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SecuNaadi (hurhur) *Naa* (Flatsale Names, Please!)

Started by sera, January 25, 2010, 12:44:32 AM

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Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

Her name was Chaos, a name chosen to reflect her past, to reflect how she viewed her future.  This was a world of second chances and she had brought with her those searching for exactly that; a second chance that didn't need to be built upon the bodies of their friends and family.  When the epidemic had struck, it had struck hard, fast, and left its lingering finger dancing upon the lives of those it had left behind.  Chaos meant to forget that; to forge a new world for her kind.  By all that was Good and Right, she would do just that.

A second chance on a new world.

Naavainemar are mostly equine creatures with canine forepaws.  They are notable for their faceplates, ear tufts, and exaggerated builds.  Naa can come in virtually any colour or element and in three basic Types: A Type, b Type, and c Type.  C Types may or may not have a mane.

Naa are available in traditional or template format.  Templates are currently male only.  Traditional Naa, like the traditional Paints, are hand-drawn and coloured and prices will reflect that.  Please check the customs post(5) for more information.

Some general Naa info is available HERE, though not everything will be pertinent for Secundi.  ^^  Please check the breeding post(4) for Secundi breeding rules.

Naa are highly encouraged to be RPed; presents, breedings, etc are fairly common for those who RP their Naa.  ^^

Some Naa will be available with a foal stage; please check the breeding post(4) for more information.

Secundi Naa will live in an owner's folder on this photobucket account.  Non-Secundi Naa may be imported to this folder for a fee to be used on Secundi.  They will not be restricted from non-Secundi activities unless you specifically request them to be.  

Owners Album


Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

On Hold
[FrankeNaa : Get a one-of-a-kind traditional Naa! =-0

Post the form in TEAL.  Random traits will be chosen, and the owner chosen from those whose trait were chosen.  ^^

Element: (Fire, Water, Air, Earth)
Type: (A,b,C)
Hair color:
Mutation: (Basically anything is possible; feel free to be as creative as you want)
Mutation colour:
Body colour:
Eye/hoof colour:
Jewelry: (If any)
Jewelry color:

Pick-A-CorE: Get a Naa based on your Colour or Element choice!

When sera posts a word in maroon, the first person to reply will get a Naa based off your choice!  For example, if sera posts Colour!, the first person to post a colour will get a Naa using that colour!  

sera will either post colour or element and you can be as generic or specific as you want.  ^^  If you choose a very specific colour, i will match it as closely as i can, or you can provide the HEX code for it.  CorEs will now almost always be template Naa.  xD  Naa elements can be as generic as Earth, Air, Fire, Water, etc, or as specific as Lightning, Stormy Seas, etc.

Guess the Character!

You'll find 5 Naa shown below.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to guess which each of the characters is!  Answers must be PMed to me with the title "Character Contest".  Anyone posting their answers (or clues) in the thread will be disqualified, so please don't. ^^  Obviously this also means to not share answers outside of the thread either.

You can update your answers by sending in a new PM; be sure to include all of your answers every time you send in.  i'll basically be throwing out your earlier entries in lieu of your last one.  ^^

If they seem too hard, i will release hints, so you can talk in thread to let me know if any of them are totally unrecognizable. ^^;;;;  

When you PM me with your answers, please use the following format:
A. Character Name, Where Character is From
B. Character Name, Where Character is From
    etc, etc.
A. Tinman, Wizard of Oz

Each answer counts as two points.  Whoever has the most points at the end of the contest, wins! ^^  In the case of a tie, winners will be randomized for first place.

First place: First choice of one of the flatsale Naa!
Second place: Second choice of one of the flatsale Naa!

Everyone who enters gets a voucher for 5k off of a flatsale.  ^^  This item will be placed in your inventory and can be used in this flatsale or a later one. ^^

Contest opens: CLOSED NOW!
Contest ends: 08May at 12:00:00 SGT (Yes, that is noon forum time. ^^)



Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

Opens at MIDNIGHT exactly
1. 150k SG
2. 100k SG Taken, Keilin
3. 100k SG Taken, Nako
4. 100k SG Taken, YLO
5. Taken; Char Contest Prize Ryuu
6. 50k SG Taken, Goddesss
7. 50k SG
8. * 75k SG Taken, kasatsu
9. * 50k SG Taken, springacres
10. * Taken; Char Contest prize kasatsu

*: Guest coloured by Xenon! Thank you!

Flatsale Purchase Form
Naa Number: (The number to the left of their image)
Owner: (Gifting is allowed)
Certificates Used: (If any)

Beginning: --
Ending: --
Winner: --


Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

Traditionally, Naa have joined breeding groups called I'eres in order to breed; Chaos, however, did not bring that tradition with her.  The only requirement now is one male and one female.  Most Naa will probably still take only certain others as mates, but it's not impossible for them to breed with others without repercussions.  If you decide to 'import' your previous Naa into Secundi, they, too, will be free of the I'er requirements; any breedings outside of Secundi, however, will still require their I'er.

It is now possible for Naa to come in a foal stage.  Foal stages are subject to changes. (Basically, i'm not sure if i like them to have this level of detail. Lol)  Some breedings will automatically come as foals, and some will come as adults.  These will be marked.  If you definitely want a foal stage, an extra fee will be charged.  

You may allow others the use of your Naa for breedings and you may charge a fee for the privilege.  Please don't charge more for the use of your Naa than the cost of a breeding. xD;  

When breedings are open, you will need to pay a fee for the breeding and fill out the below form in green.  By filling out the form, you agree that you have permissions to use the listed Naa.

Mother's ID:
Mother's Owner:
Father's ID:
Father's Owner:
Foal stage: Y/N (By choosing Yes, you agree to pay the extra fee if there is one.)

Breedings are: CLOSED


Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

Custom Naa are available for the following things:
USD (virtually always)
Bribes/Trades (sometimes)
SG (when marked)

Unless otherwise requested, custom Naa will come in traditional format: therefore, hand-drawn and coloured.  Prices are subject to change and depend on the level of complication.  All prices are baseline (though i'll try to keep them as close to baseline as possible. Lol)

Single Element Naa: 7$
Double Element: 1$+
Mutations: .50+
Jewelry: .25+
Foal stage: 2$

Custom Naa should be finished within one week, barring large orders or a large number of orders.  ^^  Payment should be made through Paypal to seraaches @ gmail . com.  Payment should be sent before i begin your order.  Please include your username in the Comments section.  If you'd like to do a USD payment through another means, PM me.  ^^

Custom orders should fill out this form in purple:

Owner: (If other than you)
Element: (Either specific or general)
Type: (1,2) (A,b,C)
Mutation(s): (If any)
Jewelry: (If any)

You may also order a breeding for 5$ by filling out this form in purple:

Mother's ID:
Mother's Owner:
Father's ID:
Father's Owner:
Foal stage: Y/N (By choosing Yes, you agree to pay the extra 2$.)

You must have both owners' permission to order a breeding.  

Customs are : USD Open, Bribe/Trade Open

Importing Naa is possible for the modest fee of 100SG.  Slots are per Naa, not per owner.  When putting in an import request, please fill out the following form in orange.  Imports will occur when your SG has been sent.


Imports are: 5/5 Open


Story.Intro Games.Contest Flatsale.Auction Breedings Customs Pickups

Named Naa will now be removed from the pick-ups.
FrankeNaa #1

QuoteThere were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

  1. Yruvian
  2. YLO
  3. Spixy
  4. Dunkel
  5. IvySpring

Timestamp: 2010-02-05 00:41:15 UTC


Oh, i miscounted. xD Thread open, and sera shall be updating with import+custom slots. ^^


Gender: Female
Element: Earth
Type: B
Hair color: Coppery-red
Mutation: (not sure if this is allowed) but antlers? like a white-tailed deer, that grow near the ear tufts
Mutation colour: brown
Body colour: Emerald green
Eye/hoof colour: Brown
Jewelry: Ivy vines woven throughout mane/tail
Jewelry color: Green

Venus and Zephyr


FrankeNaa Form:

Gender: Female
Element: Air
Type: B
Hair color: Silver
Mutation: Feathered Dragon wings
Mutation colour: Royal blue and silver
Body colour: Royal blue
Eye/hoof colour: Silver
Jewelry: Bracelets
Jewelry color: Silver



Gender: Male
Element: Fire
Type: B
Hair color: Black, red stripe.
Mutation: Demon wings. Horn.
Mutation colour: White horn. Black wings with a red pattern.
Body colour: Black.
Eye/hoof colour: Silver.
Jewelry: Plated armor on forelegs.
Jewelry color: Silver

I hope we were allowed to put in more than one mutation; else I'll just delete one of them.

<3 on the uniqueness.


Gender: Female
Element: Water
Type: b
Hair color: Red
Mutation: Ram's horns
Mutation colour: Black
Body colour: White
Eye/hoof colour: Green
Jewelry: (If any) Necklace
Jewelry color:  golden


Gender: Female
Element: Water
Type: B
Hair color: cyan
Mutation: feathered wings
Mutation colour: same as body
Body colour: white
Eye/hoof colour: silver
Jewelry: bracelets on all 4 legs
Jewelry color: silver

Will there be more examples up? I am pondering to both bribe and buy USD customs, but I would like to see some more examples (like the difference between 1 and 2).


Yruvoan, please edit your form to be teal (to make it easier on me ^^).

YLO, gya, i was going to do that last night and totally got distracted.  The non-Secundi Naa directory is here.  Please check the higher numbers; Naa have come a llooonngg way. lol

The 1 and 2 refer to knee size, actually.  Most Naa are 2's now.  S'reaneas is a 1A Type, if that helps.  ^^


xD That's a lot of Naa O.o
*runs off to decide on bribes*


Aaand before I forget: 5K to start the auction ^^


i'll be starting on a frankeNaa or two tonight. . .  ^^ Get those forms in!


Ended up having to do lots of running around and then i finished my Orlaya CYOs. . . hehe 

2 forms randomized and in the works!  Odd that they'll have the same mutation in the same colours. xD;  The first is sketched, i hope to get the second one sketched tonight, and i also hope to get the first one coloured tomorrow, perhaps both of them!  ^^


Venus and Zephyr


Guh, stuff keeps eating my face as i try to sit and colour!  <<  The two forms i have are inked! 

YLO, you have won the auction; congratulations! ^^  Please fill out the custom form in green.  ^^  i hope to get these done soon and i'm very sorry for the constant delays! =P


XD Now I need to think of three customs.
My mind is just all over the place, I am so busy >.<
I shall try to fill these out asap, I promise.


Pick-ups in Post 6! ^^  If i get a chance to do more, i shall. ^^  Commissions to assist SplitX will come first. ^^


Oh my lord! So amazing! O___O -snugs sera-

Is mine a male or female?


Both are females.  ^^  Hoping to start a new game, soon! =3


FrankeNaa /is/ still open.  Unless i get in more forms, it will likely close soon.

And. . . . .


Venus and Zephyr


Gender: Male
Element: Earth
Type: C
Hair color: Red
Mutation: Something Random?
Mutation colour:
Body colour: Green-Blue
Eye/hoof colour: Purple
Jewelry: Maybe!
Jewelry color: If so, Green



Gender: Male
Element: Air
Type: B
Hair color: White
Mutation: Wings
Mutation colour: Silver 
Body colour: greyish-light blue
Eye/hoof colour: Dark blue
Jewelry: bangles
Jewelry color: silver

Venus and Zephyr



Winners, please let me know a name so i can update their info in the photobucket account.

If you haven't poked around, your Naa's full notes (and simple genetics, lol) can be found in the photobucket account. ^^



Sure thing, Echowing!

And. . .

Element #1

Colour! #2

Two different people, please.  ^^



New pick-up and still waiting on lots of names.  ^^  Sorry for the delay on him.  <<;  Trying to work on trades as well. xD;


NAME! Ku has name!

. . . *goes to go look it up again*

Aha! Vesta!

"The Roman goddess of the hearth, home, and family. Vesta's presence was symbolized by the sacred fire that burned at her hearth and temples." Fitting, ne?

Thankies, again, for the pretty!


Updated through here. ^^

Waiting on:
Yruvian's Name
YLO's Custom Form


I got a pick the color slot, but I never saw a Naa?
And yes yes I know I still owe you forms, sorryyy xD
I think I know what I want now, though, so you should get them soon.

Edit: did I ever send the 5K or not? I can't remember X.x


i'm still working on your red Naa. ^^  Trying to figure out if i can get the template officially down for yours or if i'm just going to do another traditional Naa. xD;;;; 

And nope on the 5k. ^^  i wasn't going to stress about it until i received your form, though. xD;


*hums to self*

Snot, template Naa are huge. xD;  Let me know if ya'll think they should be scaled down a bit more. . . Though that'd jack with any of the ones currently done, hrms. . .

Looking to make up some new items and perhaps an auction. . .  Dun dun dduunn!  ^^


He swarms you! D8  lol i hope you like him, Hunni. ^^; 

*Wanders off to play WoW and plot breedings and female poses*


Oh hes amazing! what neat markings.

I really hope to grab a tradtional one day..i shall order it with a broken faceplate >.>



Named through here. ^^

If you haven't yet named your Naa, please post here to do so.

Hrms. . . is anyone interested in breedings?  ^^  There will be wild mares and stallions available for this breeding session if there is interest. . .
