[CDA] Breeding Season Begins!! **Important Info for ALL on page 9!!**

Started by Umm Gaia, October 11, 2012, 07:30:59 PM

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I'll use my points to claim this premade: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554205
And a full custom for which I will post a form later.


I forgot to post last night, but I finished ALl customs except countrys and silvs new three from today, last night.
Check your pets to see how they look! :)

YLO; I wanted to keep celine so bad. xD

Umm Gaia

PM - 45
CutieePiee - 16
Luv - 45
Red_uni387 - 15

These are the usrs with points enough to turn them in still. <3 (I knw PM is just busy, but the others may not know what they've got)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red



It's not that I've forgotten, just that I'm debating between the choices.  :)  I'll shoot you a PM in the morning when my brain is working better, if that's okay?


Okay, here's my custom form! Another piggie mimic of one who does not live here anymore.

Full Custom Rat
Name: JimRodhi
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: male
Eye Color(s): dark brown
Tail|Ear|Feet Color(s): pink
Body Color(s): choco/red/white tricolor
Anything Else?: like this guinea pig please!

Celine turned out amazing, by the way!! I'm really in love with her <3

Umm Gaia

Everythings updated and finished to here.
Well, except Luv's breeding - waiting on a form

PM (Waiting on a form) and Cutiee still have points to turn in. ^^

I have decided I'm setting up the first breeding season on Tuesday. I should have all the extra customs for tomorrow's event done, and everything imported to the site. :)
Of course, the site system wont be used for the first season, sense Silv still has to impliment them and the naming item to the site, but itll be typed up and ready to go Tuesday (Unless something random like my boyfriend picking me up happens XD)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Just 4 customs left to do, (mabye 5) when those usrs get back to me. :)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

The new post is set up for Breeding Season where the points post was. <3

You may start posting/plotting your breedings now! <3 I'll have a thread for my own critters useage soon
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


I'm going to assume breeding is free? And do we need any items to breed this time?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Outside Breeder's Form:
Mother's ID & Link: 91 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554209
Mother's Owner: Kahlira
Items Used: In-Season Breeding Box, Magic feed



Or not lol. I'll sit back and watch. :)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


I assume this is what we need XD All I have is one adult right now. lol!


And I didn't think to check the store. Can I add the magic feed bag I just bought? If not I'll hold onto it to use with my out of season box XD


Sky; Breeding is free, its the items you use that costs.
Fruit Basket(Using this item in a breeding will result in a large litter (5-8) rather than the normal amount) - 150000 SG
In-Season Breeding Box(This item is required for all breedings. This item can only be used during a breeding season.) - 10k
Magic Feed Bag(Using this item during a breeding will result in a fantasy colored litter, no matter what the parents look like.) - 300000 SG

Kah, you may add that. ^^ Just realised I need to add breeding boxes to the store! XD Brb


Yay! Thanks =D

Added it to my form <3


Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link: 553940 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553940
Mother's Owner: Bunraku
Father's ID & Link: 554197 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554197
Father's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: In Season breeding box

Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link: 554199 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554199
Mother's Owner: Bunraku
Father's ID & Link: 553981 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553981
Father's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: In Season breeding box, Magic Feed Bag

Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link: 554088  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554088
Mother's Owner: Wildfilly94
Father's ID & Link: 554214 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554214
Father's Owner: Wildfilly94
Items Used: In season breeding box

I'm hoping we can keep 4 Per breeding if we're registered? XD


Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553980
Mother's Owner: Luv007
Father's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553978
Father's Owner:  Luv007
Items Used:  Breeding Box

Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553979
Mother's Owner: Luv007
Father's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553977
Father's Owner:  Luv007
Items Used:  Breeding Box

Outside Breeder's Form:
Mother's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553971
Mother's Owner:  Luv007
Items Used:  Breeding Box


Yes, 4 per breeding is the amount you can keep if your registered. ^^
Wow thats a bright blue.. XD


Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553947
Mother's Owner: red_uni387
Father's ID & Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553939
Father's Owner: red_uni387
Items Used: Breeding Box

Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553957
Mother's Owner: red_uni387
Father's ID & Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553953
Father's Owner: red_uni387
Items Used: Breeding Box


Outside Breeder's Form:
Mother's ID & Link: 554200 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554200
Mother's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: In Season breeding box

Outside Breeder's Form:
Mother's ID & Link: 553969 http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553969
Mother's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: In Season breeding box

I hope I didn't miss anything about a limit on slots lol ><; *is obsessed*

Umm Gaia

Edited the forms a bit, and changed that regular form to sky blue. My eyes were hurting XD

ETA: Nope, no limit Bun. ^^ That may change after this season, depending on how it goes, but for now theres no limit
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554086
Mother's Owner: red_uni387
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554214
Father's Owner: Wildfilly94
Items Used: Breeding Box

Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553974
Mother's Owner: red_uni387
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553958
Father's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: Breeding Box

Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553967
Mother's Owner: red_uni387
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554198
Father's Owner: Bunraku
Items Used: Breeding Box


Outside Breeder's Form:
Mother's Link: 104 http://secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554264
Mother's Owner: Country198606
Items Used: In Season Breeding Box and Magic Feed Bag

Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link:http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553985
Mother's Owner: Country198606
Father's Link:http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553984 Father's Owner: Country198606
Items Used:In-Season Breeding Box and Fruit Basket

I also have one female that I am not using if anyone would like to use her and my male is free to use ^-^

Edited to fix items


Country, I'd love you use your female and male together.  I can offer a baby from their litter?



Permission Form:
Pet Link:http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553942 Permission Given To: Luv007

Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553984
Permission Given To: Luv007


Regular Breeding:
Mother's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553942
Mother's Owner: country198606
Father's ID & Link:  http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553984
Father's Owner:  country198606
Items Used:  Breeding Box


Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553958
Permission Given To:red_uni387

Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554198
Permission Given To: red_uni387


This is super exciting!! I made a post in Breeding Area in case anybody wants to borrow any of my gorgeous pets <3 I'll wait to submit my breedings until I have an answer to a question I PMed to your main ^^

By the way, I noticed the white and cyan snake egg is entered into the growing system twice, once for November 9 and once for November 23 xD And the fruit basket in the store still says it gives 5-8 babies, you may wanna change that before anyone buys it and ends up disappointed <3



The snake was no error, as they have two growth stages, so one date for him/her to grow into a hatchling, and another for him/her to grow into an adult. ^^ (Its weird, I know, but thats how it goes XD)

Thanks for letting me know ont hat basket, I'll go change that and update the breeding list shortly.

Umm Gaia

Country; For oyu first breeding, you put an out of season box. That sifne by me, but I was just wanting to be sure thats what you wanted to use? Out of season boxes may be used at ANY time, whereas In season boxes are ONLY usable during a breeding season. If you want to use the outside box during the seasonm thats alright, just wanted to clarify. ^^
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553975
Mother's Owner: CutieePiee
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554309
Father's Owner: YourLoveOnly
Items Used: Breeding Box


Ohh guys@ Forgot to mention Silv fixed the codding errors. So the naming tag works! Yeay! :D

The item for the sites breeding system works too, so for next season, well be switching to the system quinsta use to sumbit breedings ^^


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553945
Mother's Owner: YourLoveOnly
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553976
Father's Owner: CutieePiee
Items Used: Breeding Box


XD I will go buy another, I wasn't sure, but if I can save that one for a rainy day then I will lol. I shall get it fix!


I have a fantasy girl right here that I won't be using just yet, so if anyone would like to use, her, feel free. Fee is one baby :)


Quote from: Saturnalia on November 07, 2012, 03:35:39 PM
I have a fantasy girl right here that I won't be using just yet, so if anyone would like to use, her, feel free. Fee is one baby :)
Would love to use her if you don't mind?


Go right ahead! Here's the permission form :)

Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554377
Permission Given To: Luv007


Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553987
Permission Given To: CutieePiee

And, I'll post this breeding here too, for just in case....

Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554322
Mother's Owner: Silvanon
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554093
Father's Owner: Silvanon
Items Used: Breeding Box (already taken by the system) Magic Feed, Fruit Basket


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553987
Mother's Owner: Silvanon
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553970
Father's Owner: CutieePiee
Items Used: Breeding Box


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554308
Mother's Owner: Silvanon
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553989
Father's Owner: Silvanon
Items Used: Breeding Box


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: url=http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554090
Mother's Owner: skysnolimit
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554091
Father's Owner: Wildfilly
Items Used: In-Season Breeding Box



Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554306
Mother's Owner: Silvanon
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554087
Father's Owner: Winged dreams
Items Used: In-Season Breeding Box
Owner of Gliders!


Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554202
Permission Given To: Wildfilly94

Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553945
Permission Given To: CutieePiee

Permission Form:
Pet Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554309
Permission Given To: CutieePiee


Regular Breeding:
Mother's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554098
Mother's Owner: Rosedawn
Father's Link: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=554097
Father's Owner: Rosedawn
Items Used:
In Season Breeding Box


Gah, Photoshop wont work on this laptop of my bfs, because its too slow. >.>
So, updates will happen tomorrow, and hopefully I'll get some of these breedings knocked out.

Sorry for the wait guys!!