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{Evolyx} Introductory Thread! - CLOSED

Started by Wildfilly94, March 26, 2012, 03:23:58 PM

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Its been some time sense I've run an adoptable, and I'm Very excited to be back in the business! Here we have the begining thread for the Evolyx, and I hope they fit right at home here. <3 I'm a little scatter-brained so if I leave anything out or something, please let me know. D:

The name Evolyx came from the awesome mind of Kahlira. Evo is the proper name if your reffering to One, and Evolyx is for Many. I'm so happy with this name, and I hope you guys like it too. :)
The lines for the Evolyx were drawn by Falseparanoia(DeviantArt), and the shading done by Willow.
I do the coloring and running of the adoptable and all that jazz.

Currently we have no cert so all the claimed Evolyx will go to the appropriate owners file in my photobucket account, with the pet name and ID for the 'tag'. Once the cert is made though, I'll reupload everything with the fancy cert.

Please bear with me, this is my first adoptable in some time, and my brain is all over the place trying to organize everything.. O_o For now though, I can introduce you to Serena & Vinny

Yeah, I couldn't help myself, I had to keep a couple. Cute, no?



Evo are tradeable for any currency or item/adoptie, whatever. My only wish is that you notify me of the new owner so I can move the Evo to its new home. <3

Evo are a breedable adoptable, and the baby amount you can get is 1-4 (3 and 4 are rare). Males may be bred as many times as you wish. Females, only once, until the babies are born. You may do RB's and Stud fees, I dont mind. I'll have a form for this later on. Below I have a list of all the items we have right now, and what they are used for. I may add more items at a later date, but for right now, this is it. :) Be on the watch for a breeding 'testing' soon!

Love Potion

With this item you can get one baby from a breeding

Double Love Potion

With this item you can get two babies in a breeding

Twin Love Potion

With this item you can get two babies that are identical twins in a breeding

Silver Egg

(RARE)With this item you can get three babies in a breeding

Golden Egg

(RARE)With this item you can get four babies in a breeding

More Items may be available at a later date, for now this is the list.

Guest Coloring: I will be asking for guest colorists every now and then, but for the most part they'll be colored by me. Right now I don't need any, but I probably will ask for one soon. Willow has done four so far, three of which will be available for you guys to have. :3

And thats all I've got for now!



Franken Evo! CLOSED

Alright, I'll update this form as you lovelies post for each piece of it. My only rule is, let someone else post between you. That way everyone has a fair chance to have their name in the drawing for the masterpeice. :)

*IF you dont want the ears colored, or markings, you can put 'none'. :)

Base/Body Color:
Nose Color:
Eye Color:
Tail Color:
Ear Color:
Markings/Pattern Color(s):



Alrighty, For now I'm going to have a few free customs available to those who want them.
You may claim one slot per type of custom for now. If an hour passes and there are still slots open, you may claim a second custom of each type. No more than two per person. You MAY gift slots (Won't count against your slot limit). Please note, each slot type is in a different color. To claim a slot, post your form in the corresponding color to match the type of slot you want. You can post all your forms in one post. (Much preffered)

Full-Custom Slots

Base/Body Color:
Nose Color:
Eye Color:
Tail Color:
Ear Color(Optional):
Reference(If available):

Semi-Custom Slots

Eye Color:
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one):
Favorite Colors(More than one):

Random Slots
For these, it's pretty much random. You list a Verse, or Quote, or Song name, or Color(s), or Personality description.. Or pretty much anything under the 'Inspiring Thing' section and I'll use that as inspiration for your Evo. :)


Inspiring Thing:



Once things get going a little bit, I'm going to open up some 'Tests Breedings'. Basically, normal for you, but testing for me. I want to see how the setup I'm plotting in my head works out.

So for now, Ignore this post. <3



So here's where my 'Help Wanted' stuff is going to sit. You can post or pm me if your willing to help with whatever I have here.

I need a banner. :( I'm thinking of doing it myself, but if you have the time and creativity, wanting to help out, feel free to make one and I'll probably use it. What I'm looking for NOW is a main banner. All I care about detail-wise is that the name 'Evolyx' is on it (Legible and big) and that you include some of the Evolyx themselves, mabye one or two of the items. A fancy boarder and stuff would be cool too. :D
**Please save it in .psd so I can edit it if I need to

For now, that is all. O_o





Name: Sera
Owner: Winged dreams
Gender: Female
Base/Body Color: Chocolate brown
Nose Color: #361E03
Eye Color: #01FDD0
Tail Color: #462703 and #674519 mstripes
Markings: Paint- white, #9A5600, #583100, #BB6F00. Dorsal stripe- #241502.
Pattern/Design(Roan, Paint, Zebra, etc): None? Not sure what the diference between markings and pattern is.
Reference(If available):

Name: Duff
Owner: Winged dreams
Gender: Male
Eye Color: amber
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one): Tabby/ tiger stripes, faint points
Favorite Colors(More than one): Silver, dark brown, shades of brown

Name: Dögun
Owner: Winged dreams
Gender: Male
Inspiring Thing:

Name means Dawn in icelandic, not very imaginative i know :) The photo's one i took last october.
Owner of Gliders!


Ahh! Finally done typing. XD Thank you for the interest guys! I'm so happy Secundi likes them! :D  I'm starting on your customs now, Winged. <3


Great! Yeah i love them, they look like a realy fun adoptable :) No need to rush, i'm just off to bed now so won't see them. I'll check in the morning, can't wait to see them!
Owner of Gliders!


Name: Amber
Owner: Aralie
Gender: Female
Base/Body Color: Yellow
Nose Color: Black
Eye Color: Red
Tail Color: Yellow base with Orange end (ref)
Markings: White Belly, Orange Legs, White Ear Tips, Mix of colours on other part of ears (Yellow, Orange and Black), Black Scorpion on body somewhere ^_^
Pattern/Design(Roan, Paint, Zebra, etc):
Reference(If available):

Name: Demon
Owner: Aralie
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Red
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one): Brindle or anything that you think goes with his name XD
Favorite Colors(More than one): Black, Dark Red, Silver and Red

Name: Esmeralda
Owner: Aralie
Gender: Female
Inspiring Thing: God Help the Outcasts (Hunchback of Notre Dame)


Finished Winged's Evolyx. <3 I'm very happy with Sera and Dögun, but unsure about Duff. I just couldn't get the darn patterns right. >.> If you'd like me to change anything, let me know.

And starting on yours now, Aralie. <3

Ahh, so happy! :D


Name: Karikel
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Bright Blue
Tail Color: White
Base/Body Color: White
Nose Color: Palest pink
Pattern/Design(Roan, Paint, Zebra, etc): Uh, opalesque
Reference(If available)

Name: Victoria
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Silver
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one): Baby Tapir, Appaloosa's (Of all types) Vines, waves, skittles (don't ask) Bubbles, socks, stockings, blaze, coolness
Favorite Colors(More than one): Cyan, Magenta, White, Black

Name: Mystery
Owner: Kahlira
Gender: Male
Inspiring Thing: Cool Waves


..And to start you off on your franken:
Name: Marshmallow


Oh my gosh they are precious!

Name: Alphonse
Owner: Neocridders
Inspiring Thing: The song 'Brothers' from fullmetal alchemist.
( That's the english version with Vic singing)
( this is a version someone made for piano)
I can't find a good one of the actual russian choir

So basically, I'd like you to listen to that song (either of the links I provided, or if you want to look for a different one I guess you could) and base it off of what it makes you feel/whatever you like. :3

Thanks! If that's too specific/not specific, let me know. I can change it

(reposting because neo forgot color. I'll just delete the other post)



Name: Holiday
Owner: SkySong
Gender: Male
Inspiring Thing: Holiday - Green Day

apologies if you don't like Green Day. It's a week till spring break and I'm doubting my chance of survival till then - the song (at least the title) seemed to fit.

@ Neo ~ You like Fullmetal? Finally! I've found someone else who likes it! (Not counting people over on fanfiction)
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


*Loves on FMA* One of my fav anime's ^_^

*wanders off to listen to songs*


Body/Base Colour: Buttercream ^_^


Okay! Finished Aralies, and yet again, I'm happy with the Semi and Full custom, but the inspired one Im not sure of. This time its cause Im not all familiar with Notre Dame. However, I listened to the song, and went crazy. :p

Updated the Franken. <3

Thank you guys for all the interest, I'm so happy you all like the Evolyx :D

Working on Kah's custom from winning for the name, and then I'll start on all your customs.

*I might be kicked off soon by my mom so if I disappear for a while/the night, thats why. XD


Ohh and I love Green Day! Haha. :) All the Inspired slots are taken now <3


O.O they are all awesome! Thank-you! *snugs*



Kah's customs are done and posted.
Now for Neos and skys. :)

Edit: Moms kicking me off. >.> I'll finish them tomorrow then. <3

Also, the franken is still going if anyone wants to post.
Tomorrow or Wednesday I'll have some more games up so you can win some of the premades.


Oh sweet! Mystery has a waterfountain on his head XD That's so cool!

And Kari is just as sweet as can be. Ya know, in all the years I've known her, I never gave her eye color much of a thought. True. Blue seems to fit her though XD

And Victoria looks wicked XD Baby tapir ftw! Epicness all around =D

Thank you, wild <3 *noms*


Nose Color: Light Brown

And I've officially started on learning the piano version of that song. Absolutely love it. Even though I'm pretty much a beginner, it's still fairly easy for me to play.

Glad you like Green Day. ^_^ I just recently started listening to them, like the unusual voice Billy's got.

All the Evolyx look awesome so far!
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Quote from: SkySong on March 26, 2012, 06:29:03 PM

@ Neo ~ You like Fullmetal? Finally! I've found someone else who likes it! (Not counting people over on fanfiction)
Quote from: Aralie on March 26, 2012, 06:39:13 PM
*Loves on FMA* One of my fav anime's ^_^

*wanders off to listen to songs*

XD Just started watching it recently. I have watched all of the first series (except... I think I watched the last two episodes when I was drugged up from getting my wisdom teeth out... so I don't really recall those... I need to rewatch them XD) and I'm watching brotherhood now :3 Looove <3


Name: Glimmer
Owner: Neocridders
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Sky blue
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one): Paint, Socks or stockings, zebra stripes, speckles
Favorite Colors(More than one): Yellow, white, cream, tan, mustard yellow


I watched all of FMA, the older one, and watched all of Brotherhood that they had on netflix. Unfortunately, that was only 3 seasons or so, so I haven't finished Brotherhood. T_T
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Tail Color: Gold

My three customs are amazing! The inspiration on is so cool :) Thanks so much!
Owner of Gliders!



Okay it seems the franken form was a little confusing, so I changed it. Lol. Sorry, you pay post again CrystalAngelNeko <3
Name: Marshmallow-Kahlira
Gender: Female-Neocridders
Base/Body Color: Buttercream-Aralie
Nose Color: Light Brown-SkySong
Eye Color: Blue-Springacres
Tail Color: Gold-Winged Dreams
Markings/Pattern Color:

Im at school now so I'll finish the customs when Im home :)



Name: Divah
Owner: Pinkshadow
Gender: Female
Base/Body Color: Reddish Brown
Nose Color: Black
Eye Color: Cyan
Tail Color: Reddish Brown with white
Markings/Patterns: See ref :D
Reference(If available):

Name: Marco
Owner: Pinkshadow
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Emereld
Favorite Patterns/Markings(List more than one): Cheeta spots, Tiger stripes, Wild dog pattern, paint, roan
Favorite Colors(More than one): Pink, white, black, cyan, gold, emerald


Quote from: Wildfilly94 on March 27, 2012, 08:57:07 AM
Okay it seems the franken form was a little confusing, so I changed it. Lol. Sorry, you pay post again CrystalAngelNeko <3
Name: Marshmallow-Kahlira
Gender: Female-Neocridders
Base/Body Color: Buttercream-Aralie
Nose Color: Light Brown-SkySong
Eye Color: Blue-Springacres
Tail Color: Gold-Winged Dreams
Markings/Pattern Color:

Im at school now so I'll finish the customs when Im home :)

lol it was a touch confusing before~

Markings/Pattern: Swirls


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Neo and Sky, your customs are in the pick-ups section <3
Sky, sorry but Pink already answered the color (Yeah It got confusing, my fault. :/ )
Coloring the franken now and then I'll post the winner and the franken.
After that I'll start on Glimmer.


It's fine  :) Love the little 'on holiday' tag for Holiday! XD
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Glad you liked it ^^

QuoteThere were 8 items in your list. Here they are in random order:
1.Gender: Female-Neocridders
2.Nose Color: Light Brown-SkySong
3.Base/Body Color: Buttercream-Aralie
4.Name: Marshmallow-Kahlira
5.Eye Color: Blue-Springacres
6.Tail Color: Gold-Winged Dreams
7.Markings/Pattern: Swirls-CrystalAngelNeko
8.Markings/Pattern Color: Pink-Pinkshadow

Timestamp: 2012-03-27 22:41:00 UTC

Congrats Neocridders! :) She'll be in your file shortly. <3

*Making another change to the franken, and then I'll start a new one. :D


^ Thats Marshmallow, by the way :D

The franken form is changed, a new round, as well as another game is up, and I'm working on customs!


Alphonse is fantastic!! :D
And I love Marshmallow, thanks so much!!


Your welcome. :) I had alot of fun with Alphonse. I listened to the song atleast 5 times too. Haha.

Glimmer and Divah are done and up.


Marco is done!

We have the franken round 2 running, and now TWO other games. 1 Semi-Custom slot is left, and 4 full customs. Anyone who has ordered a custom of any type so far may order another, if the slots are available. :)


Gender: Male

For the green Eno~

Can't say I've had much wildlife experience, although I've seen a few deer. There's a trail that my mom likes to run on, and you can occasionally see deer on it.
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Thanks for the entries! Franken is updated now as well. :)


An encounter with wildlife you say? Does walking outside and getting bit by every mosquito in the state count? No? Erm... Well, years ago they offered trail rides at Iroquois Park, one of the larger parks in our city. It was pretty cool actually, until my horse decided to stop and.. Uh.. take a potty break. she'd slow down and speed up on her own whim, playing follow the leader nicely to the lead horse. Anyways, on our little trek their were a couple of deer in the woods, that was pretty cool. I had only seen wild deer once in my life before, and that was on a school field trip to Otter Creek Park when I was like, 8 years younger then my age when I was on the horseback ride. That day we were doing.. Uh,  we were going to the cave I think, passing this huge field, a pair of whitetail deer with a little fawn were at one end and we were at the other just watching them. It was so cute! And being little like that (10? 11? I forget how old I was then) with my friends, we all "awwed" over them.

Twas cool =D And I've petted a fawn before, but it was a tame deer though, an orphan, or something that a park up in Indiana adopted. But that one wasn't really wild. Will look for a lizard now