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Storm Chaser Foals from last event Delivered

Started by SGA, July 09, 2012, 11:36:16 PM

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The first 50 Storm Chasers are now imported to Secundi.  I am importing them in order according to their ID numbers.  So if you see that you have some but not all of your SC's then don;t worry, I just haven't gotten to the rest yet. 

Please do look over your SC's once they are imported, and let me know as soon as you can if you see any errors.  Also, some of you still have points waiting to be assigned.  You will find a note in the Agency Info box saying so in this case.  You can post here if you are ready to assign those, remember that no starting stat can go above 15.

Please post the System ID number when referring me to where a mistake was made, or when posting to assign left over stat points.

I am setting all existing owned foals to grow up on Aug 1.  This will (hopefully) give me plenty of time to finish all the imports, and enough time to run a small equipping event for anyone wanting to equip a halter to their foal for that little bit of extra training.

Once all the imports are complete, I will be looking to hire a couple of temporary workers to double check (everything).  So if you think you might be interested/have the time, then you have a heads up to watch the Help forums later on.

I think that's it for now, I just wanted to give a heads up.  I don't need any posts saved or anything, so feel free to chat, post any errors etc.  Maybe when I'm done with these I'll give a few items and/or SC's away to random posters.  You never know :)
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Kadana Sorano

4 am wakefullness, working on getting the rest of the headshots made so I can finish uploading.  100 out of 149 are in the system now.

If anyone else is up and bored and wants to chat..
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Loving seeing my beauties here at last!! :)

Kadana Sorano

hehe I'm glad.

And only 78 more files to make headshots for.  It would be a whole lot more, except for a nice helpful trick I learned form Silv.  It cut my work time a lot.  I had to change how I was doing things (the order I was doing things in mostly) which makes me my nerves jump and twitch lol but it's making things go faster so I'll deal.  I just can;t upload to Secundi as I work now, since I am doing them out of order.  But they should all be uploaded a lot sooner then I expected now :)

Which means, I'll be able to hold some kind of an event sooner :D
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



I see several I've coloured, I feel somewhat ashamed of some of the colouring jobs I've done but there are several I'm very happy with XD Glad to see these coming over I've got my boy Skoll, think I've got one more SC coming.

Kadana Sorano

I feel the same way about my coloring jobs.  There are a few that I look at and go "Wow!  did I really do that?!"  then I look at others and go "oh yea, that looks more like my work" lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



30 more imported.  I'd thought to have a lot more done, but my son distracted me with star trek -.-

too dang tired to import now, don;t want to make mistakes (more then I was already anyway)  but progress, however small.  Will work on getting more done later after I manage some sleep.  After more time with my boy lol
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Yeay all or most of my babies are here. :3
once you get everyone imported, do you plan to do growings? My little kahluha has been sitting around as a baby for a while. XD Shes like, a 30 year old in a baby's body! Lol. XD


She has all foals set to grow on august 1st Wild. ^_^

Skype: ellen.rae.tyson


Ohh! I  must've missed it, thanks!


Skype: ellen.rae.tyson

Kadana Sorano

Yes, all foals (of actual Secundians) are set to grow automatically on Aug 1. Bless Silv for making this option available across the board!  It makes it so much easier.  Prior to this, we had a thread and you had to post there if/when you wanted your foal to grow lol

I know some have been foals for a while now, but I set the grow date to Aug 1 so we could try and have an equipping event before then, in case some folks want to get their foals extra points before they grow.

Non Secundians SC's are being imported as well, so I can keep the ID's in order.  I created an account (Holding Pen) and all SC's belonging to people from PI that chose not to migrate to Secundi with us are being uploaded to this account.  Any foals are being grown now, before import.  And they will all remain on this account unless/until their owners make the move and claim them.

And on that note, it's time I switched accounts and got to work lol
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Done through 180.  Time to take a break for breakfast and rest my eyes, they burn!  But I'm determined to get these all finished today, as I have no clue what my coming work week looks like.

Edit: #200 done, 49 left to go!  So sleepy, but I can do this, I will do this heh  I just wish the cat would stop snoring beside me -.-
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :

Kadana Sorano

And done!  Got bad weather and had no net for a while, so there was a delay.  But I waited up so I could finish lol  And they are finally all imported.  Quite probably with errors somewhere or other, especially in the last 30 or so, because quite frankly I'm basically "sleep walking" now.

Next step is importing everyone's items, and see about having an equipping event.

But for now, I need sleep.  Let's see if I can get some, or if the stupid neighborhood brats will keep screaming outside my window -.-  *Is feeling very scrooge-like*  Why the devil can;t they go play in their own yards? :S
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



All certed SC's have been imported.  If you own SC's but do not see them in your pet's area, then please check to see if they got mistakenly placed into the Holding Pen account, then contact me about retrieving them.

Items owned by Secundians have been imported and placed into your inventories.  Only items related to the SC's have been imported.  In many cases, these were the only items Secundians owned, and their PB folder is now empty.  But in some cases a few Secundians owned items for use with our shop's other lines.  In those cases, the SC related items were removed/transferred over, and the rest was left.  There are two exceptions to this..

1. Any/all Half off Flatsale scrolls owned by Secundians have been imported and removed form your PB folders.  Half off flatsale crolls can be used with SC related flatsales, but can also be used in any other flatsale relating to any of our shops lines.  SO if you ever see another line active and wish to use your half off scroll, you have to remember it is located in your Secundi items, not your Photo Bucket items.

2. Any "Colorist Specific" scrolls owned were left in the PB folders until it can be decided what to do with them, as I did not want to add them into the database needlessly if those colorists will no longer be coloring for us.  So if you have one of these such scrolls, you can contact me and we can try and figure out what to do about them, in the event your particular colorist is no longer with us.

There are still SC's that have not been imported to Secundi, but they have not been certed or assigned an agency ID number.  I found them while going through my PB account, these were from the last event/s run here I believe, and somehow never managed to get named and carded.  If one or more of these are yours, rest assured they will be delivered.

Still to-do..

  • Hire an artist to create a Naming Item and get it set up in the system so Silv can code it when she has time.
  • Import SC's from last event (Faux Breeding Event I believe)Done, I think.. The foals are done anyway, if there are adults still wandering they haven't been "rounded up" yet.

  • Search all my files on comp and PB to see if I can find any other "lingering" Sc's in need of importing.
  • Decide how/where Prize Pool SC's will now be located (keep them in the PB folder, import to this account (which could get confusing later on) or create a new account just for those)  Thoughts anyone?
  • Hold a small equipping event, before foals grow on Aug 1.
  • Find out which (if any) colorists are still around and want to stay on.

If there is anything you can think of that I have forgotten, please do let me know.
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :


Foals from the last event are now delivered.  The ones I couldn't find names for are set as Name Me.  Stats have been assigned as well, but you all still have 5 base points to choose where to go.  I am finding more owned but unnamed/uncerted SC's lingering about, and will have to get that sorted, but so far they are all adults so I;m going to leave them wait a bit.  Since they have no Agency ID's yet, it won't throw anything off to wait.  Right now I'm mostly concerned with getting any halter equips done before your foals grow.

The following people have had foals delivered..

Agency ID Owner - Foal Name - System ID
250 Aralie - Shila - 551081
251 BabyKittenCandy  - Name Me - 551082
252 Keilin Alyr - Cyclone - 551083
253 kunaisa - Sonar - 551084
254 XLostxDestinyX - Name Me - 551085
255 Scullisto - Spirit - 551086
256 YourLoveOnly - Name Me - 551087

Please check for errors, and let me know where to assign your 5 remaining base stats.  Remember no stat can rise above 15 on first gens.  If you have other SC's with stats waiting to be assigned (you will see a note saying as much in your agency box) then feel free to assign those now as well.  Just give me the SC's SYSTEM ID when assigning points.

Edit  Naming Item is in the system, and sent to Silv for coding when she has the time.  Thanks go to YourLoveOnly for getting us an item made so quickly :)
Storm Chasers: Equipping/Training event :
Storm Chaser's Stat Allocation:
Storm Chasers: Customs Thread (Closed) :