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The Luminaria: (coming back soon!)

Started by Solistia, January 22, 2010, 07:12:17 PM

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My friend: Taruia
My friend's 2-5 favorite pet colors are: Taru blue #00ccff and black
My friend likes: boy pets
My friend likes: pretty pets
My friend's favorite song/design is: runes and tribals
My friend's favorite adoptable pet is:
My friend is awesome because: she helps me color and keeps me organized <3



Quote from: CutieePiee on February 07, 2010, 10:44:46 PM
Haha, I actually thought you liked the Cowboys.

I'm all for the NY Giants. Blue men!
Nope, I don't ever watch anything having to do with football, sad really when I knwo so many people love it.  Now Hockey, that is my sport of choice


Hockey, of course, you're a true Canadian. :)


I'd like the saints one.Please! Is it a male or a female?


Saints is male =D (yay for choosing the winning team XD)


What can I say the saints where my old school team. (yea private school!) As for a name how about Raphee.


Raphee is ready for pick-up in post 6!
And now I just need a name for the Colts girly from sera =D


Quote from: CutieePiee on February 07, 2010, 10:47:53 PM
Hockey, of course, you're a true Canadian. :)
born and raised, never been out of Canada even once

Congrats Dunkel


Wow I have loooong username. Now Raphee just needs a girlfriend.


lol you do XD
Yepyep. Working on templating the baby and Cloud stages right now.....and I'm still trying to think up customs prices @_@

I would have opened paid customs already if I had any idea how to price them OTL;;


Darn, I missed it.>.< Oh well, congrats. ;D If I got to play, I would have posted STEELERS!lol Since I was born in Pa. ;)


lol, Steelers is a favorite of one of my bosses XD

Sorry you missed the event, there might be a few more Furimi popping up today X3 (depending on how quickly I finish these templates)


It's my fault, silly Sims But they are super cute, so I will be jumping at the chance for one. ;D


Well, it looks like no more events for me tonight XD
As I'm using the bf's computer while he tries to fix mine, and he's about to put his 3-year-old daughter to sleep, I won't be able to stay in here OTL

I did finish the baby though (just need to finish the cloud stage XD)

G'night all!

Gene Pool

This is DizzyFishClick DizzyFish for website!


naughty naughty /smacks indigo's hand ~<3

Well, I was able to get back on and finish the Cloud stage for the Furimi (the little monster went to sleep~<3), but it's a little late to make pets for more games, so they'll still have to wait until tomorrow |D

First post updated with Furimi stage pictures and info =D

Next on my list of species is the Sokomi, the leafy water-dragons, and after that, a new species dreamed up last night, the Rinomi, flame unicorns :3 (I had every other element represented in my ideas, but none for fire, thus the Rinomi were thought up XD)

Once again, have a good night everyone!


Solistia you are on a role!! I can't wait to see the new cuties :]

Venus and Zephyr


As I finish up the free customs, there are now Valentine's events going on!
2 Auctions (one made by the lovely PonyMama)
And valentine's day grams!

More events will be plaguing this thread as the day of love gets closer!!


Okay, 3 CYOs have been grown, and Ravvana's Mirabelle has grown (from the first Sumini game!)
Congrats on the current growths =D (3 more CYOs growing tomorrow, and 3 more the next day X3)
They can be seen in post 6 =D


Still no bids for those lufflie auctions???

I dont have a lot of Sg yet [bran new!]
Username: XLostxDestinyX
Bidding on: [Mary Jane]
Bid: [500SG]


lol, that's okay =D
yay for the first bid ^o^
(hmmmm, speaking of ...perhaps I'll lower the grams to 100SG.....make them available for people who have just signed up such as yourself. I WILL /goes to do so 8D)


In that case!
V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Goddesss]
From: [XLostxDestinyX]
Message: [Happy Valentine's Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [Kadana Sorano]
From: [XLostxDestinyX]
Message: [Happy Valentine's Day!]

Total: 200SG

Now to figure out how to send currency here


Yeah, I had trouble with that at first too XD
First, you need to go my profile here on the forums, and select the option "Add to Buddy List". Then go to "Your Account" on the main secundi site, and my username should be in the drop down menu :3


No problem =D

Here are your Valentine's day grams to give to your friends =D


Awww! I figured it out, SG should be send now <3



nobody likes the auction ones?

Ooh I need to order some valentines.


lol, mebbe I need to run a few games, create a bit of hype XD
/a little behind


I love the auction ones! I just dont have a lot of SG's quite yet :D
*sneaks squishes in to the cute auctions*


Ok, all Free customs are completed, so I'm opening up 5 more slots for those who have not yet gotten their friend a gift yet :3 (remember, you can only order one, so if you already ordered, you're just gonna have to wait until I do something like this again :3)

Also, 3 new CYO growths! (only 3 left for tomorrow!)


I love the auction ones.  I just usually dont bid until closer to the ending. 
I need to order valentines too.


A new game can be found in post 4, and it's all about chooooocolaaaaaate~<3 (yum!)


Username: hiyoko
Why I love chocolate: I love chocolate because, if made correctly, it can be used for so many different dishes. It also has different tastes and forms, I especially love careml and nuts in my chocolate. ;D Or chocolate truffles with their soft sweet chocolate center. I also love chocolate ice cream, with chocolate sauce, chocolate sprinkles and a little snickers bar on top cause the sweeter the chocolate the better I feel. ;D


Username:  Goddesss
Why I love chocolate:  well, I lied I dont LOVE chocolate.  If this disqualifies me then I am sorry but you are missing out.   Let me tell you why.  I dont hate chocolate, but I dont particularly like it.  I tolerate it because I love the stuff it covers.  I know you wanted to go home with a chocolate lover, but do you know what that means?  You have to share.  If you come home with me you can have it all to yourself.  There is all sorts of chocolate hiding around here. We even have some chocolate lolly pops from See's.  I have a big box of belgin chocolate hiding just for you.  We even have chocolate liqueur for when you just want to unwind.  So come on home with me chocolate lover you will be in heaven!


No chocolate for me, can't eat it without getting sick and rashy.  Stupid stupid allergies


daaawww poor PM D: (sounds like my grandma, she loves dairy products, but is lactose intolerant OTL)

and lol @ Goddesss' entry XD


I have no clue why but I can have chocolate only 1 time a month, when my hormones change. 


Oh wow, that is really odd D: Perhaps it's caused by a hormone imbalance then? (or a deficiency of some sort?) Or do your hormones just override your allergies that day? (tell you what, I'd be pigging out on chocolate that day if it were me XD)


I think it has something to do with whatever cause me to not be able to take BC pills (or any form of hormonal BC), and not handle pregnancy well.
Just something I get to deal with, I can also eat it when I am pregnant, and even a little now in things without getting sick becasue I am nursing.


5 custom Valentine Sumini slots open!

Well, at least now you know, when you want to eat chocolate, have a baby XD (just kidding 8D;;~<3 )
So it's good you can eat a little bit now too >w<~<3 Perhaps your children will grow to like chocolate and you can eat it vicariously through them |D


Quote from: hiyoko on February 11, 2010, 04:54:41 PM
Username: hiyoko
Why I love chocolate: I love chocolate because, if made correctly, it can be used for so many different dishes. It also has different tastes and forms, I especially love careml and nuts in my chocolate. ;D Or chocolate truffles with their soft sweet chocolate center. I also love chocolate ice cream, with chocolate sauce, chocolate sprinkles and a little snickers bar on top cause the sweeter the chocolate the better I feel. ;D
To a lover of fine chocolate, the pretty lady has decided to go home with hiyoko~<3
(please give me a name for your delicious new companion!)

But what's this? It seems a little Valentine Sumini was hiding in the luxious chocolate locks of the Furimi's tail?!
Hearing the prospect of being fed delicious chocolate everyday, this little BonBon seems to have latched onto Goddesss!


I want a Sumini custom, but I can't find the info anywhere O.o


The Valentine Sumini customs are open (in the 3rd post) :3


Custom V-day gram order!
To: PonyMama
From: CutieePiee
Message: Happy Valentine's Day! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend.
Body color and patterns/designs: Pink body/ White stripes on tail, White ears, Black heart on cheek
Fluff color and patterns/design: Black fluff/ White & pink hearts

Total: 10K SG



V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [Pinkshadow]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [SplitX]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [Spixy]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [BabyKittenCandy]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [CutieePiee]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [hiyoko]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [Echowing]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Simple Heart]
To: [Hunni]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]


V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Garney]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Sunchaser109]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [SweetCaroline]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Taruia]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [indigowulf]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [IvySpring]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Kadana Sorano]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Keeper]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Broken Heart]
To: [Lectral]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]


V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [Mystical Dreams]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [toffeeca]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [XLostxDestinyX]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [YourLoveOnly]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [Yruvian]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [PonyMama]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [Ravvana]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Black Heart]
To: [red_uni387]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]


V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Red Heart
To: [Rosewood]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Red Heart]
To: [Ryuukokoro]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Red Heart]
To: [sera]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Red Heart]
To: [Silvanon]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

V-day gram order!
Sumini: [Red Heart]
To: [Solistia]
From: [Goddesss]
Message: [Happy Valentines Day!]

Total: 30 X 100 sg = 3000 sg

*Posts list and then hides*  Sorry!


lol yay! lots of gram orders X3
hiyoko, Chocolata is ready for pick-up, and CutieePiee, I'll get right on that!