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[Gliders] New year!

Started by Winged, January 01, 2012, 06:23:03 AM

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There's not going to be any major events in this thread, just a franken or two and some questions. I would really like your honest opinions on some things, and please don't worry about offending me!
I've got some new premade markings that i'd like opinions on, and if they go down well, i'll do a contest for naming these markings.

Also a notice about breeding, and me being busy.
I've decided to close breeding until after my exams in february. I'll work on the current breedings if i can, and i'll host other events. Then once i'm caught up and not quite so swamped with school i'll start breeding again. You may notice less events from me, i'm in my last year of school and hopefully going away to college next year (still waiting for offers) so i'm likely to keep on getting less time for events.

Could you please fill this out for me? To help you get what you'd like from the Gliders this year :) Again, brutal honesty is what's needed, but i'm sure i don't need to ask anyone to be polite about it.
Any complaints/things i could have done better previously:
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again:
Rough idea of events you'd like:
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this):
New premade or custom markings you'd like:
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good)
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked:

Pretty text heavy but i hope people read all this! New premade markings in the next post, then you can post away :)

Owners Folders- Click
Information thread- Click
Owner of Gliders!


Premade markings

Contest for names for the first two! Just post here with your name for the marking and i'll put it into a draw. I'll pick which name i like best for each of them and the winner gets a custom with that marking. And the name used, of course :)

Sharktooth- springacres
Double ZZ- Ryuukokoro
Sawtoothed- BabyKittenCandy
Jurassic Dinosaur- Aralie
Ropeburn- Neocridders

This is a new double ZZ, going along the neck, check, back and tail but not on the legs. Opinions?

Sprinkle- springacres
Dalmation- Ryuukokoro
Speckled- BabyKittenCandy
Roan- Aralie
Confetti- Neocridders

This one is a bit odd, but i like it. Testing with different colours it's mostly good but seems a bit blurry when pale on a black body. Opinions?


PI clownfish marking, opinions? It's one marking with the three parts, the inner, outer and wing edges. One marking but with two colours given in customs or the like.

I might do a few more, and i think we need more wing markings but i'm not finding more inspiration right now. Could do a wing version of the second one.
Owner of Gliders!


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously: Since I haven't been following you since the gliders started out, I haven't found anything I've been displeased about. The only thing of notice is it takes a while for you to get through the breedings, but I believe that is part of real life and not you slacking off. :)
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what specifically you'd like to see again: I loved the Advent Gliders, which were probably my highlight for them this year. I can't say I know exactly what else you've done this year, but if you could do something like that again, that'd be awesome.
Rough idea of events you'd like: The White Elephant game is pretty cool, but that's mostly a Christmas game, I think. But other than that, I'm fine with just about any games. (Helpful, I know.) Frankens, Pick a Door, the usual is nice, but even if you want to do some riddles or something, I think that would be pretty neat, as well.
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this): I think this honestly depends on you. I think having more templated markings, the better, as it adds variety, but the same thing goes with custom markings. If you feel like you want to keep custom markings to a minimum, then I'm not going to think any less of the Gliders, but if you plan on adding more, I'm not complaining either.
New premade or custom markings you'd like: I remember this being mentioned before, but perhaps a new fade between the muzzle and the bfade would work well. Perhaps some ZZ for the wings as well, but that may be tricky. Some simple animal mimic markings would also be pretty cool, like a husky marking or a zebra sort if you feel like going for something a little more complicated. Of course, those sort of things can be tricky, so they may not always be the best idea.
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good)Love the idea of getting new mutations. I think if you had like a spade or diamond tail mutation, that would look neat, or if you had a feathery tail similar to the Tail Tuft, that might work as well. Perhaps having a new kind of mane, like feathers or fur would add a bit of variety, but you'd have to work something out if they were bred to one with Spines, as that might be tricky. Maybe you could add fins, as well, if you wanted to take the Gliders in that direction. You might also be able to add something attached to the legs, like fur or something.
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked: I think if I say much more this would be too much to read. :D But I do love the new markings, by the way!

Hope at least some of that was helpful. <.<
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Yeah the reason breeding goes slowly is because i find colouring breedings takes a while so only work on them when i've got enough time. Otherwise i'm often just colouring or running events little bit at a time, because i've got tons on with my exams this year. Really need to do well in them to get into college and because i didn't do very well last year.
Hmm... could do advent type for another month, but i actually don't know when i'll be around for the whole month. Exams in feburary then i'm away for a couple weekends, march is a possibility, away for at least a week at the start of april (for work experience) then exams in may and june and away for various stuff in june and july. Lol it's going to be a little hard to find a month when i can be almost certain i can get on my laptop every day.
Oh i forgot about that face marking, sorry. I'll definately get that done.
The problem with new mutations isn't the ideas, i have tons. It's finding someone who can alomst match the style of lines and shading and i haven't been able to find anyone who can do them at all.

Glad you like those markings! I may go back and edit them slightly, i'm not too sure.
Owner of Gliders!


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously:

Not that I can think of!

Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again:

You do great non-premade markings. I loved seeing what you come up with for the Advent Calendar.

Rough idea of events you'd like:

I like the events you've done so far. Hmm maybe some kind of RP? Given any thought to the world these Gliders come from?

Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this):

Ooooo this is a tought question. I would LOVE more templated markings. The ones we have are great but I love new stuff. There's a bunch of new markings on PonyIsland that they got for Christmas, maybe you could pop over there and look around for inspiration? ^^ They have Clown Fish and Monarch and Fawn and Tarantula and a whole bunch of interesting things.

But on the other hand, I really love custom markings too, cuz it makes the Glider being given away more special.... arg, I can't decide!

New premade or custom markings you'd like:

A different colored head/neck. Something with swirls over the body. Roan. Appaloosa butt. Leaves/vines (like Advent Calender Day 20). For wings: How about alternating feathers (blue/red/blue/red etc.) I like the examples you posted of the double ZZ and little spots!

Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good)

Definitely would love to see new mutations. Hard when you can't find a lineart artist though. >.< I've always felt that drawing is an art and really talented people should definitely be paid for their art. Whether it's money or a trade of some sort. It's hard though, especially these days, everything is tight. Maybe you can put on your thinking cap and find something to offer in exchange to art work?

Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked:

Keep it up, winged! I love following the Gliders, I know a lot of other people do to! Crystal always tells me how much she likes the Gliders. :) Right now Secundi is struggling to stay active until Silvanon gets settled in and comes back with the Quin. We definitely need adoptables to stay active and keep Secundi up and running, and I think the Gliders are very important in that regard, especially right now. *thumbs up*


Take your time, Winged, I know how much school gets in the way. We have Mid-Terms and DSTP testing I think right when I get back from break (Tomorrow. Joy.) so I completely understand the grades and tests and all that crap that somehow manages to stay important.

And I could have a shot at doing lines, although I'm not sure I could replicate the shading. Is there any way to contact the original artist?
Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Thanks for the comments Ryuu!
I've always been tempted to do a RP, but i really am hopeless with writing and creativity so i feel it be both very difficult and wouldn't turn out well. If anyone else wanted to arrange a Glider RP, i would definately support it and might offer prizes, ext depending on what they wanted. I've always thought they would come from a world that is a sort of mix of areas in our world today that hasn't been heavily influenced by humans and the prehistoric dinasaur-age world. Very natural :)
That's a great idea! I'll have a look at those new PI markings and template some. Alternating feathers could easily be done with the current wing tips marking and just colour each feather carefully. Or i could do shorter tips.

It means a lot to me to have the support of everyone who follows the Gliders, and everyone here on Secundi. Thanks so much :)

SkySong i contacted the original artist on PI years ago, and after a while they said they were busy at the time but might be able to do them at another time. Then they never responded for years and i sold my PI account because i no longer used it. I honestly can't say whats happened to them, and can't contact them again. So that's out the window.
Owner of Gliders!


Looking good for new mutations guys :)

Anyone interested in a franken?
Owner of Gliders!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously: The only issue I've noticed is how slowly the breedings go, but as Ryuu said, you're obviously not slacking and real life comes first.
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again: The Advent calendar was great fun!  I never got around to participating in the Secret Santa but events like those two are always entertaining.  Definitely more of those.
Rough idea of events you'd like: Pick-a-door, flatsales, frankens, raffles, and maybe some long-running contests when you have time.
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this):  A mixture of all of the above!
New premade or custom markings you'd like: Swirls come to mind.
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good) - New mutations would be cool - different wing types or ear shapes for instance.
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked: Can't think of anything.


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously:
Ive only just gotten into Gliders and started collecting so I dont feel I can comment here.

Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again:
Again, late to them, but the advent calendar was a blast.

Rough idea of events you'd like:
Maybe customs/bribes cos I would love to get a Love Pair but in all honesty, you seem pretty creative wih your events, so anything is good!

Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this):
Tough one. More Gliders is good, but custom marking give them a very special feel. I think you need to find a balance you can cope with with RL/School.

New premade or custom markings you'd like:
It would be nice if the markings you have done could be gotten on the males too.

Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good)
There are quite a few choices already. A 'special' hard to get sub breed might be nice, if you can find someone to do it justice :)

Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked:
Nothing comes to mind other than im loving collecting them!


Thanks for the comments!
That's a few people commenting on the slow breedings, i'll start to think about hiring someone to help with that. I was hoping to keep Gliders run and coloured by me only but i'm starting to get busyer and i'd love to see the Gliders grow as much as they can. So perhaps hiring someone to colour some breedings would work well. I'll definately have to give lots of thought to how i could organise a better system, since i have a weird way of organising things that might not work with someone else. But if anyone wants to offer or discuss this as all please let me know.
It's great to hear that people have enjoyed the advent calender and secret santa events! I'll definately think about how to repeat those events altering them so they aren't purely christmas :) Easter secret santa, perhaps.

BKC that idea about a sub breed is something i've been in mixed minds over, on one side it would be really nice to have some new lines but on the other it might change things from the purely male and female lines. Some of the new mutations will definately be rare and hard to get ones.
Owner of Gliders!


Maybe a sub breed could be special in that they are non breedable to keep it simpler for you? And with limited mutations?

I know what you mean about being in mixed minds, maybe see about just a new lineart edit/mutation for now and think further on the sub breed?


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously: Nopers. <3
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again: Gads, i love all of the breedings you did. =-0 <3  And the Days of Christmas thing was so wonderful. x3
Rough idea of events you'd like:  i. . still totally love breedings.  But i also love getting randoms. 
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this): i like new templated markings and Gliders with custom markings. ^^
New premade or custom markings you'd like: UHM. i can't think of any.  ^^;;; Sorry!
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: i think line edits and mutations sound awesome!  ^^  If i can help you with that, i would love to do so. <3
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked:  If there's any way i can help out, i would love to! ^^  Gliders are one of my favourite adoptables on Secundi. lol


Any complaints/things i could have done better previously: I can't think of anything
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again: The Advent was awesome and I also loved the pick a number sort of thing.
Rough idea of events you'd like: Pick a Number, Trivia, I pretty much love any event ^_^
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this):Hmm, that is a hard one. I would love more templated markings for when I don't have ideas. I also love seeing what custom markings you come up with for premade ones and I sometimes have customs that I need custom markings for.
New premade or custom markings you'd like: I can't think of any specific ones right now XD
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good) I would love to see new mutations for them. Feathered tail, Mane, Horns, Fangs.
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked: Gliders are Awesome!!


Contest for names for the first two premade markings! Just post here with your name for the marking and i'll put it into a draw. I'll pick which name i like best for each of them and the winner gets a custom with that marking. And the name used, of course.
Ends saturday at 14:00, so get your names in quick :)
Owner of Gliders!


Marking #1 - Sharktooth
Marking #2 - Sprinkle


Marking #1 - Double ZZ
Marking #2 - Dalmation


Owner of Gliders!



Marking one: Sawtoothed

Marking two: Speckled


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the clownfish. :DD


Thanks! It'll be availiable from now in premades and customs, ect.
Owner of Gliders!


Markings One: Jurassic Dinosaur

Markings Two: Roan




Any complaints/things i could have done better previously: personally I would have loved to see my trade from almost 1 year ago completed
Highlights of 2011 for the Gliders and what spesificly you'd like to see again: Can't really comment didn't really follow them, as 2011 sucked
Rough idea of events you'd like: flatsales, and even pick a door events are fun
Would you prefer new templated markings, many more Gliders given away with custom markings or more customs with custom markings (opinions on this): all of the above
New premade or custom markings you'd like: custom markings are custom, so can't really say, but for premades, some more animal type markings
Thoughts on getting line edits/new mutations: (I can't draw line edits onto these, so i've been looking for someone to draw some for me. Haven't had any luck so any ideas would be good) New things would always be nice of course
Anything you have to say that hasn't already been asked:


I love love the clown fish!


Thanks Ryuu!

PonyMama, can you give me details of the trade? I can't remember a trade with you and i looked back through my PMs and didn't see any from you.
ETA: I found this thread, but there's nothing there about you choosing any trades. Was this what you're thinking of?

There's no-one on, but i'll just start a franken and the first person who sees this can anser later :)
Normal franken. But all markings and mutations must be premade ones, you can use the new markings from this thread.

Owner of Gliders!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed



Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour?
Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour?
Owner of Gliders!



I will send the PM's we have about the trade, they are from Jan 23rd-ish 2011
and it wasn't for orlaya


Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour?

I've got the PM, thanks PonyMama.
Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Owner of Gliders!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Colour: Black
Owner of Gliders!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Colour: Black
Marking: Second new one (speckled one)
Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Colour: Black
Marking: Second new one (speckled one)
Colour: Pink
Second marking?
Owner of Gliders!


Adoptable threads: None currently ~ Trading thread: N/A ~ Breeding thread

LC Custom Status: Closed
LC Breeding Status: Closed


Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Colour: Black
Marking: Second new one (speckled one)
Colour: Pink
Second marking: Wing tips
Owner of Gliders!



Gender: Female
Body colour: Light Blue
Wing colour: White
Eye colour: Black
Claw colour: Purple
Mutation: Gemmed
Colour: Black
Marking: Second new one (speckled one)
Colour: Pink
Second marking: Wing tips
Colour: Dark blue
Third marking?
Owner of Gliders!