[CDA] Breeding Season Begins!! **Important Info for ALL on page 9!!**

Started by Umm Gaia, October 11, 2012, 07:30:59 PM

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Didn't wanna edit a post with a quiz answer, but the link to the premade pets in the trivia post leads to people's own petpage instead of the one that holds your premades.

Umm Gaia

Hmmm.... >.> Lemme jump back to my main and link to it that way. Thanks for letting me know of that! I thought it may do that. Haha.

Race Day Five Results!

First number 1 or 2--> You try to climb your way down..
First number 3 or 4 --> You attempt to jump down..
Second number 1 or 2--> You go on your own, alone,  down the hill..
Second number 3 or 4--> You are rescused by your horse, who happens to have wings..
Last number Even--> You gain [# of points your third number was]!
Last number Odd--> You lose [# of points your third number was].. :(

Two days remain of your rediculous journey for the fantasy baby girl! Do you stop to rest or continue on ahead?[/b]
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


You don't even need to switch accounts, just go to the pets on your account from the Display page instead of directly from the Pets page. If you go to Display --> CDA's Pets --> CDA and grab that link instead of Pets --> CDA it will work! :)

Umm Gaia

Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red



I wish I knew what eyecolor the black and white baby boy has so I can decide if I shall claim him with my points XD



-it's PM hidden of course but have to post
.Feline and Canine Fanciers Club. Owned by Wild & YLO.
Further supported by BlueOrchidWolf & PonyMama {HIATUS}


YLO; Their brown. Dunno if this means yeay or nay? Haha.


That's a nay then :P Domino is also black and white with brown eyes, so I am looking for a bit more variety. I was hoping for like a dark blue or something :P Instead I shall debate if I am gonna exchange for the grey baby girl or a semi custom or.. aaah, so many awesome choices!



Three more points for a fantasy custom, which is what I'm going for.  I want my Forgotten Love and Brightening Shadows and this is a GREAT way to get one when you don't have the SG.  So yay!


I want my herd to stay natural colored, so I am trying to decide between other options XD
By the way, I have a Magic Feed item as part of my registration which makes all babies fantasy colored no matter what parents you use, I do not plan on using this, ever, so if anyone wants to make a trade offer on it, feel free!



Continue on ahead....made it this far lol



And I'm soo tiired, think I'm gonna stop and rest.


Umm Gaia

Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


After giving it some thought I'd like to claim this girl with my prize points: http://www.secundi.net/critterpage.php?ID=553995

I was also wondering, can we buy snake customs with our points or SG too? Or is it just rats for now?

Umm Gaia

Random.org picked the points you get for this question. Everyone got a seperate roll, with a chance from 1-5 points. I did not count the extra points for first to post, etc this round.

Point Tallys:
PM - 2 Points (37 total)
YLO - 2 Points 19 total) -Took 10 for the ratty claim
Kahlira - 5 Points (19 total)
CutieePiee - (16 total)
Luv - 1 Point (38 total)
Country - 4 Points (24 total)
Bunraku - 3 Points (37 total)
Winged dreams - (4 total)
Red_uni387 - 2 Points(10 total)

Next Question!:Pick 1 - Shirt, Pants, Socks, or Shoes?

For those wondering, this will be Similar to the last question, yet different... >.> Lol.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Race Day Six Results!

Continue: You run on ahead of everyone else, though you get stuck in a sticky pit of mud! Your rescued soon after, to see Kah running up past you, unharmed. (+1)
Rest: You decide to rest and eat. Relaxing and wonderful. Yeay nothing happened to you! (+2)

The last day. The last task. Thank goodness! Roll a 1d4 to see how it all ends![/u][/b]
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Sppaaammm. >.>

YLO: You may claim a snake, if any are labeled as 'Name me' and not 'Event'. :)
The little girl should be at home with you, though unless you have a name you'd like to give me, she'll have to wait to be named until Silv codes the naming item. <3
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red



Looks like I'mma have to spam DX
[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 3, total 3[/blockquote]



[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]  I'm in the negatives, so I have no chance, but this is fun!



That actually does not answer my question.. I asked if we could have semi and full customs as snakes (either with points or bought with SG or both), not premades :P All premades snakes say event XD And I'm really hoping to have some of my old Imperial Luung from the Crossroads turned into CDA snakes!



[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]


Colorful socks! Bright neon zigzaggy =D

Uh wait yeah xD

[blockquote]Rolled 1d4 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

Umm Gaia

Ohh, Right. xD Yes it applies for all the point prizes, not just premades.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Umm Gaia

Everyone gets two points! + 2 if I'm wearing what you picked (Shirt & Pants) +1-3 on random.org roll if you guessed Socks/Shoes

Point Tallys:
PM - 4 Points (41 total)
YLO - 4 Points (24 total)
Kahlira - 5 Points (24 total)
CutieePiee - (16 total)
Luv - 5 Points (43 total)
Country - 3 Points (27 total)
Bunraku - 4 Points (41 total)
Winged dreams - (4 total)
Red_uni387 - 4 Points (14 total)

LAST Question!:What Color of the Skittles Candy is my favorite?

Tomorrow I'll tally up the last questions point totals.
All points much be turned in for prizes within 2 days of the last tally up. If you don't turn your points in (If you didn't want to, or missed it) you'll get 1k per point you didn't turn in.
Snakes are implimented in the prize system now as well, and I have the forms for snake customs up, as well as pricing. ^^
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red




Now, there seem to be two SG slots left!

Full Custom Snake
Name: Emma
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Eye Color(s): blue
Body Color(s) + Marking(s): Lesser Cinnabee het. pied
Anything Else?:

Full Custom Snake
Name: Imogen
Owner: YourLoveOnly
Gender: female
Eye Color(s): dark blue
Body Color(s) + Marking(s): Black Pastel het. pied
Anything Else?:


Red? O: I <3 Red >>;

I'd love to turn in my points for a full fantasy custom please <3


Umm Gaia

Race Day Six Results!

1-->You see the race finish line ahead, you sprint with all your might and fly past that line! (+4)
2-->You crawl to the finish line, passing out the second you touch the line (+1)
3-->You're sweating, in tears, and make it past the finish line in record time, seconds behind #1 rollers! (+3)
4-->You casually run past the finish line like you were born to run (+2)

Thank you all for playing, it was wonderful and fun! Though some of you may want to see a doctor now.. XD[/b]

Kahlira Wins! Congrats Kah!
Everyone else got a random.org roll for a Fruist Basket or Out of Season Box, or Magic Feed.
Bunraku - Fruit Basket
Country198606 - Fruit Basket
Luv007 - Magic Feed
CrystalAngelNeko - Out of Season Breeding Box
CutieePiee - Fruit Basket

All of these will be put in your inventories shortly, and Kah, Your little one will stay as Name me until Silv activates the naming item, or if you have a name for her already, I can update that for you. :)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

Everythings updated!

Bun - Pm me the form please :) Also a form for your semi custom for that naming item, if you've got an idea for it yet?
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Oh darn I forgot the semi custom completely XD Thank you for reminding me <3

And congrats Kah! X3


Oh sweet mother of purpleness! She's a doll! Thank you =D



Purple are my favorite!

And yay!  I hit my 40 pt mark!

Umm Gaia

Point Tallys:
PM - 1 Point (45 total)
YLO - 4 Points (30 total)
Kahlira - 2 Points (16 total)
CutieePiee - (16 total)
Luv - 2 Points (45 total)
Country - 2 Points (30 total)
Bunraku - 2 Points (45 total)
Winged dreams - (4 total)
Red_uni387 - 1 Point (15 total)

If you were between 1-3 away from a certian amount on the point system, I gave ya the points, which you can see up there already in your total ;P All points much be turned in for prizes within the next 2 days. If you don't turn your points in (Whether you didn't want to, or missed it) you'll get 1k per point you didn't turn in.
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red

Umm Gaia

I have ALOT of customs to do, which I'll start on when I'm home today (Unless mom takes the comp. Lol) and if everything get's caught up, I'll be doing a couple frankens, then (Most likely NOT today) our First Breeding Season!! :D

Frankens and Breeding Season will occur in THIS thread. Hopefully once everyone has claimed their prizes, I can use that post for breeding info and forms and all that lovely stuff. If not, I'll use the 'You may post' post.

Anywho, Yeay! XD
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


Will there be more premades soon? I'm not interested in fantast things, if I pick a breeding I have 5 points left, or 10 if I pick a Custom instead but there are no more premades to claim with those points XD

Umm Gaia

That's another thing I have on my to-do list today. Yes, there will be atleast a couple more snakes and rats for premade claims up later today (I hope)
Banu Gaia (formerly CDA)
Sarah posts in Blue
Wildfilly94 posts in Green
Arty posts in Purple
Victoria posts in Red


So I has 16 points, how does I redeem for a semi custom? Post here or the sent to the CDA account?
