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{Little Chimaera} Ice Cream Treats

Started by Little Chimaera, August 06, 2012, 03:57:48 PM

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Little Chimaera

Now that we are mostly caught up here is our August thread ^_^
The theme of this thread is Ice Cream and summer treats (though there might be a small olympic game)

A breeding thread will be set up after the completion of this thread.

Have our posts you are welcome to post while we set up ^_^
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera


End Time: August 15 15:00:00 secundi time!

Really easy, just fill out the form and send 5,000 sg to this account ^_^
Everyone will get something, if there are more entries than prizes than some people will get items.
More pets may be added as time goes so you are welcome to edit your form up until the end time. Just please post saying that you have edited it :)

1st choice:
2nd choice:
3rd choice:


Entries green means that payment has been received
1st choice: GrimMaleMintChocolateChip
2nd choice: FencatFemaleTiramisu
3rd choice: KodamaFemaleNeopolitan
Other: FlitFemaleLemon

1st choice: Kodama(?) Neopoliaten, pink white brown.
2nd choice: Long eared mint choc chip.
3rd choice: Long eared, curled in a ball, speckles and stripes, cream, brown, redbrown.
Other: I'm happy with any really.

1st Choice: 12 -Mint looking one, second from the bottom
2nd Choice: 13 -strawberry chocolate one, last
3rd Choice: 5 - white either tiny black dots
Other: 11 -redbrown chocolate one, third from bottom OR the lemon looking egg - 10 fourth from last I think

1st choice: MintChocolateChipBaby
2nd choice: ChocoCarmBaby
3rd choice: ChocoCherryBaby
Other: NeopolitanBaby

1st choice: Green tea Baby
2nd choice: Vanilla Bean Baby
3rd choice: Buter Pecan Baby
Other: I'll take whatever I can get.

1st choice: Green Tea Baby
2nd choice: Rasp Lemon Sorbet Baby
3rd choice: Choco Carm Baby
Other: ♥~♥~♥

1st choice: Vanilla Bean Baby
2nd choice: Neopolitan Baby
3rd choice: Blueberry Baby
Other: Strawberry Shortcake Baby

1st choice: VanillaBeanBaby
2nd choice: ChocoCarmBaby
3rd choice: RaspLemonSorbet
Other: Any but GreenTeaBaby
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Ice Cream Breeding
End Time: When slots are full or August 15 15:00:00 secundi time!

This breeding event will be a fun, summery spin on a regular LC breeding. The idea is to breed one existing pet (owned by the user or borrowed from another with permission) with a flavor of ice cream. So in the end, the resulting baby will be a mix between the ice cream flavor and the parent! Each breeding slot costs 3,000sg - no breeding charm needed. The Pet you submit can be either male or female.


1. Only one slot per colorist
2. No extra breeding items can be added to the sale ( I.E. Potions, plus one, bonus ticket, etc)
3. Each breeding will result in only one kit, no exceptions.

1. CrystalAngelNeko
2. Scullisto
3. Willow
4. Kahlira
5. Dunkel.Prinzessin204
6. Aralie
7. Winged dreams
8. toffeeca

1. Dunkel.Prinzessin204
2. hiyoko
3. Winged dreams

1. CrystalAngelNeko
2. VanillaBean

Breeding Form
Name: (Male and Female for offspring)
Existing Pet: (Pic/Link)
Ice Cream Flavor: (Name and Pic/Link)
If you don't own the female/male has permission been posted?

Permission Form
I ____ give ___ permission to use the following LC:
Link to pet:
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Elder Auction

This auction features an exclusive Meanah Runner. Since elders are so limited, this is a very special event! This Runner is based on pumpkin pie ice cream.

Minimum Bid: 10,000sg
Minimum Bid Increase: 1,000sg
Ends: August 12, 2012 18:30:00 (Secundi Time)

High Bid: 25k by Kahlira
Have fun, and good luck!
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Name That Ice Cream
End Time: August 15 15:00:00 secundi time

In this game, I am looking for a new and creative name for this already existing ice cream flavor. The pet you see is based off Rockey Road ice cream. Each user may submit one name. This name should relate to Rockey Road ice cream in some way, shape, or form. How this is achieved is up to you! The name which is chosen at the end of the event will win the pet! The pet will be named the chosen name. The more creative, the better. Have fun!

To Enter...
To enter your name, post the following statement (Filled in with your username and the pet name) in Italics.
I,____, would name that pet ____!

Marshmallow Fluff (Kahlira)
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Pick - A - Flavor
End Time: August 17 15:00:00 secundi time!

There is a little Maenah girl hiding around here! This playful kit wants you to guess her flavor.

The flavors you can pick from:

Rocky Road
Rainbow Sorbet
Cookies and Cream
Peppermint Chocolate Chip
Strawberry Cheesecake
Caramel Espresso
Blueberry Cobbler

The people who guess the right flavor get put into a raffle. The winner gets the Maenah, and everyone else who picked the correct flavor gets a copper custom ticket which can be redeemed with SkySong.

To enter...
Post the flavor you're picking in Pink and Bold. You may edit before the deadline to bold/color if you forget.

CrystalAngelNeko - Strawberry Cheesecake
Kahlira - Blueberry Cobbler
Winged Dreams - Blueberry Cobbler
Dunkel.Prinzessin204 - Rainbow Sorbet
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

SkySong's Post 2 - will be set up after friday
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal

Little Chimaera

While we finish setting up and everyone gets their pets uploaded I will run an Ice Cream Franken ^_^

other than gender and breed all entries must be a picture of Ice cream or a summer treat

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


Owner of Gliders!

Little Chimaera

I always seem to forget that XD Please wait for one other person to post before posting again for the franken ^_^

Gender - Male (Winged)
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal



Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)


When i was in prague last month, i had some amazing ice cream :) And the way they had it in the trays with the fruit on top was really cool, and we saw that in italy and spain too. So here's a photo i found that shows that.

ETA: If that's too many colours to choose then go for the mango ice cream :)
Owner of Gliders!



Ooh, looks like gelato ice cream! *drools* gelato is so awesome ^_^

Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)



Yummy ^_^

Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1?


Little Chimaera

Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color?
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal



Dunkel, please post a pic of an ice cream for the franken ^_^



Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color - Blueberry
Marking 2?


Owner of Gliders!


Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color - Blueberry (Crystal)
Marking 2 - Strawberry Sundae (Winged)
Marking 2 color?


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color - Blueberry (Crystal)
Marking 2 - Strawberry Sundae (Winged)
Marking 2 Color - Black Forest (Sky)
Marking 3?



Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color - Blueberry (Crystal)
Marking 2 - Strawberry Sundae (Winged)
Marking 2 Color - Black Forest (Sky)
Marking 3 - Mint Chocolate Chip (hiyoko)
Marking 3 Color?


Little Chimaera

The Naming game and Elder Auction are now open! Good luck, everyone!
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


Gender - Male (Winged)
Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
Marking 1 Color - Blueberry (Crystal)
Marking 2 - Strawberry Sundae (Winged)
Marking 2 Color - Black Forest (Sky)
Marking 3 - Mint Chocolate Chip (hiyoko)
Marking 3 Color - Banana Split (Dunkel)

Alrighty, I will finish colouring him up and then see who won him ^_^


SB on the Elder auction, please?

I, Kahlira, would name that pet Marshmallow Fluff!


Here is the franken ^_^

QuoteThere were 10 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1.Marking 2 - Strawberry Sundae (Winged)
2.Marking 3 - Mint Chocolate Chip (hiyoko)
3.Marking 1 Color - Blueberry (Crystal)
4.Breed - Ryuki (Kahlira)
5.Hair - Butter Pecan (Crystal)
6.Marking 1 - Blueberry Cheesecake Swirl (Scullisto)
7.Marking 2 Color - Black Forest (Sky)
8.Base - Mango Gelato (Winged)
9.Gender - Male (Winged)
10.Marking 3 Color - Banana Split (Dunkel)

Timestamp: 2012-08-07 20:36:12 UTC

Congrats Winged!
let me know what his name is and I will upload him for you ^_^[/color]


He's awesome! Weird mix of colours, but they go well together xD I'll name him Mango Mix please.
Owner of Gliders!


darn, my post from before didn't submit. I'll type this out again then.

Username: Winged
1st choice: GrimMaleMintChocolateChip
2nd choice: FencatFemaleTiramisu
3rd choice: KodamaFemaleNeopolitan
Other: FlitFemaleLemon

20k on the Elder. I've been wanting to get an Elder for a while :)
Owner of Gliders!


Username: Willow
1st choice: Kodama(?) Neopoliaten, pink white brown.
2nd choice: Long eared mint choc chip.
3rd choice: Long eared, curled in a ball, speckles and stripes, cream, brown, redbrown.
Other: I'm happy with any really.

I really need to stop forgetting the breed names D|



Glad you like him ^_^
He is uploaded now


I can't see the codenames you guys use on my phone so Ill use numbers.

Usrname: Wildfilly94
1st Choice: 12 -Mint looking one, second from the bottom
2nd Choice: 13 -strawberry chocolate one, last
3rd Choice: 5 - white either tiny black dots
Other: 11 -redbrown chocolate one, third from bottom OR the lemon looking egg - 10 fourth from last I think


Username: Scullisto
1st choice: MintChocolateChipBaby
2nd choice: ChocoCarmBaby
3rd choice: ChocoCherryBaby
Other: NeopolitanBaby

Little Chimaera

Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal


Im not sure I follow...are the ice cream flavors already owned pets?  or are they a pic and link we find on our own?  Because the wording on the form says if we don't own both Male and female we need permission.


I believe it's supposed to read this:

Name: (Male and Female for offspring?)
Existing Pet: (Pic/Link)
Ice Cream Flavor: (Name and Pic/Link)
If you don't own the female or male has permission been posted?

I'm not sure if this is right or not (Is the name necessary?), so don't go quoting me on it. :)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Username: Dunkel.Prinzessin204
Name: Maverick/Male
Colorist: Aralie
Existing Pet: Odette

Owner: Dunkel.Prinzessin204
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Strawberry Ice Cream

Did I do that right?


Breeding Form
Username: hiyoko
Name: Maxine
Colorist: Aralie
Existing Pet: Here
Owner: hiyoko
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint chocolate chip


Username: Dunkel.Prinzessin204
1st choice: Green tea Baby
2nd choice: Vanilla Bean Baby
3rd choice: Buter Pecan Baby
Other: I'll take whatever I can get. ;D

Little Chimaera

Sky is correct, that is what the form should have read *updates*

If you choose me as a colourist you don't have to post a name, you can let me know later. I know Nilla likes to have the names already when she uploads them ^_^

I will work on these tomorrow after I finish a custom that I owe :D
Little Chimaera shop account. Accessible by all of our staff.

Kage posts in blue
NillaBean posts in purple
Aralie posts in red
SkySong posts in teal