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[Crystal Ball Dragons] Journey to Secundi!

Started by SplitX, January 26, 2010, 04:18:04 PM

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Pick a Duck is up. I've GOT to finish my schoolwork; I fell asleep. As soon as I do that, I'm handing out prizes, and I will be setting up everyone's owners' photobuckets with everyone's item inventories in there & 100% updated. ;3


YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!

I hope that was allowed, I felt like being colorful xD


indigowulf would like to claim 25 ducks!!!

(oh yeah forgot we could re-post lol)


'IvySpring would like to claim 5 ducks!'


Venus and Zephyr


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on February 03, 2010, 03:32:32 PM
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!

I hope that was allowed, I felt like being colorful xD

It's allowed, AND cute!

Ivy; your total will be 5 free + 15 x 10k = 150k o_o
Indigo; your total will be 200k. Are y'all SURE y'all are calculating right? xDDD


hehe sorry ^edit above- I thought it said 10 SG a duck not 10K >_< my bad

Venus and Zephyr


Ivy, I'm afraid that would cost you 150k, not 150 SG. D:

Edit: I almost did it that cheap, but then I realized just how nuts I would go with some people -eyes Indigo and YLO xD- buying duckies. >:3

This schoolwork... is driving me nuts. ;___; I just wanna relaaax, not worry about all this crap. Dx;


haha yeah I probably would have gone crazy :D awww *pets splitty and crushes schoolwork*

Venus and Zephyr


Goddesss would like to claim 15 ducks!

Edited to bold.



100k for each of you. <3

Dear god. o_O I have 1 million SG! -spazofdoom-

Gosh I just... school work... -whines- :______:


School needs to be nice and understanding right now, they should know your RL might not allow you to do the same amount of stuff you did before. All the hormones.. O.o Can't be good xD

YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!
YourLoveOnly would like to claim 1 more duck!

That's 10 more ducks, so 100K =3


I know right? >_> But I didn't do anything yesterday (only had ONE thing to do Dx) so I feel stressed & like I HAVE to do it nao. D;


Plus coming off you ADD meds.  I did it when I was pregnant and then while I was breat feeding.  I just got back on them.  You can be extra sleepy why you get off them though.


*hugs splitty* I would probably do the same thing xD
Although feeling like I múst do something makes me panic and unable to do it >_>


Quote from: SplitX on February 03, 2010, 03:39:18 PM
Indigo; your total will be 200k. Are y'all SURE y'all are calculating right? xDDD

I sent it before you posted. did I send the right amount?


Quote from: Goddesss on February 03, 2010, 03:51:30 PM
Plus coming off you ADD meds.  I did it when I was pregnant and then while I was breat feeding.  I just got back on them.  You can be extra sleepy why you get off them though.

That's true. I keep forgetting.

;___; I just keep stressing about miscarrying too much. I guess I just need to be grateful that I AM able to get pregnant. Not everyone IS able to. <3

I'm DEFINITELY the same way, YLO. ;_;

Yeah, Indigo. <3<3


I can take on a zillion things at once and not get stressed as long as I don't get the idea that it hás to be started and finished immediately. When I open up customs and I say "all customs done within 48 hours" then every custom is gonna take me a week >_> If I just take on customs without saying when they'll be finished then I can do at least 10 a day xD

You are very considerate about everything, it's not like you drink and smoke and go bungee jumping xD You can never no for sure, but if something does go wrong I would be extremely surprised if you had anything to do with it. You're doing great and I think everything will be fine ^^


[Please note that I used to determine what y'all have won. <3<3 I tried everything as fairly as possible, so please don't be upset with me
Also, I will see if I can upload inventories while I'm at tutoring. I'm afraid I'll be there for a while, but this is what I could get done in the like... 10 minutes I've been up this morning XD]

YLO's Journies
1st: Dark Orb

2nd: Nothing :(

3rd: Premade (yet to be uploaded; about to head out door)
Butterfly Charm
Crystal Shard

1 crystal shard

Will get more up ASAP!


Omigosh! *drools over the Hydragon*
Name her Malefide, please! =3


Here you go, YLO! <3
I HATE to do this to you, but can you PM all custom forms to me one last time? I accidentally cleared my Inbox. ^__^;


Sure sweetheart! ^^
I'll get my customs eventually, so it doesn't matter. *resends*

And yaaaay, I have a CBD now! :D


Hiyoko's Adventure Fortune

1 Crystal Shard

[Going in order now]



I'm also still getting another premade from my adventure fortune, right? =3

*drools over hiyoko's demonic girl*
And now I know how those leopard spots look, which I wanted to know xD


YLO's Love Fortune
1 Fairy Charm

YLO's Realization Fortune
You realize that Splitty owes you...
A Name Custom!

YLO's Things to Come Fortune
You'd better be prepared for Breeding Season today! You will be very lucky if you breed your Dragons today.


Hehe, fully noted. I shall breed them today.
Err, if I get them today, that is xD

Name custom <3 That's not lame, that's awesome.
I want one named Namir (which means leopard).


Your owed premade, YLO :3

YLO Adventure:

Another YLO Adventure:
1 Twins Vial
1 Crystal Shard

YLO Love:
1 Dark Orb

Indigo Realization
You realize that you're sitting on something! Ow!
1 Crystal Shard & 1 Fairy Jar for you

Dunkel Adventure
2 Crystal Shards
1 Twins Vial

Ivy Adventure

Ivy Love
1 Crystal Shard

All Fortunes are now done!

Now, to update inventories... T_T;


Dunkel.Prinzessin204 would like to claim 5 duck.


I feel very spoiled! xD
(by the way, if you need me to PM the name custom or post elsewhere, just lemme know)

2 premades + name custom + custom + items.. =3 Very happy YLO! ^^
(+ the 4 customs from our trades O.o)

Name my butterfly boy Reinboo, please =3 He's so pretty ^^


Everything... is completely updated, inventories & your named Premade. :____:
Now... for the ducks. Dx


YLO Duck 1: No prize
YLO Duck 2: Premade
YLO Duck 3: Crystal Shard
YLO Duck 4: Premade
YLO Duck 5: Premade
[I hate you, YLO. xD Kidding <3 -snugs-]

All premades will be uploaded after ALL prizes are distrubuted.


1-25 = Crystal Shard
26-30 = Completely Random Breeding Item
31-80 = No Prize
81-95 = Premade
96-100 = Premade Love Pair or Custom

After 5
1-60 = Crystal Shard
61-70 = Completely Random Breeding Item
71-80 = No Prize
81-95 = Premade
96-100 = Custom or Premade Love Pair

This is for y'all to see how it works, and so I can remember this on my own. XD


Well I love a lot splitty =3

And I assume you mean premades will come after all currently bought ducks have reveiled their prizes and not at the end of the entire event? More pretties =o *waits around all excited*



Indigo Duck 1: No prize
Indigo Duck 2: No prize
Indigo Duck 3: No prize
Indigo Duck 4: No prize
Indigo Duck 5: Crystal Shard
[Gee, it's a good thing you bought more! O_O]
Indigo Duck 6: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 7: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 8: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 9: Twins Vial
Indigo Duck 10: Custom Voucher
Indigo Duck 11: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 12: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 13: Fairy Jar
Indigo Duck 14: No Prize
Indigo Duck 15: Premade Love Pair
Indigo Duck 16: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 17: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 18: Custom Voucher
Indigo Duck 19: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 20: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 21: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 22: Crystal Shard
Indigo Duck 23: Premade
Indigo Duck 24: Premade Love Pair
Indigo Duck 25: Crystal Shard

You DO realize I'm going to have to kill you, now, Indigo? xDDD


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on February 04, 2010, 10:09:58 AM
Well I love a lot splitty =3

And I assume you mean premades will come after all currently bought ducks have reveiled their prizes and not at the end of the entire event? More pretties =o *waits around all excited*

Definitely. The Carnival will be put on hold for breeding season. ;3 So as soon as all are revealed... BAM you get your premades... if I don't die first. -eyes Indigo's ducks-


Ivy Duck 1: Crystal Shard
Ivy Duck 2: Crystal Shard
Ivy Duck 3: No Prize
Ivy Duck 4: Fairy Jar
Ivy Duck 5: Dark Orb

-pants- Coming, mother! -flees in fear of thread, then reluctantly comes back- XDD
Indigo, YLO, and Ivy inventories all updated with new stuff up to here.



Goddesss duck 1: No Prize
Goddesss duck 2: Fairy Jar
Goddesss duck 3: No Prize
Goddesss duck 4: No Prize
Goddesss duck 5: No Prize
Goddesss duck 6: Premade
Goddesss duck 7: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 8: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 9: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 10: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 11: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 12: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 13: Premade
Goddesss duck 14: Crystal Shard
Goddesss duck 15: No Prize

I hope it's okay if I take a quick break to eat lunch & set up the breeding FAQ? ;3 I think y'all will love some surprises I'm throwing in!


Indigo; I hope you realize I'm having to up the price for the next round 'cause of you. XD Not 'cause of you. I kid about that, but.. Y'all are going to be up to your armpits in CBDs! o___o;


*straps you in front of computer* mwuhuhahaha! Better hope baby doesnt sit on bladder now, cuz you can't move!

you cant complain about me tooooo much when you got 200K off me ;)
*snugs incoming dragons*


Oh I'm not complaining. XD I sure got off my butt, which makes me feel better.
-glares at tummy- You wouldn't dare.

Break tieeeem! xD


I think it's really cute that you ask us if you can have a break xD
*chases splitty to relax-zone* I demand you take a break! :D


;___; Splitty keeps losing her food now... DX I might have to lay down for a while. ;_;


=o yes, go lay down!
we don't want you to get ill because you glued yourself to the computer O.o



I only had morning sickness 1 day of my entire pregnancy, so I dont have any good advice there.


I don't know if it's morning sickness, or I'm just sick. T___T: But whatever it is, it's yucky.
I'm laying down on the couch on my laptop now. If only I had Photoshop or I could download something. D: I feel horrible for not finishing everything right now.


Don't worry about that! We're not going anywhere xD
We would be bad stalker-fans if we didn't sit in this thread for at least 10 hours a day xD


Sweety dont feel bad! Ive been putting off a couple important things myself here cuz Im just feeling lazy, at least you have a reason!