More Labrador pups! | YLOs Trading Thread - Air~Fish, LL Gidgets/Wobbles & More!

Started by YourLoveOnly, January 18, 2010, 08:56:40 AM

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I can buy you 2 golden tags from kennel shiny
for Quin boy

I can also throw in a champ pack each for them (which I have in my inventory), and a medium bed (also in my inventory)


*hopes YLO leaves this open for a bit longer since sera needs to go check some stuff and do some errands before she can figure out wot she can offer* xD;


Let's see what I can offer for your pretty Quin boy...

-Pecora Normal Breeding Snowflake


The Pet Shop-

-Purple Jaboticaba
-Red Cherries
-Blue Blueberries
^Not all, I hope XD^


Howl's Island-
I know you wanted this...XD

Probably not much to tempt you, but still :) Not ALL, but you can pick which ones you want if you want to trade :P


I am currently torn between toffeeca's and BKC's offer. I shall wait 'til sera returns with an offer, because she politely asked me to wait, and then figure out who gets the pretty boy.

SeaCrest that is one lovely Akara! O.o If you ever wanna trade it for something else lemme know (I have Pecora on the first page, an Akara I could trade and Jaeman Prophecy pets of course)


I can also offer you a scroll for a halter for the SC in with what I have offered already if you like :)  Ive been desperately trying to up my herd of one Quin ^^


I am not really active with the Storm Chasers. I do like them, but it doesn't really make it that much more tempting.

Aaaah Pecora vs. Kennel. Meaaaan XD


Hmm.. I guess I could upgrade the normal/lineart edit tag to another golden for you ^^



Quote from: YourLoveOnly on June 24, 2010, 04:27:17 AM
I am currently torn between toffeeca's and BKC's offer. I shall wait 'til sera returns with an offer, because she politely asked me to wait, and then figure out who gets the pretty boy.

SeaCrest that is one lovely Akara! O.o If you ever wanna trade it for something else lemme know (I have Pecora on the first page, an Akara I could trade and Jaeman Prophecy pets of course)

Well, I'm not so interested in the Pecora, I'd like to see the Akara? And of course I am very interested in Jaemos XD


*struggles through terrible internet connection*

Is the Quinsta boy still available? I am so needing an Arab stud, and a chestnut coat is a bonus :) Could I tempt you with anything from TheStable? Gold tags or paddocks, perhaps -- mix and match for a total of two items? Or I'm open to discuss other arrangements. Redeeming would need to wait until I'm home in 2 weeks, unfortunately, so I understand if you don't want to wait that long.


He is still available. And you just made deciding even harder XD

So far I think BKC's offer is most tempting.. 2 golden tags + large bed = love.
But I still haven't decided, just saying what I think at this very moment :P


I shall say just cause I don't know if you will like this more or less
2 tags (one regular, one golden) and two medium beds
I will also throw in a champ pack for each tag

ETA: for the Quinsta


If that's the only one you're interested in I will do that. It's just that it was a random gift from Lost so if you'd rather have a Jaemo or one of the others that'd be better actually (basically he further down the list the least likely I'll trade them).


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on June 24, 2010, 03:31:02 PM
If that's the only one you're interested in I will do that. It's just that it was a random gift from Lost so if you'd rather have a Jaemo or one of the others that'd be better actually (basically he further down the list the least likely I'll trade them).

I like them all, but she caught my eye.

Then again, I'd love more Jaemo ;) Since I fail at deciding colors for customs, how about some semi-customs? I have no idea how hard they are to color, so I'll let you decide how many XD This is my first time trading adoptables, so...yeah.


I shall PM you during the next commercial break ^^ *is watching Law & Order Special Victims Unit*



Ok, how about 3 full custom or 6 semi customs, breeding snowflake of your choice, and an extra breeding slot come breeding season? :)


So...1 semi and 2 randoms for the Akara...what now? I PM Lost with the trade info? Sorry, no idea what to do XD


Okay, making bids! xD;  i had to make sure kasatsu wouldn't be angry if i traded her gift to me since i kindof like the new blobbie better. xD; If the other blobbie is way more wanted, though, i'll consider it in trade instead. ^^

Name: Mediv
Gender: Male
Items Used: None

Maybe +One of my mushrooms ( i have a Frilled and a Rounded)
Or +Old Cellphone

Large Bed + appropriate SG? *not sure wot would make it fair for a Quinsta*

2 Custom Template Naa (Sorry, no line edits until my arm is better)
1 Naa breeding (Offspring would be template)


Sorry if this makes everything confusing, but I think I'm going to respectfully withdraw my offer on the Quin. I thought it over last night, and I decided that I'm going to try to only get studs who are movers, to help promote my personal breeding goals. He is a total stunner, and I'll probably stalk him for a breed someday, but I really need to get myself a bit more focused. He is lovely, though, and sorry for the confusion! :(


O.o I LOVE YOU SERA! That blobbie was my second choice after Bebbie, but of course all flatsale pets were gone after 24 hours XD I totally want him! <3 And if I can pick an item to go along with it, I would like a frilled mushroom please. Daaaah. You just made me so happy!

I am sorry everyone, all of your bribes were really amazing and I had a very hard time deciding between them buuuut blobbie wins. I cannot resist blobbie. I love blobbie. Yes, that beats 2 tags and a bed. Also beats lovely Pecora. Because I think those are both more available than blobbies are. I didn't expect anyone to ever trade me a blobbie O.o


Hee  i'm so glad, actually. xD;  i like the blobbies, but haven't had time to dedicate any real attention to them yet and i liked Mediv, but i didn't really have any idea wot to do with him. xD;;;  My new blobbie, however, i have an immediate idea for. xD;  So YAY! i finally get a Quin Arab stud and Mediv gets the attention he deserves! ^^  i'll PM WildGrowths about the trade. ^^  *goes to do so now*


Ricky is adorable :O

How about a custom Nom (any premade pattern except rhinelander or a custom pattern as long as it's not too complicated) for one of his babies?


(WildGrowth trade confirmed.  YourLoveOnly, if you would like to rename him, please PM me the name and his ID (which I believe is b002).  Thank you!)



Yay :D

I can make one for you now if you like or when the Wobble has been born. It's up to you ^^


I noticed I'm next on the list to breed so I would prefer one now.
I shall figure out what I want and PM you about it ^^




I'd like to offer one Nom custom (any pattern except rhinelander, including simple custom patterns) for each of them:


Pm me if you're interested and I'll send you a form <3


PMing you :D

Also removed two more Rodentia babies that I've decided to keep for sure :)


Keilin Alyr

Kind of a long shot, but would you interested in a pair of White Opal and Black Opal/Aquamarine Gidgets for one of your 2nd generation Looky babies?

I've successfully bred one male White and one of each gender for the Blacks so far. They're all 2nd generation, with Yin and Yang as parents. While I wouldn't restrict your ability to breed them, they'll have a limited number of full siblings.

Also, would you be interested in a small Kennel breeding bed for that beautiful Carp?

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Bed for carp will do :)
I've placed a bid on the bed.

And sorry, I am only trading LL gidgets/wobbles for other pets now, I kinda stopped collecting.



Are you interested in any of these for any of the LL wobbles and gidgets of yours I dont have.
The first 2 have been born already.

Ones I still need of yours that are listed here.

Wobbles - Crash

Gidgets - Crash, Quirine

You do have other gidgets I am interested in that arent on here though.


@PonyMama: sooo sorry! here she is, finally:

@Goddesss: I kinda gave up on collecting LL wobbles/gidgets, but I do really like your army one, so I am willing to trade that one for a Cr@sh wobble. I would prefer other adoptables for the Gidgets (.. Gryphions? <3) And yes, I know I have more Gidgets I need to add. Roon and Noonie aren't currently available, but I need to add Hudson and Bubble.

Crested Puppies added! <33 And I luvvs them! A lot! I am defenitely keeping one and tempted to keep 2 more, but try me! ^^


i love number 3 and 5 of your cresteds. I have 4 crested litters due if you dont mind waiting for pups, or I can offer $15 for them both


I am interested in Male #5 crested
I have 5 Quinsta breeds set up, and will only be allowed to keep two.  Maybe I can see description and after I keep my two you might be interested in one

I know you will have strict breeding plans, but somethign might be born that fits in
Or regular tag +lineart edit. (would have to wait for the lineart edit as I would have to buy from shiny)
(I still owe you two for stable horses, I am stating here as a reminder to both if us)


Sounds god YLO.  I will let you know when the camo one is born.  As far as Gryphions let me see what I have that I could offer.


For three or five,i've got cresteds for trade. Let me know if you like any of mine. My litter can be seen in a thread about fluffy foots.

My favorite is three! Love her bunches!
BuI'll trade one pup for a pup or two pups for two pups. So if you want to trade me both for two of my cresteds, I'd be for that hahaha.
Oh but yeah. That's me hoping XD


Those offers are all so tempting already!

Zarz, which pairs are you breeding? I could only find 2 crested litters in garney's thread (but maybe I didn't look right? XD) I might also have an interest in the saluki pups.

PonyMama, what Quinsta pairs are you breeding?

Neo, I adore one of your pups and also quite like another, but I wanna see the result of my latest tag-it first to make sure the pup I want would add enough variety. I'm in love with the blue merle, but I just ordered a blueish male.


My breedings are posted in the Quinsta thread, on the first page
there is a high chance I will be keeping the Clyde I get



@Neo: Two of your pups are merle, yes. Just like the first two from my litter (and maybe the fourth too, unsure, I think he's ticked like mom or a ticked/merle combo). Them being merle makes it a bit harder, because I don't want too many merles in my Kennel because they can't be bred together. I am hoping someone will offer on my merle puppies. I asked if I can change my tag-it to female. If that's okay I am likely to trade a puppy for that blue merle of yours.

@PonyMama: I might be interested in one of the Arab foals. The other pairings won't produce a foal that fits in with my goals for sure. If I want an arab foal depends on what they produce and also what foal I get myself.


that is all I ask, I have nothing else to offer and the pup is too gorgeous not to try


If possible I will wait until the Quinsta are born, I am curious to see the outcome. And who knows what the grey is hiding, right? ^^ I would prefer to wait until zarz has her litters too, but that might not be possible before the Quinsta foal claiming deadline. We shall see when they arrive <3