More Labrador pups! | YLOs Trading Thread - Air~Fish, LL Gidgets/Wobbles & More!

Started by YourLoveOnly, January 18, 2010, 08:56:40 AM

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or are just adorable ^o^

Would you accept a Kennel Tag-It and 100k SG for either one of them? :3


Will leave this open a little longer, giving people from another time zone a chance at these pups too.
I've arranged a trade with Math and another one will go to pink. Still at least 3 pups up for offer, possibly 4 and another litter coming too.

@Pink: I'll trade the 4th girl for your tag and fae. Please put fae up for bid. Once I have the fae, you'll get the pup and then send in the request for the tag to be transferred (unless its in your secundi inventory?). I think that's the fair way to do this :)


I'll offer a semi-custom gryphion on any samoyed puppy. If it is that blueish samoyed puppy, I will offer a full custom as long as it is nothing too insane.



The girl is up for bid too and I've placed bids on the tag and fae  :)

Wolfs Fang

I'll offer 200k and a Kennel Tag-It Pack for any of these pups  :) :

Male #3 from the Maxence x Michelle litter
Male #1 from the Thierry x Lorraine litter
Male #2 from the Thierry x Lorraine litter
Male #3 from the Thierry x Lorraine litter



@Wolf: Defenitely tempting! ^^

Just a note to everyone: I am not likely to accept any offers until my next litter arrives (especially because some people are awaiting samoyed pups that will be born before mine) unless I really can't resist.

Aaaand a new stable foal added. She's pretty, but I had hoped for non-grey.


Oh! Now the foal I do like dear ^^

$4.50 for her? (going on the fact i offered $6.50 on a first gen)


@BKC: No sorry, I live in another country so my paypal automatically has another currency, add paypal fees to that and there's barely anything left. I decided to still accept USD, but only for multiple pets/larger amounts. Anything under $10 isn't really worth it and of course $10 for one foal wouldn't be fair ;)

All of the Samoyed offers are under consideration ^^


Hmm... you can always set your paypal to accept more than just your currency and normally the fee on that small an amount wouldnt be much (Think from a $70 transaction I was charged like $4, which is peanuts)

If you had some more bits I wanted, I would be happy to offer on them and make it up, but im afraid im not struck with the other 2 stable horses you have up.

Other than that, I dont have much I can offer other than a Kennel Tag or maybe a Bed and some sg.


Other currencies can be send just fine, but it automatically converts the payment to Euros, losing money. And then when I use the money to pay for customs it has to be converted to USD again >.> Last time I accepted $5 for something I ended up losing almost half of it.


Thats why I mean by setting it to have other currencies. My standard currency is in GBP, but if someone sends me usd, i just holds it as usd in my paypal and tells me how much I have in GBP equivalent. Then I can just send the money in $$ when I need, or if I wish/need to, convert it to GBP to send. Seems odd your paypal would eat up so much. I sent someone $40 recently and paided the fee myself cos it was a gift payment and the fee was like $.40.

Like I said, if you had something more I wanted to offer USD on I would happily make up the amount for you :( 

I will have to try and see if I have anything else you might want but Im not collecting a lot of the breeds you have


I want male #2 from your Thierry and Lorraine litter so badly! xD I'll come back once my two Samoyed litters are born. ;)


Yes yes yeees please Math ^^
I am really looking forward to your litters!
And I'm expecting another litter too, so I may even get one pup from each litter <3


We'll definitely have to arrange some trades. :) Pinkshadow is already getting a pup from each of my two upcoming litters (I had to nab a couple of her Samoyed pups because their colours were gorgeous). :) I am hoping that they'll all go to a home that loves Samoyeds, and doesn't just want one of them.

I'm looking forward to your next litter aswell. :D I admit that I'm running out of Eskimo/Inuit names though, which is the naming theme for my snow dog kennel. xD (has 14 Samoyeds and counting)


Ieee your puppies are so cute! *looks at breeding page*
My order of preference would be: #3, #1, #4

Although male #2 from the Thierry x Lorraine litter will almost certainly be kept, unless my remaining litter throws me pups that look a lot like him (very unlikely). I could trade you #1 or #3 from the second litter or #3 from the first litter :) I also have another litter coming if you don't want one of these pups.


I'm planning on keeping the first two from the litter, and then Pinkshadow will get to choose between #3 and #4, would you be happy with the remaining one for a pup from your next Samoyed litter? (depending on if I like the litter, but I think I will)

ETA: I think I'll be keeping #1 and #4 at this point. So now I'm just waiting for Pinkshadow's preferences on pups. I'll keep the other pup reserved until your litter is born though and I know if I want to offer him/her.


I like both of those, so sure.

.. Now if you get a pup I like in your remaining litter we're gonna have a problem xD


Or, you could always wait until that litter comes to make your choice. :) There is only two litters left before Silvanon gets to that litter. :) I'll probably offer the remaining pup from this litter and the remaining pups from the other litter. (Pinkshadow also gets a pup from that litter)


Sounds good. If pink picks #4 I'm pretty sure I'll go with #3, but it can't hurt to wait for the other litter.


Okay :)

I think I'm going to keep only one pup from this litter, so that'll leave pups #2, #3, and #4. :)


I already have a brown brindle girl, Lorraine  ;)
So I'll pass on #2 for sure.



I can offer you a free breed with any of my horses, or two of my horses. Sort of as a do over for that foal. You would be able to use them with any horse of your choosing. :)


@toffeeca: you mean you would like the foal in return for free breeds?

@goddess: I noticed you offered a crested dog in another thread, just wanted to let you know I would defenitely accept that because I am looking to get into Cresteds :) (not saying you want to offer that dog to me of course, but you may not have known I was into that breed)

All offers are still being considered. Pink's crested litter is next on Garney's litter and then my Sammie litter, so once that litter arrives I shall start making some decissions (unless I get offers I really can't resist before that).



Is very cute!
Can I offer The first custom Love pair Akara [Will make to your liking, none in existance]
And another of my fancy LL gidgets that you dont have? [any]


@Goddesss; I am sorry, but no. Unless an even more perfect one with similair colors shows up in my remaining litter, then maybe. But she is just perfect to me. Only reason I have not made final decissions is because I dunno what the remaining litter will give me, but right now I plan on keeping #1 from the first litter and both #2 and #4 from the second one.

@Lost: Akara are always tempting! Can I get some more info on what would be special about a lovepair? Different pose, special breeding effects or just certed together etc?


Thats ok I thought I would ask.  I am in love with 2 from that litter so if you do decide to trade her I am very interested.  I have 2 Cresteds to offer.

If you decide you would like both and decide to trade pup 2 from Thierry x Lorraine then I would like pup 2 and 3 from Thierry x Lorraine.

If not then I would like pup 2 from Thierry x Lorraine and pup 3 from Maxence x Michelle.

If you only want one Crested then that is fine too of course =)

The first one is Gen one never breed and the second is gen 2 never breed.


Are they related? And I think you mean #3 from both litters if I am keeping #2? xD
I defenitely want the first Crested, so we could trade Thierry x Lorraine #3 for that first Crested right now if you want :) And I shall wait until the final litter arrives to decide on the other one.


Yes that is right.  Or I would be willing to look at a male from the last litter also.  They are not related and trading the first one now and waiting for the next litter is fine.  I will hold the second for you.



Updated <3 The orange ones are very likely to be traded, but I love them a lot so if I get no good offers I may keep them until they are grown and then decide. The green ones will be traded for sure.


For female #3 in your newest Samoyed litter, I'll offer the pup of your choice from my litters. :)


Problem is my faves are either kept by you or already traded to Pink..
I will consider this pup:

But I'm not sure about it yet..

The one that was previously on hold for me can be traded to someone else, because I got an amazing brindle girl with similair color in this litter.


Okay, I can put that girl on hold until you've decided then. :)


Please do :)

@Wolfs Fang: I would like to accept your offer for the brown brindle boy if you're still interested.

Wolfs Fang

Brown brindle... you mean this pup?

If so, then I accept the offer. <33 The Tag-It Pack's up for bid in my inventory, and I'll send 200k once the pup is up for bid. :)



I thought we were going to trade yoru Cr@sh gidget and Wobble ricky for the bongo and Giraffe Gidget in my thread but I don't seem to be on either list yet you have both the bongo and giraffe.  So if I never made it ont he list I would like both the gidgets back as you got them without upholding your part of the deal.

and I remember making the deal when I was suppose to get a Cr@sh right away and be first on the list for the wobble (I just figured you had not updated your list which is why I never said anything until now I see I am no where)


As for other ones I am on the list for that have been born as parts of other trades, can I get the links or do I just find one and go bid on it?


A large bed
My carp air fish and a medium bed for either draft horse :)



@PonyMama: I am very sorry. I was in the process of updating but I'm not done yet. You are of course still getting them if you want. I have no idea how you did not get on the list for the Cr@sh one O.o So sorry! Ricky hasn't been bred yet, but I'll put you on the list for him as well.
Links for your 4 gidgets:

@Wolfs Fang: Bid placed. Here is your puppy:

@Math: I will accept the offer for your red merle girl.
Please put yours up for bid and go bid on your new puppy <3

@Goddesss: Sure! ^^ Here is yours:


I totally forgot to reply to Willow >.<

Willow I'd be willing to trade your carp and medium bed for the palomino draft boy :)

I also think I will keep the two remaining pups until they've grown up, but I may offer them to zarz if she makes a trading thread, she has three litters I absolutely love.


Thank you YLO
Now all I need is link to Lookky wobble and then Ricky wobble when it is born


Are any of them still up for bid?  There are a few I have my eye on... Unless this is closed? But I have stuffs ;)


Err, I think only this girl is available:

This one is also still up for trade:

But I'm thinking of keeping him and trading daddy Fabrice instead.

Of course the afghans and chihuahuas are also available.