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TheStable: Welcome to 2010!

Started by Ravvana, January 08, 2010, 11:53:15 PM

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oooooooooooooo  purdy! Congrats Garney!



Holy cow, toffeeca, that is one absolutely gorgeous foal!

And...redeeming my Gold Tag-it please!

Name: Classy
Gender: Mare
Breed: Light
Color: Red dun flaxen frame overo (similar to this horse but with flaxen)
Owner: Springacres


and wow...MAJOR congrats Garney, those are stunning @_@  somuchwant...


BLM Adoption!

You have decided to adopt a Mustang! Hooray! :D You hear that the local BLM corral is having an adoption, so you head over and check out all the available horses.
(These are the available horses. Yes, only these.)

Now the hard part... pick your favorite! And then:
1) Post the link to your favorite horse's page.
2) Post a brief RP-style blurp about how you chose this horse. What is his/her temperament like (in your opinion, not really)? What "spoke" to you? What do you plan to train him/her to do? Etc, etc. Minimum of two thought-out paragraphs.
3) Send the adoption fee to this account. Yes, only 125 SG to keep with the theme :)

There are only ten slots. First come, first serve. No repeat adoptions (aka one adopter per horse). And yes, I have dibs on this mare... sorry >.>

1. red_uni387
2. PonyMama
3. Scullisto
4. Silvanon
5. toffeeca
6. springacres
7. Hunni
8. Ryuukokoro
9. hiyoko
10. Lectral

I choose this mare for two things, her coat and personality. Buckskin is a gorgeous coat color, and I believe under her shaggy fur is a really beautiful shiny buckskin. Once she gets safely home she'll get a well deserved groom and cut and will be able to show off that amazing coat! Her subtle markings are also gorgeous, and scream the need to be shown off. All that dirt and mud is just cruelly covering them, and I hope they might might stand out more once all that mess is washed off.

She also looks like a quite, neat little mare. Her stall was probably cleaned before the pictures were taken, but she doesn't look the type that would poo just anywhere. The way she holds her head makes her eyes look glassy, as if she's daydreaming about a better place. In all the pictures she faces one way, like she senses freedom is thataway.

I would definately want to make her a champion, and she'd get decked out in my all time favorite tack color, pink! Every single week she'll be entered in a competition, no matter what she specializes in. This will help her get used to all sorts of comps, and will expand her knowledge :) Like all my 'pink' horses though, showmanship will be her specialization.

I hope that I can get to know her better <3 Thank you for the oportunity Rav! It was so hard to pick just one, but she just popped out :D


Why do none of the links work for me?  :-\


For some reason the link refuses to work for me :(  So I guess I'll just sit this one out, but good luck to all!  I'm sure they're gorgeous ^^



I was walking through the stables taking a gander at all the horses that were looking for new owners, when I was overtaken by a stunning sight.  I had turned a corner and almost ran intot he most gorgeous face, this beautiful mare was peeking around the corner as if she knew I were there and she was trying to see me first.  her soft eyes, watched me intently.  She was just too pretty for words, I coudl not take myself away from her area, even when she trotted away to "play".  It looks as though she was showing off for me, with little trots and throwing back her head.  

I knew that this horse was suppose to be mine, no matter what, she had picked me as much as I had picked her.  She whinied at me thought as though she could read my mind, as I continued to watch her.  I knew with such a playful streak to her she would be a perfect horse for shows, maybe jumping, but she also seemed to have the personality of a lamb and would work great to teach small children how to ride, which was something I wanted in a horse, so I could teach my girls to ride and learn that the big animals were also very caring.  I could see the name swirling in my head too, I would name her Sabir, which means patient.

((I hope this is what you wanted))



The holding corrals were muddy, damp and generally, however this little mare had a inner gentleness that seemed to calm the horses around her.  When she was separted and waved around so that she could be seen, she only did so out of lack of familiarity, just to stay away from the wild flirting human.

Those big brown eyes were a contrast to her coloring. A storm of color...bold white overo spots on a milk chocolate body topped in a matt of black mane.  She is a binary... both calm and fierce, bold and subtle.  She is kin to me...I feel it.


Quote from: CutieePiee on April 01, 2010, 09:34:43 PM
Why do none of the links work for me?  :-\

Have you tried IE? Hmm... :-\


I'm using IE right now.. I'm not sure what it could be. Doesn't seem to work for TheKat either. Strange.


It's funny Rav becasue the first horse I was drawn to was the one you said hands off to.  She is a stunner


I knew as soon as I saw her that I'd name her "Blaze."  It was her face that first caught my attention - that wonderfully bold blaze splashed down her face.   Beautiful!  I loved her flaxen mane from the get-go as well.  The rest of her features weren't outstanding, I'm sure, in public opinion.  Her poor short little neck just didn't seem to fit her body.  But, that was just right for the Orchard Stable - we already had plenty of long-necked horses who easily reached the fruit on our trees, causing us constant worry of foundering.  Not that she wouldn't get her fair share of apples when I handed them 'round, of course.

The thing that really settled me on her, though, was the sweet look in her eye when she paused a moment to watch me approach.  She was nervous, poor thing, just like all the others.  But there was that magical moment when she stopped and looked at me, and I knew.  Officially she'd be gently broken in and given to LilBit when they were both trained a bit better - her short height would make her just right for a child to mount.  But I knew I'd always have a soft spot for Blaze.


I'm on IE and it just doesn't want to cooperate with my comp... but maybe I have a glitch or something.  I even tried googling the link instead :P  But oh well.  Strange indeed.

p.s. call me Kat.

As I searched through the multitude of horses, I stumbled upon a small female pacing around her tiny paddock. For a reason I cannot place she just strikes a cord in me. I read up on her and find out that she was born in a holding facility. I cannot imagine the life she must have lead, never having room to roam free. I decide right then that she has to come home with me.
When I am able to get a closer look at her, I notice her multi colored mane, small white spot on her side, and brown upper lip. I feel like it adds so much to her. The little things that make her special. When I got her out of her muddy pen, she sparkled. She came over to me and scratched her head against me, nearly knocking me over. After I fill out all her paperwork and bring her home, she lets me know of her name, Jela. So suiting, a small simple name, but just flows off the tongue, like she floats over the ground as she runs. I plan to work her into a breeding program to get some stunning foals from her to share with the rest of the Stable community, and let her bring some life into the world that can be treated properly.


Yup, your computer and mine, Kat.  :P

It's okay though. There will be other events/games. I can't wait to see what they will look like though. Good luck everyone!  :D



I've been doing Stable stuff since I came home from school (well, with the exception of a dentist appointment), so I'm going to take a break for the rest of the night :) I'll work on rounding up these Mustangs after school tomorrow <3


Enjoy your stable coloring free evening Rav.  We all need breaks now and then


wow your girly is amazing!

break time is good idea, don't wanna get burned out *squishes* :)


is it weird we all picked a mare?
I did find a gorgeous boy in there and a few other stunners, but we all picked females :)


I chose this handsome boy for a number of reasons.

First of all, he's only two years old, and gentling is easier when the horse is younger.  His color is nice even now, under that winter coat, and I can only imagine what he'll look like once I get him home and can clean him up.  I imagine he might even have some appaloosa markings under that dirt.  His conformation appears good, and his gaits looked steady if not stylish.

But I don't need style in an endurance horse.  Instead, I was looking for an intelligent horse with a steady temperament and the ability to go the distance.  This boy...there was something about his expression.  He was wary, and understandably so, not being accustomed to human handling.  He also wasn't getting a lot of looks from other potential adopters; some of them were looking for lighter boned horses, horses with less evidence of draft ancestry.  I, however, could care less.  I'd been taught to ride by a Percheron mix, and knew firsthand what gentle temperaments those big farm horses usually possessed.  The bay roan might have been unprepossessing in appearance now, but with patience and kindness I was sure he would show his true beauty in time.



As i mulled through the paddocks i noticed many beautiful horses. Each stunning paint caught my eye, every shiny bucksking had my attention but when i came to the very last paddock this baby caught my eye. She stood in the corner fending off the gelding shes was stuck with. Her ears pended she seemed to be have the attitude of the "normal" mare. However i had to have her, her coat was deemed a appaloosa, a worker wasnt for sure but i could tell she was for sure a bay, possibly a bay dun :D. I motioned over a worker and she went in the paddock, some how managed to halter the girl and drag her from the the gate. The poor horse was afraid for her life, however she wouldnt come out without a fight. She reared and she was loose, the worker was knocked to her hind end and the mare galloped over to the very edge of the field. She wouldnt be contained, or so she thought. She charged the fence and just before she was to it i gave a shrill whistle. All the horses, including the mare. She stopped a few inches shy of the white picket fence and wheeled around towards me.

Her ears perked i walked her way, she didnt budge my way or the fences. As i came closer she lowered her head and i ruffled her forelock. She gave a small huff inbetween her panting breaths and i knew she had to be mine. Her attitude was just like mine, she wouldnt be contained from the world. She wanted freedom, however she needed the help in life, someone to really care. I grabbed her lead and we walked side by side back to the adoptions table. I signed my papers and the lady behind the table glanced up "are you sure?" she said almost with a relief that the horse was going. I said "of course". As i loaded the girl she gave me no problems, she hopped in the tralier and stood perfectly still the entire ride home.


Quote from: red_uni387 on April 01, 2010, 09:55:02 PM
wow your girly is amazing!

break time is good idea, don't wanna get burned out *squishes* :)
Yeah, a very good idea.  Burned out Ravv is not good.


And ive decided that mustangs are my new love <3 sorry my light loves but these guys just have that flairing attitude i neeed.


Quote from: PonyMama on April 01, 2010, 09:58:25 PM
is it weird we all picked a mare?
I did find a gorgeous boy in there and a few other stunners, but we all picked females :)
I find it odd that my post picking a boy went through right after you posted that, PM :)


Oooo this is such a cool event idea, Rav!! ^_^

This little buck caught my attention not long after I arrived to look at the wild horses; he was backed up into a corner of the corral and doing his darnedest to kick out the fencing and make off. After the auctioneers encouraged him to leave off, I got to see his pacings as he trotted around the enclosure. I could tell at first glance he was young and full of energy, exactly what I was looking for to get me focused on horse training and back into shape myself.

His fiery spirit meant a long road ahead of me, but this wasn't the first hard case I had taken on. I was confident I could focus his energy on positive training and give him a great home. I know as soon as I get a hose on him and wash off that mud he is going to be truly stunning. Just as I turned to go speak to the auctioneers, I heard a loud BANG from his enclosure and quickly turned around. I couldn't help but chuckle to see the little boy had turned his furious energy on the door to his corral and had presented his rear to it, letting loose with a furious kick.

"Little Buck, that's you all right," I muttered out loud, naming him even before I adopted him. Then I quickly went to speak to the people in charge before someone else snatched him up.


I actually had a bay roan boy i adored however i wanted a mare ^^ it was a hard toss up for me.


I had to 'test' the template by coloring some XD figured I might as well color my Remelle Equisusi mimicks while I was at it.



I has to steal the Arms of Sorrow garney, I am sorry she is just too pretty.

They are all goreous, congrats


Oooohh I loves Silverstar. ^^ Pretty white legs!


You're free to breed her if you want.. foal's already done XD *cackles*

One more breed to line! rah rah! I will get it done tonight!


wow you sure Garney? O_O don't want burned out Garney either


Oh yes yes, Rav wants this one =D


Now I must get my hands on a stud and foaling paddock, then I shall be back to use that pretty girl then  Yes yes


As I walk around, hearing an auction going on, I decide to check it out as I'm always in need of more horses. Seeing so many Mustangs I feel overwhelmed, but I continue to look at each one. All of them having something about them that would fit in with the ones I already have, but it wasn't until I had already looked at twenty or so horses that I found her.

The mare didn't look very old, not by how she moved or by her coat. Though slightly dull, probably needs to be brushed. Her colors are something I haven't seen nor have, so of course she caught my attention. But beauty isn't the most important thing, no I want to see how she acts. So I watched as the man walks her around, her movements are a little sloppy, but easily fixed, and she has her head down, also fixable, so I have no reason not to bid on the beautiful Mustang.


Quote from: Garney on April 01, 2010, 10:49:50 PM
Oh yes yes, Rav wants this one =D

And if you need to 'test' the new (stallion) template, I think you know a certain "W" horse who would be honored to be colored by a Garney pro, hee ^__^


I went to the BLM auction, not 100% sure I wanted to pick up a horse that day.  I finally had my property set up nicely, my gelding was finally home, and he needed a buddy, but I couldn't decide on what sort of "buddy" I wanted for him.  The BLM auction was not too far away, so I decided to check it out.  I was mostly interested in a mare; I like to have "balance" in my critters, when possible, but more than that, my gelding misses having a "girlfriend".  The farm where he was boarded had mares and geldings in the same pasture initially, and when the new owners separated them, Aidan missed "his" girls.  That, and I have always gotten along well with mares for riding, and I was hoping for a possible riding horse, if everything worked out.

So as I wandered through the auctions, several horses caught my eye, mostly chestnuts, which oddly enough, were mostly male!  I checked them over, checking how they reacted to the other horses, and how they acted when people approached them.  Marking which ones had caught my eye in my notepad, I kept looking, but had a young gelding at the top of the list.  I was about to go place my bid when another copper flash caught my eye.

I walked over to the fence, and watched the chestnut move for a few moments, noting that this one was a mare.  She moved very nicely, and had what I felt was very nice conformation.  She paused when she saw me pull out my notepad, and then approached cautiously, sniffing the air.  I held out my hand, palm up, for her to investigate, while watching her eyes and body language, making sure she wasn't about to tear my hand off.  She seemed quite calm, though cautious, and pressed her nose to my palm, briefly, before her attention was caught by other activity.  When I asked for information on her, I was pleased to find she was just 4 years old, perfect to start training.  I headed over to place my bid.


Hehehe, I had already planned on doing that, stop ruining your own surprise!



I have to steal A Constant Reminder, he's just too gorgeous!

What color is he exactly - I'm guessing some shade of champagne?


You know, I am sorely, sorely tempted to go the the BLM event in TX on the 15th, and see if the mare I picked is there

She apparently did not get any bids at the last one, and she looks quite nice in her pictures >.>


ACM was modeled after a red dun blanket appy reference, at least according to my records, which are always sketchy at best XD

Kadana Sorano

Winding my way through the corrals, I looked over all the mustangs.  Every now and then I'd see one that stood out and I'd make a note to get more information later.  There are a lot of horses here, and it's really hard to try and pick one.  There are also a lot of people it seems, so atleast maybe none of the mustangs will lack for finding a home.  Leaning against a post, I look around as I quietly muse and spot a rather muddy filly.  She looks like she'll clean up to be a very pretty buckskin, and slowly I walk over for a closer look.

Closer up, I note that she seems to be in good health, and her movements are smooth and graceful.  She's a lot more calm then the other mustangs, and stays separated away from them a ways.  I begin to wonder if she has problems socializing, but she doesn't show signs of agitation whenever the others get closer to her.  She's just a quiet girl.  Smiling softly, I decide I quite like that about her.  She's so peaceful and calm.. Putting my notes away, my mind made up, this is the one for me.

Edit: darn, I type to slow lol grats everyone!
Storm Chasers Current Thread:
Storm Chasers Customs Thread:
Okibi Stud and RB Service:
Quinsta Studs Free to Use:

My Eggs/Pets.. they would appreciate some love :) 



Times like this, I wish I had a driver's license and enough of an income to support a horse.  I just looked at the site again and saw a lovely roan mare that didn't get any bids last time, and it listed an event in WI on May 21st as a possible pick-up option. >.>


Quote from: Garney on April 01, 2010, 11:39:55 PM
ACM was modeled after a red dun blanket appy reference, at least according to my records, which are always sketchy at best XD
Really?  Well, whatever he was modeled after, he's lovely!


Quote from: springacres on April 01, 2010, 11:46:46 PM
Times like this, I wish I had a driver's license and enough of an income to support a horse.  I just looked at the site again and saw a lovely roan mare that didn't get any bids last time, and it listed an event in WI on May 21st as a possible pick-up option. >.>

I always torture myself and browse all the online auctions for the perfect filly, since that part of my life is several years off. After I get out of college, I'm going to buy a small ranch in Oregon and train up a yearling Mustang filly. That is my ultimate goal at this point, starting a filly from scratch and gentling her myself :)