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SecuNaadi (hurhur) *Naa* (Flatsale Names, Please!)

Started by sera, January 25, 2010, 12:44:32 AM

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I dont think ive posted a name for him so


Also id love a breeding season!


Yes yes breeding. Although I need to get those trades to you, still >.< *is frustrated with herself*
I can't even remember how many I am getting anymore.. daah. *goes to search through her 568 PMs* This will take a while xD


All Naa named to here.  ^^

Bribe Auction is up! =-0!

YLO, we can just cancel the trades and re-figure things out later, if that would be easier. ^^;;; 

i'm still eyeing breedings thoughtfully, but i'm hoping to 'ink' my female outline beforehand. Ooohhhhh. xD;  i have a fun little sketch for her, so. . .   Here's hoping i'll have a chance to do so soon. xD;


My ever dying love? 8D And perhaps a dice or two.

Edt: New bribe up. No more luv for j00

*bribes bribes*


Slight twist to the CoE game!

Colour /Pattern/  ^^ Interpret as you will.


How about . . .

Base color of a #5C74C0 variety in uneven waves like-a-so >3



A reserved *un*limited ring neck snake gidget. I'm not doing LLs so once you get it you can breed/trade as you like. Along with 10k sg.


Attempts to bribe you with this pretty.


The bribes are quite intriguing thus far! <3

New pick-up posted. ^^


Inspirational Picture! 

The CoE has apparently taken a strange turn. xD;  First to post a NON-HOTLINKED image will get a Naa based on that image.  NOTE: This is /not/ guaranteed to be a mimic. xD;  i may just fall in love with a colour or idea from your picture. ^^


*Glees over the newest pickup!* You did a most excellent job X3 *luffs*

Someone quick, post a picture of Howl! xD;



*hums at new pickups and debates throwing up one more CoE to be worked on later*

^^ Will need names for both of these fellows.


Leandros for the water male xD;

In Greek legend Leander was the lover of Hero. Every night he swam across the Hellespont to meet her, but on one occasion he was drowned when a storm arose.


Ooh, my first :)

Name him Militiades please - it's Greek for "of the red earth."


Named to here.  i'm surprisingly fond of both of those, actually. xD 

Annnddd. . . 2xCoE!  Special rules apply! D8
Nature Writing!

Either a short poem or piece of prose (either original or from someone else, but must be cited!)!  [So if you take a piece from Kipling, be sure to say that Kipling wrote it.  ^^]

Inspirational Image!

For NON-OWNERS ONLY! ^^  First to non-owner to post a NON-HOTLINKED image will get a Naa based on that image.  NOTE: This is /not/ guaranteed to be a mimic. xD;  i may just fall in love with a colour or idea from your picture. ^^


Dawn blushed; betrayed her waking sky
To gently break another morrow fine.
Night waned – the black receding – highland
Reaching for the early morning wine.
~Mark Slaughter


I was bored, so I did a (very basic) profile blank.  I called it "earth-based" just because it seemed more suited to earth elemental Naa, but anyone may use it for any Naa regardless of elemental affinity.


The fog comes
on little cat feet.   

It sits looking   
over harbor and city   
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
~Carl Sandburg


Auction is closing in a few hours!  ^^

Working on the other CoEs.  ^^


Auction is closed, the winner is. . .

kasatsu! <3  i have loved that Saluki for ages. xD;;;;  Please post a name for your lovely blue merle.  ^^

Thank you, springacres, for the blank profile.  ^^  i don't mind certs, but i rarely pursue them on any of my actual adoptions. . . not really sure why. xD;  If people would prefer the Naa be certed, however, it's something i will look into pursuing. ^^  Just let me know by posting here or a PM.  ^^

CoEs are being coloured slowly. x__X;  Ironically or not, my arm is trying to give out on me, so i'm trying to avoid using it too terribly much until it recovers.  Silly arm. <<;  i think i have one nearly finished, though, so, SeaCrest, expect a pick up tonight.  He's going to be a lot more simple than i originally envision, but. .  .  Bleh.  Maybe i should take some meds.  >>;

There will be a contest + flatsale up soon! *__* i hope to get it up tonight, actually, as the contest will be open for at least a few days, perhaps a full week.    ^^



*fluffs you and your lame arm* D8

Yatta and arigatou! <3 He really is insanely adorable for some reason xD;; So ironically or not he's being named Merle. *ish lame*

Saluki ish now marked for trade.


Pick-up for SeaCrest and the contest is live! ^^

*Does not mention special secret about contest Naa* >3


D8 Some of those are insanely teasingly tough. Argh.

Just for confirmation of sanity or lack-thereof, each of these are part of independent shows/series?


hehehee  i can't help but be rather pleased. xD  i don't want them to be too hard, but i also didn't want them to be too easy.  xD

They are each from a different place.  ^^ 


Eee, so pretty! Do I have to post the name here?




And named!  ^^  *super pleased that you like him* And Zeron is an AWESOME name. x3


Quote from: sera on April 30, 2010, 11:51:32 PM
And named!  ^^  *super pleased that you like him* And Zeron is an AWESOME name. x3



Slight contest update:

You can send in as many updated entries as you would like, but your LAST entry will rewrite the previous ones, so be certain to include all of your answers in each PM.  ^^ 

A recap. . .

Clue #1
Each character is from a different show/series.


Some clues will direct you towards the character, and some will direct you towards the show/series.

Clue #2:
While they may have a main role in the plots, they are not main characters.

Because that one potentially isn't too terribly helpful. . .
Clue #3:
One of these characters is a villain; one used to be a villain then was redeemed; one is sort of villified, though he is not actually a villain.


Clue #4
All characters come from shows advertised for children (at least, stateside. xD;)

Clue #5
Like their Naa counterparts, all of the characters are male. 


Clue #6:
One of the character's does not like Hen's singing.


Clue #7:
One of the characters didn't start out over 9000, but eventually got there.


Clue #8:
One of the characters sings a song about pirates.


Current last two of the hints. .  .  ^^  If anyone wants anymore, they might need to speak up. lol

Clue #9:
One of the characters will teach you another language.

Clue #10:
One of the characters was originally one in 150.


Closed~.  Will edit with answers shortly.  ^^  

A. Robbie Rotten, Lazy Town
B. Raichu, Pikadiator, ooh, i mean Pokemon
C. Piccolo, Dragonball Z
D. Rintoo, Ni Hao, Kai-lan
E. Cat, Little Bear


Quote from: sera on May 08, 2010, 03:22:17 PM
Closed~.  Will edit with answers shortly.  ^^  

A. Robbie Rotten, Lazy Town
B. Raichu, Pikadiator, ooh, i mean Pokemon
C. Piccolo, Dragonball Z
D. Rintoo, Ni Hao, Kai-lan
E. Cat, Little Bear


I KNEW I saw that pattern somewhere! Robbie Rotten, of all people...well, i haven't watched Lazy Town in a while...

And Raichu...*shakes head* I was close XD

Congrats to anyone who won!



1st place with a perfect score of 10 out of 10. . . .

kasatsu!  Congratulations!!! ^^

2nd place with a score of 5 out of 10. . . .

Ryuukokoto!  Congratulations!!! ^^

All five of the character Naa will be available in the flatsale.  ^^  i hope to get the flatsale up tomorrow or Monday at the latest.  (It's currently delayed in hopes of Reno working well enough for me to play a bit with the female Naa outline and maybe get some females FINALLY out. xD;)

Again, all participants will get a 5k off voucher, which i will be uploading into your inventories shortly.

Congratulations again to our winners, and thank you everyone who played! ^^



Okay, asking for preferences. xD

Would ya'll prefer a flatsale now of the character Naa?  Or a later flatsale (hopefully next weekend?) with more Naa?  Because the female's basic outline is done, but there's still a lot of work to be done on her before she's ready. . .   

So, which would you prefer?


the Hopefully next weekend one! More Naa, more Naa X3!



Base outline complete!
B type outline complete!
Base body colour complete!
B type colour complete!
Initiating. . . body shading. . .

Arm. . . twitching. xD;;;





sera's trying to get some trade/auction/game females done.  Here's the first one completed:

This little lady has a sister that sera is keeping, so if whoever gets her would ever /want/ to RP, sera would be glad to. ^^  Anyways.

i also hope to get the flatsale up soon with less Naa than originally planned. =P  Just expect to see lots of contests for females for awhile. xD; 

There is a chance i may just cancel the original breedings thread; my arm is SO not up for traditional Naa, and i'd like to work on Garney's Angel Naa when it does work for that (so rarely it's not even funny. -.-;)  If that won't make people too mad, i shall; if it does, then those that have already signed will be left on my list of 'eventual things to do when my arm lets me'.

For a sort of potential timetable, i got through this cheetah mimic and maybe halfway through another mimic before my arm gave out entirely.  It is now twitching and i'm running out of meds, so. . . xD;  Yes.  If that helps you guestimate, please feel free.  ^^