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[Miniwyvs] Introduction Event!

Started by Saturnalia, August 17, 2012, 01:38:45 PM

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Well, I know that to some, I'm a very new face! But I've been flitting through the adoptables community for... erm... a really long time. And seeing everyone happily running events has made me really miss running some of my own!
Well, don't you know it, I'd actually been working on a species, anyway... no time like the present to 'release' it!

And so, without further ado, may I introduce the Miniwyvs!


Miniwyvs were first discovered in the wild, and were observed to live in small family packs in a variety of habitats. They are limbless, aside from small wings, and spend much of the time in the air or curled around treelimbs, or, on occasion, in the water, as they are fine swimmers. They rarely rest upon the ground, as that makes them more vulnerable to larger predators. Miniwyvs are a fairly docile species, typically feeding on insects, small fish and rodents. Their habits of eating creatures considered to be pests by humanoids, in fact, led to some of the first domestication attempts.

Those who removed eggs from wild nests found that the hatched babies were quite trainable and friendly, and did indeed help to keep pest numbers down. More amazingly, though, it was discovered that the miniwyvs have some minor telepathic powers, and can communicate with their handlers in a limited capacity. While sentence formation and outright-conversation is not entirely possible, at least in the manner of humans, basic thoughts and ideas can be broadcast from a miniwyv to those near it. It appears that miniwyvs converse fluently with each other, also telepathically.

While the original domestic beginnings were steeped in utility, they are now being bred as pets. Typically in the wild, very few colors were seen, mainly greens and yellows, but an occasional other color-- red, black, even purple-- were spotted. Through selective breeding, it is thought that more of these uncommon colors may be seen. In addition, other mutations-- horns, different wings, different patterns-- are also occasionally seen, and some breeding projects may focus on making these mutations more common amongst the domestic miniwyv population.


Subspecies: Stickywyvs

Miniwyvs also possess the power to transport themselves to other realms-- realms outside of this digital frontier. In plainspeak, this means that there are hand-drawn, hand-colored miniwyvs-- done on sticker paper. These miniwyvs, should you come to possess any, can be mailed to you, so that you may adorn your fondest belongings with them. They are fully breedable with the digital variety of miniwyvs, HOWEVER the "stickywyvs", as they may be called, will often show a much greater range of mutation, in addition to unique poses.



Miniwyvs have a system of genetics similar to some creatures but different. It should be noted that genotypes will not be made public. (Plainspeak: yes, I have genetics recorded for each miniwyv, but no, you cannot see them. ;) Phenotypes, obviously, are visible and guesses towards the genotype can be made from them.

Genetics do involve a lot of typical dominant and recessive qualities, but there are a few factors that should be noted.

Color: Color genetics follow a hierarchical system. Certain colors, if passed down, will show up over other colors that may also be carried. For instance, green has been found to be the "most dominant", followed by yellow, and then orange. Brown, blue, red, black, purple, white and magenta follow, from more dominant to least. The higher on that list something is, the more certain it is to show up. Some colors have rarely been seen at all, and may only be obtained through careful breeding.

Pattern: Patterns, too, follow a somewhat hierarchical system. Normal miniwyv coloration includes a solid back color, a different belly color, and the same color appearing on tail and wings. Solid-colored miniwyvs have also been seen, as have a wide variety of patterns, including stripes, splotches, gradients, and just about everything else.


All information, plus breeding info, can be found right here on this handy dandy website!


Now, with all of that long-winded information business out of the way, let's get to the fun stuff. I'll reserve a few posts in here for various events!

1. Flat Sale
2. Auction
3. Giveaway Raffle
4. Customs
5. Mystery Event!


1. Flat Sale!

Today, we have a quintet of trained adult Miniwyvs! The eggs were wild-caught, and so the parentage is unknown. But there are some more interesting patterns and colors! Quite rare for wild-caughts...

Each Miniwyv is being sold for the introductory price of 1000 secunds!
One per person, please!


Here we have a lovely dappled female! Definitely not colors you typically see in the wild!
Sold to Winged Dreams!


This male may be more typical coloration, but he's quite the classy fellow!
Sold to CrystalAngelNeko!


A lovely female in some of the more rare colors, with bay-style markings!
Sold to jojo080889!


This little female has a very natural color scheme, and also sports dapples!
Sold to Willow!


Last but not least is this fiery male, with spots and feathered wings!
Sold to Sera!


2. Auction!

Bidding starts at 500 secunds!

This feather-winged female sports some exciting stripes!

Auction won by Winged Dreams!


3. Freebie Stickywyvs Giveaway!

Stickywyvs, as mentioned & shown above, are hand-drawn and hand-colored on sticker paper. For this reason, they will tend to be a little higher-priced, since you will always have the option of having the stickers mailed to you! They also tend to come in little packs or "crates", with a few in each, as well as some other fun stickers.

This raffle is for a mystery starter pack-- you won't know what's in there until after the raffle! But there are at least 3 Stickywyvs.  And they are fully breedable and interactable with the regular Miniwyvs, of course!

The raffle is free-- to get a ticket, just say your name, and that you want a ticket! Simple enough!

1. Jojo080889
2. Winged Dreams
3. CrystalAngelNeko
4. Willow

CLOSING 8/28 AT 8pm EST!


4. Customs!

I suppose I should actually say "semi-customs". Don't want to take all the fun out of breeding, so I need to allow for some limitations & artist discretion! ;)

Semi-customs are 2000 secunds, for this special introductory event.

I'll have five slots open for now! One per person, please.

The Form

Colors: Pick up to 3!
Pick ONE of the following:
-Normal marked (belly a different color)
-"Bay" (nose and tail a different color)
Wings: Dragon or Feathered
Horns: Straight back or none

1. Winged Dreams- done!
2. Willow- done!
3. CrystalAngelNeko- done!
4. EvanescentHowling- done, unpaid
5. Jojo080889- paid!


5. Mystery Event - Searching the Countryside!

It's time to explore! The land that the Miniwyvs dwell in is very varied, and sometimes there are some regional differences in the Miniwyvs that dwell in the various areas. It's much too large of a land to explore all at once, but today we'll be searching in a very hilly area.

One hill is dotted with white wildflowers, and adorned with the ruins of a temple, built right into the side of the hill. The other larger mountain is capped in snow. There is a river that leads down into a lake, bordered on one side by a cliff-peninsula. The other side features a small beach, bordered by a rocky area.

To play, please state which area you would like to explore. (A1, or C4, or E2, etc.)

Each player may explore only ONE area each day. It's hard work and a lot of walking, after all!

You may roleplay the terms of your exploration if you wish. I can't guarantee it will help any, but who knows what might come of it? ;)

I will be responding to say what you do or do not find. ;) I'll also try to keep the map updated with what's been searched already!

There are a total of 5 prizes!

Annnnd GO!


Alrighty, that should suffice for posts.

Questions, comments, etc are welcome!

Also, would people prefer to have name certificates on the images? Certainly I could work those in if it would be preferred!


Looks good! Can't wait to see some of these xD
Owner of Gliders!


Thanks for the interest, Winged Dreams!

Flatsale is now up! I have no idea how to price things, lol!


Owner of Gliders!


She's all yours, Winged Dreams! :) Let me know what you'd like to call her! (On the fence about putting certificates on them, but I will be making a parents list!)

Also, the auction is up!


003 please :) Sending secunds now! (To be honest, I think you could price these a little higher!)

I'd like a ticket for the raffle please!


can I buy number 2? I'll send you sg now ^.^


I'll name her Liquid please!

And i'd love a semi- custom!
Name: Duff
Gender: Male
Colors: Silver, Dark brown, any other shades of brown you think fit.
Pattern: Striped
Wings: Feathered
Horns: None
Added the name in, since he's a character so i've already got a name for him.

And i'd like a ticket for the Stickywyvs raffle!
Only thing is i live in the UK so i'm not sure if you'd post them here and i'm not totally sure i would want to give my address out over the internet anyway. Sure you understand. But they would be great without the actual sticker of them :)
Owner of Gliders!


Thanks so much, guys! Updated all of the sold ones.  And I guess I'll price them a bit higher in the future, lol! I had no idea what to go with...

Also, would you guys like to see them certed with names & owners? I can do that if you'd like! Otherwise they're in the Photobucket:

Winged Dreams, I'm willing to send there; international stamps aren't too pricey anyway! :) But I totally get the address thing, too, and if that's the case I just hold on to the stickers for safekeeping!
And working on your custom now!


Certs with names and owners I do kind of like, but that's just me :) If we are taking names, I'd like to name mine Aurora!

EDIT: And yeah, it's a little bit hard to price things especially when you're first starting out. It's not unusual for things to be bought on the order of magnitude of 10k or 100k or so, sometimes more if we're talking about pets that people really want (like in an auction or something). The Secundi economy is a litttttle borked. XD


Good to know! Thanks much for the info. It really has been a while since I was doing this sort of thing! :D

Also, I'll play around with some cert designs and see what I come up with!


I don't really mind about a cert, and with these i think they're fine without it. So whatever you find easier xD
Owner of Gliders!


Winged Dreams, here's your semi-custom! :) I hope you like him!


Owner of Gliders!


So glad you like him, Winged Dreams! :D

Still two more available in flatsale, and all the other stuff going on... planning a little event, too!


Did you ever used to be on PI? These remind me of a adopt over there.


Sunchaser, I remember you! I did the Spiriswirls, and these are very similar... I would say close cousins ;) Is that what you're thinking of?


004 please, she's lovely! :'D

SB on the auction.

Gender: Male
Colors: White, Lavender, Tan Brown
Pattern: Normal
Wings: Dragon
Horns: Straight

I didn't have access to my laptop, I could only see these on my phone, I hoped things would still be available when I got back :'D


Many thanks, Willow! I'm glad you like them! :D

I'll have that custom done soon, and 004 is all yours! Let me know if you have a name for her!


Coco please! I look forward to seeing my custom ^w^


Annnd here he is, Willow! I hope you like him! Looks like he's got some faint dappling on his wings, too :)



I'll name him Ghost please <3
He's lovely :'D
Thank you!



lol thats probably it. It has been awhile since i have been on PI so im not positive but that was most likely it. ^____^



Sunchaser, or it might have been the Lapizards...
I know you definitely had Spiriswirls, though:
and the Lapizards were like this:
So both were sort of similar, lol :)

CrystalAngelNeko, thank you much! Updated :)


Owner of Gliders!


Updated the high bid! Ends tonight at 8pm eastern!


CrystalAngelNeko for the raffle ^.~

and when I get home today, I'll enter for a custom ^.^



I love my warrior :) And yep thats them ^____^ glad to see these guys


The auction is over! Congrats to Winged Dreams with a high bid of 10k! Let me know when you have a name picked out!

I'm also getting ready to post another event :D


Gender: Female
Colors: Magenta, Yellow, White
Pattern: Bay
Wings: Dragon
Horns: Straight


Owner of Gliders!


CrystalAngelNeko, thanks much! I'll have it done once I'm home from work later today! :)

Winged Dreams, thanks!


Gender: female
Colors: Seafoam green, light blue, cream/white
Pattern: striped
Wings: Feathered
Horns: Straight





I hope you like her! Let me know a name, and also one for the boy you purchased :)


Hope you like yours, too! Let me know name! :)

Anyone around for a Franken?


Gender: Male
Colors: Magenta, Light yellow, Deep blue. Like the night sky in space :D
Pattern: Spotted
Wings: Feathered
Horns: Straight back

Sending secunds now :)


Greutt for my male, and Flowers for my girl ♥


Thanks, JoJo! I'll get that done right away!

Also... Event 5 is up-- an exploration event! :D


Also, jojo080889, here is your custom! Let me know what you'd like to name him :)



Games and stuff are still going on-- no one has tried Event 5 yet!

But a heads up-- I'll be gone all weekend at a wedding and stuff :)


I'd like to explore B3 please! :'D