occasionally nervous, a mover)
Kahlira   #515182    x    #460421    -    5612. Grade M Black, front left Coronet, back right Coronet, Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
YourLoveOnly   #551136    x    #554130    -    5613. Arabian M Silver Dapple Bay, front right Coronet, Star and Snip (Calm and steady)
YourLoveOnly   #486108    x    #550035    -    5614. Arabian F Chestnut, front right Coronet, front left Pastern, back right Sock, back left Coronet, Star and Snip (Prone to shying and nervousness, a mover)
Goddesss   #529325    x    --    -    5615. Miniature Horse M Black Roan, front right Sock, front left Sock, back left Coronet, Stripe (Sweet and generally willing, but occasionally excitable, a mover)
BabyKittenCandy   #554673    x    #553139    -    5616. Mustang F Smokey Black, back right Coronet, back left Pastern, Star and Stripe (High strung and difficult to work with)
Winged dreams   #554671    x    #553534    -    5617. Fjord F Blue Dun (Gruello), front right Pastern, front left Fetlock, Star and Snip (Calm and sweet, a mover)
The Gavanian Quinsta Outreach Program: Adopting Quinsta Off-world since 2010.


Just a quick look since i've got to dash and get the bus, but looks like a couple of my projects have come through! Got a leopard appy friesian and a good Fjord for my project :) And many other lovelies that will be availiable!
Owner of Gliders!



3 of my 5 breedings turned out perfectly! Woot!



Darn, some breedings I was really hoping for didn't turn out. But I definitely have enough to have some to claim this season! ^_^ Yay!

Check out my mouse dun roan Luestin! Whoo!!