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*Luminaria* Breeding - closed for now

Started by PonyMama, September 13, 2012, 11:30:26 AM

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owned by Solistia - managed by PonyMama - all artwork by Solistia

Welcome to Luminaria, a place where moonlight gathers and magical creatures live.

I know it has been quiet after a tragic loss to the adoptable, but it is back in my hands and now I want to get some of these pretties out there, knowing that I will be back to part time hours again and will want to color.  I have a CYO event up and open for you guys which I will allow to stay open for a while more, but this will be a breeding thread.

Owner folders:




Orbs come in many colours which have different outcomes when presented to a Luminaria.  Different Luminaria like the orbs set into a specific setting for their own species or the orb will have no effect.  The only exception to this is the plain setting that I may give out for free during events, which can be used for any species (they will never be for sale)

Plain Setting  ---------  Lumi Setting

Furimi Setting  ---------  Sumini Setting


Cream Coloured Orb
~ Basic Breeding item.  To be used for a male and female of the same species

Blue Coloured Orb
~ Same gender Breeding item.  To be used for a male and male of the same species

Pink Coloured Orb
~ Same gender Breeding item.  To be used for a female and female of the same species

Grey Coloured Orb
~ One Parent item.  If no mate is found you can use this item to get an egg anyways

White Coloured Orb
~ No parent Item.  if no Luminaria are found this item may call forth an egg that has no parents

Yellow Coloured Orb
~ Twin orb.  This orb will help you get more than one egg from a breeding (cannot be paired with a grey or white orb)

Black Coloured Orb
~ Unknown orb.  we are unsure what this orb does exactly



These can be presented to one of the parents to make sure you get the desired gender of baby you want.

Male  --------  female


Pearl in a marble setting
~ if Purchased and applied it will magically hatch your Lumi egg instead of having to wait approx. 2 days




* You MUST have one of the basic items to breed (so either Cream, Blue, Pink, Grey or white)

* You will not be able to use a sumini Setting for a Lumi breeding so keep this in mind (also no species mixed breedings, those items will come later)

* if you wish to buy a Yellow orb, you may only buy one, leave some for others

* send correct funds to PonyMama

Cream Orbs - 500sg each
Lumi: 2/10
Furimi: 0/5
Sumini: 5/5

Blue Orbs - 500sg each
Lumi: 10/10
Furimi: 4/5
Sumini: 5/5

Pink Orbs - 500sg each
Lumi: 8/10
Furimi: 3/5
Sumini: 5/5

Grey Orbs - 2,500sg each
Lumi: 2/2
Furimi: 1/2
Sumini: 1/2

White Orbs - 5,000sg each
Lumi: 2/2
Furimi: 0/2
Sumini: 2/2

Yellow Orbs - 500,000sg each
Lumi: 0/1
Furimi: 0/1
Sumini: 1/1

Black Orbs - 50,000sg each
Lumi: 0/1
Furimi: 0/1
Sumini: 1/1

Male Ribbon - 1,000sg each
Lumi: 5/5
Furimi: 5/5
Sumini: 5/5

Female Ribbon - 1,000sg each
Lumi: 5/5
Furimi: 5/5
Sumini: 5/5

Pearl in Marble Setting - 10,000sg each
Can be used with Any species: 10/10


Breeding Info

Each person may only have 1 active breedings/form.  Hopefully this will keep my workload down.  As soon as you see you see your egg posted you may post your next form.

~ Each female may only breed once
~ Each male may breed 2 times (Unless it is being used in a same gender breeding, then the one being female can only breed once)
~ You may NOT interbreed species
~ Eggs will not be certed
~ Please do not hide link in a word

Breeding and RB fees must stay to site currency, or Luminaria RB or Breeds/items/eggs (this time for sure)


Breeding Forms



Must be in Orange

Mother Link:
Father Link:
Item being used: (Image or link of owned item) [/*color]


White Orbs
This form must be posted in green

Orb being used: (Image or link of owned item)[/*color]


To use other peoples Luminaria you will need them to post permissions, this must be posted  in this thread in red

Luminaria Link:
Being used by: (username)[/*color]


Please bear with me I am only one person


Other forms you will need:

Naming Form
If you want to name your eggs before they hatch please post this form in this thread


Are you trading away extra eggs?

Then fill out this form for each one traded:

Traded to:

Donating Form
This will give it to me to give away










Winged Dreams



Is there a form we can use?

If not i would like to buy a Cream Orb, Black Orb & a Yellow Orb for Furimi. (:


Would love two cream orbs, Lumi setting, if it's allowed to buy more than one.


Ooo can I get 1 Cream Orb, 2 White Orb, and 1 Black Orb? All for Furimi. :3

Can't wait to see what that black orb does....

Edit: Ack, too slow. :( Okay just the 1 cream and 2 white then.


Could I please get ~ <3

Lumi Cream
Lumi Pink
Lumi Black

Total: 51,000 SG



Nope no form, was a bit of a bonehead so it is formless this time

Okay will get these all figured out, had to restart my computer


oh whoops, I didn't realize there was only 2 white orbs of each type. I feel bad taking all of one type of item, can I put one back? I'll just do 1 cream and 1 white.


It's okay the only limit is the yellow orbs, if you want both whites you are more then welcome to them


Ow sweet PM, could i maybe buy an Pink orb for Furimi too? (:
- thaanks


Okay I have a ton of items sitting in my computer, so this season may be different from the next, but I have a plan, and if anything changes, and people have items left over, well guess what that item will be made sure to stay (you may just get an image change)


Can we use our Luminaria from PI as well?

And if we can would it be possible to get a link to them. I can't seem to find mind XD


I will allow it, just let me know if you want to see your PI folder so I can add the proper file for you to view the files, I do not want it added to them all right now. (added to yours already Aralie)

here is the link, however any items in the PI folders will not be able to be used for this breeding season cause Now I remember how the items were going to work



Yay thank-you! *hugs her Letty* Have been waiting to breed her <3

Can I get a cream, blue and pink orb for Furimi?


Username: YourLoveOnly
Mother Link:
Owner: YLO
Father Link:
Owner: YLO
Item being used:

I will also let people use mine, except Robin and Christine. If multiple babies I'd like one, if not no fee (and if multiple babies and I'm not in love with one I'll happily let you keep both)


YLO - I would loooove to use your Chocolatmilk with either my Letty or one of my two Furimi boys (R'day or Shavo)


I love Letty <3 She's one of my favorite pets I've ever colored. -so much love- Feel free! (yes to another pairing too, since you are not using a twin orb thingy anyway it doesn't matter to me which one you use XD)



Yeah Letty is my fav so I will do a breeding with her and your boy <3



Will update the item list now

and here is Willow's egg.  Gender unknown right now
Something special is there, but apparently it does not show through on the egg shell




hiyoko, next time you must specify which setting the orb needs to be placed in.  I guessed Lumi and you have a Furimi.  Easy fix but it is there in the rules




A pickup for YLO
Sorry gender unknown, but apparently your egg has taken some markings on the egg from the parents

Also Please do not overlook this rule hiyoko: Please do not hide link in a word


Aralie has a little ball of fluff, sadly no idea if it is a boy or girl, have to wait for the fog to lift



Just so people know egg stage is about 2 days
baby stage is about 5 days

I have released an item that will allow you to skip over the egg stage (can be applied before egg is made or after) to immediately hatch the egg


okay off to do dishes and make dinner now
items ar still for sale and of course you may still post some breeding forms


hiyoko, here is your new egg.  Sadly I am not good at telling gender from the egg so I am unsure if this is male or female


Aralie you have another new little fluffy egg, it's pretty but still no clue on gender sorry


Another adorable fluffy egg! Yay!

Username: Aralie
Orb being used:



I hope everyone likes their babies, this is the first time I have coloured in a long time and I must say I have had a blast  I look forward to the reveals

bedtime though but items are still for sale and forms can be posted while I sleep


Since I work later today babies are going to grow now

You have a cute little Male

There seems to be a marking on your Girl that did not come from it's parents

You have a cute little Male

You have a cute little Female

You have a cute little Male

You have a cute little Female



Okay they are all hatched, and I checked under their tails and found genders for you guys.  You may trade, donate or name your little ones now

Growth to adult is in about 5 days, but without a name they can not grow


Aralie, I love your little boy! I may have to ask to use him next time around. ;)


Thanks hiyoko, he will definitely be available ^_^

I almost must say that your little girl is so adorable!



Is the breeding season closed? Or can we still purchase and item and post a breeding?


nope not closed, you can buy and post breedings to your hearts content.

when it is closed you will know