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Started by Ravvana, January 08, 2010, 11:53:15 PM

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Ah I didnt even pay attention to his blue eyes!

omg *gigglesnortdie* I want this horse! pink haired punk rocker! but I wanna go make his nose boo-boo feel better first.


hunni is right that there is no such thing as a true albino in horses (true albino being lack of pigmentation and pink/red eyes).  However...

There is a lot of research still ongoing about the "white" horses. 
Some are maximum expressions of various paint genes, especially sabino (which in real horses is not part of the lethal white equation - the sabino gene (or genes, as there have been several different genes causing sabino effects) is completely separate from the Frame gene that can cause lethal white). 

Some are mis-identified double dilutes, such as cremello. 

There is research into several that do not fit any of the above as a possible "dominant white" gene.  I read a lot about this recently, and have heard conflicting reports, so I think more study will be done before coming to any ultimate conclusions about the presence or absence of the "dominant white" gene - there is still a ton we don't know about how real horse genes work, so saying "it can't be ___" doesn't work in most cases XD


Huh thats odd i thought there was no true white, like i said though i could be wrong. I just thought there were double whatever paint it was and that makes the horse seem to be white. However i will not argue with the almighty ravv..her genetics are way better then mine XD  I just knew there were no albinos from being raised with horses. Whites were questionable on thier true white because of the whole it could be a very light cremello factor.

Edit:Thats what i heard, that its "researched" still and some had doubts on actuall full whites. The sabino must have been the double paint i was thinking of or rather maximum paint..


actually, according to this website

horses can have type 2, 3 or 4 albinism. there is no horse with type 1, which is the more common albanism the public is aware of. Many people arent aware of type 2, 3, or 4- which is why there is so much info claiming no albino horses, when in fact there are no type 1 albino horses.

eta: horses also never show OA- an albanism that specificly targets the eyes.


That would definitely confirm my vague memory of a discussion on the Albino horse registry - I do remember reading about various types of albinism, then, but it has been a few years now.

And, I think, actually, based on the breed listed on that photo, I would say he is probably cremello - I haven't heard of any "whites" showing up in that breed, and after doing a quick search, I found several other cremello warmbloods that look almost identical to him.  Very pretty horses, even if I am not normally a warmblood fan XD


^-^ ravv i just found something id love on a stable horse that you would probably grind me into the ground for.


Quote from: Lectral on March 10, 2010, 08:33:31 PMVery pretty horses, even if I am not normally a warmblood fan XD

My two horses have both been Warmbloods... Colby was a Hanoverian and Sean is a Dutch Warmblood. Very nice breeds if you don't mind big lazy horses, which I suppose I don't XD

What I really want is to adopt a Mustang filly, once I'm out of college. I'm pathetic enough that I always looks at the internet BLM adoptions and pick out my top two or three. As, um, practice XD

This month's!

I usually tend toward the less flashy colors, since bays/chestnuts are often overlooked until they get their "three strikes," while the paints/appies get bid on like crazy. But the entire batch this month was very colorful <3

Can I threadjack my own thread? I think not >.> *ducks*


Quote from: Hunni on March 10, 2010, 08:37:20 PM
^-^ ravv i just found something id love on a stable horse that you would probably grind me into the ground for.

Uh-oh ;) Do I even want to see it, or will it make me run away? XD

Speaking of beautiful horses, once I have free time I'm going to make myself a mimic of this lovely girl... <3


hey I got a flyer from that organization! I want a horsie....but we don't live in a horse zoned area and everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting one D:

the last horse of those 3 is my favorite <3

edit: oooohh that girl is gorgeous! once I get that black overo I want must breed him to her lol


Oh ravv you wouldve died this year at the local fair grounds they had a PMU adoption event. The horses 3 + were 125 each the 3 and under were only 25 because they werent tamed. There was the most beautiful black paint mustang..oh i wouldve given life or limb for her. I wish i had land to keep a horse on, but since i already have my own chestnut arab boy who lives with a friend i was unable to grab her up.


I dont wanna post it so no one steals him >.> ill pm it to you XD


Quote from: red_uni387 on March 10, 2010, 08:41:47 PM
hey I got a flyer from that organization! I want a horsie....but we don't live in a horse zoned area and everyone thinks I'm crazy for wanting one D:

Okay, I always want to share my life plan, so here goes XD

After college, I am moving to Oregon (central, near Bend/Redmond). I am buying a 5 to 10 acre ranch. Sean is hitching a ride. I'm buying a seasoned trail horse from the place I used to work in the summers. I am then adopting a Mustang filly (yearling, born in wild rather than a holding facility). I am going to name her Natoma. Yes, I have this alll planned out :D *brick'd*


Those are some lovely mustangs, Rav!  I would be in so much trouble if I ever got to go to one of those auctions - and I keep finding ads in local magazines for the auction only a few cities away XD

Maybe I'll check one out, after I have my fence up and my Aidan out here >.>


oooohh lucky! All I have planned out XD

but no way will I ever get a horsie while I'm with my parents, so I live with my fat and my goldfeesh :)


Quote from: Lectral on March 10, 2010, 08:59:26 PM
Those are some lovely mustangs, Rav!  I would be in so much trouble if I ever got to go to one of those auctions - and I keep finding ads in local magazines for the auction only a few cities away XD

Maybe I'll check one out, after I have my fence up and my Aidan out here >.>

The closest facility to me is 5 hours away, so I am relatively safe XD Not like I have anywhere to keep another horse now, anyway. I'm not in a horse zone and Sean is already sucking up all my board money at his ritzy barn, silly hunter that he is.


Im so glad to have a friend with horses, she keeps my horse there completely free :D I must say i once paid bored at one of the ritzy barns for my boy when i was still showing (2 pregnancys in 2 years has stopped my showing) i think i paid two months of $550 and was over it because i could just set up my own barrels and such at other barns if need be.


I think the "nearest" facility to me is close to 5 hours as well, but in Texas, that's pretty much anywhere not in this city!  My horse currently lives 3-3 1/2 hours away from me, where I lived before I joined the military, and where my mom still lives.  Hopefully, with our tax return, I'll finally be able to get the fencing done, so I can bring him home.  As soon as I figure out how to get him here, when we have no truck and no trailer  XD


isn't it possible to rent a truck and trailer? :)


Lectral youd be amazed at how many willing people will move a horse for $50 i lack truck and tralier so i just pay people to move him for a little cash XD


Actually, one of the chiefs I knew on base offered to take me to go get him, but that was several months ago, and I am now out of the military and I don't have her contact information XD

I am sure we could rent one, but I don't drive, and my husband has no experience driving a trailer, so I doubt he would be comfortable driving one for that distance with a horse in the back.  I have also looked into a transport company, but I'm not sure how much documentation they need, regarding ownership papers, and I misplaced his during our move >.>

The people running the boarding facility show, so next time I get out there, I am going to ask if they ever show in this area, maybe they'd be willing to bring him along the next time they do.  Though I would still have to go out there, in any situation... The people out there now can't catch him!


If theres anything ive learned from being part of a military family (spouse) is that they always are willing to help. Id give her a call and see if shes still willing i mean it couldnt hurt :D


Lectral has my permission to use Innuendo


*wanders in* it's quiet.....too quiet


*tackles Red from ceiling* Banzai!


Yay, my beauty can grow today :D

Name: Sleep to Dream




Bucksin sabino overo: Buckskin +1, Overo +1, Tobiano -1 = 3 owner points, 2 foal points




What a pretty little filly Lectral - congrats :)  I guess that means Innuendo is Heterozygous Tobiano.



Actually, I thought Lectral guessed the foal would be sabino, not tobiano?  Anyway, she's lovely!

ETA: I guess I was mistaken and she did guess tovero.  That's what I get for reading too quickly, lol :)  So yep, Innuendo would be heterozygous tobiano.


She guessed buckskin tovero, which is tobiano + overo :)

Ooh, lovely, Garney! :) Your muse stopped distracting you with pretty foals long enough for you to work on halters? XD


Seeing all these new foals.. I can't wait to get myself a foaling paddock. ^^
Adorable babies. Congrats, everyone!


Actually the muse and I compromised, the foal is almost done.



Yay! filly!  And such a cutie too

I should have stuck to what the dice told me;  I rolled to see what I should guess, and the dice said sabino, but I decided to try for more XD  But she is adorable, and a girl, and I am thrilled with her!  Thank you :D


PMed you lectral about using a couple of your boys in a breed :D Hopefully you wont mind. I think ive gotta a pretty good chance with the foals!


I neeed to put up a Genetic Help thread tomorrow, I keep forgetting.
I wanna figure out all of their genes =3
And maybe get advice on who to breed, I have 3 paddocks left.




That is sooo adorable :D
It's tempting me to get into Gaiteds, but I think I'm gonna stay away from that breed.
I already have a bunch planned for when the pony breed comes out, after that I may consider another breed.


Ooooooh *now wants a Gaited pair or three*


Oh, that gaited foal is adorable

I will definitely need to get some gaited horses, I want to get mimics of my dad's Walkers >.>


Mm yes well that gaited foal now makes me want to breed the gaiteds to..


Reminds me of Dug from UP. Flippin' adorable. <3


Whoot ive got a couple awesome breeds lined up!





Ahh, the foal lineart is adorable! :) Thanks, Garney <3