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[Miniwyvs] Breeding Time! (OPEN!)

Started by Saturnalia, October 03, 2012, 08:40:19 PM

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Saturn sits at an antique desk in the middle of a mostly undecorated room. Besides the door you entered through, there are a handful of other doors, with small windows in them. The doors are labeled with little etchings, though one door has a much larger carving of a moon in it.

"Hello! My assistants tell me that it is prime breeding time for Miniwyvs. Here, we offer services to make this process even easier for you! If you wish to breed a pair of Miniwyvs, you can rent a room for the pair. Hehe."

She gestures to the rooms. "We have an assortment of differently-themed rooms. I'm not sure how much the surroundings will alter the breeding results, but we might be able to find out! Or, they might not affect it at all... we're still studying these creatures!"

She gestures to pieces of parchment hung next to each door.

"Take a look around; it will be stated whether or not a room is available. If a room is available and has not yet been claimed-- first come, first serve-- then you may apply to breed your Miniwyvs. Please note, the room rental fee must be paid in advance!"

Miniwyv Information can be found here:

Parents Folders can be found here:



Breeding, the Basics

Miniwyvs must be named in order to breed. If you have an unnamed Miniwyv, just tell me what you'd like to name it-- you can do so with your breeding form :)

-A female will lay 1-3 eggs. If there are 2+, it is considered good form to only keep 2! (The other(s) may be gifted to friends, used as stud/RB fee payment, or returned to Saturn to be adopted out.) You may, however, keep the third.
Note that if you require an egg as part of a stud/RB payment, you may wish to also have an alternate payment in case of only 1 egg being laid.

-Avoid inbreeding! Miniwyvs too closely related will refuse to breed.

-Each Miniwyv may only be in one room at a time. (Room list is below!) If I have not yet removed the Miniwyv's name from a room, even if the breeding is complete, it cannot  breed again yet!

-Similarly, you, the breeder, may only be listed for one room at a time-- even if your breeding is finished! I will, periodically, reset the rooms, and then you may request another breeding!

-Miniwyvs and Stickywyvs MAY breed! (The offspring will be regular Miniwyvs, unless you wish to pay for Stickywyv offspring. Paying for Stickywyv offspring also guarantees you three eggs, and you may keep ALL of them, and get the stickers mailed to you.)
More info on Stickywyvs can be found in this=]post:

Reading the breeding section on the website is recommended for more in-detail explanations!



Breeding Rooms

You look at the etchings on the doors, peer in the windows, and read the parchments stating availability.

The Moon Room
A room larger than the rest, and decorated like the night sky, in shades of blue with sparkling accents. Pillows and potted nightflowers decorate the room
This room is only available during special breeding times, when Miniwyvs congregate in larger groups to choose their own mates!
To participate in the Moon Room Breeding, check out this thread!

The Leaf Room
Decorated like a forest, with potted trees and shrubberies throughout.

The Flower Room
Decorated like a jungle, with vines hanging from the ceiling and potted flowering plants everywhere.

The Stalactite Room
Decorated like a cave, with stalagmites and stalactites and large rocks scattered around.

The Sun Room
Decorated in warm colors, with lots of shiny gold accents throughout.

The Raindrop Room
Decorated in cool colors, with lots of shiny silver accents throughout.

The Flame Room
Decorated like... a human living room. A huge fireplace holds a cheery fire, and lots of comfortable furniture, pillows, and blankets are scattered around.

Room Rentals are 5000sg.

To claim a room and breed your Miniwyvs, post the following form:

Room Requested: (state the name of the room you want to reserve)
Male: (Name, please)
Male's Owner:
Female: (Name, please)
Female's Owner:
Using Dust Vials? (if yes, state which you are using from your inventory)
Stickywyvs*?: (Yes or No)

*If you would like your clutch to, instead of the computer-done Miniwyvs, have three Stickywyv eggs (handdrawn egg stage + adult, on sticker paper, mailed to you free of charge in addition to scanned in) it will cost $3, Paypal-able to . (Payment must be received before I start your clutch of eggs.)

Breeding permissions, if you are not using your own Miniwyv(s), may be posted in this thread.

All prices subject to change in future times!



Saturn's Miniwyvs

If you wish, you may use Saturn's Miniwyvs if they are available.

Dappled Light
(Free to use, but may only be listed as being in one room at any given time, cannot also use any of Saturn's males)

(Free to use, but may only be listed as being in one room at any given time)

(Bribe me for use! May only be listed as being in one room at any given time.)

(Bribe me for use! May only be listed as being in one room at any given time)


Optional Breeding Items for Sale!

The little vials of sparkly dust all have different effects.

Blue Dust

When used, all eggs laid will have a 75% chance of hatching male
Price: 2500sg

Pink Dust

When used, all eggs laid will have a 75% chance of hatching female
Price: 2500sg

Rainbow Dust

When used, all eggs laid will pass on a color of your choosing (must be present in at least one of the parents)
Price: 4000sg

Greenish Dust

...what does this one do? Saturn isn't sure...
Price: 6000sg

You may only purchase one! Just state which one you would like.



Gah! I hope I'm not too late D8

Room Requested: The Leaf Room
Male: Mudpie
Male's Owner: Willow
Female: Watermelon
Female's Owner: Willow
Using Dust Vials?: No - But I'd like to use my free breeding ticket :D
Stickywyvs*?: Nope

My other wyvs are free for people to use if they like :)


Yay! Not too late at all, Willow! :D And whee... breedings are one of my favorite things to do!

*ushers Watermelon & Mudpie into the Leaf Room*


Congratulations, Willow!
Mudpie and Watermelon paired up and three eggs were laid!
Normally, I recommend just keeping one. But, since this is the first round of breedings and there aren't a lot of Miniwyvs out there yet, you're welcome to claim all three, this time. (Or you can gift to friends if you'd like-- up to you!)




They could hatch anywhere from a few days to a week!


Daaw! Thank you...I think I'll keep all three this time then :D
*cuddles eggs*


Room Requested: The Stalactite Room
Male: Steve
Male's Owner: Winged dreams
Female: Little One
Female's Owner: Winged dreams
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No

I need more males! Just realised i only have three out of ten.
Owner of Gliders!


I'll hopefully have that done later today... after I sleep... since I slept in the barn last  night because my mare was colicking. so... cold...


Congratulations, Winged Dreams!
Steve and Little One paired up and three eggs were laid!
Normally, I recommend just keeping one. But, since this is the first round of breedings and there aren't a lot of Miniwyvs out there yet, you're welcome to claim all three, this time. (Or you can gift to friends if you'd like-- up to you!)





Aw they look lovely! Is there any way of knowing if they have horns, ect? Actually, will Little One's special horns pass?  I think i'll trade one
Owner of Gliders!


Alas, the exact specifics are a surprise until hatching. You can get a vague idea of colors & markings by the eggs, though.
Little One's horns can pass, under the right circumstances. I will say, however, that the dice (I determine which genetics pass randomly) were not particularly kind to the recessive traits this time around =\


Room Requested: Raindrop Room
Male: Unnamed Male (m)
Male's Owner: Leafy
Female: Unnamed Female (f)
Female's Owner: Leafy
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No


Congratulations, Leafy!
Aquamarine & Opal paired up and three eggs were laid! (The dice are being kind for determining egg numbers, wow!)
Normally, I recommend just keeping one. But, since this is the first round of breedings and there aren't a lot of Miniwyvs out there yet, you're welcome to claim all three, this time. (Or you can gift to friends if you'd like-- up to you!)





Willow, your eggies appear to have hatched!
(Well, assuming Photobucket behaves...)
(Uhm, also, I'm away from home and don't have the gender list with me here, so I'll update those in when I get home later today!)

Also, I think I'm going to keep this in a near-constant state of 'open'.
If there are rooms available, and I have cleared your name from a previously-used room, you can claim another room.
I'll be clearing names off of the 'used' rooms and cleaning them up after a little time period for each. :)


Here we go, with genders! (Refresh if they still show up as eggs...)

mw030 - male:

mw031 - male:

mw032 -female:


Winged Dreams:

Your eggies have also hatched!

mw033 - male:

mw034 - male:

mw035 - female:

(It may take Photobucket a little while to refresh the images-- it seems to be slow about that!)


Leafy, your eggies hatched!

mw036 - female:

mw037 - female:

mw038 - male:


Ooh growings! The first and third have updated for me, but not the middle one. I love the first boy :)
How come mine have those curved horns, when Steve has no horns and Little One has Highland Cow horns?
Owner of Gliders!


Try refreshing; the middle one seems to have been stubborn but it's working for me now! I don't know why Photobucket can't just update properly in the first place...

As for the horns... heterozygous genes in the Miniwyvs (Cc, for instance, in the case of one set of horn genes) tend to give alternate results. My genetics system is... a little bizarre, I suppose. But it allows for a lot of interesting combos :)
So, in the case of Little One & Steve, it can be assumed that Little One is homozygous (CC) for the cow horns, but Steve, having no expressed horns, is cc... and the combination of Cc ends up with the ram horns. Hehe :)


Finally, they all show for me! I'll name the first male (mw033) Taurus and the second male (mw034) Minos.
The female is up for trade, if anyone is interested?
Owner of Gliders!


Love the name choices =D

Also, on the matter of trading, just let me know if any switch owners and I'll move them into the appropriate folders in Photobucket :)


Haha i thought those names would suit them with their ram horns xDAnd Minos looks scary so that's why he needed a mythical name.
Thanks, i'm hoping someone else with an egg (or adult) Miniwyvs would be interested in trading that's why i've only posted here for now.
Owner of Gliders!


Room Requested: The Sun Room
Male: Cookie
Male's Owner: Kahlira
Female: Moments
Female's Owner: Kahlira
Using Dust Vials? None
Stickywyvs*?: No thank you <3

Using my free bred certificate =D


Yay! *ushers Cookie & Moments into the room *


Yay! The sun room had me at shiney <3



Your lovely Miniwyv pair had two eggies! Yay! Feel free to keep both of them this time around :)




This seems fun ^^ Breeding is always exciting!

Room Requested: The Flower Room
Male: Reese
Male's Owner: YLO
Female: Dappled Light
Female's Owner: Saturnalia
Using Dust Vials? None
Stickywyvs*?: No thank you <3


YourLoveOnly, the pair of Miniwyvs has produced two eggies! Feel free to keep both :)





Kahlira & YLO, it appears as though your eggies have hatched! (Assuming Photobucket isn't being a jerk.) Let me know names :)


Cute! I was expecting bright babies so I'm surprised XD Will need to think of names! What are their genders? Also, is gifting okay? May wanna spread the love a bit <3


Ahh, yeah, the way colors pass on is not totally expected, I think, hehe :)
Gifting is fine! Just keep me updated on where they go :)

And sorry, YLO, yours are both female!

Kahlira, 62 is female and 63 is male!


Mine still look like eggies after refreshing XD

But male: Cocoa

Female: Chocolate


If I may get another.. let's see what happens when I do this!

Room Requested: Flame Room
Male: Demon
Male's Owner: YLO
Female: Dahlia
Female's Owner: YLO
Using Dust Vials? No
Stickywyvs*?: No
Actually, if possible I'd love to use your Tron instead of my Demon in return for a free pick a number or semi custom Panda Shrimp? If that doesn't appeal to you then you can use Demon instead ^^

From my breeding I'll keep 068 myself and name her Forestia. I'll give the other one to Wildfilly!


Kahlira, arg! Photobucket's updating lag drives me nuts =\

YLO, as I was driving home from work, I realized I actually need to rewrite the rules for breeding-- it's going to be that if you're still listed on a room, you can't request another yet, until I clear the room's info. However, since I was going to do that tonight anyway, sure! You can has another :D

And oooh, sounds good-- Tron it is :) I'll go for a semi-custom shrimpy, I think!

And I'll get the name updated, and put 67 in Wildfilly's folder!



Wildfilly, let me know a name :)

Also, everyone please note!

Breeding rules/info has been updated/changed slightly!

All rooms have been reset-- anyone who has previously bred a pair is welcome to do so again!

Optional breeding items are available for purchase!


I didn't know they would reset before I got my breeding :O I would have aimed for a different room then XD


Eep! Sorry! I actually already factored in the effect of that room for your breeding. (No worries, it's a good effect, but I'm keeping them seeeekrit, though people are welcome to guess at what the rooms do!)

And anyway... rolling up your babies was pretty interesting! :D I had to figure out how to go about some of my wacky genetics system slightly differently... but I think the results will be pretty cool! *colors*


Photobucket is sort of being a pain, so if images don't show, just try reloading in a little while...


YourLoveOnly, Tron & Dahlia have mated and there are three eggies as a result! You may only keep two of the three, though. (They will not hatch until you've decided where the other one is going-- you may gift it, return it to me to be adopted out that way, trade it, whatever you wish!)




(And I know, I know, it's hard to choose without knowing genders and seeing them, but... I'm a glutton for surprises, darnit! hehehe )



All yours! Let me know what the plan is for the second one :)



Will do! Did you let her know or should I?


I sent her a link to this thread last night so I think she has seen it <3


All rooms are currently available-- aside from the Moon Room-- and anyone may submit breedings :)

Also, there are rumors that the Moon Room may open up next month for a special breeding event...
