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[Privus Lagois] Feathered Genetics

Started by Privus Lagois, September 06, 2012, 12:24:16 PM

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Privus Lagois


Says a boisterous voice.

Now that I have your attention I need to present to you the newest found species here on Secundi. Thanks for a few students studying in genealogy and myself we have discovered enough about the genetic make up of this species to officially release them into the public.

We have single handed-ly bred safe domesticated versions of the creatures to allow the general population to handle what is an otherwise unhinged beast..for lack of better term. These animals are two different species that have managed to breed together to create a rather odd outcome. Most call them gryphions, while our dubbed scientific name for them is Privus Lagois.

Must to our surprise they make very loyal easy keeping pets once they are an adult. However as the egg stage is so delicate and the hatched offspring are so fragile they are not reccomended to the younger generations that are not capable of truly caring for or handling these animals.

However I digress, following is the information you will need in order to obtain a Privus Lagois.


Importing a Privus Lagois

Though most of secundi is open to the public, we have a closed lab where we breed these animals. Each month we import Privus Lagois to our approved dealers which will be your middle man whom will help with adoption.

Our three approved dealers are

Laken-This dealer handles all our orders for Privus Lagois used for home protection and career work. These creatures make great companions for those would like a little extra security. These animals are bred for a little extra wild natured yet handle-able personality, as it is there nature to protect their "herd".

Camille -This dealer handles all our order for Privus Lagois used for showing. These creatures make good companions to those who like to be a part of the contesting community. These animals are bred for beautiful coats and outstanding conformation while being a well mannered individual at the same time.

Trish-This dealer handles all our orders for Privus Lagois intended for home pet purposes only. These animals make good companions for anyone who would want animal who may lack in one of the two major departments but is a well rounded animal who would just love a caring home. These animals are animals that were bred for protection or contesting but did not make the cut. They are very even tempered with a variety of coats.


Privus Lagois Genetics

Currently we mostly breed for personality and confirmation, though we do try and breed for beautiful eye pleasing animals while we are at it. Since we are so early in the project we have only been able to isolate one coat gene. At the moment animals only show, we have yet to find animals who just 'carry a gene'

Gender Gene
XX or XY

Primary Coat Genes
Basic color of coat.

Primary Mixing Gene
Allows for mixing of two primary coat colors
MM or None
Purple (BR)
Green (BY)
Orange (RY)
Brown (BYR)

Shading Gene
Allows for darkening or lightening of the coat
DD or LL or None

Marking Genes

Wild Gene
Allows for wild marking to show
WW or None


Care for the stages

High Care
This is how you will aquire your pet. You will be given an egg and an instruction sheet.
Instruction sheet
Eggs must be cared for everyday, after receiving your pet your will be required to report to the dealers incubators to turn your egg once a day. It takes 5 days of turn for your egg to hatch. If you are not able to turn the egg yourself you are required to pay a fee to the dealer of 10k a day to turn your egg for you.

Moderate Care
After an egg has hatched they are able to go home with you, however you are required to report to your dealer at least 5 times for evaluation before your hatchling will mature. Your hatchling will be weighed and evaluated for its prime characters.

Easy Care
Once your adult has matured it is yours to do with as you please. You can train it at our training center to do the tasks your purchased it for, You may show it in shows for which tasks it has been trained, You may breed for your own line of Privus Lagois or you may simply set back and collect as many pets as youd like.


Breeding To Come



The black market

Privus Lagois

Privus Lagois



I currently have no eggs for adoption

Lakens Incubators

Currently Incubating:

Egg ID:003
Owner:Kadana Sorano
Turned:2 times

Lakens Hatchling Reports

Currently Reporting:None


I currently have no eggs for adoption

Camilles Incubators

Currently incubating:

Egg ID:001
Turned:2 times

Egg ID:002
Turned:2 times

Currently Reporting:None


I currently have no eggs for adoption

Trishs Incubators

Currently incubating:

Egg ID:005
Turned:2 Times

Egg ID:004
Turned:2 Times

Trishs Hatchling Reports

Currently Reporting:None


To add your egg to an incubator please fill out this form
Egg ID:
Egg Image:

To turn your egg please post
Egg ID:

To have your hatchling reported please post this form (must be done 5 times
[roll]1d5[*/roll] (take out the *)
Hatchling ID:
Hatchling Image:


To adopt an egg please post
Egg Image:

You may only adopt 2 eggs a week.

After five days of reporting a hatchling your will need to PM this form to us for naming your adult.

Hatchling Image:
Hatchling ID:
Adult Name:

Privus Lagois

You may now feel free to adopt eggs, after our first five eggs have been adopted and grown you will be able to train, contest and breed.


I would like to adopt!

Dealer: Camille
Egg Image:
Fee: 30K


Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




Privus Lagois

Egg IDs

Kadana soprano:003


Although green is rarely a color I find in my pets, I'm intrigued by this helpless little egg! To the incubator with you, little one!

To add your egg to an incubator please fill out this form:
Egg ID: 005
Egg Image:
Dealer: Trisha


To add your egg to an incubator please fill out this form
Egg ID: 001
Egg Image:
Dealer: Camille

I have a hidden fondness for white and pink things...though not so hidden now X3


To add your egg to an incubator please fill out this form
Egg ID: 002
Egg Image:
Dealer: Camille



Bah, missed them all! Excited to see what these little eggs turn into :3

Kadana Sorano

I almost went for the green, as it's one of my 3 favorite colors.  But I wanted a Laken egg, and I do love natural browns and tans as well :)

I am eggcited *dork* to see what hatches from my little egg :D

Egg ID: 003
Egg Image:
Dealer: Laken
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Haha you are so punny Kadana! XD

*throws a sakura tree at Soli and zips awaaaaay*


To add your egg to an incubator please fill out this form
Egg ID: 004
Egg Image:  
Dealer: Trish

Privus Lagois

Your eggs have all been added to the incubators. Please be sure to turn them on a daily basis or make it be known that youd like to pay the fee for the dealer to turn them. It is 10k a day.


Dealer: Trish
Incubator ID: 4

My egg ID in the incubator says 6 but your previous post confirming the flatsales said it's ID was 4, which one is correct?

Privus Lagois


Okay I have edited my post to include the correct ID now :)


Kadana Sorano

egg id = incubator id?

Dealer: Laken
Incubator ID: 003
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Ryuu trots into the warm room and checks on her verdant eggy in the incubator. "Showing up for the daily turning!" :3

Dealer: Trisha
Incubator ID: 005

Privus Lagois

Yes Egg ID = incubation ID, however since that is sort of confusing I've changed the form to say Egg ID


To turn your egg please post
Dealer: Camille
Egg ID: 001

Kadana Sorano

Turning my egg
Dealer: Laken
Egg ID: 003
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 




To turn your egg please post
Dealer: Camille
Egg ID: 001


To turn your egg please post
Dealer: Camille
Egg ID: 002


Time to pop back to the hatchery! Hi little green one, nice to meet you on day 2! ^.^

Dealer: Trish
Egg ID: 005

Privus Lagois

There has been a slight miscalculation in my turning times. It turns out that the best possible outcome is found on the third day of turning and hatching at that time. So to those who have eggs in the incubators your eggs will only require one more turn to start hatching


Well in that case ;D

Dealer: Trish
Incubator ID: 4


To turn your egg please post
Dealer: Camille
Egg ID: 002


To turn your egg please post
Dealer: Camille
Egg ID: 001


*drags self in, covered in dirt, cobwebs and sawdust from cleaning out a garage-full of clutter that's been sitting in boxes for a decade* Ugh, what a fun way to spend a Sunday...

*looks up at the new announcement* Eh? Only three turns instead of five? Oh hey, that's one bit of good news for me today at least! *looks at the green eggy* Hey-o, little guy...or girl... Let's get another turn shall we?

Dealer: Trish
Egg ID: 005

Kadana Sorano


Turning my egg
Dealer: Laken
Egg ID: 003
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 


Privus Lagois

YourLoveOnly's egg trimmers a little bit before jumping up like a frog and falling to the floor. As the dealer rushes to it in fear of the effects of the high fall the egg splits down the middle and either side of the shell falls away. A small blue bird like creature squirms against the cold tile floor.

Congratulations you egg 004 has hatched into a Male Privus Lagois showing the Wild Gene Marking.

Privus Lagois

Hiyokos egg is relativly quite as it cracks and breaks, a small privus lagois enters the world barley noticed..maybe a notation to a mild manner when it grows?

Congratulations your egg 002 has hatched into a male Privus Lagois showing the Wild Marking.

Privus Lagois

Solista's egg cracks and breaks open as a larger privus lagois hatchling comes into the world screaming. As the dealer hands it over it continues to chirp and rattle at solista. Good luck with this one.

Congratulations your egg 001 has hatched in a Rare Albino Female Privus Lagois.

Privus Lagois

Ryuukokoros egg breaks open from the top end as the the large privus lagois hatchling tries to squeeze its way through a too small hole. As it crys for help the dealer peels away the egg and pats it on the head. Passing it off to ryuukokoro ... I bet its least.

Congratulations your egg 005 has hatched in to a Male Privus Lagois showing the Wild Gene Marking.

Privus Lagois

Kadana Sorano's egg cracks and as the hatchling emerges it hisses at the dealer. As he passes it to kadana he remarks "its normal for them to be fairly aggressive as youngsters, they lack an ability to see and cannot hear well. As it matures and becomes more acquainted with the world it'll calm down a little.

Congratulations your egg 003 has hatched in a Female Privus Lagois showing the Wild Gene Marking.



oh gosh oh gosh seriously need one now <3 totally didn't recognize the egg image!


*squeaks gently* You are the cutest ugliest thing ever! XD *cuddle* Homeward we go! Don't mind the cobwebs!


[blockquote]Rolled 1d5 : 5, total 5
Rolled 1d5 : 2, total 2
Rolled 1d5 : 4, total 4
Rolled 1d5 : 5, total 5
Rolled 1d5 : 1, total 1[/blockquote]

Hatchling ID: 5
Hatchling image:
Dealer: Trish

((Why are we not just rolling 5d5? It's the same thing, but clutters up the thread a lot less XD))