[CDA] Breeding Season Begins!! **Important Info for ALL on page 9!!**

Started by Umm Gaia, October 11, 2012, 07:30:59 PM

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Hubby gets my writing on AAA and is super supportive, but doesn't so much get secundi.  I just call it my video game to simplify my addiction to it here.  Lol.


Such lovely babies! Am super excited for mine <3 And I /will/ be submitting just a few more, because I have no snake breedings yet, I'm just waiting for luv to deliver some of those premades so I can maybe do full breedings instead of offsite ones. Sadly Willow didn't respond to my request of borrowing her boys :( Sorry Wild for throwing more at you, ilu <33


OHMYGOSH! Sooo many spots! I'm thinking I died and gone to heaven! And 3 girlies!  Suh-weet!



I want Kah babies too. D:
I have a feeling once this is all done with, I'll either have a ton of babies from people, or a ton of customs for myself. XD

@Luv, Thats a good anology, I may just start telling Tim its my video game, so he gets it more. Haha.


Ohh and guys, I *May* have forgotten to remove some items from your inventories from breedings past... >.>
I remember taking country and kah's items from the last breedings, but not sure before then.
I'm trusting you guys to be honest, so if I forgot to remove your items, please let me know here, and what items need to be removed.


I noticed last night when I was looking in my inventory to count how many naming tags I needed, that I still seemed to have an in season breeding box left? I don't know if that's because you forgot to take it, or because I had too many of them for what I bred because I bought several at a time, but feel free to take it out wild because I don't think I bought over the amount I needed.

I didn't use my fruit basket this season, and have another magic feed from registering my snakery, so those should be fine because you already took my magic feed I used. The three out of season breeding boxes are from registering the rattery, the snakery, and one from an event, and of course a bunch of naming tags, so I think everything but that one in-season breeding box is accounted for?


I'm honestly not sure what I /had/ in my inventory or should have because I just bought lots and lots of things that I'd like to use? 


I still have my Fruitbasket and In-Season Box but thats cause that breeding hasn't been done yet.


Im very sorry for the delay guys. I've had family events, college, and time with the boyfriend (much needed) so I havent gotten much done recently. I *should* be able to work hard tomorrow on these, but don't mark my words. Life happens. D:


LOl, I'm pretty sure we can all releate to that XD This is the first quiet day I have had since before Halloween! Its so nice! Hope things slow down some for you lol.

Umm Gaia

6 Breedings finished today. Those marked with a '@' infront of their name means they are part of my next 'batch' when I get the time.


From this date forwward, there have been a couple of changes. This will be the final time I make these changes, so don't expect them to change again.

*Fruit Baskets are now priced at 300k
*Magic Feed Bags are now priced at 125k
*Fruit Baskets will be given every FOUR months for registered breeders
*Magic Feed will be given every TWO months for registered breeders

Hoping this doesn't cause any issues for anyone, if so, pm me nicely and we can try to work something out; however my new rules are firm. I had said there would be a few changes in rarity and price after the season ended, so heres the new changes. Again, these rules/numbers will NOT change again. I'm firm set on these prices and rules. (finally)

ALSO; Next season there will be a limit of how many breedings you may submit. You will be allowed to submit up to 5 breedings. No more than that, but feel free to use less. Think of these as your 'slots' from now on. NO you may not sell your slots to others for any currency or pet. Either you use them or you don't.

Thank you for reading and understanding,
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Think these are wonderful updates to the rules!  While fantasy may be more valuable, it is definitely worth more worth to have more rats using the fruit basket.  Glad I stocked up on those already!

There isn't much of a way to figure your rules out without testing the waters anyways.  :)


*meep* A limit of 5 breedings?  Are you sure you don't want to limit it more?  I was expecting something more like 2 or 3 for the limit, what with how many babies each breeding gives.  You pretty much have to expect that most everyone will submit the full number of breedings they're allowed.  If your shop gets 30 followers who each submit their full 5 breedings in a season, that's 150 breedings, or a conservative estimate of 600 babies.  Add in that there's two stages to color, and that's 1200 critters colored for a breeding season.  Or if even half that number of people participate, that's 15 people for 75 breedings, 300 babies and 600 critters colored. 
CDA is a nicely done adoptable, I don't think it's unrealistic to expect 15-30 people participating in a season.    If you really think you can do it, then more power to you, but the numbers worry me, and I don't want to see you get burned out or stressed out.  *fluffs*


Sounds like fine updates! But i agree with Silv, i'd say 3 or 4 should be your maximum and something that i'm sure most people will be fine with. I expected it to be a limit of 3 breedings.
After the difficulty you've had with this huge number of breedings i'd say go easier on yourself for the next season and then if you think you could do more up the limit next time :)

Hope to be around for my breeding later on! Kinda sad i only submitted one but i only had one pretty of my own at that point so never got round to borrowing from others. Still one is enough.
Owner of Gliders!


I have no problem with the new rules. But I share the other's concerns as well. If everyone uses all 5 slots AND they use fruitbaskets on several of those you may have your hands full. I love my rattys and my new snakes and I would hate to see you get overwhelmed. *Hugs*


I feel the same way Wild, I have no problem with the new rules either, but 5 seems to be quite a lot especially given the popularity of CDA and country makes a good point about fruit baskets. I think 3 slots would be more than enough for everyone to get those breedings that they absolutely want to do in.


I'll agree.  That is a lot of breedings, come to think of it, and I wouldn't be hurt my more exclusion by any means.  And assuming you feel like you have extra time one season versus another, you could always sell, or gift or raffle off extra breeding slots? 


I don't see everyone using their five slots just because they can. I personally won't. But yeah, 2-3 seems like a nice number.


*SQUEES*  Thank you, Wildfilly!  I love the way they just show up one day, like real eggs in a basket(*nest): no notification or anything ^_^  I love these snakes!

Also, everybody look at my rainbow pretty from the candy event *wow* 

Dear Wild~~I don't doubt your ability to do whatever you set your mind to.  But I personally will only use 1 or 2 breedings per season, because I can't emotionally attach to any more babies than that XD


Ohh I definantly wanted to limit it more, but I was afraid people woulmd be upset. But since you are all actually encouraging me (And after Silv's estimate of babies to color OMG) I think I'll move it down to 3.

I actually think auctions/bribes/raffles or something for extra slots is a great idea! I may impliment that too. :D

So since everyone's good with this, I'm going to revise my 'no more revising' to 3 breedings max. XD

Thank you all for your support and help!! <33

And haha, I hoped you'd love that candy snake. I know I did!


Lol I think we can agree and say we don't want you to be pulling your hair out and dreading breeding season when it rolls around XD

Umm Gaia

YLO has a new litter!!

She would've had 3 more last night, but I didn't realise the time D:
I'll be working tomorrow night or wednesday afternoon, depending on how the day goes. (Will be with the bf, and I, for some reason, hardly ever get things done while there XD)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


3 breedings per person sounds good. A win-win for you and everyone, I think.

BTW, I love how my breedings turned out so far! Cutest little baby ratties! ^_^


Prettiest. Babies. EVER. I thought Basket would guarantee max. amount of babies, I am almost glad it doesn't, it is already super hard to pick XD


considering I struggled to figure out one breeding this season, I think 3 as a max is a pretty good number


Wild, I think you uploaded one of my breedings twice :) 818 and 819 show the same 3 eggs~


It's supposed to do that for snake breedings, first time they grow from egg to baby, then from baby to adult. I was confused the first time Wild imported an egg to grow as well XD


YLo is corect :) They grow twice, so they have to have two litters to do so



Did 4 breedings today. I may be back later for more, but I'm not feeling too well at the moment so I'm not sure if I'll get to anymore today. I'll try though. <3



Umm Gaia

7 Breedings left!!! :DDD

Also did all the customs I owe. :3

Tomorrow I plan to do one or two breedings, and either more breedings or some premades.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Mine are so cute! I had a hard time choosing who to keep and who to trade. XD

Umm Gaia

4 litters left!!

Aww, Im gald you like them country! I had a hard time letting them to to their rightful owners.. XD Some of them are just so cute!
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I check my eggs so often to see if they've grown it's not even funny XD



My Mayhem lad's babies were all uploaded as adults. This is cool by me XD Seems awesome his babu's though XD


Kah is right, Kitty x Mayhem are uploaded as adults and I don't see them on the breedings page either. Maybe you accidentally entered today as the day to grow? That would explain why the litter doesn't show up either and why we are seeing adults :P Same thing for luv's breeding. And it looks like the eyes on one of the adults hasn't been colored? http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=555663

Umm Gaia

I set them to grow January 1st 2012]

Argh... I'll re-do this later today or tomorrow, whenever I get a chance.

And no YLO, that rat has colored eyes. The white it just bright. I forgot to lwoer the opacity, but they are colored brown
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Alright, thanks for letting me know. They look pure white on both of my screens, so I was wondering. I love his pattern though ^^


Its the eye whites your seeing that make them look white. All around the white is a dark brown, which is also part of the eye. Its jsut less noticable when I dim the opacity. XD



And the brother has red eyes. Same issue with the eye-white. Lol. But if you look around in the eyeball area around the white, you can see the eye color. Its so much harder with dark eyes, though

Yeay for happy people! XD Now to worry about those darn babies that apparently grew 12 months ago.. XD I'll try to get online as soon as I can after college to fix them


He does? But his parents both have brown eyes XD Kitty is my real piggie mimic and hers were brown (ok, technically ruby, but it looks like darkbrown unless flashed with a bright light then it's a very dark redish brown, like maroon) and daddy's eyes seem to be near black. So no clue where the red comes from then XD But they look like a warm caramel brown to me so I shall pretend they are :P


Opps, I meant whatever Kitty's eyes are, thats what he has. XD
It looks reddish to me, but they are the same (mabye a little darker) than moms eyes


Alright, both breeding are fixed. I'll finish breeding seasns last two litters tomorrow. :)


Question... What do the asterisks mean next to those breedings? Seems like I have 3 left.


Those mean that Luv is coloring them <3
She is finished with two breedings, I think, and waiting to upload them all at once