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[Elenaria] Welcoming Event![Closed: name from Keilin]

Started by Elenaria, June 21, 2012, 05:06:49 PM

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Keilin Alyr

Aww, nothing wrong with breeding pretties to get more pretties. Sometimes that's when you get the neatest surprises. =3

I'm just a pain and like knowing the mechanics of how everything works. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD



There is movement in the bushes before the small elf girl pops out, her head hung low to hide her embarrassment. She had twigs and mud in her hair from her night out in the forest, but she was at least mostly dry. Then, from behind her a beautiful Elenaria mare stepped out of the forest, reaching out with her muzzle to nudge Corlanna.

Corlanna looked behind her at the mare and smiles fondly, reaching up to pet the slender nose. She finally heads over to the group of people waiting, Elenaria in toe.

"Well, sorry it took so long." She started to explain, "There was rain you see? and the small river started to over flow back there and- ah... its a long story..." She rubs the back of her head, giggling it off. "Well! Either way, I found the mare you all described? Oh! And look~ She's already fond of WildFilly94, ready to take her home Wild? We just need you to fill out this paper work."

QuoteThere were 13 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

   Marking - Dun - Wildfilly94
   2ndMarking - Roan - Ryuukokoro
   Mane - Purple - Keilin Alyr
   2ndMarking - Yes - Luv007
   MColor - Light Blue - hiyoko
   Eyes - Pink - Solistia
   2ndMane - Pink - SweetCaroline
   Hooves - Indigo - Sera
   Body Color - Lilac - Rosedawn
   FaceMarkings - No - Conroy
   LegMarkings - Socks - Kahlira
   Type - Fantasy Color - Rosewood
   Gender - Mare - Kadana Sorano
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


Luv's eyes bulge at the sight of the pretty girl and she nudges Wild, "Look at that girl!  Congrats!"

Keilin Alyr

Oh wow, what a gorgeous girl. I'm sure Wild will be thrilled. ^^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


She's gorgeous!

I'd Love to take home that beauitful girl <3
*Hugs her* You are quite the looker now aren't you pretty girl? I can't believe you've chosen me to be your caretaker. :'D I'll treat you like the princess you are, and you'll have a lovely sister to play with too. <3 I think I'll name you.. Vondulith. (Ice Glade Child). Your blue markings remind me of the snow, and ice, while your calming shades of purple remind me of youth and the open meadow-like clearing of a forest, which is, infact, where you are said to have come from.


Kyyaaa, she is phenomenal!!! Congratulations, Wild!!!! 


Thanks guys! :')
I'm so happy! I honestly didn't think I would get her <3


Wow, she does look amazing! Congrats Wild.^^


Corlanna sighs, sitting on top of a wooden crate. She swings her legs in her boredom and looks around at the people here. "So..." She pauses, looking up then back down only to chew on her lip a little.

"Do you all want to see if we can summon a Elenaria to us?" At the looks you give her, the youngest helf jumps up happy, starting to bounce about again. "Alright! All you have to do is play some music you see? And if the music is something the Elenaria like, they'll come to check it out!"

The game is simple~ The first two people that can link me some music from YouTube, or anywhere really so long as I can listen to it, will get Elenaria inspired from those songs! So get, going~ Link away.
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers

Keilin Alyr


Not my usual style, but it'd call a pretty Elenaria perhaps. =3

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


You two are ninjas! XD I was still searching for something, haha.

Keilin Alyr

Heh, I usually keep an open tab dedicated to my Youtube bookmarks, in case the radio starts playing some particularly obnoxious songs. Of course, I'm not sure most Elenaria would appreciate Avenged Sevenfold or Disturbed, so I tried to find something on my list a bit more... tranquil. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


naaw so wonderful! And grats Wildfilly if breeding ever happens I'll be eyeballing you and ehr!


Many congrats, Wildlove! A beautiful lady she was as well <3


i actually happened to be obsessively listening to that song for the last hour. xD;;;; And then i came back to oogle Wild's lovely girl again and saw that Corlanna was around. x3

Keilin Alyr

I'm gonna blame Crystal for you obsessing over that song, Sera. XD

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


lol  Ku-chan got me hooked on K-Pop, but Crys found that one first. x3 <33333 


It's a very good song >.>..... ..... .... -goes to put it on repeat- heeeeeeeeee!


:D Thanks for the congrats's guys! If.. thats a word?

And I cant wait to see the inspired songs Elenaria! :)


Kadana Sorano

Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



To the K-Pop music, a young stallion comes dashing up, slowing just in time to prance around the group of awe-struck crowed. He nickers and whinnies, swinging his tail proudly before settling a proud stance.

To Sting, a shy little mare peeks her head around the corner before quietly and slowly making her way to the group. She's weary of everyone and turns her head to the side with a soft nicker as she quietly judges everyone.

"Oh wow!" Corlanna exclaims, going to pet the Elenaria on their snouts. "I didn't think that was going to work!" She giggles. "Well Sera, Keilin Alyr, can I get names and owners for your new Elenaria?"
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers


That mare is beautiful! And the stallion so handsome.


Sera!!! You better name yours Ren! He's so pretty ;-;


Naaw she does look like Ren!!!!


Ohmygosh...... =-0  SO GORGEOUS.  GOING TO FREAK OUT.

Blast it all.  He does look like Ren, doesn't he? xD  i want to keep him so bad, but i cannot in good conscience do so. xD;;; i hope it's okay to gift this way?

Naming Form:
Username: CrystalAngelNeko
Elenaria ID#: C006
New Name: Ren

Keilin Alyr

Oh, wow, my girl is gorgeous, she reminds me of a gentle rain. I believe she'll be named Ruahel. Star Tears. =)

Naming Form:
Username: Keilin Alyr
Elenaria ID#: C007
New Name: Ruahel

And heh, Sera's boy does look like Ren. How uncanny. ^^

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


Oh my god ;-; Thank you sera~

Keilin Alyr

N'aww, Sera's so awesome. Now Crystal has Ren all to herself? =3

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


I do~ -pets him and snuggles him- Hehe~


O.o I can;t see the images? D:


They were probably moved to the user folders it always breaks the images.


Eta: I see them now! <3
congrats guys, they are beautiful!


Why You Should Trust Me Story

Why, isn't he lovely!? I've only seen two fantasy Elenaria so far, and my oh my, they take my breath away! For that handsome boy, I would let him run to his hearts' content on my pasture. He would have two lovely companions who could be his sister, mother, daughter, or lover, if he so chooses. They, and I would take him in our hearts with loving arms. His name would have to be Zairlis. Why? Because his golden tipped mane reminds me of Light, or Lightening, and his blue coat reminds me of a nice cool Breeze on a summer day. He would be the light to my herd. I would greet him every morning with a hug, and share my heart with him. He could feel safe and secure with me, and I in return. And lastly, my girls need a man to protect them, and to run to when they need someone there for them; he could be that man for them. Would you trust me to care for him?

Kadana Sorano

Congrats guys, lovely Elenaria you've found :)

Apologies for taking so much time to submit my form, I was trying to find a name that "felt" right for my pretty girl.

Naming Form:
Username: Kadana Sorano
Elenaria ID#: S004
New Name: Himawari
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Raeris looks around at his sisters and a small smile turns his lips. "Well I don't think its fair for the girls to have all the fun, and besides....there have to be some people up this morning, instead of all of you night owls anyone in the mood to find one last Elenaria?"

(Morning Franken!!)

If so, should we look for a Mare or a Stallion?
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers



Raeris grins. "All right let's go searching."

He leads the group into the forest so they can see how he goes about dealing with the wild Elenaria. They are incredibly skittish around new comers afterall. A flash of color races by as they pass. "Ah there she is. Did you happen to see her base coat color?"

(Natural's only guys)

Babykitten- Mare
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers




Seems we have a lot of Perlino's around...well then she must have had a very pale mane. Was it white or did it have a yellow tint?
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers



Wonderful. Did it have any white in it's mane or was it single tone?
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers



"All right then." The man stops and looks around. Oh he's lost the trail for a moment. They'll have to regroup.

(Sorry have to dash for a second I'll be back in 15 minutes or so while I'm gone)

"Did any of you notice any kind of marking on her body or was she a solid perlino?"

Babykitten- Mare
Hiyoko - Perlino
TBIris - Yellow tinted mane
Rosedawn - With white too
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers

Keilin Alyr

No longer has zombie eyeballs. May still have a craving for brains, as there's no intelligence or sanity left in hers. XD


"They must have been white. What kind of markings did you see?"
Corlanna * Raeris * Saevia

Elven Names

Registry of Caretakers
