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[Miniwyvs] Breeding Time! (OPEN!)

Started by Saturnalia, October 03, 2012, 08:40:19 PM

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I give permission for YLO to use Haru :3


I shall save that plot for next time. I have a better plot now 8D
I do want to buy rainbow dust and greenish dust, SG sent! And I hope we shall have an item someday to pick outlines ^^

Room Requested: Raindrop Room
Male: Sometimes
Male's Owner: Kahlira
Female: Haru
Female's Owner: Bunraku
Using Dust Vials? Rainbow dust, to give all babies white.
Stickywyvs?: No


YLO has my permission to use Sometimes.


Great! I'll work on that in a bit, after I do the summons!

And yes. The swirly leafies, and the tattoos, count as accessories and each has a 50% chance of passing to offspring :) You'll be able to tell by the egg, as well, whether they've inherited an accessory. (Though maybe not what, exactly, it is!)

Also, I'll think about adding an outline-picking item :)


Room Requested: The Stalactite Room
Male: Seraphim
Male's Owner: Bunraku
Female: Minty
Female's Owner: Bunraku
Using Dust Vials? : Rainbow Dust-Black
Stickywyvs*?: No


Haru & Sometimes produced only one eggy this time around. Still, it's a very cute little eggy!

It will hatch on December 3rd, or around then :)


That is so cute! *snuggles eggie*
Bun PM me a semi custom Panda Shrimp form anytime, k? <3



Seraphim and Minty have produced two rather striking eggs!



They are accompanied by little giftboxes, signifying that an accessory comes with each, thanks to their father.

They'll hatch in about a week!


That is the cutest thing ever XD Now I wanna breed Miniwyvs with accessoiries too! :P


Eee thank you sat! X33 Seraphim makes such pretty eggies <3


They were a lot of fun to do, Bun!

YLO, I just did up those little boxes last night. Glad you like them! :D

*works on December event stuff* wheeee!


Room Requested: The Flame Room
Male: Dirk
Male's Owner: Wildfilly94
Female: Selena
Female's Owner: Wildfilly94
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No

I hope its okay to use these two, even though I entered them into the christmas breeding thing too? :O


Normally I'd say no, but since the Christmas one is a special sort of thing I'll allow it :)



Keilyn has my permission to use Lola.

Keilin Alyr

I'm hoping this would still be okay. I feel kinda bad entering Frost when I also entered him into the Moon Room, but he was my only adult Miniwyv at the time. Sorry about that! ^^;

Room Requested: The Flower Room
Male: Frost
Male's Owner: Keilin Alyr
Female: Lola
Female's Owner: Kahlira
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


That's fine; I'm treating the Moon Room as it's own special thingy anyway :)

Still working on that set of breedings, and then I'll get to the recent two in here!


Keilin, don't forget to send along the breeding room fee when you get a chance :)

Keilin Alyr

Hmm, I would have sworn I... I guess not. ^^;

I'll blame this cold for throwing my mind out of whack, sorry about that! ^^;

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


No worries! :D I've done the same lately, but thanks to a frustratingly spotty internet connection instead of a cold... blarg!


Room Requested: The Leaf Room
Male: Venias
Male's Owner: Bunraku
Female: Pumpkin
Female's Owner: Winged dreams
Using Dust Vials? Rainbow Dust (buying)- The silver or cyan colour in the father's pattern
Stickywyvs*?: No

Have any of the other rooms become available without you posting? The stalactite or raindrop room would be perfect, but leaf room is good too :)
Owner of Gliders!


I'll add that in... the other rooms still haven't been opened up only because I'm a little behind at the moment, so I don't want to get too overloaded... in the next week or so, though, I'm going to get everything done, and then everything shall be reset once more:)


That's fine. I wasn't sure if the rooms were made availble after a certain time, or just when you wanted to take more breedings :)
Owner of Gliders!



Dirk & Selena have only produced one eggy, but it's a cute one! With an accessory!

Will hatch in about a week!


Aww! Cute baby, and with a lttle accessory box! :D


Keilin Alyr!

Frost & Lola have produced two lovely eggies! You may keep both, if you wish!

Will hatch in about a week!



Your breeding between Venias and Pumpkin has resulted in two eggs. You may keep both!

All breedings have been completed; rooms are being reset!


May I take the Raindrop room and use one of my free tickets from christmas? ^^


Thank you! ^^ I just have to wait for the OK from winged to use one of her boys :3


Ooh they look interesting!

Permission for Bun to use my Duff, when she posts her form :)
Owner of Gliders!


I'd like the Leaf room with a ticket! I'd love to breed my Georgie and Anthony customs but am not sure how soon they will arrive? Let me know if I should pick another pair.


YLO, I can't really say for sure, so for now it's probably best to pick another pair. I'll be cycling the rooms through a big quicker once I'm caught up anyway :)


Ok ^^ I'll do another room then for this pair.

Room Requested: Stalactice Room
Male: Pastel
Male's Owner: YLO
Female: Skye
Female's Owner: YLO
Using Dust Vials? Yes, purchasing Rainbow, color purple
Stickywyvs?: No

I sent 4K, not sure if the breeding ticket also covers a dust vial, if so you can always cancel the transaction :P

And I give Keilin permission to use Mrs. Claus.


Nope, dust vials are separate from the ticket :)

I'll add that now!


Room Requested: Raindrop Room
Male: Duff
Male's Owner: Winged Dreams
Female: Snow
Female's Owner: Bunraku
Using Dust Vials? Blue Dust
Stickywyvs*?: No

Keilin Alyr

First things first, I'd like to name this awesome boy Mr. Claus.

Room Requested: Flame
Male: Mr. Claus
Male's Owner: Keilin Alyr
Female: Mrs. Claus
Female's Owner: YourLoveOnly
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Great! Putting that in now :)

Also, Keilin, you have a free breeding ticket (3 of them, actually) if you'd like to use that instead of sending the breeding fee :)


YLO, your Pastel and Skye have produced three eggies! Yay! One should be traded/gifted/etc :)


Room Requested: Sun Room
Male: Symon
Male's Owner: Me
Female: Lilian
Female's Owner: Me
Using Dust Vials? Nope
Stickywyvs*?: No

Using my free breeding ticket :)


Bunraku, your breeding between Winged's Duff & your Snow has resulted in two eggies!



Keilin Alyr, your breeding between Mr. and Mrs. Claus has resulted in two eggies! Hooray!

Also, I had forgotten how much I adore doing breedings. Thank you guys for reminding me <333


Wildfilly, your breeding between Lilian & Symon has produced one cute little eggy!

Enjoy, guys! All rooms will now be cleared; feel free to request more breedings. A lot of you still have freebie coupons left :)

Now to hatch some eggs...


May I snag the raindrop room? <3

Room Requested: Raindrop Room
Male: Fancy Pants
Male's Owner: Wildfilly94
Female: Usame
Female's Owner: Bunraku
Using Dust Vials? Blue Dust
Stickywyvs*?: No


Certainly, Bun.

Oof... I'll also try to get around to hatching some eggs soon.




Room Requested: The Stalactite Room
Male: Venias
Male's Owner: Bunraku
Female: Emma
Female's Owner: Wildfilly94
Using Dust Vials? Nah
Stickywyvs*?: No
