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[Crystal Ball Dragons] Journey to Secundi!

Started by SplitX, January 26, 2010, 04:18:04 PM

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Yay carnival!^^
I'm going to watch tv for an hour or so, I shall be back =3


A rush of wind blows past you, urging you into a beautiful purple tent in the center of the carnival.
"Do come in," you hear a melodious voice say, "and learn of the things to come."


I wish to learn of my love fortune today.

Is that okay? Not too sure. ;)


Sure! :3 Though please keep in mind, the Fortune Teller prefers a RP-like response, but that type of response is perfectly fine. n___n

"Love, my dear, is heavy in your future. As you are so beautiful, so are those around you. Keep this close to your heart; it might come in handy soon," she says slyly, placing something in Hiyoko's hands.


Oh, okay. :D I'll remember that for next time and sorry for taking so long on the SG, I had to eat breakfast and feed my dogs. ;)


No worries! The Gypsy is patient. n___n
-watching Courage the Cowardly Dog-


*bounces onto splitty* I HAS A 4.5 GPA!!! :O


I have a 5.0 o___o I'm at a new place, where my entire grades have started out fresh. xD I get to pass high school with a 5.0, most likely. I'm super excited.


now if only my reward was being able to use paypal to buy feesh XD
ooo splitty's smarticle! :D better not slack off at the end and ruin it lol


"I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today.
I used to travel all over the world. Now I've settled down, but I have no idea what the future will hold. I don't want my life to become boring.."

Sorry for shortness, YLO is watching a movie.


Special Event; YLO's Adventure

"Well, then, my friend. Come with me," she says smoothly. She takes your hand and off you two run!
Soon enough, she brings you to the edge of the woods. She beams proudly. "Here is your adventure. There are three Dragons hidden in the forest, as well as many items. Go find them. Search high and low. But beware; the Jabberwocky is on the hunt for you. If he finds you, you mght have to run right from the forest empty-handed, if you do not find anything soon enough. So, go!"

-YLO; how to play-
YLO: You will be given options. You must pick which option to choose & write a small (or big, if you wish!) RP response to it. You may come across vouchers, breeding items, eggs (baby draaaagons! x3), or 1 (or all 3!) of the Dragons. So look everywhere you can. The adventure will unfold itself.
[Don't forget; everyone else may still get their fortunes while YLO gets to play her little game. ^_^ You never know; you might be lucky enough to go on an adventure yourself, too!]

You look at the entrance to the forest. There are three paths. One is crooked, one is straight, and one is covered with a thin layer of grass. Which path will you choose to walk down?


Looking slightly outside of the tent, seeing the wide open world and yet not. Turning back to the woman with wavy hair. "I've decided I would like to know my adventure fortune, as I'm far tired of not knowing what is out there."


"Sometimes the biggest adventures," she says to Hiyoko, "are the ones right at your back door. Close your eyes... Tell me what you see."


Closing her eyes, she sees lots of green and blue. "I see trees everywhere and an empty sky." Scrunching her brows in frustration. "It's sunny, or at least day time and I hear water moving."


I shall do this adventure really soon, it sounds exciting. Hopefully I will be on time.. Parents are bugging me >_> The joy of being 17 and living at home >.<

I plan on typing up a really long post, because I feel like doing so xD
I'll be back asap.


"I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today for I want to know what it would be like," I toldthe fortune woman. I eagerly await her words.


I stand in front of the three paths, wondering which one to choose. The thin layer of grass looks beautiful, but it doesn't seem to be enough to really hide something. I also have no clue what Jabberwockies like to eat. Maybe they also eat grass? It would explain why the layer is so thin. Honestly I don't even know what a Jabberwocky is, so I'm not even sure how to act. I always thought that was some dance crew I had seen on MTV. The thought of one of them becoming a monster and chasing me makes me chuckle a bit. I look around a bit more, taking in my surroundings. The straight path doesn't seem to have any danger ahead, while the crooked path may be hiding anything. But I didn't come here to choose the save path, I tell myself firmly. I wanted adventure! And while I may be able to see everything when walking the straight path, that would also mean the Jabberwocky could easily spot me if he went looking. Sooo, crooked path it is!

I carefully step onto the path. I can only see a tiny bit of the path at once. Some may be scared, I was actually rather excited. I liked secrets. And playing treasure hunting games in my backyard was always something I enjoyed when I was little, so why wouldn't this be just as much fun? Adventures are what you choose to make of them. You can travel to the most exciting place in the world, but if you stand there doing nothing you wíll be bored. My only fear was that Jabberwocky thing. But would he really be that scary? I could try to be quiet, but he may be scared of me as well. So I start walking, carefully looking around. "Come out, come out where ever you aaaree!" I sing out loud, hoping to attract the dragons and scare the Jabberwocky at the same time. While walking around I try to enjoy my surroundings. I spot some beautiful flowers and briefly pause to take an upclose look at them. I taste one of the berries growing on a nearby bush. There is a hole in a tree and I reach out to feel if there is something hidden inside. I try to make this as much fun as I can. I happily skip around and sing a few songs along the way. I search underneath rocks and behind trees, I admire a little ladybug and try to spot fish in a small pond. The crooky path makes it really obvious I'm in a forest. I can't see anything past a corner, I'm surrounded by green. For fun I approach all corners differently. I slowly walk up to one, skip to the other, run past the next. After a while I hear a loud growl. Dragons don't growl, do they? I start making a lot of noise, hoping to scare whatever it is off. I certainly hope that isn't that Jabberwocky hoping to take a bite out of me.. When I quiet down a bit I don't hear a thing. I also can't see anything moving around me. I ponder what to do for a moment, then decide it may be best to turn around and start walking back out of the forest.

Not as long as I wanted, but I haven't RPed in ages. This was fun! =D
And I assume that's how I was supposed to do it and you will post a reply letting me know if stuff happened and/or I discovered something.

This is similair to the secret event I'm plotting =3 Adventures are fuuun.


"I wish to learn of my love fortune today." I say while sitting down in front of the fortune teller. "You see, I just had this amazing date with my boyfriend today and now I'm in a very romantic mood."

The above is actually true xD Now I wanna go sleep and have happy romantic dreams =3

"I wish to learn of my prediction of realization today. Seems like a smart thing to do, right?" I ask her, a little unsure if I even believe in that myself. Truth can be a good thing, but that may not always be the case. Then again they say that honesty is rewarded.. And clearing things up is always welcome, life can become such a mess. I probably did the right thing, I tell myself.

"I wish to learn of my prediction of things to come today. I like surprises, but I am also the curious type. So a little hint would be nice, I guess"

All done for today, time for bed! =D


Splitty would it be okay to post again for today?
I really don't wanna overwhelm you because you haven't gotten to the others yet.
If you prefer me skipping today's fortunes & predictions then just lemme know, it's fine :)


Feel free to post again. <3 I'm so sorry this has taken so long. I'm just... overwhelmed with real life. <3 I will get this done ASAP though! :3
I'll set up the Faire, with a kissing booth! xD The kissing booth, actually, is... well, pretty much quick breeding slots. XD


Hehe, awesome.

... I lack CBDs for breeding xD
I am waiting to see if I find any dragons before deciding which breeds I want my 4 customs to be ;)

And I know RL is busy sweety, don't worry about it. I'm patient ^^ *hugs*


AGH lemme upload an example page for the CBDs. >___>; <3


Hihi, sure ^^

I think I wanna get one of each breed first, so I'm waiting to see if I find any dragons before ordering the customs. Not that I mind duplicates.. All CBDs are lovely! *tries to force boyfriend to pick a breed so she can get a CBD to represent him*



I would not be surprised xD
He would probably be like omigosh, he is so cool and laidback, I wanna be a buddha! >_>

Edit: He picked Buddha. I told you so! xD
I'll probably turn myself into a Hydragon, I think those look nice together.


I'm really busy right now, but I just wanted to post for another adventure fortune.

"I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today, because sudden things can really change your perspective on things and I could use that right now."

Also send in my first two forms <3


"I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today, because I want something fun to happen!" I almost scream at the lady. I have been so extremely busy and stressed out lately and that must be showing. Hopefully she can help me.

"I wish to learn of my love fortune today, because I really miss my boyfriend right now." No need for more explaining, that should be pretty obvious.

I know I know, shortness. >_>
I still really enjoy these. *runs back to color stuff and feed guinea pigs and do chores etc etc T_T*


Sorry for more delays y'all. >___>; Would y'all just prefer to get prizes for every fortune for right now, and THEN, once I'm less overwhelmed, we can have RP-type stuff? >_>; 'Cause I'm just... overwhelmed and bleh lately. >_<


Whatever you prefer sweetheart. I don't mind waiting for RP responses either, but I can imagine it's unpleasant for you to see your workload keeps increasing. So if you prefer to just post prizes than that's fine =] (although I would like to receive a RP response to my adventure game someday, even if it's weeks after I've already received the prizes xD I'm just curious where the prizes are hiding =o)

Feel free to toss more little tasks/games at me, I enjoy doing that type of stuff. And yes, RP responses are lovely, but even if you just post a quick reply with the prizes I'm fine with that.
Just do what you want to do for now, I know RL is hectic and that always comes first. You could always repeat this event later when you have more time to do RP responses ;)


*I walk up to the gypsy and smile. So nice seeing one of the people still free to lead the life. I sigh, wishing the days when the vardos roamed free could come again. Too many highways and cars now for wagons and horses to be a way of life. Shaking my head out of the sky, I do what I came for.*

"I wish to learn of realization today."

*I hand her a few cards, still in the order of the reading I had done earlier.*

"something is strange,"  tell her, "my cards revealed something today, but I find it confusing. I simply cannot believe what I am seeing. Could you take a look at tell me what you see?"


Err.. I don't think that was one of the 4 options? xD



"I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today. I really hope it's nothing too exciting, as  exciting plus work equals bad bad things."


"indigowulf would like to purchase 20 twin vials!"
"indigowulf would like to purchase 3 dark orbs!"
"indigowulf would like to purchase 3 fairy charms!"
"indigowulf would like to purchase 3 butterfly charms!"
"indigowulf would like to purchase 10 crystal shards!"

plus 1 prediction=5
total 745K incoming


YourLoveOnly would like to purchase 2 butterfly charms!
YourLoveOnly would like to purchase 2 fairy charms!
YourLoveOnly would like to purchase 2 dark orbs!

Total: 60K

Just wanted to make sure I got some before they are sold out ;)
The others are unlimited so I could always buy those later ^^


Okay. I'm making all supplies unlimited, so many CBDs can come to exist this breeding season. X3

Will post prizes as soon as I finish my school work for today. <3 Yay for at-home homework!

Would y'all want the breeding season to start today? That way we can have the faire running throughout it so you can get more CBDs that way. <3


Err, I don't have any CBDs yet but feel free to open it xD
I shall stalk around and get as much CBDs as I can :D
(and order my remaining two customs ^^)


If breeding season starts today, I will have to beg others who have dragons to let me use thiers. Was hoping Id have a chance to get one of my own first lol


Only Secundi CBDs can participate in this season I believe.. I think not very many people have those yet =o A few were given away through Frankens and trades and I think the others can be won in the events here =D

I think Splitty is letting breeding season and carnival games run at the same time? So you can still win CBDs here and then breed them ^^

I have 2 customs on the way already, defenitely plan on breeding some cute CBDs from them. ^^
By the way, splitty: if you'd breed 2 different species with a twin vial (angel x demon for example) and use a butterfly charm, will that result in only 1 of the babies being a butterfly? I think it does, but I wanna make sure..

I plan on breeding Lookky x Nona with 2 twin vials, a butterfly charm and a fairy charm xD That should give me a kirin and a butterfly and if I end up with triplets or quadruplets I could get hydragon and/or buddha as well, right? *hoping she got this right*


It says you can buy tickets to bring in others. I think there arent enough secundi ones to really have a good breeding season yet. I kinda worry that the poor PI owners who've never heard of secundi will get inbox explosion of people begging for breedings.

Is there a website somewhere, where we can see examples and owners folders?


Oh don't worry; I will have wild dragon breedings open (in otherwords you provide items, and you get a completely random, special eggy) & breedings with my own CBDs open


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on February 03, 2010, 10:03:47 AM
Only Secundi CBDs can participate in this season I believe.. I think not very many people have those yet =o A few were given away through Frankens and trades and I think the others can be won in the events here =D

I think Splitty is letting breeding season and carnival games run at the same time? So you can still win CBDs here and then breed them ^^

I have 2 customs on the way already, defenitely plan on breeding some cute CBDs from them. ^^
By the way, splitty: if you'd breed 2 different species with a twin vial (angel x demon for example) and use a butterfly charm, will that result in only 1 of the babies being a butterfly? I think it does, but I wanna make sure..

I plan on breeding Lookky x Nona with 2 twin vials, a butterfly charm and a fairy charm xD That should give me a kirin and a butterfly and if I end up with triplets or quadruplets I could get hydragon and/or buddha as well, right? *hoping she got this right*

Unless you use more than 1 breed-influencing item, ALL will be that breed. So if you use a butterfly charm & fairy charm, all will be either butterflies or kirins. :P


Okay, thanks for letting me know that ^^
Two twin vials are supposed to be fraternal twins with a chance at having triplets or quadruplets.. So I don't assume I can throw 1 of each breed-influencing item in? That would be difficult if there were only 2 babies and I tossed in three items xD


thanks for the links. i knew i liked these guys, but now i like them even more after seeing all those!


If there aren't triplets or quadruplets, I will let you keep 1 of the items or 2, if the case may be. You just need to let me know what your top choices are, in order (example 1. fairy, 2. dark orb, 3. etc)


Awesome! Thank you! ^^
Plotting stuff is fun =3

*stalks thread*

I need to go eat dinner in about 5 minutes, which is a good thing or I'll break my F5 key xD


*sneaks in* I've been watching this thread wondering if I should try to get involved without any CBDs... but I've decided to try my luck. They're just too cute to pass up! *sits to wait- gobbles down cookie dough* yummm :]

Venus and Zephyr


You can always try a fortune, they only cost 500SG and you can win items and CBDs if you're lucky :D


[hehe I knew that ;)]

I sat down across from the fortune teller, exhausted and tired with the stress life had been throwing my way. Sighing, I rested my head in my hands and wondered what had brought me to that strange place. I had never been one to believe in magic or mysticism, and when I had originally seen the fortune teller's sign, my first reaction was suspicion and unbelief. However, for whatever reason, life had thrown so much at me, that I didn't know what was real anymore. Sitting within the enclosed tent walls, I slowly looked at the fortune teller with weak eyes, "I wish to learn of my adventure fortune today. What is to become of me? I need hope." I paused for a moment before going on, "Fortune teller,"I also wish to learn of my love fortune today." I feel there is nothing for me out there. Do you think love is the answer?"
I bowed my head and tried to hold in my tears as I desperately waited for an answer, any answer; everything else in life had failed me, and I was in desperate need of something to hold onto and keep me from falling...

[And.... SCENE! ;)]

Venus and Zephyr