Special (Price Your Own) fundraiser type event-Customs/Semi's/Premades/Breedings

Started by SGA, August 22, 2012, 01:17:01 PM

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OK, I dislike highly trying to sell things for USD, simply because I personally never feel my stuff is worth someone spending real monies on.  Also, I know how bad the economy sucks right now.  But I do have prices for customs and such in usd, and now and then will attempt to sell for such, simply because I need money for something, or have something I want a lot, but feel spending my money from my job on it would be irresponsible.  In this case it's kind of a combination of both of those reasons.

My youngest sister (Riverwind) is starting high school this year, and she chose Agriculture as one of her classes and is joining the FFA.  It sounds like a very fun and educational class and club.  But the biggest event they have, costs rather a lot of money, money which we (Mom and I) in no way can afford.  So if she is going to be able to attend this event, we have to try and find some way to come up with the money before mid to late October. 

They say we have to pay $400. for her to go.  It's for the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, and this is supposed to cover all fee's, from registration to transportation and room and board etc.

That's almost an entire month's worth of bills for me, and as much as I want to, I can't afford to pay it.  So I'm opening this thread, and it will remain open until either we have the money needed for the event, or until it's time for the event. 

I am also throwing my normal prices out the window.  For now, because I know how tight everyone is right now, and because this is for my sister, there are NO prices on anything.  So how will this work then?  Simple, if you want a custom, semi custom, premade, or breeding you post and claim a slot (or a premade) and tell me what you want, and what you are willing to pay.

For premades, you will pick out which you want and send me whatever you want/can for them.  So you'd post somethign like "I want premades 1, 5 & 19, and I'll send you X this much usd."  I'll then confirm that the premades you chose are still available and transfer them to you, then you send me monies once you have the premades in your account.

For breedings and customs/semi customs, you post saying what you want, we'll get it done for you, transferred to you, then you pay whatever you can afford/think they are worth.

All payments must be USD, and are to be sent to my paypal ( jennifer.mcneely@gmail.com ).  Please make a note in the notes section of the transaction with your Secundi name and slot ID # so I can correctly match payments with orders.  Do not send any money until after you have seen, approved, and received your purchase.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0



OK for now, premades for this event will be located on my Oak Wood account.  http://www.secundi.net/pets.php?AgencyID=20&ID=404

Any SC located here can be purchased.  When purchasing, please fill out the form completely, and then wait until I confirm and you have the SC/s in your account before sending payment.  Please don;t post names for the SC's just now, I'll give you a chance to name them later.  If there is nothing you want when you look, check back later as more will be added as we're able.

# of Premades you're purchasing:
Premade System ID's:
How much you will pay:

You will be listed in one slot per order.  Regardless of how many premades you purchase in an order.  Please list the slot ID# and your user name in the notes field when sending payment.  If you have multiple orders you may combine them, but list all slot numbers you are sending payment for.

Slot ID - Name

More slots will be added as needed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0



These are itemless breedings, and will not use up any breedigs items you have.  These will be normal breedings, with a normal chance of twins.  If using someone elses SC they must come and post the permission form.  I have added a "number of breedings" line to the permission form, in case someone lends you their SC for more then one breeding, they won't have to fill the form out twice for the same person/SC.

Breeding Form:
Father Owner:
Father System ID:
Mother Owner:
Mother System ID:

Permission Form:
SC System ID:
SC Owner:
Permission given to:
# of breedings user is allowed:

Slot ID - Name - my notes
B1: YLO - 3 breedings, 4 foals, m, f, m, m (4/4 done)

More slots will be added as needed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Semi-Custom Form:
Image of the scroll you are redeeming:
One Color:
One Pattern:
Redeeming a Bridle/Halter Scroll?: (if you have a scroll for a free bridle or halter, you can choose to redeem it now, (post the image of the scroll please.) if you do not redeem with the custom order, you will have to wait for equipping to open.)
Bridle Color: (only if you answered yes above OR if your custom scroll includes a bridle with it, or you are purchasing a custom and paying the extra to add a bridle (when applicable.))

Slot ID - Name

More slots will be added as needed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Custom Form:
Image of the scroll you are redeeming:
is this a memorial?
Gender: (mare, filly, Stallion, Colt, Gelding - remember, geldings can't breed, but they get bonus points for eventing purposes.. of course, you can always geld a stallion later on as well!)
Coat Color/s:
Reference Picture/s (if any):
Redeeming a Bridle/Halter Scroll?: (if you have a scroll for a free bridle or halter, you can choose to redeem it now, (post the image of the scroll please.) if you do not redeem with the custom order, you will have to wait for equipping to open.)
Bridle Color: (only if you answered yes above OR if your custom scroll includes a bridle with it, or you are purchasing a custom and paying the extra to add a bridle (when applicable.))

Slot ID - Name

More slots will be added as needed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0



These are for getting mimics of either real life horses, or naturally colored/marked equine based adoptables.  These will all be done as adults, no foals.

Image of horse/adopt to be mimiced:

Slot ID - Name

More slots will be added as needed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Just so you know, I am getting my other sister (Rosewood) to help with the coloring.  So if you have a preference of colorist, please say so with each of your orders.  If no preference is listed, then it will be whichever of us gets to it first.

I also let Riverwind color some SC's.  She did a few off coloreds, so if you're interested in that, keep an eye out :)

The girls have a colorist mark now, added them to the site under artistic credits.  but posting them here as well so you can see them easier and know what their marks are when you see them.

Rosewood      &     Riverwind
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Ooo I will check my Paypal when I get home! This is so nice of you to do. :3

I lived in Indianapolis for a year and I remember the National FFA Convention!! o.o Omg it was craaaaaazy. Kids from ALL over the US, all packed into one city! It seemed like every inch of sidewalk space in the downtown area was filled with kids wandering around in small groups, seeing the sites (you could tell what they were there for, everyone had a jacket with the logo on it, and the state they came from). There must have been hundreds of them. I really hope she gets to go, it seemed like a lot of fun. ^_^


Oooooh this sounds so awesome. I'd love to get some breedings. But I am poor and cannot spend as much as I think they are worth XD Must debate on this a bit, because my birthday is the 29th and my family is helping to pay with the move in September instead of giving me gifts, so maybe I shall buy myself gifts on Secundi instead :P


*hugs you both*

I have to admit, when I thought about school fee's, supplies etc, I never thought about anything like this.  Supplies, clothes and stuff is bad enough for three teenagers.  But when I sat there during her orientation and heard the teacher drop that bomb shell, my eyes felt like they were going to pop clear out of my head lol  I never had any kind of special fee's and such when I was in school.  but then, I never went to high school either so..

But yea, and it;s not like she is asking for money to go out and spend on junk.  Heck, she isn't even asking for money for this, she said out right that she doesn't have to go.  But I;d like to be able to let her if at all possible *shrug*

Anyway, I'll be working on getting some premades up later on.  And if there is anything I wasn't clear on, or forgot, feel free to poke me.

Also, if there is somethign you;d like that isn't listed, you're more then welcome to ask, and we'll see :)
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


The last line on the permissions form.. Does that mean the amount of breedings per SC is unlimited??

Also, am totally having a super crappy bad day so am ordering pretties for happiness.
I totally hate system ID#s xD I'll admit I'm totally scared that I paste the wrong number into the form by accident. So just in case, the pairings are meant to be Baylor x Lynxe, Rowan x Mioghen and Fox x Bianca

Breeding Form:
Father Owner: YLO
Father System ID: 550963
Mother Owner: YLO
Mother System ID: 550980

Breeding Form:
Father Owner: YLO
Father System ID: 551010
Mother Owner: YLO
Mother System ID: 550948

Breeding Form:
Father Owner: YLO
Father System ID: 551002
Mother Owner: YLO
Mother System ID: 551014

Also, it's not specifically listed but I am assuming the full customs are natural/realistic horses only as usual? -still totally wants Art and Celine SCs at some point-


Quote from: YourLoveOnly on August 23, 2012, 04:30:18 AM
The last line on the permissions form.. Does that mean the amount of breedings per SC is unlimited??

Yes, breedings are unlimited.  Normal breeding "season" breedings, a mare would only be allowed to breed once per "season".  But USD breedings don't have that restriction.

Quote from: YourLoveOnly on August 23, 2012, 04:30:18 AM
Also, it's not specifically listed but I am assuming the full customs are natural/realistic horses only as usual? -still totally wants Art and Celine SCs at some point-

Yes sorry, customs are still limited to natural markings/colors only.  I'm not ready for opening Off-Colored customs or non equine mimics just yet.  I do still want to have a RP event at some point (hopefully sooner rather then later) to give away the first non-equine mimics.  And as for off-coloreds, there are a few out there, and they do have a percent chance to pass that on, I don;t think they are in league with your characters lol  I'm honestly not sure if I will ever do full on fantasy type ones.  But your animal mimic type characters you might be able to get bred into being at some point :)

OK, Ellen (Rosewood) will be coloring these breedings, as I woke with a headache today and she's not busy.  Just so you know who's doing what :)

And I'm sorry you're not having a good day, I hope it gets better.  And maybe it will help cheer you up to know you managed to roll for twins on your last breeding.  Not identical (fraternal?), but still, twins lol  Also, some of Baylor's off coloredness managed to pass along :)

Thank you for the order hun *hugs*
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Off colored? Baylor is from a real horse picture so he's not off colored :P
And yay, twins! Am excited to see all the pretties!

Would I be allowed to post 'blank' permissions? Where any user has my permission to borrow a specific SC from me without having to PM me?

Kadana Sorano

Was he?  I didn't color him, so yea lol  His "blaze" marking I thought was off-colored.  I've never seen one not white, so assumed Losty did an off colored for you.  But then, I know muck all about horses mostly rofl  I'll go tell Ellen then, so she can adjust percentages accordingly :)

And hmm I suppose that would be Alright.  Just list everyone in the permission to spot, and Any for the SC, then if you want to limit how many times a given user can use each SC put that in the # spot.  And then I'll add the permission form to the last post above so I don;t forget it.

Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



First foal delivered.  We have to head out to open house for the other two kids, hopefully we get hoe in time to get more done before bed.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Ill try and send some money your way to help out.  I am also willing to help with coloring for this if you guys need me to <3333


Aww *hugs* luff you Goddesss :)  And thank you, if we do get more orders I may well take you up on that, since the girls start school Monday and won;t have as much time to color things.  And I am (hopefully) going to get added back to the work schedule.. if I can ever get ahold of my boss heh
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Thank you guys so much! As much as I really WANT to go on this trip, I know it's not really required, so thank you for your donations. *Hugs* I'm really excited about this club, even if we don't manage to raise the money. It also makes me feel like the oddball of the family because my sister and my nephew both joined JROTC. :D

Again, thank you for all your help. Also, congrats on the twins, YLO. :)


Second foal delivered.

You can post to assign their bonus stat points in the other thread whenever you're ready, and equip as well and name/equip there as well if you like.  Foals will grow on the same day they were uploaded, but in the following month.  (So Sept 23 for these two).

ETA: And done, all foals are delivered :)
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=6559.0
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=8619.0
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) : http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0


Yay foals! Will squee properly and send cash once this migraine passes *crawls back into bed*

Kadana Sorano

Aww I'm sorry YLO, I woke with one today again as well.  Dunno why I start getting them again now, I hope you feel better soon!
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Sent <3 Accidentally from the wrong bank account, but I'll just send the amount from the right account back to the wrong account to fix it XD

Kadana Sorano

*hugs* Thank you :)

The girls have been coloring premades, and I have to get them resized, cropped and imported.  They went to one of my managers houses today, she (my manager) is having a yard sale and let them take somethings over to try and sell.  They maybe will get to do yardwork after church tomorrow, and Monday I have to go to the court house and inquire if I need any kind of permit or such to hold bake sales.  I already bought ingredients for Chrissy to make brownies, cookies and cupcakes to sell.  But I don;t want to get into trouble if we need a permit first, so yea.  Someone mentioned I might be required to get a peddlers license heh

Anyway.. I'll keep the thread updated with how things are going :)
Storm Chasers Current Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3836.0
Storm Chasers Customs Thread: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=3691.0
Okibi Stud and RB Service: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4266.0
Quinsta Studs Free to Use: http://www.secundi.net/forum.php?topic=4308.0

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :)